of Periodical ^e^ai VOL. IX, NO. 51 DECEMBER 19, 1914 PRICE 25 CENTS FIRST NUMBER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTERLY MUSICAL REVIEW THE TOWN CRIER HOLLYWOOD FARM BREEDERS OF Registered Holstein-Friesian Cattle Registered Duroc-Jersey Swine PRODUCERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF Hollywood Certified Milk Hollywood Pork Sausage Hollywood Fresh Eggs FARM AT HOLLYWOOD, WASHINGTON City Office: 1418 Tenth Ave. :: Phone East 1 5 1 Visitors Always Welcome at the Far m I' A G E < > N E THE TOWN CRIER The Last Few Months Give Proof of Better Times iiv the Growth of Popular Savings It has been said that one of the best indications of the well-being of any com­ munity is to be found in the growth of the Savings of the people. Measured by this standard, we think that Seattle has every reason to feel satisfied. In the Scandinavian American Bank, which, having the largest Savings De­ posits in the Northwest, is perhaps the best barometer of popular Savings, the record shows: FIRST—A larger number of Savings Depositors; SECOND—A larger total of Savings Deposits; THIRD—A larger average balance to the credit of each depositor Than ever before in the history of the bank. In addition to these Savings Accounts we should consider:— (A) The Large Dumber of our Savings Depositors who have boughl homes in and around Se­ attle, (we know they have boughl them because in many cases our Mortgage Department helped to furnish tlie money) : and (B) The still larger number of our Savings Depositors who have invested part of their sav­ ings in small mortgages and bonds which they bought direct from the bank. (We supply Seattle Local Improvement (Y Bonds in .+100 and $200 denominations) ; fi, With these further proofs of thrift, it is easy to realize that the savings of the people in Seattle and vicinity, as evidenced in this bank, not only surpass all former Oil totals, but the average or per capita savings is vastly higher. • ill 111, mi It should be remembered also that there are twenty-nine banks in Seattle. IIIJ fi Ifl ,^TT,!!!llli And we are glad to believe what we hear as to the steady growth of Savings Deposits if 0N SAVINGS in all of them. No doubt they also have helped their Savings Depositors to invest­ ments in homes and mortgages and bonds. Then, there is the comparatively new Postal Savings Department of the gov­ ernment. The Seattle Postofflce has a little over $400,000—not very large as com­ Alaska Building, home of the pared with the total of the banks—our one bank alone having considerably over $6,- Scandinavian American Bank 000,000—but it is all additional savings. Of course, even in the best times, there are always some unemployed. And it often happens'that business is dull in one or two trades while very active in others. But take it all in all, there is ample evidence of better times now, and every pros­ pect of still better times to come. THE YEAR'S INNOVATION-OUR NEW LETTERS OF CREDIT The most notable addition to the service of The Scandinavian American Bank during the vear. was the successful establishment of direct relations with foreign banks and bankers. Under this system we are enabled to issue our own direct Drafts and Letters of Credit—Made in Seattle and good all over the world. Could we have foreseen the European war with its consequent disturbance of foreign exchange facilities, we would no doubt have deferred the making of these arrangements. That the plans were thoroughly worked out, however, has been abundantly proved by the success of the system. While the holders of Drafts and Letters of Credit, issued by some of even the biggest Eastern banks, were encountering more or less difficulty on the other side, we have yet to hear of any but pleasanl experiences from the travelers who carried ours. At no time has our service been interrupted. For a long period we were the only bank in the \"oiihwrst in a position to supply general European exchange at all—yet our rates were and are considerably lower than those prevailing in the East. Scandinavian American Bank Use Our Ballard Branch If More Convenient RESOURCES OVER $11,000,000 PAG E T W (» THE TOWN CRIER Do Your Banking With Union Savings A And Trust Co. Christmas of SEATTLE Suggestion Capital and Surplus - $880,000 OFFICERS: JAMES D. HOGE, "President J. D. LOWMAN, Vice-President A. B. STEWART, Vice-President N. B. SOLNER, Cashier ROLLIN SANFORD, Jlss't Cashier J. O. WHITTY, Ass't Cashier Bank With zfgF^aa^^fcjap**3^!?1 A General Banking Business Transacted GKORGK GUND ® HENRY ISRODF.RICk LOANS THE RENTALS INSURANCE SEATTLE REAL ESTATE NATIONAL BANK "An Office That Knows Its Subject v \ms4fa0uuy\8wtoufo inc. Hoge Building Main 8087 4°0 Paid on Savings PAG E T II K E !