Evolution of Urban Agriculture in Hong Kong: Stepping Towards Multifunctionality LAU, Hoi Lung A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Philosophy in Geography and Resource Management The Chinese University of Hong Kong September 2013 Thesis/ Assessment Committee Professor NG Sai Leung (Chair) Professor MARAFA Lawal M. (Thesis Supervisor) Professor XU Yuan (Committee member) Professor OWEN Richard Bernhart (External Examiner) ABSTRACT Abstract of thesis entitled: Evolution of Urban Agriculture in Hong Kong: Stepping Towards Multifunctionality Submitted by LAU, Hoi Lung for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Geography and Resource Management at The Chinese University of Hong Kong in September, 2013 Urban agriculture (UA) is an irreplaceable component of a city for economic, social and environmental aspects. It can contribute to major problems in highly urbanized cities such as food security, waste-treatments and unemployment of the low-skilled labour. While UA is achieving success in many other metropolises like Singapore and New York, the situation in Hong Kong is rather dimmed. Moreover, research related to UA in Hong Kong is very limited in the past decades. In the recent decades, UA is studied as a multifunctional land use and it is gaining recognition on the significance on sustainability to a city. This perspective arises from the transformation of productivist agriculture during the era of Green Revolution to the post-productivist one nowadays. It would be a new perspective to assess the UA in Hong Kong and to review if UA can promote sustainability in Hong Kong. Data are collected through participant observation of agricultural events, questionnaire survey towards stakeholders, in-depth interview with experts of the field and site visits to farms with distinct functions. With reference to archival and official data, analyses are focused on 3 major parts: 1) Review on the transformation of functions of UA in Hong Kong; 2) Assess the current situation of UA in Hong Kong; 3) To propose suitable directions and policies for further development of UA. Straight after the WWII, the key function of local agriculture was food and social security. In the 1970’s, the increased demand of both food and land for urban expansion has turned the farming area into new towns and transformed paddy-rice farming into vegetable, poultry, pig and fish pond farming which are market-oriented. I A major turning point for local agriculture was the increased amount of food import from Mainland China, which crashed the market price of local food and made local farming far less profitable. After the 1990’s where farming severely shrunk, local agriculture is now on revival in form of multifunctional urban agriculture, which targets at regaining social recognition by utilizing urban resources and promoting sustainability for the city. The current strength of multifunctionality is moderate for UA in Hong Kong, with weak performance on economic functions, moderate contributions to social functions and moderately strong functions for environmental one. Synergies can be found when different functions are combined, especially for ecological and educational functions. However, the performance on most functions is currently restricted by the small scale of agricultural production, which requires a careful balance between food production and leisurization to fully realize the potentials of UA. The current food policy is examined to be unsustainable and susceptible to food disruptions from the food exporters. To ensure a sustainable living of Hong Kong, the peri-urban farms should be moderately multifunctional to produce high quantity and quality of food, meanwhile intra-urban farms can be strongly multifunctional to serve and educate the urban community nearby. Policy recommendations and quantitative projections are provided to revitalize the vast abandoned farmland in Hong Kong and meeting the social and environmental needs of the city. II 香港都市農業向多功能性的演進 研究摘要 香港的農業在過往半世紀由盛轉衰。正當農業快要在香港消失時,都市農業在 紐約及新加坡等大都會蓬勃發展,透過經濟、環境及社會等層面的功能,解決 廢物堆積及產業單一化等都市問題。 在學術研究中,都市農業由20年紀中葉的綠色革命中追求產量的生產主義 (Productivism),演變到近年兼顧其他功能的後生產主義 (Post-productivism)。現 更融入都市發展元素,衍生出多功能都市農業 (Multifunctional urban agriculture)。當亞洲的發達地區未充份研究這範疇時,正尋求發展路向的香港 是相當值得研究的地方。 本研究透過參與觀察農耕活動、問卷調查、深入訪談及實地考察,結合文獻及 官方數據後分析出香港農業由戰後至今日的演變。再評核當前的多功能性以及 提出相應的農業政策,以增進對社會的貢獻。 香港農業在戰後一直供應充足糧食,同時保障低下階層生計,維持社會安定。 但農地面積隨都市化及工業化萎縮,當大陸農產品在八十年代大量進口時,農 產價格及本地市場更受到嚴重衝擊。踏入21世紀,隨著有機耕種的發展,對 都市問題的反思以及對鄉郊生活的追求,越來越多團體要求復興本土農業,讓 香港達至城鄉共生。 目前香港的都市農業因整體規模太小,未能好好發揮社會、環境及經濟方面的 潛能。相信在實施農地保護及食物供應等政策,香港能達至永續發展。 III ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. Lawal M. MARAFA for his patience and enthusiasm in assisting my thesis. Special thanks also go to his help in providing freedom meanwhile guiding me whenever I am lost. My research will doom to failure without his wholehearted support. I am deeply obliged to my thesis committees, Prof. NG Sai Leung and Prof. XU Yuan, who refined the research by providing critical and constructive comments. I would also like to show my deepest appreciation to all the interviewees for their kindness in sharing the valuable experience and knowledge. They are: Ms. AU Hei Man, Becky. Representative of Mapopo Community Farm Mr. AU Lau Gan. Vegetable farmer in Mapopo Community Farm Mr. CHAN Tak Ho. Vegetable farmer in Chun Kee Organic Farm Prof. CHEUNG Chin Hung, Sydney. Professor in the Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ms. CHICK Hiu Lai, Katie. Conservation Manager in Conservancy Association Ms. CHOW Kwan Lin. Representative from New Life Farm Mr. FUNG Keng Chiu. Farm instructor and flower farmer, Tai Po Mr. LAI Kwok Yan, Edward. Former General Manager, Vegetable Marketing Organization Mr. LAI Loi Chau. Fish farmer in Lut Chau Mr. LAM Chun Sing, Patrick. Chef and farmer in Evergreen Organic Society Ms. LAU Yuen Yee, Vicky. Representative from Produce Green Foundation Mr. LEUNG Kwong Luen. Paddy rice and vegetable farmer, Kam Tin Mr. LEUNG Michael. Bee farmer in HK Honey Mr. LEUNG Pun Kin. Vegetable farmer from Health Organic Farm Mr. LI Siu Man, Peter. Senior Campaign Manager in Conservancy Association Mr. LUM Choi Kam. Orchard farmer from Pitaya Dragon Fruit Farm Mr. MOK Chi Kit. Vegetable farmer and former Field Officer, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department Dr. TSE Tin-yau, Anthony. Expert in vegetable seed production from Clover Seeds Mr. WONG Tak Sang. Farm instructor from Hong Kong Permaculture Institute IV Mr. WONG Tsz Kwong. Mixed farmer, Ma On Shan Village Mr. WONG Yu Wing. Vegetable farmer from Au Law Organic Farm Ms. YAU Kwai Ying. Farm instructor and farmer in Tuen Mun Mr. YUEN Yick Tin, TV. Farm instructor and farmer in Fanling North and Kam Tin Mr. YEUNG Shui Leung. Fish farmer in Mai Po Mr. YIP Kei Hok. Bee farmer from Wing Wo Bee Farm Key inspirations were gained from personal conversation and public seminars spoken by experts and pioneers in the field, they are Prof. CHAU Kwai Cheong, Prof. CHEN Yun Chung, Mr. CHENG Siu Kei, Eric, Mr. CHENG Ying Kai, Jack, Ms. Fung Yue Chuk, Mr. LAI Chin-song, Prof. LAM Chiu Ying, Mr. TO Yat Man, Prof. WEN Tiejun, Mr. YIP Tsz Shing, Prof. YIU Chung Yim, Edward and Ms. YUEN Cynthia. I would like to thank the officers from AFCD and VMO for providing the official data about agriculture, particularly Mr. CHAN Chi Him, and Mr. CHAN Kong Fai. I am indebted to the helpers in data collection, Mr. CHONG Lap Pan, Mr. KWOK Yu Tai, Ms. LAU Shan Kei, Ms. LEUNG Chung Yan, Ms. MIU Ka Chu, and Ms. WONG Ting Kwan. This thesis cannot be completed without the skillful and painstaking effort on proofreading by Mr. CHUNG King Lam. The laughter of GRMers in room 222 and 216 is never forgotten. Finally, this thesis cannot complete without the two most important ladies of my life. Ms. NGAI Yuen Ping, my beloved mother who devotes her life to nurturing me, and letting me study for my dream. Ms. LAM Hoi Ying, my soulmate who always supports me in sharing my joy and pain along the research. I am devoted to fight on and share the remaining life with you. Agriculture is not simply producing food, but also about living with other creatures with limited resources. My childhood dream was vaguely about environmental protection and to save the Earth with no direction. In the discovery of the multiple functions of urban agriculture, I have found the direction and will continue promoting UA with CUAGRO, to shape Hong Kong a better home for both human and nature. V TABLE OF CONTENTS Page no. ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................... IV TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................... VI LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................... XI LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................... XII LIST OF APPENDICES ....................................................................................... XIV ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................ XV Chapter One: Introduction ....................................................................................... 1 1.1. Introduction .................................................................................................
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