Game Year Rank +6 Bag O' Munchkins 2009 Unknown 10 Days in Africa 2003 671 10 Days in Asia 2007 727 10 Days in Europe 2003 751 10 Days in the USA Unknown Unknown 1807: The Eagles Turn East 1994 2440 1825 Unit 1 1994 1484 1856 1995 193 1940 1980 3571 1940 Unknown Unknown 1941 Unknown Unknown 24/7 The Game 2006 1442 4 Player Chess 1881 3589 5ive Straight Unknown Unknown A House Divided 1981 281 a la Carte 1989 1105 A Victory Lost 2006 153 Abalone 1987 896 Ace of Aces - Handy Rotary Series 1980 478 Adam & Eva 2004 3170 Adios Amigos 2009 1607 Advanced Squad Leader - Starter Kit #1 2004 82 Afrikan tähti 1951 5843 Age of Steam Expansion - America / Europe 2007 Unknown Age of Steam Expansion - Barbados / St. Lucia 2007 Unknown Age of Steam Expansion - Portugal 2008 Unknown Age of Steam Expansion - The Moon 2005 Unknown Age of Steam Expansion - Washington DC and The Berlin2008 Wall Unknown Aggravation 1962 5845 Airships 2007 736 Alaska 1979 3532 Alfredo's Food Fight Unknown Unknown Alhambra 2003 177 Ali Baba 2002 5080 Ali Baba 1993 5284 Aloha 2005 4263 Amazons 1992 1693 America In Flames | 1999 3615 Amun-Re 2003 56 AmuseAmaze Unknown Unknown Amyitis 2007 221 Animalia 2006 1512 Ants In The Pants 1969 5725 Aqua Romana 2005 868 Arimaa 2002 1146 Arkadia 2006 201 Around the World in 80 Days 1986 3874 Assyria 2009 769 Atlantis 2009 1173 Aton 2006 282 Atta Ants 2003 2496 Attika 2003 169 Attila 2000 688 Auf Fotosafari in Ombagassa 1985 Unknown Australia 2005 691 Ave Caesar 1989 421 Axis & Allies 1981 704 Axis & Allies: Pacific 2001 595 Babylon 2003 4053 Backgammon 200 667 Bakari Unknown Unknown Balloon Cup 2003 384 Bananagrams 2006 674 Barbarossa 1988 851 Basari 1998 442 Batik 1997 2322 Battle for Armageddon Unknown Unknown Battle for Cassino, The - Assaulting the Gustav Line, 19441978 5196 Battlefleet Gothic 1999 817 Battleship 1931 5881 Battling Tops Unknown Unknown Bausack 1987 323 Bean Trader 2002 2927 Beep! Beep! 2008 4111 Big City 1999 308 Big Kini 2005 1346 Big Points 2008 1106 Bingo 1530 5898 Black Box 1977 1169 Blink 1995 1598 Blockster 2005 Unknown Blokus 2000 124 Blokus 3D 2003 237 Blood Bowl - First Edition 1986 3889 Blood Feud In New York 2004 1431 Blox 2008 1118 Blue Moon City 2006 136 Blue Moon City: Expansion Tile Sets 1 & 2 2006 Unknown Bohnanza 1997 140 Bohnanza - Erweiterungs Set 1997 Unknown Bonnie and Clyde 2009 1410 Boom-O 2000 5475 Borneo 2007 4774 Botts and Balls Unknown Unknown Bounce It-In Game Unknown Unknown Box of Golf: a Classic Golf Board Game 2003 2224 Brass 2007 10 Bravery in the Sand 2009 Unknown Breakout: Normandy 1992 184 Breakthrough 2001 Unknown BrikWars 1995 Unknown Buccaneer 2006 988 Buccaneer 1938 2800 Buffalo 1975 3458 Bull in a China Shop 2006 1330 Bunny Bunny Moose Moose 2009 2089 Burg Appenzell Erweiterung - Völlig mausgeflippt 2007 Unknown Buried Treasure 1992 2278 Buy Low Sell High 1996 1232 Byzantium 2005 475 Ca$h 'n Gun$ 2005 323 Café International 1989 949 Café International: Das Kartenspiel 2001 3622 California 2006 883 Candy Land 1949 5904 Cannes - Stars, Scripts and Screens 2002 2088 Can't Stop Unknown Unknown Capitol | 2001 341 Carcassonne 2000 64 Carcassonne - Abbey & Mayor 2007 Unknown Carcassonne - Der Tunnel 2009 Unknown Carcassonne - Die Katharer 2004 Unknown Carcassonne - Inns & Cathedrals 2002 Unknown Carcassonne - King & Scout 2003 Unknown Carcassonne - The Count of Carcassonne 2004 Unknown Carcassonne - The Cult 2008 Unknown Carcassonne - The Mini Expansion 2006 Unknown