•: THE TOWN CRIER SAVINGS We Emphasize Three Features SAFETY PROFIT CONVENIENCE Funds invested according to Expenses limited by law You may start with $1 and strict laws Earnings divided according add any amount at any time State supervision and control to law Savings only A compulsory reserve fund Open from 9 to 5. REAL ESTATE LOANS Again We Emphasize Three Features No Commission No Bonus Liberal Contract We extend unusual privilege It is against the law for us to We exact NO bonus or ad­ of paying loans off in any charge commissions vance interest under any cir­ cumstances amount at any time This is a Seattle Institution for Seattle People, Fostered and Encouraged by Law to Serve the Community Well Washington Savings and Loan Association 810 SECOND AVENUE Established Assets: 25 Years $4,100,000.00 Officers HERMAN CHAPIN, President RAYMOND R. FRAZIER, Vice-President and Manager WM. THAANUM, Vice-Presiden1 and Treasurer H. D. CAMPBELL, Secretary G. A. BRUCE, Assistant Secretary W. S. DARROW, Assistant Secretary Trustees WILLIAM A. PETERS K. <;. AMES RAYMOND R. FRAZIER HERMAN CHAPIN WM. F. GEIGER JAMES SHANNON II. I). CAMPBELL I YAK -I ANSON WILLIAM THAANUM I). E. FREDERICK L. 0. JANECK EUGENE B. FAVRE P. B. FINLEY HANS I'KDEHSON C. E. VILAS PAG E PO U B THE TOWN CRIER CORNER EASTLAKE AVENUE CAROLINA COURT MERCER STREET AND BOULEVARD BATTLE'S newest and m..si up-to-date apartment bouse, I.I. ontalde rooms, public halls 8 feel wide, with an consisting of 2 and 3 room apartments, conveniently Reasonable Rent. Make Your Reservations abundance Of li>-'ht from rear and side, as well as S anil pleasantly located. Now at the Office of the Building. A central court. The most beautiful building anil grounds of the kind Every apartment has • private telephone, large bathroom, north of California. Central conrl 70 feel deep and 80 feel private hallway, dressing room, most Improved gas ranges. wide, with circular walks, lawns, shrubbery, etc. In rear i ling closets, disappearing beds, large closets, latest sta­ of luiiidini.'. half block of ground! for tbe exclusive use of CLAUDE C. RAMSAY & CO. tionary vacuum cleaner system for use of tenants, steam tenants.. heat, electric lights, etc. Liberal space for locker looms Offers the attractions of • beautiful home, with the i Owners and storage rooms in basement. venienies and comforts of a first-class hotel. There is au 310-311 New York Block, Beat ear service in the city. Cour car lines pass tin- office in the building in charge of a courteous attendant, apartment- Bastlake, Coven Park, Huh Avenue and Raven always ready to serve you. Seattle, Washington. na Park. Only 13 minute-' walk lo Fourth Axenne and PifeSj Street. CLARK NETTLETON i. M. BRUCE PETER J. ESCHBACH ELLIOTT 4748 Nettleton - Bruce - Eschbach Company Railroad Contractors = :S5 ^P *SQ^3S^'Sfe3g03* *gJ$l 902-3-4 American Bank Building SEATTLE I' A (; E K I v E THE TOWN CRIER Stuart Building 77|E HAVE in course of erection an \VJI 1 1-story fire-proof office building that will be com­ pleted and ready for occupancy in January, 1915. This will be the fourth large office building erected by the Metropolitan Building Company on the University Tract. The building will contain about 250 offices and will be a first grade office building in every respect. The STUART BUILDING will be connected with the White and Henry Buildings with connecting corridors and will have all the facilities that have been incorporated into these buildings. The White, Henry and Stuart Buildings taken together will con­ tain about one thousand offices and will have more facilities for doing business than can be found in any other office building in this country. The Stuart Building is renting very rapidly and it is quite possible that by the time the Town Crier comes from the press, that there will be no further space available in the building. For further information about the Stuart Building, inquire of Metropolitan Building Company 115 White Building Main 4984 I • A (: K S 1 s THE TOWN CRIER THE SEATTLE POST - INTELLIGENCER , (A NEWSPAPER WITHOUT A GROUCH) , GROWING ALL THE TIME ON ITS MERITS AS A FREE-HANDED BROAD-MINDED WIDE-A WAKE NEWSPAPER Clean In Its Advertising Columns and Dependable All Through Over 55,000 Daily Over 62,000 Sunday A. S. TAYLOR, Publisher SCOTT C. BONE, Editor PAG E S EV EN THE TOWN CRIER S. H. HEDGES, C. E., President R. M. DYER, M. E., Vice-President GEO. E. HARDENBERG, Secretary Engineers Puget Sound Heavy And Bridge & Construction Construction Contractors Company Of All Kinds 432-441 CENTRAL BUILDING, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON We Make a Specialty of Dredging, Harbor Improvements Bridges, Dams, Buildings and Foundations The Lippy Building, the Hambach Building and the Elks Temple were constructed by us during the past season.
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