. 18 . LINCOLNSHIHE. GEOLOGY OF LINCOLNSHIRE. MusRUMS AND SCIENT~FIC SocrETIBs.-Remembering 1867. Judd, J. W.-Strata which form the Base of the that Lincolnshire is the socond largBSt in size of the English Lincolnshire Wolds. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxiii. counties, it appears to be badly off both in societies which p. 227. might afford its workers in science means of intercom­ 1868. Wood, S. V. and Rome, Rev. J. L.-Glacial aud Post­ munication and for the publication of their researches; and Glacial Structure of Lincolnshire. J ourn. Geol. also in museums in which to exhibit their collections. Soc., vol. xxiv. p. q6. Surely the city of Lincoln, together with such large and I 187o. Judd, J. W.-Neocomian Strata of Lincolnshire. flourishing towns as Grimsby, Boston, Louth, Grantham and Journ. Geol. Soc., voL xxvi. p. 326. Stamford, ought each to possess not only a free public 1875· Cross, Rev. J. E.-Lias and Oolite of N. W. Lincoln­ library, but also (in connection, it may well be, with the shire. Jow-n. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxi. p. IIS. library) a mu.Seum, and, in addition, one or more literary 1875· Blake, Rev J. F.-Kimmeridge Clay of England. and scientific societies. Dwellers in the county have but Jou1-n. Geol. &c., vol. xxxi. p. 1:96. to look across the Humber and note the example which is 1879. Jukes-Browne, A. J.-Southerly Extension of the now being set in these matters at Hull. Hessle Boulder Clay. Jcrurn. Geol. l>oc., vol. To the Literary and Scientific Institution, St. Peter's hill, XXXV. p. 397• Stamford, an "interesting museum'' i11 attached containing 1879· Wil~on, E. -On the Boring for Coal at South Scarle. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxv. p. 812. a good collection of local fossils ; and the Architectural and A.rchteological Society of the Counties of Lincoln and Notting­ 1879· Burton, F. M.-Hhretic Beds and Keuper, near Gaiusborough and Retford. Assoc. ham ( 6 Eastgate, Lincoln) publishes a valuable "annual Rept. British volume;" but of the Lincolnshi1·e Scienee Society and the Sheffield, p. 336. Lincolnshire Naturalists' As¥ociation we have of late heard x88o. Anon. -The Frodingham Iron-Fidd. Colliery nothing. Guardian, \·oL xl. p; 1051. x882. Keeping, H.-Sections of Lincolnshire Neocomian. PuDLlCATIONS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SuRVEY.- The Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., xxxviii. p. 239. , coloured Geological Maps executed by the officers of the 1883. Browne, A. J. Jukes-.-Relative Ages of certain Burvey (Messrs. A. J. JukBS-Browne, S. B. J. Skertchly, C. River-Valleys in Lincolnshire. Quart. Jcrurn. Geol. Reid, W. Whitaker, W. A. E. Ussher, A. Strahan, and ~._"ioc., xxxix. p. 596. 1[Prof.] J. W. Judd) were published during thE.' years 1884. Browne, A. J. J ukes-.-Post-Glacial Ravines in the 1872-87, and are contained in the following sheet.s of the Chalk W olds of Lincolnshire. Quart. Journ. Geol. '"Old Beries," scale one-inch to a mile: Sheet 64•, Stam­ Soc., xl. p. 16o. 'ford, &c. ; Sheet 65, district n~ar Wisbech, &c. ; .She~t 6g, 1885. Browne,A.J. Jukes-.-Boulder Clays of Lincolnshire. Borders of the Wash, lloston, &c; Sheet 70*, Grantham, Quart. Journ. Geol. ~·oc., xli. p. 1:14. Corby, Sleaford, Spalding, &c; .!Sheet 83*, Lincoln, Market x886. Strahan, A.-Lincolushire Carstone. Quart. Journ. Rasen, Horn castle, Gains borough ; Sheet 84, Louth, Spils-by, Geol. Soc., xlii. p. 486. , Saltfleet, Skegness ; Sheet 85, Great Grimsby, &c. ; Shut 1888. Hill, W.