A manifest partner Research and Innovation Strategy for Møre og Romsdal 2016-2020 Research and innovation strategy 2016-2020 2 FOREWORD Foreword The region of Møre og Romsdal is currently in a period of change. The regional authority has therefore developed a research and innovation strategy to meet the challenges faced by businesses in the region. This strategy has been compiled by applying the "Smart Specialisation" method, in which the interaction between businesses, research groups and the public support system is a central aspect. The region of Møre og Romsdal has been awarded a place on a European Commission study together with sev- eral other regions in Europe, and the study involving Møre og Romsdal comprises part of the knowledge platform on which the new strategy has been based. The fact that our region has been studied and assessed by external parties eliminates any reservations that our new strategy has been based on myths and theories that cannot be documented. The analyses that were part of the study provided us with excellent guidelines in terms of both content and process for the strategy, and these have broadly been followed in the strategy process. The strategy document shows us what our target areas must be if we are to ensure competitive businesses for the future. These are in principle as follows: • A general need for change and a higher rate of inno- vation within businesses. • A reduction in petroleum-related activities with con- sequences for large parts of the maritime industry. • The green shift and its requirements on sustainability and reduced environmental impact. The current strategy expires in 2016. The new strategy does not focus on one specific industry or branch, but has been developed to ensure access to relevant knowl- edge for the region in areas where the region has a com- petitive advantage. Nonetheless, there is a clear focus on the ocean space, as this is where our greatest com- petitive advantage lies. The region has strong global clusters originating from the ocean space. During the process, there has been a focus on identify- ing both challenges and opportunities represented by the major megatrends for both society and industry. The new strategy will be implemented via the "Action programme for value creation and expertise". This will comprise relevant actions for individual years. The strategy has strong roots within industry and commerce, research groups and the public support system. We therefore have every opportunity to work together to renew, develop and create com- petitive businesses via research and innovation. Jon Aasen, Odd Gjørtz, Chairman of the Leader of the Steering County Council Committee for the Research and Innovation (R&I) Strategy TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 Table of contents 1 Introduction 4 1.1 Methodical approach – Smart specialisation 4 1.2 Ownership of the R&I strategy 5 2 Dominant industries and cluster projects in Møre og Romsdal 6 2.1 Maritime 6 2.1.1 Maritime industrial cluster project 6 2.2 Marine 6 2.2.1 Marine industrial cluster project 6 2.3 Furniture 8 2.3.1 Furniture industrial cluster project 8 2.4 Petroleum 9 2.5 Knowledge cluster project, iKuben 9 2.6 Other important industries 9 2.7 New opportunities in the ocean space 9 3 Opportunities and drivers for future industries 10 3.1.1 Sustainability 10 3.1.2 Enabling technologies – the fourth industrial revolution 10 3.1.3 Commercialisation 10 4 Challenges involving research and knowledge 12 4.1 Challenges involving knowledge for industries 12 4.2 Institutionalisation project 14 4.3 Interaction within the innovation system 16 5 Research and innovation strategy –priority target areas 18 5.1 Strategies 19 6 Appendices 24 6.1 Megatrends 24 6.1.1 The knowledge society and digitalisation 24 6.1.2 Urbanisation and attractive cities 24 6.1.3 Demography and mobility 24 6.1.4 Sustainability and the green shift 24 6.1.5 Health and lifestyle 24 6.2 Fields of knowledge 26 6.3 Business structure 27 6.4 Research activities at the research institutions 29 6.5 R&D statistics 32 Design: Eggedosis AS • Press cuttings: Tidens Krav, Romsdal budstikke and Sunnmørsposten budstikke Design: Eggedosis AS • Press cuttings: Tidens Krav, Romsdal 4 INTRODUCTION 1 Introduction One central goal within national knowledge and business policy is to achieve more research-oriented and innovative industry and commerce. A successful regional innovation system, identified by close interaction and a flow of knowledge between businesses, research and educational groups and public authorities/ public support bodies, will promote the development of more knowledge-based businesses. Møre og Romsdal’s research and inno- 1.1 Methodical approach – Smart related to expertise and research require- vation strategy (R&I strategy) shall help specialisation ments. Subsequently, data describing how ensure that the regional innovation sys- We have made use of the Smart Speciali- the public infrastructure supports inno- tem in Møre og Romsdal is better equipped sation method in the process to determine vation is assessed in relation to the chal- to meet the major challenges involving goals and