1925 CONGR.ESSION AL RECORD-SEN ATE 973 . ,, War and their widows be granted an increase in pension; to 158. Also, petition of sundry members of Dudley P. Chase the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Post, No. 22, Grand Army of the Republic, Minneapolis, Minn., 142. Also, petition of sundry members of Custer Rea Circle, unanimously requesting that Union veterans of the Civil War No. 2, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, unanimously and their widows be granted an increase in pension; to the requesting that Union War veterans be granted an increase in Committee on InYalid Pensions. pension to $72 per month, and that theit· widows be also granted 159. Also, petition of sundry members of the Fifth District an increaee; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Federation of Women's Clubs of Minnesota, indorsing the 143. Also, petition of sundry members of the Minnesota Re- Permanent Court of International Justice; to the Committee serve Officers' Association, urging that no further reduction be on Foreign Affairs. made in appropriation for training for any one of the com- 160. Also, petition of sundry members of Carleton Post, No. ponents of the Army of the United States; to the Committee on 5, Veterans of Foreign Wars, St. Paul, Minn., requesting that Appropriations. Congress enact legislation looking toward pensions, work, and 144. Also, petition of Julia E. F. Lobdell and 38 other mem- proper maintenance of hospitals or homes for deserving, hon­ bers of Ida M. Everett Tent, No.8, National Alliance, Daughters orably discharged veterans of the United States military serv­ of Union Civil War Veterans, unanimously and urgently re- ice; to the Committee on World War Veterans' Legislation. questing an increa e in pension for veterans of the Civil War 161. Also, petition of 600 residents of Balaton, Minn., and and their widows; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. vicinity, urging the entrance of the United States into the 145. Also, petition of sundry members of LeYi Butler Post, Permanent Court of International Justice; to the Committee No. 73, Department of Minnesota, Grand Army of the Republic, on Foreign Affairs. unanimously reque ting that Congress provide for an increa~e 162. Also, petition of sundry members of Columbia Circle, in pensions to Civil War veterans and their widows; to the No. 7, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, Minneapolis, Committee on Invalid Pensions. Minn., unanimously requesting that Union veterans of the 146. Also, petition of sundry members of James Bryant Post Citil War and their widows be granted an increase in pen­ and Woman's Relief Corps, Minneapolis, Minn., in joint meeting sion; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. a sembled, unanimously requesting Co~gress to enact legisla- 163. Also, petition of the Minneapolis Cine and Commerce tion providing for · an increase in pension to veterans of the Association, protesting against legislation providing for per Civil War and their widows; to the Committee on Invalid capita payments to Minnesota Indians from their tribal funds; Pensions. to the Committee on Indian Affairs. 147. Also, petition of sundry members of the Renville County 164. Also, petition of sundl·y members of Lizzie M. Rice Farm Bureau Association, Olivia, Minn., Ul'ging Members of Circle, No. 41, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, Congress to re ist any reduction in the tariff on and affecting Minneapolis, Minn., unanimously requesting that Union veter­ flax eed; to the Committee on Ways and Means. ans of the Civil War and their widows be granted an increase 148. Also, petition of Tent No. 4, Daughters of Civil War in pension; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Veterans, St. Paul, Minn., urging that Congress enact a law 165. By Mr. PHILLIPS: Affidavits to accompany H. R. 2488, providing for incl'eased pensions for Union veterans of the Civil granting a pension to James A. Holsinger; to the Committee War and their widows; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. on Invalid Pensions. { 149. Also, petition of the board of directors Minnesota Motor 166. Also, affidavits to accompany H. R. 2487, granting a Trades Association and 800 members, praying that Congress pension to Mary E. Rhodes; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ eliminate the manufactures excise tax on passenger automo- sions. biles, trucks, parts, and ·accessories; to the Committee on Ways 167. By Mr. SMITH: Papers in support of H. R. 2775, grant- and 1\Ieuns. ing an increase of pension to Ro.,e A. Strawman; to the Com- ) 150. Also, petition of sundry members of Carleton Post, No. 5, mittee on Invalid Pensions. Veterans of Foreign Wars, St. Paul, Minn., aski.ng congressional 168. Also, papers in support of H. R. 2771, granting a pen- enactment of measures concerning pensions,· work, and proper sion to Knute Westerheim; to the Committee on Pensions. maintenance of hospitals or homes for deserving honorably dis- 169. By Mr. SOMERS of New York: Petition of the New :charged veterans of the United States military service; to the York State Pharmaceutical Association, numbering 3,700, urg­ Committee on World War Veterans' Legislation. ing the reduction of tax on medicinal alcohol; to the Com- 151. Also, petition of 160 members of Mary E. Starkweather mittee on ·ways and Means. 