City Clerk File No, Res. .19-483 Agenda No. 10.1 Approved: TITLE: RESOLUTION OF TH?5 CITY OF JERSEY CITY AUTHOmziNG THE CIRCULATION OF A PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT AND FINAL OFFICIAL STATEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF THE CITY'S BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES, SEmES 2019B, BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES, SERIES 2019C AND SPECIAL EMERGENCY NOTES, SERIES 2019D AND APPROVING A CONTINUING DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE WITH RESPECT TO SAID NOTES OF TRE CITY, AND AUTHORIZING AND/OR RATIFYING OTHER ACTIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS, the Municipal Council oi't'ie City of Jersey City, in the County ofHucsoa, New Jersey (ihe "City"), has previously adcj'ted an ordinance numbered 10-085 and finally adopted by the MunioipaJ Council on July 14; 2010 as amended by ordinance numbered 15.125 and finally adopted by the MunicipEJ Council on October 14, 2015 (collectively, "Ordinance 10- 085"), an ordinance numbered 18-028 and -finally adopted by the Municipal Council on April 25, .?0,18 ("Ordimnce 18-.028"), and an ordinance of'the City '.lumbered 18-038 and fmaliy ac'iopted by the Municipal Council of the City on May 9, 2018 ("Ordinance :l.S-038'i, and together with Ordinance 10--085 and Ordinance 1 8-028, the ''Ordj'nances"), and a resolution of the City adopted by the Municipal Council of the Oty on May 9, 2Gi8 (the''2018 Resolution"); and WHEREA,S, the City intends to issue Its. Bond Anticipation Notes, Series 2019B (Federally TAXLiblc) in an amount not to exceed ^6,695,000 (the "Series 2019B Notes") under Ordinance 10-085 tbr the purpose of refundir^ 3 portion of the City's $6,825,000 Uond Anticipation Notes, Series 20) SB (Federal Sy Tax;ible) wlr.ch were issued on .Tuue 20, 2018 and mature on June 20, 2019, and userJ to refinance c'.;rta::n capital impTov.pmente; and WHEREAS, the City intends to issue its Bond Anticipation Notes, Series 2019C in an amount not to exceed $45,031,115 (the "Series 2019C Notes") micler Ordinance lg-03P< for the purpose ofremnding the City's $45,031,115 Bond Anticipation Notes, Series 2018C which were issued on June 20; 2018 and mature on June 20, 2019, and ased to finance cen.aui -;spital improvemems; and WHEREAS, the City intends To issue its Special Emergency Notes, Series 2019D fthe "Series 20] 9D Notes", wd together with Uie Scn^s 20J9B I^otes and the Series 2019C Notes. the "Notes'") in an amount not to exceed $752/K'0 under Ordinance 18-02Ei and the 2018 Resolut'on fur tlie purpose of refunding a portion of iJje City's S940,50C> Special Emergency Notes, Series 2018D whicn were issued on June 20 2018 and matiH'e on June 20, 2019. mid used to finance the preparation of the City's master plan; .and WHEREAS, al] maifcera pertaining to the siile of the Notes have been delegated by the Ordinances and the 2018 Resolution to ibe Chief Fimmciai 0-fHceroftlie City; and WHEREAS, in conneclion with rix; of!.:enn^; aiiil sale of the Notes, the Cily'mtends to distribute a Preliminary Official Statemem and final OfG>";ial Statement setting forth certair' information relating to the City and the Noic'i, and the Cily a!so intends to enter into a Continuing DisclosLire Certificate. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY !!HE MFMCIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JERSEY CITY, IN THE COUNTY 0^ HUDSON, NEW JERSEY, AS FOLLOWS: {001368]4;v]/01-3SO/123} Continuation of Resolution Pg.# Ctty Clerk File No. Res. 19-483 Agenda No. ____ _ ^0 -^ TITLE: SECTION 1. Authorization for Official Statement. The distribution by the City, and its municipal advisor, of the Preliminary Official Statement relating to the Notes (a draft of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and shall be filed with the records of the City) is hereby approved in substantially such form, with such insertions, deletions and changes therein and any supplements thereto as bond counsel may advise and the City officer executing the same may approve, such approval to be evidenced by such City officer s execution thereof. The Acting Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized to deem the Preliminary Official Statement "final" within the meaning of Rule 15c2-I2 of the Rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission and to execute, and deliver a certificate to that effect, The Acting Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized to approve the contents and terms of the final OfGcia] Statement in respect of the aforementioned notes in substantially the form of the Preliminary Official Statement. The Acting Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized to sign such Official Statement on behalf of the City, in substantially such form, with such insertions, deletions and changes therein and any supplements thereto as bond counsel may advise and the City officer executing the same may approve, such approval to be evidenced by such City officer's execution thereof. SECTION 2. Continuing Disclosure. The form of the Continuing Disclosure Certificate in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit B is hereby approved, and the execution of the