AdministrationMoves Against departmentin the Humanitieswould Communications,Humanities Endangered lose permanentFTEs. while most Sciencedepartments would gain FTEs. specialto thenew indicator Although most of the Science The Program Review Committee, departmentswould remainshort of underVice-Chancellor for Academic FTEson a studentsin classesbasis, AffairsPaul Saltman,is movingto EECS (formerlyAPIS) would gain eliminate,or at leastseverely curtail, permanentprofessors and 2.2 temporary UCSD’s"Interdisciplinary" programs positions,giving the department32.3 under a proposal submittedlast FTEsfor an "earned"27.2 slots. In the December. Social Sciences, traditionally That proposal,drafted by the PRC conservativeprograms such as Political ContingencyPlanning Task Group, Scienceand Economics(which features concernscontinegncy plans to copewith more than one CIA employee)scored budgetcuts. The Task Force, chaired by big-pulling in manymore that their R.E.Attiyeh, Economics, (Attiyeh was "earned"F1Es, while Sociology comes identifiedas one of severalUCSD in 2 & 1’2slots short. professorsdoing secret research for the Underthe proposal. Sciences pick up CIA five years back), recommends 7 permanentFTEs and 13 temporary establishing"critical mass" faculty levels slots,Social Sciences gain 10 permanent based upon "the minimumnumber of FTEsand 7 temps,Humanities lose 10 facultyFTE (FullTime Equivalents) permanentl-rlEs and get .7 temps,and withwhich a departmentcan carryout the Arts retain their permanent its coreprogram with excellence. We positions,and get one-and-.a-half recommendthat thisbe the ma.rimum temporaryF IEs. number of FTE the campus should guaranteeto a department,regardless Butthe big losers under this proposal arethe programs. No programis slated ofits workload." (Task Group Final Report, pp 4 & 5. Emphasisin original) to retain any permanent FlEs. Communications,largest ol the For suchminimum levels of sericeto programsand oneof the campus’smost be translatedinto maximum goals is, of Vice-(~hancellorfor Academic Affairs, Paul Saltman. popularmajors, is slatedto loseboth of course,nothing new. Rather,it is bureaucratsquite so blatantin setting this proposalare not the most itsfull-time professors, retaining no standardpractice; whether regarding FTEsunder the proposal. Instead, four education of Health & Safety forththeir plans, threateningaspect of the report. continuedon page8 regulations.However, rarely are the The cutsfacing departments under However,under the proposalevery Inside: LinusPauling Interview PoliceSurveillance Volume 51 Number 8 I~ublishedevery |~y? weeks1 UCSD ~lanuary~--Februarv 4. 1980 Randy Newman Afghanistan:Imperialism, Modernizationand Revolt The Afghanitribes men are well Pushtuntribesmen of the regionthe acquainterwith invaders. Their country, garrisonof 4 500 Britishand Indian Afghanistanis an all-important soldiersevacuated the city in the dead of crossroadof CentralAsia, strategically Winter,accompanied by 12,O00terror- wedgedbetwen Persia, Russia, and the strickencivilians. Theentire column was Indiansubcontinent. Alexander the ambushedin a mountainpass just Greatfounded cities there and Genghis outsidethe city and wiped out. Britain Khandestroyed them. The Parthians, finally g~anted Afghanistan the Persians,the Arabs and the Seljuk indepentleneein 1919 but once again the Turks all conquered and ruled Afghani.,have to fighta new groupof Afghanistanin theirturn. In 1840the invaders. PersianEmpire, supported by Czarist Russia,laid claim to thecity of Heratin Someof theAfghani rebels still carry the westernpart of the countryin ancientBritish flintlock rifles captured defianceof the Britishin India.In in battleover 150 yearsago. Their response,the British Raj sent an army capturedsoviet-made AK-47 rifles also northto Kabulto occupythe land and to attestto the fact that the enemy is always placea puppetking on thethrone. After thebest provider of weapons.While the three~,ears of intensefi~htin~ with the continuedon page7 ProtestPlanned... Angela Davis Speaks Here Saxon’s Back in Town Angela Davis, former UCSD militancy.The media,as wellas the California,and the undemocratic Graduate student and currently powerfulpeople running this country, UC PresidentSaxon is scheduledto processby whichSaxon and the Board professorin ethic& women’sstudies at areresponsible forthe resurgence of the attendUCSD next Tuesdayat 3:30 in of Regentsare selectingthe next SanFrancisco State Universitt, spoke on Klan and otherright-wing groups, orderto adressthe Academic Senate (at Chancellor. Friday,Jan 18 to studentswho filled to accordingto Davis,and when asked presstime the location of hisappearance PresidentSaxon’s visits to UCSD overflowingboth USB 2722 and 2622. In whetherpeople should return to the had yet to be announced),and some