11111 LEDGER ENTRIES E*tabl!<h«d June, I89i LOWELL. MICHIGAN. THURSDAY. JAN. 4, 1951 Number 36 LOOKING UPWARD The vill«0« to redecorating the Faar hits us ss the horrible sito- llrnt-, s» i-s atlon in Korea becomes worse. Wa second floor, sUirway and lobby Ptmch D rvianne l/OmOO Horn are almost pa.alyzed by the ac- of the City Hail. Charlea PeUrte, Rectivtt Promofion counts of what Is happening to our .local Interior deoorator to dolnff Social Security UenL Richard Doezema Writes Pouos of A90 80 ( • Wkt * as--i—i hoys over there. the work. hs equip- Funeral services for Francis D. mmwrn We may to ieBMn our dla- * * * Randall were held at Roth Funeral ment at the local Belf Tslephons Marino Pfc. Doss Id P. Roth, 21, tress by entering lato tha actlvlUaa Now Affects Farm Home Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. The Lowell Light * Power Co. exchange which aro now itwn- son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Roth that help take the mind off the plstad have made a big improva- Graphic Story ot Korean War Philip R. Glotfelty officiating, and haa been requested by Ionia Coun- subject. But we cannot get away ment In tha service hers. 'These burial wss made in Oakwood ceme- of Lowell, was promoted to bis ty Highway Commiulon to move present rank when be was gradu- from our dismay, our bltterness. the light poles along M-81 for a With Hired Help changes have equalized ths work tery. We place blame on many Individu- and made it possible for the oper- ated from "boot camp" on Niv. 3, dtotanee of five miles northeast Every farmer with hired help, Hardships Beyood Description Mr. Randall wat born July 16, 1960. als, groups, parties, which for the ators at each position on the switch* of Lowell village limits. It to un- and farm and other agricultural 1670 and had lived most of hto life moment may make us feel better. board to give the same sarvies derstood the highway to to be workers ehould become familiar A letter from 2nd LieuL Richard DoasaMp, F. hattery, 2nd Bn. In Lowell. He was a cooper by The military leaders too are filled while heretofore only the oparator widened and improved in the near with the new amendment to the 11th Marinas, 1st Marine Dtv. F. M. F., written Doc. 20th to hto trade and was perhaps the tost with deepest snxlety. nearest the center could reach fatare. Social Security program at onca, wife, Mrs. Barbara Doesama, now living in Grand Rapids, tells a cooper to make barrels In thto vil- many of the connectlona. lage where he was employed for Evacuation and "an oruerly with- * * * according to E. B. Hil!. agricultural true story of the past fsw weeks In ths Korean struggle which drawal" are words used In Wash- According to B. D. SI. ok, man- many years In the Cooper Shop American births for 1960 will to- economist at M8C, who states that will be of Interest to many of our readers. Lieut. Doezema to a ington dispatches. Heavy losses and Social Security for fsorm workers ager of thto district, this will tend (which operated on Lafayette Ave., tal 1,700,000 by the end of the year, son of Mrs. Gsorge Linton, R-l Ada. : near the present high school site. disaster, taking a firmer stand and became effective January 1, 1051. to maka it possible to haadto a The latter In part follows. "Just •"unfit for combat." all are words tha Metropolitan Life Insurance greater volume of calls sad all Here In brief are some of the im- received a very welcomr gift, throe found or heard from but a fewj Mr. Cooper's home was at 620 N. ^ that dig Into our consciousness and Co. haa estimated. outgoing calls will receive batter portant provisions listed: letters from you and one from o f us go t out. Monroe where he has lived since hto I we fear. All to a bayonet charge at * * * service since they may be handled tlrem#nt f,w Tha following was taken from a "Regular" farm workers are cov- Mom. Tours wsre dated 4, 6 and ma do you think I should' " • V"*" *60. About I the heart, If you are a parent of a more quickly and easily. nd racant issue of the New Torker: ered—farm operators and their 7th of December Your last pre- ^ mmtvMfl Not at all! Just lucky ^ * .boy "that age." families are noL with the exception The present set-up allows five vious letters were dated Novem- and glad Vs over. If we go back ^ ' The bow tie to a sign that tha Rlcbard 8l on Un j In the midst of