'l'ent, No. 1, Department of Minnesota, Daughters of the Union 170. Also, resolutions adopted by the Central Union Label Yeterans of the Civil War, unanimou ·ly requesting that Con- Council of Greater New York, requesting Federal investiga­ gres provide for an increase in pension for Union veterans of tion of the proposed Bread Trust; ·to the Com.nllttee on the the <?ivil War and their widows; to the Committee on Invalid Judiciary. Pe~ons. 171. Also, petition of the American Automobile Association, o · Also, petition of sundry ~embers of George N. Morgan uro-ing the removal of all war excise taxes on motorist · to Post, No. 4, Department of Minne ota, Grand Army of the I o . ' Republic, St. Paul, unanimously requesting that Congress enact the Committee on Ways and l\feans .. legislation providing for an increase in pensions for veterans ' 172: By Mr. ~EMPLE: ~apers rn .support of H. R. ~554, of the Civil war and their widows; to the Committee on grantmg. a pens~on to M~ggie EJ. Anderson; to the Committee Invalid Pensions. on Invalid PensiOns. 153. Also, petition of F. D. McMillen, commander, a~d 100 . 173. Also, evidence _in support of H. ~- 4372, gran~g a pen- members of Camp No. 8, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil Slon to Lyman E. Smder; to the Committee on Pensions. War, Minneapolis, Minn., requesting for Union veterans of the 174. Also, evidence in support of H. R. 1555, granting a pen­ Civil War and their widows an· increase in pension; to the sion to Laura Crawford; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Committee on Invalid Pensions._ 175. By Yr. WOODRUM: Petition of the Young Women's 154. Also, petition of sundry members of the Dudley· P. Christian Association, of Lynchburg, Va., petitioning Congress Chase Woman's Relief Cm·ps, No. 10, Grand Army of the Re- to enact the necessary legislation to enable the United States public, Minneapolis, Minn., unanimously requesting that Union to become a member of the World Court; to the Committee veteran of the Civil War and their widows be granted an in- on Foreign Affairs. crea ·e in pension ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 155. Also, petition of sundry members of Jacob Schaefer Woman's Relief Corps, No. · 46, Grand Army of the Republic, SENATE Minneapolis, unanimously requesting that Union war veterans of the Civil War and their widows be g~·anted an increase in THURSDAY, December 17, 1925 pension ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. J The Chaplain, Rev. J. J. l\Iuir, D. D., offered the following 156. Also, petition of sundry members of Appomattox prayer: I Woman's Relief Corps, No. 33, Auxiliary to the Grand Army J of the Republic, Minneapolis, unanimously requesting that 0 Lord, our Gocl, who hast also been our fathers' God, and Union veterans of the Civil War and their widows be granted hast proved Thy graciousness in daily loading our lives with an increase in pension ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Thy benefits, help us to realize not only our dependence upon 157. Also, petition of sundry mem'Qers of auxiliary of Camp Thee but our obligatiO.IlB to our fellow men, so that in every No. 8, Sons of Union Veterans pf the Civil War, Minneapolis, possible way we may help to serve the welfare of mankind. Minn., unanimously requesting that Union veterans of the Give us a keener appreciation of our obligations and enable us Civil War and their widows be granted an increase in pen- to be devoted to the interests closest to Thy heart. Hear us, sion; to the OomJ?ittee ~n Invalid Pensions. · help us, we ask in Jesus' name. Amen. • 974 COXGRESSIONAL RECORD-SE~.c\_TE DECE:JillEU 17 THE WORLD COURT Mr. SWANSON. Mr. President, the most important que tiou The VICE PRESIDBXT. In accordance with the order of that could. enga,;e the efforts of the statesmen of the world i · to devise means to prevent the occurrence of war and to effect the Senate agreed to on March 13 la. t, the Chair lays befo~e the Senate, in open executiYe session, the special order for th1s the settlement of international difference by the rule· of ju ·tiee llour, namely, Senate He:::olution No. 5, submitted by l\lr. and reason and not by force. Before this all other qu~ ·tions , 'w.at\so , which the Secretary will read.
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