The Diocese of Ogdensburg Volume 74, Number 28 INSIDE THIS ISSUE IHC students cultivate spirit of giving I PAGE4 NORTH COUNTRY Buffalo's Bishop Malone resigns I PAGE 8 CATHOLIC DEC 11, 2019 St. Mary's THE REASON FOR THE SEASON HONORING School MOTHER CABRINI to close CANTON - On Dec. 6, the families of St. Mary's School learned the school would close at the end of the 2019-20 school year. The closure was unani­ mously recommended by the st. Mary's Parish Coun­ cil, Education Council and Finance Council. The recommendation was relayed by Father St. Patrick's Church in Bryan D. Stitt, pastor of st. Peasleeville, a small hamlet in Mary's Parish, to Bishop the Clinton County Town of Peru, Terry R. LaValley, who ac­ is the home of a shrine honoring cepted the recommenda­ Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini. tion. Faithful gathered there on The faculty learned of Religious Education students from St. Mary's in Clayton braved the cold on Dec.7 to stage a living nativity. The Mother Cabrini'sfeast day to cel­ the decision on Dec. 5. event was organized by Doreen Garret and was well received by those traveling through the town, who greeted ebrate the first U.s. citizen to be FUll STORY, PAGE 12 the youth with honks and waves. canonized. FUll STORY, PAGE 5 Pope: Rise of populism due to lack of dialogue VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Ignoring ing the prejudice of pop­ The pope told the staff 'Yes, yes, I understand, ters. But reality is another the reality lived by men ulism, countries who and writers he had pre­ yes, yes,' and it reduces thing, reality is sovereign. and women today has close in on themselves pared to read an eight­ them, a reductionism to Whether we like it or not, caused a resurgence of old and turn to ideologies," he page speech, but he my categories. And this it is sovereign. And I must ideologies, such as pop­ said. "But not just new ide­ feared that "after the third cannot be." dialogue with reality." ulism, that inevitably do ologies - there are a few - page, there will be few left The resurgence of ide­ Dialogue, he added, is more harm than good, but to the old ones, the who will listen." ologies like populism, he an important step in con­ Pope Francis said. old ideologies that created In his off-the-cuff re­ explained, is a product of fronting today's societal Speaking off-the-cuff the Second World War." marks, the pope high­ not listening because "it is ills. Christians are not with staff and members of Founded in 1950, "Ag­ lighted the importance of a projection of what I want called "to impose paths of the Italian jesuit maga­ giornamenti Sociali" offers listening, saying it is the to be done, what I want to development or solutions zine, "Aggiornamenti So­ "information but above all "fundamental attitude of be thought, what I think to problems," but instead, ciali" ("Social Updates") formation," as well as "cri­ every person who wants should be." to initiate "a dialogue with Dec. 6, the pope said that teria and instruments to to do something for oth­ "It is a complex that that reality starting from prejudices, certain confront today's most de­ ers." makes us substitute God the values of the Gospel, "schools of thought and bated issues and partici­ "Listen to situations, lis­ the creator: we take the from the things jesus has positions taken do so pate in social life in a ten to problems, openly, situations in our own taught us, without dog­ much harm" in the world. conscious way, " according without prejudices," he hands and work," he con­ matically impOSing but "Today for example in to the jesuit magazine's said. "Because there is a tinued. "Reality is what I with dialogue and discern­ Europe, we are experienc- website. way of listening that is want it to be; we place fil- ment." DIOCESAN LIFE COUNTRY CATHOLIC DEC. 11, 2019 NORTH COUNTRY EDITOR'S NOTE CATHOLIC Box 326 Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669 A gift that leaves us speechless USPS 0039-3 400 For a while, we weren't sure and birthdays, we've tude of fun experiences, this attention, our laughter and BISHOP TERRY if my son, jake, who is on the adopted the practice of giv­ practice gives us time to­ our joy. R.LAVALLEY autism spectrum, would ever ing what I call "experience gether. This season, as we prepare President talk. Now, we're not sure if gifts" as often as possible. Since my husband dislikes to celebrate the birth of our REV. JOSEPH A. MORGAN he'll ever be quiet. When people ask both football and cities, he's