The Bridge June 1996 FIORELLO H. LAGUARDIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE CITY UNiVERSITY OF NEW YORK VOL# V ,. " ',',,, Suing the untouchables: Mter two year of Liligation the editors of UOttardja coHege new pa r The Bridge, prevailed over CUNY .in Smith v. City University of New .Ym:,k. The editor, Joseph N. Smith and WBAI reporter, Errol Maitland 'filed suit uriderthe Open Muti,ngs LawiU'ter they were barred from entering a College Association meeting with anomey Ronald McGuire. When they learned that the College Association had ilfl6catedbver 5,000.00 while meeting in a secret session, they filed suit in the State Supreme Court. "The Open Government Laws are virtually the only legal protectiOns tud ,. !1.ts have over the aUocalion of lheirludent activity fees". said Ronald McGuir.e." "A victory for CUNY would strip students of any accountability over the allocation Oltheir student activity fees"; McOuireadded . · Smith Graduates LAiGUARDIA ALUMNUS .'~.,. : After Court Victory LErADSTHE CITY by KiyvQf141, BlGlld When Joseph Smith came to LaGuardia Commuirity College in For the first time in LaGuardia Community College's history, Rudy 1993, 1be'Bridae Newspaper did not exist. The college paper had not betn Washingtoq, 41, a 1974 graduate, delivered the Keynote Address at the in circulation for about two years. But while' many might say matbe.cause Commencetnent Ceremony: for the 1994 graduating class. As keynote , . of him The BtidGremained non-existent, it is.his persistence for student speaker, he~elivered asymbolic address to the next alumni. Mr. Washing- power and his determinatio,n against administration control· that most of ton said, "¥ ou (need) to have .the right mental attitude and things in CUNY officials will remember him. After Mr. Smith became Editor-In­ perspectiv~} Most kids think it's going to happen overnight, and when it Chief in the fall semester of 1994, he allowed the publication ofa contro- . doesn't, theY become discouraged and give up." v'ersialpiece by Todd "One" Williams (student at the time). The article was " Thi~ Queens native has cornea very long way from his school days condemned by writers from the New York Post and the Anti-defamation . majorlngin:Business for two years. He enrolled in LaGuardia at the age of League. Mr. Srn.jth was defamed in the rebuttals while college administrators' 17. He hoped to fight in the Vietnam war but his father was totally against questioned his achieved status. The Bridie was suspended and a meeting this. Instead, he started college and majored in business, "with no itention was conducted by Dean Lugo on March 30, 1994 to discuss the operation of that this is w,hat I wanted to do." He was quickly adopted and taken in by 'student funded' press. Since then, an odyssey of harassment was launched. Professor Nuball, Professor Washington, and Dean Minter, "they helped to The elections in which Smith was elected ,as Editor-In-Chief in '94- . develop me?' He became active in the Student Government and was elected '95 and '95-'96 were investigated by a committee to detennine if it was Presiqent . in his freshman year. He states, "I was among a Student consistent with The Bridie governing document. Although the recent Government of people who had 5 to 6 years experience, for most of which election was upheld as legal and binding, [Irene Sos~,Co-ordinator of were Vietnam Veterans. lowe the start of my political career to LaGuardia, Student Life and Development and Milton Silva, Director of Personal .because as President, I begin to fight for issues such as creating day care Counseling and Student Life and Development, Dean Lugo prodded for an cent~ for the community." '. ,, " cOlltillud 011 pgl contillued 011 pgJ --- ---- - - --_. _---- ----- ----_. _-_._--------_._----- - -_.- 2 University Of New York held in the New York Smith's reluctance to have administration con­ Court Victory State Supreme Coun on January 25,1996. A trol prevented the president's appointee, Sam federal judge, Karla Moskowitz ruled that 'a Amoako from sustaining his position. During journalist and student's attorney were deliber­ Smith's guidance, The Bridee had been recog­ investigation. Mr. Smith and other editors were ately excluded [from the] meeting ... in violation nized by "Perspectives On Multiculturalism & prohibited from spending the allocated budget of of the provisions of the open meeting law', based Diversity From Nation's Campuses" as one ofthe The Bridee including the time of investigation on on the March 1994 meeting held by LaGuardia twenty best college newspapers in the nation. the last election. Because of the last issue of ~ College Association in which security guards This honor was categorized with Harvard Uni­ Bridee, Dean Lugo attempted to charge Mr. Smith were instructed to stop Smith and his lawyer, Ron versity, Jackson State, Iowa State University and ' with having engaged in misconduct