our fsar comes a wearer to a person who longs for of children over 21. A regular farm operators and a supervisor to work ber 28th and 19th so you see Z again we go, and yours truly shall " I ray of hope, a glimmer of better . at one time and there are sixteen the return of the days or hto youth worker to one who works thrae still have some letters outstanding. w r things to come. The sun still operators here in Lowell who work *> ^ ^ ; Surviving hordes thto grandson when he had few re.ponslbllitlaa months during one calendar quarter "So our daughter has started ss just thMUftt a few words about moves In Its timeless way, tha for one farm operator and who la shifts are two daughters. Mrs. Zora Wel- and obligations. He cannot be sn- a con voraatlonaltot 7 Better get thto pan might show our side. earth continues in |t» orderiv revo- works at least 60 days and earns at *y of Flagstaff, Arix. and Mrs. trustad with too difficult a taak, home soon or shell be grown up 'Always yours. Dick" Minnie Kroutz of Lake Odessa; a lution. The power that aervea as least $60 caah In the succeedli* »• Howard C. lariMr, U with stars and sun, with sustaining tor hto initial Intenst fades quick- month period for the same farmer. before I get there. son, Oris Robinson of New Jersey; ly and ghrca way to an aimoyanoa "To say that things over hers s ss as CuMam and one brother. Oris Randall, of Ufa, that rowtr to withia us to Non-cash "wages" such as room, rescue us from fear and dismay. that prevents him from carrying look gtoeaoy to set ar exact under- Grand Rapids. There are eight board or farm products cannot be There to God for every man. Hto It a# affectively. Ha to tha Mnd Mw h tat estimate of tha sttuatlun. but per- Crftfcd hiorftf At 6^audchlldren and several great- i oi who always looks young- grandchildren. counsel may be sought and found The 6-month periods begin la Howard C. Rathar, Daaa of Basic I can glvs you a little of the In tho Book. Therein Ilea your in- «r tfktt b« realiy la and. oooaa. anuary, April, July or October of M. S. C, passad away of what ibo DtvtoSoa haa spiration for hope this Maw Tear. qnsatly, appadb to tha mothar lo- Jjha Chriatoff of Lowell who to Workers may use the tost quarter Dae. 2* at his home la through. , v -> -it-.t women -—From '.Cbaract- la tha aa^ploy of the Lamb Con- of 19*0 to ouakfy. They pay no tax ftar aa illnass gf the pMt fsw days, THERE WAS A TIME ar Raading Made ttay," by F^ed- struction Ccmpany received severe during tha quarter la which they Hs was 66 much at- a strain on Roth climaxed hto recruit train- iajarlas Friday altoraoon while Onca upon a time thers waa aa #flok Mslsr. qualify of age. mt go ha«6i over tha Sears, 91, of lug by wlnalng the sharpshooter Can K be that Mr. Malar had workinf on the Maple Island art that has become neg]octed, haa Household workers on terms are prior to that Wh toft .Township, died early Sat- medal on tho rtfto range when he rafaranca to tha gad abaat Gov- Mr. Radher who was bora la bri^aia Muskegon. faded Into the limbo of things considered farm workers. Wage# a bunch of filthy hi convalescent home flrad a scorteorie ootf $11 out of a poa- amar of this graat alitor It Bayport, Mich,, 8rpt, 17, l^ijkw paaaad. It was tha old time art of paid by a farmer to hto ahlldran A aaM* broke 00 the drag line Grand slhlo 280 duriag Us weapons train- ha Intorsstlng to knaw. moat of hto Ufa la adaoa- Chrtotoff under the flre-huildlng, a process that took under 21 do not count toward so- tional work many ysara of which to carry 1600 Mra, Kan to survived by one Ing. ability in the laying and kindling # * • cial sscurity. Neither do wages hto right Jaw. and daughter. Mra. Genevieve Hop- During tha past eight weeks of Weakly mora cittoa are arganto- ha has bean aaaodated with Michi- faf the front sinus and let- of Area in the couatry'a grates and paid by a husband to his wife, by ways. pough of Grand Rapids; a son, recruit trataing, as a result of fireplaces. tag for dvtliaa defense. By proper gan State College. For ov#r thirty ting Wai taB into the Muskegon a wife to bar husband, or by so sleeping any Percy of Alto; three sisters, Mrs. field expertopca and claasrOom lec- training and structure, -ith a Uw waa head of tha Farms Ths kltchau had lie coal or wood and daughters to parents.
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