-Lower Beds of Upper Cretaceous Series in 86*, Goole, Caistur, Brigg, &c. (A very small portion of the Linc.:olnshire & Yorkshire. Quart. Jou1-n. Geol. · north-west of the county is also contained in Sheet 87, S.E.] Soc., xliv. p. 320. ·Of the tnaps marked (*), two editions are published-the In addition to the above, the following papers of more · first showing the so-called "Solid" geology of the area ; and recent date may now be added. · the second showing the " Drift " also, where the laU.or r88g. Roberts, T.-Upper Jurassic Clays of Lincolnshire. ·exists. For most purposes the " Drift " edit.ion will be Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., xlv. p. 545· found the more useful. The price of each sheet is Bs. 6d., x893. Jukes-Browne, A. ,J.~Borings (at Willoughby, except Sheet 85 (4s.) Alford, Skegness) through Lower Cretaceous Inde:z Map. This is on the s~le of 4 milBS to one inch; Mid Strata in East Lincolnshire. Quart. Journ. Geol. -and South Lincolnshire are contained in Sheet 9 ; and North Soc., xlix. p. 467. .Lincolnshire in Sheet 6 (price 28. 6d. per sheet). 1895. Lamplugh, G. W.-Speeton SeriBS in Yorkshire and Lincolllllhire. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., lii. p. 179. Si:J: Descriptive Books, or ''Sheet Memoirs," written by the x897. Cooke, J. H.-Middle Lias of Lincoln. Geol. Mag., :.geologists who surveyed the ground, were also issued by the p. 2 53· Survey between 1875 and 1893; and in addition the follow­ ICJOI. Wilson, A. and Duns ton, G. -Strata above the •ing larger works, or "General Memoirs." have also been Barnsley Coal, in Borehole at South Carr. Trans. published: Cretaceous Rocks of Britain, by A.. J. Jukes­ Jlfancltester Geol. Soc., xxvii. p. 58 ; see also Trans. Browne, 3 vols., 295. ; Jurassic Rocks (Lias and Oolites), by Fed. Inst. M1:ning En,qineC'I·s, xii. p. 515 ( 1897). H. B. 1Voodward, 3 vols., 25s. The '' District Memoirs," by Ig<>2. The Deepest Water Boring. Water, iv. p. 290 . .S. B. J. Skertchly on the l''enland, 36s. 6d ; by C. Reid on 1902. Gibson, W.-Notes on the Goole and Marshland Holderness and ~.E. Lincolnshire, 48·; and by Prof. J. W. Light Railway (I. of Axholme). SUJnm. Progress Judd on Hutland and S. W. Lincolnshire, 12s. 6d., are also Geol. Survey for IC)OI, p. 64. most valuable. 'Ihe local agents for the sale of the Geologi­ IC)02. Hill, W.-Upper Chalk of Lincolnshire. Geol. Mag. cal Survey publications are : A. Gait, of Grimsby; J. W. p. 404. Ruddock, Lincoln; and C. Parker, Louth. 1903. Preston, H.-New Boring at Caythorpe. Quart. Int1·oduaion to Geology: Students and general readers Joorn. Geol. Soc., lix. p. 29. who may need some explanation of the t.errns and princiiJles 1904-5· Stather, J. W.-Estuarine Deposits at Kirmington. of Geology, and some explanation of the connection of the Rept. B1·itish A ssoc. for 1903 and IQ04. strata of Lincolnshire with the rocks of the other counties, 1904. Woodward, H. B.-Underground Water Supply of may be referred to Harrison's Te.1·t-Book of GNJlogy, fifth Lincolnshire. }lfemoir Geol. Sur'/Jey. edition, 1903; published by Blackio & Son, 3s. 6d. See also Lincolnshire Notes and Que1·ies from r883 (quarterly, IS. 6d; W. K. Mortou, I-Iorncastle); IMPORTANT .WORKS OR PAPERS ON LOCAL GEOLOGY. Fenland Notes and Qwrries (Caster, Peterborough), 1853• Morris, Prof. J.-On some Sections in the Ooiite Dis­ also Transactions Hull Geological Society. trict of Lincolnshire. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. ix. p. 3 17· UNTIL the last quarter of the nineteenth. century, Lincoln­ 1i67. Burton,F. M.-RhA~tic Beds, near Gainsborough. Q. shire was, in reBpect of its geology, one of the most neglected Journ. Geol. Soc., vol xxiii. p.3r5. counties in England. This may, perhaps, be accounted for .
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