Savior, we're celebrating the Vice President So, it made my day, what to get jake for not joining us for this trip to ultimate gift of self. We're JAMES D. CROWLEY Secretary-Treasurer possibly my year, Christmas or birth­ Pittsburgh. jake and I will celebrating that our Savior DARCY LFARGO when he opened his days, I typically re­ have the eight-hour car ride became man and eventually Editor & early Christmas pres­ spond, "the last thing there and back to talk foot­ gave His life to give us salva­ Communications Director ent, tickets to see our we need is more stuff, ball, sing loudly and badly tion. beloved Pittsburgh but we can't have too with the car radio, and just As we get caught up in the Publi sh 45 is- Steelers play the Buf­ many memories or enjoy spending time with gift buying, cookie making ® sues per year: falo Bills, and was good times." each other, and that's before and party attending, I pray "" Weekly except rendered speechless. We've received and we even consider the time we remember to give of our­ skipping every other jake inherited what gifted movie theater we'll get to spend together selves. I pray we give gifts of wee kbegin ­ I refer to as "the col- Darcy L. gift cards, theater bashing around Pittsburgh time, both to our loved ones ning July lector gene" from my Fargo tickets, sporting before the Sunday evening and those in need. And I pray ithrough Aug. and skipping husband. Since I live event tickets, theme game. we remember that we're cel­ one week in Dec. by the Dio- with two collectors, park passes and other Our experience gifts aren't ebrating the ultimate gift. cese of Ogdensburg. my house is full of stuff. So, similar items. In addition to just gifts of fun, they're gifts And I pray it leaves us 622 Washington Street, Og­ when it comes to holidays providing us with a multi- of ourselves - our time, our speechless. densburg, N.Y. 13669. Editorial Office: 622 Washington Street, Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669. John the Baptist's vocation was Advent Telephone: (315) 608-7556 It is Advent. Let us take a with the others to be bap­ no offense at me." moment to remember St. 'Father Bil ~y~ tized by john. john was well (Matt. I I :4) E-mail: john the Baptist. john's voca­ tipastor22@gmail:;:om aware of jesus' identity. In jesus then goes on speak­ news@northcountry tion was Advent. He came to , fact, john wanted jesus to ing to the people, saying: catholic.org prepare the world for the "~~•. baptize him. However, jesus 'This is the one about whom ~ ' Entered at the coming of jesus. Personally, .. insists he wants to join with it is written 'Behold I am St. john the Baptist is one of " all those coming to john. It sending my messenger Post Office: Fr. \\illhllll C. \lucllch Ogdensburg, NY my favorite saints. In many does become a supernatural ahead of you, he will prepare 13669 and ways, his vocation is the that he was not the Messiah moment. We are told that the your way before you." jesus additional mailing offices as same as mine. As a priest, I and one greater than he Holy Spirit comes upon adds to this: "I say to you, Periodical Postage. am called to bring jesus to would come after him who jesus. A voice from Heaven among those born of woman others. john the Baptist is a would baptize in the power is heard, "This is my beloved there has been none greater Subscription: of the Holy Spirit. For one year: true guide for me, both as a Son with whom I am well than john the Baptist." In-Diocese Rate: $27 preacher, and as an evangel­ john the Baptist preached pleased. (Matt 3:17) St. john's Gospel, chapter Outside of Diocese Rate: $30 ist. Actually, every disciple to the people on the shores Later, in Matthew's Gospel, 3, tells us that before john's of jesus is called to this vo­ of the jordan River. He urged we learn that john the Bap­ imprisonment, john was Matters for publication cation - to bring jesus to the people to change their tist was placed in prison, as teaching his disciples about should be others, to bring jesus' love lives, to be better people, to he had been critiCizing the jesus. "No one can receive addressed to and peace to others. Such is make their world a better king. While in prison, john anything except what has PO Box326 our call as a Catholic. I know place and to prepare them­ wants his disciples to dis­ been given him from Ogdensburg, NY 13669 selves for the coming of the and should be received by you know this story, but let cover jesus as Messiah.
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