-=~~~---_._~._--- .... Vol. 70, Number,1 Information Now. Registration Chaos, Baruch-Style CUNY By Dusan'Stojkovic Though registering for Fall perusing her Bursar's receipt to practically non-existent," Franco classes is no more than an almost­ decidewhichclasssheshoulddrop. related, adding, "I mean, every Budget forgotten, five-minute telephone Morris Franco summed up his time I dialed the number, I got a call for most Baruchians, incom­ experience in one word-''Rough.'' machine, I just couldn't get ing Freshmen, as is custom at the ''IfI hadn't metup with Elizabeth, through to a human voice." Restored College, had a more memorable I'd be crying in the corner there," Asked whether such technol­ experience. he asserted. ''1 got myclasses now, ogy actually makes the process By Deirdre A. Hussey but I don't understand' why my On Thursday afternoon, the easier, he responded, "Alexander The New York State budget bill's so high," the native last of the new students waited Graham Bell didn't have this in was finally passed in July, 104 Brooklynite,whohadbeencharged outside the cafeteria of the 25th mind, I need a real person to tell days late as members struggled to Streetbuilding, themakeshift reg- the out-of-state tuition rate, said. me what classes 1 can take." restore money to programs facing - istration area. The students hov­ Another new student, Laura But most continuing students draconian cuts proposed by Gover­ Croke, stated that she had been ered around tables with snacks agreed that the telephone regis­ nor George E. Pataki. Members and cans of soda, the pitiful ex­ waiting the whole day to register. tration system had greatly facili­ supportive of CUNY were able to pressions on their faces revealing "I've been here since 10 o'clockthis tated the once arduous task of beatback-the most severe cuts and morningand didn't get to speak to mildmigraines in someutterexas­ adding and dropping courses. "I avoid a tuition hike which Pataki peration in others. anyone until 1:30, when theybasi­ had no problem registering, five hadoriginallyproposed in his bud- ''It's been hectic, very hectic," cally told me to hang out at the minutes and I was done," said .get in November. said Elizabeth Bracero, admitting library and come back in two Frances Mazzucca, a Computer Pataki had originally planned that the registration process was hours," the Late Admission stu­ Information Systems major and a reduction of$56.7 million in the not running quite as smoothly as dent remembered, adding that Secretary of Baruch's chapter of operating budget ofCUNY, which she had expected. "I need to drop a upon her return, the registration the Golden Key National Honor allowed the Board of Trustees to course, and I triedto do it over the officer sent her out again, because Society. ''But I wasn't able to take declare a state of fiscal exigency. phone, butT never got the PIN it would ''take a while." thecourses at the times which are, Fiscalexigency allows for the lay­ number [sic] in the mail, so now I "Somebodygave me this regis­ continued on page 2 offs oftenuredfaculty, andrequires have to wait here" she explained, tration hot line number, which is each college president to submit a • retrenchmentplanwhichproposes ~epartynent.a.l cu'ts'that .'result in !.....·~:m·rrli~..Wt'"..'"".i loss offaculty and services. By Deirdre A. Hussey Baruch was slated to lose $8 -~W.-Ann-~oJd~lan.. _.. Q)ftjngmeasures Intbepast.twoyeaI.'$_ -s.W1~~(Qw::~@!!tgtm¥jQl:>f~,,~~Jnil1ion__~ndJ.9ughl~. 60 f~cl::11tr,._"" to revampseeuritywill 'bring-patrol "supporters of higher education have UN delegate visit,8Bdfour student." inembers.aoo30supportstafl:The . dogs to at least two campuses this beenabletobeatback:themostserious protests in the Springof1995. most alarmingretrenchment plan semester, to accompany security reductions. Many student activists have al- was proposed at Queens College guards duringnight shifts. Many members of the University leged theprimaIypurposeofthe SAFE which called for the abolishment Lehman College in theBronxand communityareshocked.bythemoveto Team is to quell student movements. ofthe English Department, loss of New York City Technical College in place dogs on campuses, and Black According to a letter by Director of 10 faculty members in the History Manhattan have each requested one members of the Board of Trustees Security Jose Elique, the Chancellor Department, 3 in Math and 3 in patrol dog that will accompany secu- went on record to voice their discon­ requested. the SAFETeam betrained Science. rityguardsduringthe11p.m.to7a.m. tent at a June Trustee meeting. and available for Spring 1995 "since But $40 million of the $56.7 shift,requiringonlyonesecurityguard 'The presence of dogs on campus the University anticipates that there million was restored, as well as