have,in recentyears, been marked by her speechon ThirdWorld People in kinds of protestof the ’60s, she studentsare mobilizingto offeran protestsbeginning in 1975 whenthe HigherEducation, she emphasized local commented"I thinkwe haveto." Ms. appropriatewelcome. Anti-CIACoalition confronted him issuesand how they related to national Davissaw no otherhope for change for regardingUC researchand recruitment strugglesagainst racism and sexism. the massesof peoplein the United TheProgressive Coalition has called States. fora picketlineprotesting the continued for the CIA,continuing in 1978when Ms. Daviscontended that, though UC investmentsin SouthAfrica, the overfifty students picketed demanding progressagainst racism and sexism had Insisting that the Carter refusalof Saxonto respondto the divestment of UC South African oeenmane duringthe ’60s and ’70s, administration’sconcern over Iran and StudentAffirmative Action Committee investments,to last Novemberwhen peopleof colorand women are worse off Afghanistanwere efforts "to divert the demands(presented to Saxonand the Saxon and the ChancellorSearch today;economically, politically and attentionof thepeople of thiscountry ChancellorSearch Committeelast Committee were confronted with socially,than they were ten years ago. fromproblems that confront us, like November),the continuingdevelopment minority students demanding The’80s will see an increasein activism,unemployment,like the riseof racism, of nuclearweapons by theUniversity of strengthenedEOP, etc. (see Issue 5). accordingto Davis,and sheencouraged therise of theKu KluxKlan all over the I heraudience not to fallfor the media- country,the fact that police brutality is createdmyth of "studentapathy." Yet worsethan its ever been,"Angela San Onofre Nuke Shuts Down sheappraised the ’70s not as a timewhen focusedon oppositionto the Klanin militancydeclined, but as a timewhen Oceanside.She alsotalked about her The San Onofre nuke has been Meanwhile,construction on Units il mediapurposefully failed to reportthe ownrole in helpingto foundthe Third runninginto difficulties of late, both & III continuesto be hamperedby a strugglesthat did occur. Specifically, she College,and insistedthat students at withtheir existing nuke, and the two walk-outof 2,000 (out of 2,870 cited the work, in organizingand UCSDshould continue the fight for the generatorsunder construction. employees)from the construction site. demonstrating,done by the National ideasand issues represented by naming San Onofre One was shut down The workers,ignoring a back-to-workAllianceAgainst Racist and Political the collegeLumumba-Zapata. However. followingan incidentin whicha Nuclear federalcourt order, are protesting the Repression,of which she is co-chair. shewarned that students, isolated in the RegulatoryCommission electrician firingof 13 pipefitters,andwalked off Shecontinued to castigatethe media University,do not have all the answers, thejob lastThursday. However, union and thereforeshould work with the bumpedinto a switchwhich caused a by pointingout howthey try and cover communityon communityissues to end cooling water valve to close, leadershipis encouraging theworkers to her,emphasizing her as a veteranof the automaticallyshutting down the plant. returnas Bechtelcorporation, which is ’60s,as if talkingabout the 1860s, and the artificialseparation between carryingout the construction, refuses to equatingeach time she cutsher hair, universityand community. A firewas also ignited last Wednesday, continuedon palff5 by oil leadingfrom a faulty pump discussthe lYs grievancesuntil the symbolicallywith a cuttingback in her activatedduring the accident. wildcatis ended. 2 3 Notes From the CollectiveDesk... LETTERS thaT°day’!get avery badfeelingaboUtnews !read inthe papers and see on Funky La Jolla teicvision.Fortunately, l amnow able to Incidentally,before l move on toothcr Meanwhile,Senator Hayakawa is Good Question decipherthese messageswith more subjects,the persistent rumor that UC pushingfor legislation to can minimum Student Funds N.,.c., accuracy.The newsl haveseenlatelyhas Charles A. Patterson lrvine’sChancellor (a strong friend of wage for young workers.He’s also We persistin believingthat the As you mayhave heard, UC President Day-care)is in therunningto replace Big fightingfor a largemilitary budget, beengeared toward sensationalizing the arguing(against the facts)that "the Squanderedon fundamentalproblem o~ a correct Iranianhostage situation and Russia’s Saxon canned all the women and Mac is, accordingto my sources,not psychologicaldoctrine is ,~.twhy a minoritiesthat were being considered to true.However, it appearsthat someone, UnitedStates has maintaineda steady invasionof Afghanistan.I don’t get mad decreasein militaryexpenditures."
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