priorities. This is the method lenges involving expertise and research. knowledge and innovation currently faced applied by the European Commission to The above analysis helped uncover a gap, by the region's businesses. The strategy promote innovation and financial growth and the R&I strategy is a method to help shall lay down the direction and content of in the regions. The European Commission close the gap. In the work to boost com- the work required within research, devel- has established incentive schemes with a petitive strengths in the region and gain opment and innovation. The strategy shall total value of close to NOK 100 billion new opportunities, efforts focus on those have a long-term perspective, and simul- per year within their Horizon 2020 pro- areas where the region has a competitive taneously act as a concrete tool for the gramme, with the aim to support research advantage. development of research for innovation and innovation processes in Europe. Nor- within industry, commerce and society. way's contribution to this totals NOK 13 The knowledge base for Møre og Roms- billion over a seven-year period. The Gov- dal has been compiled by Bjørn Asheim, The R&I strategy is assessed within the ernment's target is for Norway to achieve Markus Grillitsch and Oxford Research1. context of the national knowledge and a two percent return from the programme. The analyses conclude by recommend- industry policy. It is therefore impor- Smart Specialisation centres on the inter- ing strategies that will boost the regional tant to ensure close cooperation with the action between industry and commerce, innovation system. Research Council of Norway and Inno- research and educational groups, author- vation Norway. The strategy will pro- ities and public support systems within a vide guidelines for the regional authori- regional innovation system that gener- ties' applications to the Regional Research ates growth and innovation in a region. Fund for Central Norway, and applica- The method recommends an analysis of tions for funding from the County Coun- the business structure to provide the basic cil, Innovation Norway and the Research data with which to identify comparative Council of Norway. strengths within the region. This should be followed by an analysis of the challenges 1 • Oxford Research: Analysis of the innovation systems in Møre og Romsdal • Asheim and Grillitsch: Working papers 2015 11 INTRODUCTION 5 1.2 Ownership of the Steering committee R&I strategy • Odd Gjørtz, Chairman of The R&I strategy has its roots the Board, Legasea / CEO of in the Partnership for Value Koppernæs AS and Leader of the Creation comprising Møre Steering Committee og Romsdal County Coun- • Odd Tore Finnøy, Chairman of cil, Innovation Norway, the the Board, iKuben / President / Research Council of Norway, CEO Brunvoll AS the County Governor of Møre • Gunnar Hareide, Chairman of og Romsdal, the Norwegian the Board, GCE Blue Maritime / Confederation of Trade Unions Director Tafjord Marked AS (LO), the Confederation of Nor- • Kristine Landmark, Board wegian Enterprise (NHO), SIVA member, Norwegian Rooms / (state-owned enterprise facili- CEO Slettvoll Møbler AS tating innovation by develop- • Brian Takeda, Director of ing infrastructure), KS (the Nor- Innovation and Strategy, Kaston wegian Association of Local and • Svein Monsø, Managing Director Regional Authorities) and NAV Umoe Sterkoder AS / Dale (the Norwegian Labour and Wel- industripark fare Administration), and is gov- • Lise Halse, Associate Professor at erned politically by the Regional Molde University College Development and Industrial Com- • Elisabeth Maråk Støle, Director mittee and the County Execu- Møreforsking AS tive Committee (Regional- og • Bergljot Landstad, Head of næringsutvalet og Fylkesutva- Regional Development and let) The strategy is an integrated Industry, Møre og Romsdal part of the County Plan for Møre County Council og Romsdal. The steering commit- tee for work on the strategy is made Observers: up of representatives from indus- • Bodil Hollingsæter, try, academia and the public sup- Innovation Norway port system. As part of establishing • Arthur Almestad, strong foundations for the strategy Research Council of Norway within the regional innovation sys- tem, meetings are held with represent- The Partnership for value atives from all the executive boards creation in Møre og Romsdal for industrial clusters, and workshops comprises: are organised for representatives from Møre og Romsdal County Council, industry and commerce, research and Innovation Norway, the Research educational groups and the public sup- Council of Norway, the County Governor port system. of Møre og Romsdal, the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO), the The strategy will be monitored via the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise Action programme for value creation. (NHO), SIVA, KS and NAV. The steering committee for the strat- egy will provide recommendations for Workshop actions to be monitored via the Action Around 50 participants came together in programme for value creation.
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