Continuing Disclosure Certificate by the Acting Chief Financial Officer of the City is hereby authorized. The City hereby covenants and agrees that it will comply with and carry out all of the provisions of the Continuing Disclosure Certificate executed by the City and dated the date of issuance and delivery of the Notes, as originally executed and as it may be amended from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof, Notwithstanding any other provision of this Resolution, failure of the City to comply with the Continuing Disclosure Certificate shall not be considered a default on the Notes; however, any holder may take such actions as may be necessary and appropriate, including seeking specific performance by court order, to cause the City to comply with its obligations under this Section. Section 3. Further Action. Any matter relating to the award, sale or execution of the Notes which has been delegated by the Ordinances to the Chief Financial Officer may be performed by said officer. On behalf of the City, the appropriate representatives of the City are authorized and directed to take all steps which are necessary or convenient to effectuate the terms of this Resolution with respect to the issuance, sale and delivery of the Notes, includmg, but not limited to the execution of all tax certificates and other closing documentation. All such actions heretofore taken are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall lake effect upon adoption. APPROVED: APPROVED AS TQ^ LEGAL FORM APPROVED: Business Administrator Corporation Counsel Certification Required D Not Required a APPROVED <?-0 RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE ON FINAL PASSAGE 5 . 28 .19 AYE NAY N.V. COUNC1LPERSON AYE NAY N,V. COUNCILPERSON AYE NAY N.V. COUNCILPERSON ~7~ RIDLEY YUN jC RIVERA j^L PRINZ-AREY ~7 SOLOMON / WATTERMAN y ~7~ ~v BOGGIANO ROBINSON •^ LAVARRO,PRES 1\ .V.-Not Voting (Abstain, Adoptmf'^^l^f the Municipal Council of the City of Jersey City NJ. Roian'db R. Lavarro, Jr., President of Council Robert"Byme, City^l'erk RESOLUTION FACT SHEET - NON-CONTRACTUAL This summary sheet is to be attached to the front of any resolution that is submitted for Council consideration, Incomplete or vague fact sheets will be returned with the resolution, Full Title ofOrdinance/Resolufion RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF JERSEY CITY AUTHORIZING THE CIRCULATION OF A PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT AND FINAL OFFICIAL STATEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF THE CITY'S BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES, SERIES 2019B, BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES, SERIES 2019C AND SPECIAL EMERGENCY NOTES, SERIES 2019D AND APPROVING A CONTINUING DISCLOSURE CERTIFICATE WITH RESPECT TO SAID NOTES OF THE CITY, AND AUTHORIZING AND/OR RATIFYING OTHER ACTIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH Note; Initiator must be available by phone during agenda meeting (Wednesday prior to council meeting @ 4:00 p.m.) Department/Division Administration Management & Budget Name/Title John Metro Phone/email (201) 547-5036 Jmeh'o@Jcnj,org Resolution Purpose Proceeds from the series 2019B and 2019C notes will be used to refinance existing notes originally issued for various capital purposes. Proceeds from the 2019D notes wilS be used to refinance existing notes originaily issued to pay for a new master plan, I certyytHat all tl^b facts presented herein are accurate. Date: 5/14/2019 CERTIFICATE I, Robert Byrne, Clerk of the City of Jersey City, in the County of Hudson, New Jersey, HERBY CERTIFY that the foregoing annexed extract from the minutes of the meeting of the governing body of the City duly called and held on May 22, 2019 has been compared by me with the original minutes as officially recorded in my office in the Minute Book of the goveming body and is a true, complete and correct copy thereof and of the whole of the original minutes so far as they relate to the subject matters referred to in the extract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of the City this _ day of_,2019. [SEAL] ROBERT BYRNE, City Clerk {00l368]4;vl/01-380/)23} CS^ ^"/ Em^. I) {00136814;vl/01-380/123} ^ ^ PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT DATED MAY 23, 2019 ^1 " M ji This cover page contains certain information for quick reference only. It is nut a summary of this issue. Investors must ^ ^ read the entire Official Statement to obtain information essential to the maldng of an informed investment decision. t. § NEW ISSUE RATING: See "RATING" herein I'?. t •£ s g 3 -^ In the opinion of Bond Counsel, assuming continuing compliance with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as Tj ,Ji '-S amended (the "Code ") applicable to the Tax-Exempt Notes and subject to certain provisions of ihe Code which are described herein, 0 4-i under laws, regulations, rulings and judicial decisions existing on the date of the original delwe)y of the Tax-Exempt Notes, interest on the •S ^ .a' Tax-Exempt Notes is excludedfrom gross income of the omiers thereof for federal income tax purposes wider Section 103 of the Code.
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