by publish­ McGuire from entering the C-building. This may other recognized colleges. ing October 16-31, 1995 issue ... without appro­ prove costly for the City University as the judge Now Mr. Smith has completed his fmal priate college authorization'. But Smith's humble granted attorney's fees to Mr. McGuire who had semester and has resigned his position. He plans character, procedural manner and litigious atti­ been retained for one dollar. The amount will be to complete his study at Queens college. He feels tude prevailed over all. The charges were dropped announced and settled in a the decision by Judge that the lack of student involvement and perse­ because he threatened to challenge the accusation Moskowitz. verance will cause the administration to take The in court. He conducted business with college Joseph N. Smith majored in Business Bridge in their own hands. He hoped his hard officials only through memorandum on the basis Administration but he pioneered for free student work and belief will reflect on other students and that verbal comments would not suffice in court. press at LaGuardia. Raymond Bowen, pushed encourage a healthy , sociable, multicultural press Perhaps his most devastating action against the for a full time faculty advisor to The Bridge based in the college community. ~dministration was in the case Smith ys . City on his power as president of the college but THE BRIDGE 31-10 THOMSON AVENUE Negron Leaves Politics LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101 (This story was written before the elec­ Phone (718) 482- 5189 tions.) Fax (718) 482-5599 by Gary Bloke "The greatest legacy you can leave be­ hind in this school is people who share in the same Editorial Board ideology that you do," ..said William Negron, Chairpers n of the Inivetsity StudentSena , in ary Blake Editor-in-Chief an exclusive interview with members of the Edi­ amba Mbaye Assistant Editor torial Board of The Bridge. William Negron, gela Hayes News Editor former President of Student Government, would arik Cherkaoui Managing Editor not have accepted a seat if he was elect¢ in the Features Editor Student Government elections. Ans Editor He began the interview by saying, "before osaleen Crotty Sports Editor I even came to LaGuardia, my life had no single asmine Vasquez Photo Editor purpose." At that time, he lived in Bensonhurst, . Milton Silva Interim Faculty Mentor where he experienced social unrest surrounding ose Gousse Staff Writer the shooting of Yusof Hawkins and it troubled him. He thought he could make a difference. His Typeset/Layout by Joseph N. Smith fiancee, then treasurer of Student Government at I Outgoing USS Chairman William Negron. and Gary Blake LaGuardia had encouraged him to attend college Special thanks to Joanne O'Connell and become a part of the Student Government. start up money for the Student Center for Women; He respected students in the Student Government allocated $76,000 for the brand new state of the Help Wanted! ano they became his mentors. So, he entered art fitness center. In the second year, "we suc­ LaGuardia's student politics expecting to be­ cessfully lobbied for $5.4 million for the renova­ Help Wanted! come "a mentor for someone else and be a part of tion of the C-Building." a tradition of activism .. .it was a very high grounded Mr. Negron believes he has done very reason for running." well as a student leader, except for the issue Bill Negron believed in changing the concerning the closure of The Bridge newspaper. "I wish I could have approached it differently, ... we ---Writers world. "College is a place where you can try out new ideas and create in terms of how you are were riding this moral high ground about pro­ ---Photographers going into so~iety and change the world." He tecting students and being racially conscious." ---Artists believed in student rights and an autonomous Also, there was a lot of pressure from adminis­ Student Government, ran solely by students. In tration, but Student Government did not believe his first year, Bill and his executive board brought in administration interfering. A charge was made No experience needed stability to the Student Government. They broke by a student stating that the elections of The Bridee the link between Student Government and Student was not done properly. The administration and the Senate used this opportunity to suspend ~ Come to Our Meeting Every Life and Development (then Student Activities) by appointing their own faculty mentor (faculty Bridge. "That was a rouse to close The Brid&e, to Wendesday advisor). He challenged the administration on quiet things down." . RoomMl18-E @5:00PM issues such as the make-up of the budget com­ Also, he confessed that he delayed the signing of a check, so that the newspaper would Phone (718) 482-5189 mittee, which he later chaired and where students had the majority.
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