Materials of the XVIII International scientific and practical Conference Modern views and research June | 2020 MATERIALS OF THE XVIII INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE MODERN VIEWS AND RESEARCH VOLUME 11 SHEFFIELD SCIENCE AND EDUCATION LTD 2020 1 Materials of the XVIIi International scientific and practical Conference Modern views and research June | 2020 Modern views and research - 2020 Volume 11 SCIENCE AND EDUCATION LTD Registered in ENGLAND & WALES Registered number 08878342 OFFICE 1, VELOCITY TOWER, 10ST. MARYS GATE, SHEFFIELD, S YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND, S1 4LR Materials of the XVIII International scientific and practical Conference Modern views and research - 2020, June, 2020: Sheffield. Science and education LTD -241 p. Date signed for printing, For students, research workers ISSN 2312-2773 © Authors, 2020 © SCIENCE AND EDUCATION LTD The collection of scientific papers available on Virtualconferences.press 2 Materials of the XVIII International scientific and practical Conference Modern views and research June | 2020 CONTENTS AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES 1. Reyimov Nietbay, Reymov Omirbay, Reymova Feruza - Improvement of 8 water situations in the areal region 2. Shomurotov Sharofiddin Shukurjon ugli - Water problem and practical 11 measures on their solution in Uzbekistan BILOLOGICAL SCIENCES 3. Khamroyeva Farangis Maqsudovna- Microorganisms in the soil 14 4. Akhmedova M., Alieva M., Kurbonova M.- Bioecological properties of 16 the black lion fly (hermetia illusens) CULTUTROLOGY 5. Begimov Mansur Khaydarovich- Sports (judo) development in Uzbekistan 18 6. Rahmonova Rohat Mehmonovna- Youth culture in a modern society 20 ECONOMICS SCIENCES 7. Ilkhomjon Muminov- Indian-Uzbekistan cooperation on developing digital 22 economy in Uzbekistan 8. Karimova Aziza Makhommadrezaevna, Akhmedov Shakhriyor 24 Khudayarovich- Distinctive features and essence of islamic banking 9. Kurbanov Muzaffar, Alijonov Akhror- Technological approach to 27 secondary school management 10. Makhamova Dilafruz - The use of managerial influence in school 30 innovation management 11. Mamarozikov Aziz Davronovich,Ibrokhimov Sarvar Muydinjon ugli, 33 Mavlonov Ilhom Kholmirzayevich- The development of small business and its socio-economic affects. 12. Shamsiddinov Burhon Jakbarovich, Sodikova Feruza Rahimovna- Small 36 business and private entrepreneurs as the socio-economic basis of civil society 13. Raxmanov B.B.- Territorial structure of industry of Tashkent economic 39 district HISTORICAL SCIENCES 14. Pirniyazova Turdigul-Historiographic memories as a necessity of objective 44 lighting of the recent past republic of Karakalpakstan LITERATURE SCIENCES 15. Boyazkulov Akhrorjon Islamjon ogli- Z.M.Bobur's views on natural 47 sciences Environmental issues in baburnama 3 Materials of the XVIIi International scientific and practical Conference Modern views and research June | 2020 CONTENTS 16. Gulsanam Kosimova- Babur’s work and folklore 50 17. Hasanov Shavkat- Analysis of creative identification and truth 53 18. Hasanov Suhrob- Basic principles of translation in fiction 59 19. Islam Jurayev- The description of the history and fortune in "baburnoma" 61 MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 20. Maysara Axmedova - Solve more problems and examples 63 MEDICAL SCIENCES 21. Akhmedova D.I., Ruzmatova D.M.- Clinical and functional features of 66 restriction cardiomyopathy in children 22. Rayimjanova Kamilla Farxodovna, Rustamova Dilafruza Samariddin 68 qizi, Zubaydilloeva Zarina Xamzaevna- The effect of stress on human brain activity 23. Rayimjanova Kamilla Farxodovna, Rustamova Dilafruza Samariddin 70 qizi, Zubaydilloeva Zarina Xamzaevna- Influence of weather change on cardiovascular system 24. Shoyimova Shoira Sanakulovna- The role of literature in education of 72 young people in the patriotic spirit 25. Rayimjanova Kamilla Farxodovna, Rustamova Dilafruza Samariddin 74 qizi, Zubaydilloeva Zarina Xamzaevna- The damaging factors of arterial hypertension on the work of the heart PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES 26. Abduganiev Ozod- Developing social active civil competence in students 76 contents 27. Bahranova Mavjuda Abduganievna- Application of information 79 technologies in education 28. Bakhtijon Isroilova- Psychological bases of motivation in teaching foreign 81 language 29. Bozorov Giyosiddin Sa`dullayevich ,Turdiboyev Sanjar Sabirjan ogli- 83 Developing mathematical and logical knowledge of school pupils 30. Dilmurodov Shukhrat Safarovich- Game and motor activity of the 86 growing generation and problems of motivation 31. Fozilova Makhina Adashevna- Research of methods of teaching english on 88 the basis of modern trends in foreign language teaching methods 32. Gafurova Nargiza Abdunazar qizi- Educational of learning lessons 91 importance and functions 33. Holikulova Feruza Xasanovna- Technology to develop creative aktivity by 93 teaching elementary students to dictate and write essays 34. Kadirova Dilbar Ismailovna- Application of distance learning technologies 95 4 Materials of the XVIII International scientific and practical Conference Modern views and research June | 2020 CONTENTS 35. Kuldasheva Zebo- The Affecting factors on consumers’ online shopping 97 behavior: The case of Uzbekistan 36. Kurbanova Oysha Beknazarovna- The use of speech forms in the 105 development of speech compartments of students in grades 10-11 37. Sagdullaeva L.Kh.