on duty. which have a deep meaningto Blacks be demonstrations at the campuses complete restoration of TAP (Tu­ According to Rita Rodin, spokes- andJewsconnectedwithoppression,I duringthat period". ition Assistance Program) and a personfoiChancellorW.AnnReynolds do notapproveof,"saidTrusteeInnis. Although Chancellor Reynolds's tuition hike avoided. But many office, the cost of this new security The movetowards campus attack officehas emphaticallydenied allega- are skeptical of the next year's measure will be covered by a Justice .dogs comes under a plan to overhaul tions of security monitoring student budget, becausethecircumstances Department grant awarded to the securitywhichbegan in 1991. Dubbed. activities off campus, SAFE Team do not seem to be as favorable. University in May. But according,to the ''Security Initiative," the plan members notes have proven other- This year the budget battle was theJusticeDepartment,thegrantisto phasesoutcontractguardswithCUNY WISe. extremely intense, with many as- be used to hire officers only. personnel ''peace officers". 'The SAFE Team have not moni- semblymembersfacingreelection. ''We do people, not dogs," said Peace officers have power to de- toredoffcampusactivitiesorengaged ''But who knows what next Charles Miller, spokesperson for the ta.in and arrest individuals and are inplainc1othesactivities,"saysRodin. year's budget will be like, because Justice Department. equippedwithcollapSlblebatons,hand- But, notes ofsecurity members state it will not be held in an election CUNYreceived$8.95millioncom- cuffs and pepper spray. All peace that on at least two occasions officers year," says Carl Aylman, Director munity Policing grant that will allow officers receive firearm training and were detailed to City Hall to monitor ofStudent Life. the University to hire an additional are licensed to carryguns, which is at student activities. Election year aside, next year 120 officers. The grant is to cover the the discretion of individual college Based on this information the is the last year of Pataki's three salary of the additional officers for presidents. union that represents the faculty' at year economic plan in which he threeyearswithapromisefromCUNY In 1995, CUNYfonneda team of CUNY, the Professional Staff Con- promised major tax cut residents to retainthe officers andincurthecost 30 officers, the SAFE (Special Assis­ gress, passed a resolution in May to ofNew York. inthefuture. Nowheredoesthegrant taneefor Events)Teamwhichison24 abolish the SAFETeam. "Nextyear will cause consider- " stipulatethatCUNYsecurity initiate hourcall tohandlespecial events, but Reynolds's office has responded: able concern," says Zane Berzins, newsecuritypractices, such as patrol to date has been used primarily to "Callingforalx>litionoftheUniversity's spokesperson for Preside-nt dogs, like the administration claims. squash studentprotestspertainingto . SAFE Team is based' on erroneous Goldstein. "Pataki promised tax CUNYis Currently spending $30 thebudget cuts. infonnation and misrepresents the cuts will probably come and mem- .. million a, year on security, which is Aimrdingto Rita Rodin, spokes­ purpose and implem~tation of the hers will not he facing reelection. funded by the University's operating personfor ChancellorReynold'soffice, University securityInitiative." What it means for CUNY, one can budget,whichhasbeenafoealpointof theSAFETeamhas been calledupon only guess."" ,Governor George E. Pataki's budget nine different occasions. Ofthese in- . Editorial: 6 Letters! Op-eds: ••••• 7 Features: ....~....•..••~.11 Contents ~~: •••••••••••••••••••••••• JL~ Sports: ••••.••.••••..••·•••• 22 Busi-ness: •••••••••••••••• 9 - Nest I_ue: Sept. 18 . ' AdDeadline: Sept. 11 • ••• I 3 2 en ~ Q) Golden Key Honor Society Wins Z z <0 Giuliani Asked To Join ) Dr. Robert Georgia, 51, Loses :E en • (J) Battle With Cancer <0 • Society Despite Insults National Award, Fifth Year in Row -0 co <0 (J) - (J) 3 By Dusan Stojkovic By Dusan Stojkovic and adding, "I hope this year's officers part of the nation-wide Best of member of Golden Key in order to 0­ ceptingthe position ofAssistant to By Deirdre A. Hussey last Februaryat a Town Hall Meet­ <0..., v On August 26, the Baruch Col­ Michele Gross will beableto continuethis legacy." America Program. participate, giving each and every ..... the Dean of Students. During his President Matthew Goldstein ingheld at theBaruchAuditorium. ~ Q) lege community lost one ofits most For the fifth year running, Throughout the past school With the above, as well as Baruch student the opportunity to ..a tenure, Dr Georgia has also served has asked Mayor RudolphGiuliani Guiliani told students to "work revered members. Dr Robert Geor­ Baruch'schapterofthe Golden Key
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