- On the theoretical basis for the development of 109 curiosity in preschool age 38. Azatbaeva Miyasar Satbaevna- Efficiency of Power Point Presentations in 111 learning a language 39. Obidova Orasta Azamovna- The role of religious-philosophical teachings 113 in the struggle against destructive ideas 40. Orakbaeva Gullala Orakbaevna, Eshmuratova Amina Togyzbaevna - 116 The issue of educating bad behaviour youngs 41. Sherzod Primov- The pedagogical bases of developing communicative 118 comptence of teachers 42. Soliyeva Khavaskhon Omonovna- Art as a special means of education 120 43. Toshpulatov D.A.- The peculiar semantic features of commercial terms used 122 in foreign economic relations and the method of teaching through modern technologies 44. Yusubbayeva Nilufar, Yo’ldashev Asadbek, Kholmurotova Ravshanoy - 124 Using modern information and communication technologies in education 45. Yusubbayeva Nilufar, Yo’ldashev Asadbek, Kholmurotova Ravshanoy - 126 Writing in foreign language classes and to teach to express an opinion in writing PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES 46. Abduraufova Umida,Nurmattova Madina,Matjanova Bakhtigul 128 Saparbay qizi - Several elements of reading and writing 47. Abidova Zilola Xabibullaevna, Hudoyarova Ziyoda Maratovna- The 131 study of the syntactic structure of a sentence in the history of linguistics 48. Allanazarova Mohira Bakhtiyor qizi- The country allah said to alpomish 133 children. 49. Amriddinova N.Sh- Invariational and differential features as the most 135 important condition of system organization of phraseological field. 50. Babayeva komila Rishatovna, Toshmurodova muhabbat Nazaralievna- 138 Importance of acquiring euphemisms from fiction in learning process 5 Materials of the XVIIi International scientific and practical Conference Modern views and research June | 2020CONTENTS 51. Begmatova Sokhiba Mustafayevna- Jane Austen's legacy in the eyes 140 Uzbek readers 52. Boboyeva Muazzam Narimonovna- Using interesting games in the 143 classroom 53. Dauletmuratova Gozzalkhan Kobeisinovna-Use or not to use l1 in the 146 ongoing process 54. Dilfuza Rasulmuxamedova- Reflection of national traditions in the work of 148 Hamza Imomberdiev 55. Dilrabo Kasimova- Difficulties which learners come across while learning 150 foreign languages, problems with interlanguage 56. Farmonova Go‘zal- Gender problems in Comparative Linguistics 152 57. Hasanov Suhrob, Ibodullayev Firdavs- Grammatical Aspect of the 155 Translation 58. Ibragimova sevara Bahodirovna, Rakhimova gulnoza Sharipjanovna- 159 Study of phrasal verbs in innovative activity of english teachers 59. Iminova Barnokhon Muminjanovna, Botiraliyeva Mokhinur 161 Shukhratbek qizi- The features of using puzzles in increasing of mathematical abilities in primary education. 60. Jabborova Maftuna Komil qizi, Akhmadjonova Dilnoxa Ibroximovna, 164 Atakoziyeva Iroda Abduvahobovna- Ways to develop children’s cognitive process by developing their interests. 61. Khayotkhon Shernazarova Ma’rufjonovna- Effective methods 166of implementing historical terms to improve spoken English. 62. Kholmurodova Madina Alisher Kizi, Ro’ziyev Alisher Kholmurodovich- 169 Abdulla Qоdiriy’s novel “the days gone by” and its translation into english 63. Latipov Aziz Akbaraliyevich - Peculiarities of teaching foreign language to 171 grown-ups 64. Madjidova Diyora Alisherovna- The role of discourse as a speech space 174 65. Maftuna Sayfutdinova- English economic discourse as linguistic 178 phenomenon 66. Mukhlisa Mamasiddikova- The role of tourism in promotion of general 180 Uzbekistan image 67. Amriddinova N.Sh.- Some aspects of correlation in semantic actualization 183 of phraseological units 68. Nasirova Saodat Abdullayevna- Language policy in PRC: identifying 185 socio-political terminology in modern Chinese 69. Nazarova Shoiraxon Abdumo’min qizi- Improving B1 level learner’s 187 vocabulary competence. 6 Materials of the XVIII International scientific and practical Conference Modern views and research June | 2020 CONTENTS 72. Saidakbarova Saodat Parxadjanovna- Discovering the culture through the 193 gastronomic phraseology (in english and uzbek languages) 73. Sayidova Sanobar Ozatovna, Xusainova Dilfuza Shuhratovna-
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