Carcassonne - The Princess & the Dragon 2005 Unknown Carcassonne - The River 2001 Unknown Carcassonne - The River II 2005 Unknown Carcassonne - The Tower 2006 Unknown Carcassonne - Traders & Builders 2003 Unknown Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers 2002 143 Carcassonne: The Castle 2003 156 Carrom 1890 513 Carson City 2009 315 Cartagena 2000 362 Castellers 2008 3480 Catan Dice Game 2007 2344 Catan Dice Game Plus Unknown Unknown Catan Dice Game XXL Variant 2008 Unknown Catan: Seafarers 1997 Unknown Category 5 1994 276 Cathedral 1978 674 Cats in a Box: A Game of Feline Photography Unknown Unknown Caylus 2005 9 Caylus Expansion: The Jeweller Unknown Unknown Caylus Magna Carta 2007 176 Caylus Magna Carta - The Library 2007 Unknown Cephalopod Unknown Unknown Chase 1986 1333 Chateau Roquefort 2007 410 Checkers 1150 5851 Cheeky Monkey 2007 987 Chess 1475 210 Chicago Express 2008 86 Chicken Cha Cha Cha 1998 663 China 2005 172 Chinatown 1999 146 Chinese Checkers 1893 5784 Circus Flohcati 1998 621 Civilization Western Extension Map 1988 Unknown Clans 2002 532 Cloud 9 1999 833 Clue Express 2008 3279 Coco Crazy Unknown Unknown Coda 2004 1558 Coloretto 2003 190 Colosseum 2007 168 Comuni 2008 565 Condottiere 1995 405 Connect Four 1974 5849 Connect6 Unknown Unknown Conquistador 1976 1363 Container: the Second Shipment 2008 Unknown Cornerstone Unknown Unknown Corps Command: Totensonntag 2007 1189 Corsaro - Irrfahrt im Piratenmeer 1991 Unknown Cribbage 1630 269 Critter In The Candy Unknown Unknown Crokinole 1876 37 Crossbows and Catapults 1983 1612 Crossfire 1971 5469 Cubiko | Unknown Unknown Curious George Match-a-Balloon Game Unknown Unknown Curling Table Game Unknown Unknown Daddy Cool 2004 3294 Dancing Eggs 2003 749 Dante's Inferno 2003 5773 David & Goliath 1998 866 Dawn Under 2004 1133 Days of Steam | 2008 2531 Daytona 500 1990 303 De Bellis Multitudinis Unknown Unknown De Kolonisten van Catan: De Woestijnruiters Unknown Unknown Decision in France Unknown Unknown Defenders of ClayArt 2008 Unknown Demono 1985 Unknown Diabolo 2006 4444 Diamant 2005 348 Diamonds Club 2008 249 Dicke Dämonen 2004 2878 Die Dolmengötter 2005 1146 Die Macher 1986 24 Die Sieben Siegel 2003 351 Die Siedler von Catan - Die große Karawane 2006 Unknown Diplomacy 1959 183 Dog 1998 1488 Doppelkopf Unknown Unknown Doubles Wild 2001 4410 Dragonland 2002 1077 Duel in the Dark 2007 503 Dust 2007 932 DVONN 2001 88 EastFront II 2006 275 Einauge sei wachsam! 2009 1837 Einfach Genial: Das Kartenspiel 2008 3318 El Caballero 1998 630 El Capitán 2007 358 Elasund: The First City of Catan Unknown Unknown Elfenland 1998 327 Enchanted Forest 1981 2819 Endeavor 2009 33 Entdecker 1996 745 Entenrallye 1989 3822 Executive Decision 1971 2557 Expedition 1996 434 Fairy Tale 2004 307 Farlander 2002 4485 Fearsome Floors 2003 368 Felix: The Cat in the Sack 2007 459 Feudo 2004 2148 Fiji 2006 2273 Fire and Ice 2002 1426 Fische Fluppen Frikadellen 2002 686 FITS 2009 415 Fjords 2005 482 Flaschenteufel 1995 412 Flinch 1901 5419 Flinke Flitzer Unknown Unknown Flix Mix 2004 1709 Floriado Unknown Unknown Fluch der Mumie 2008 767 Focus 1963 1099 For Sale 1997 123 Formula D 2008 166 Formula D Circuits 1 - Sebring & Chicago 2009 Unknown Formula Dé 1991 200 Formula Dé Circuits 17 & 18 - Buenos-Aires & BarcelonaUnknown Unknown Fox and Geese 1400 5695 Frank's Zoo 1999 526 Freight Train 1993 1143 Funkenschlag - EnBW Edition 2007 763 Funkenschlag - Flux-Generator 2008 Unknown Funny Bunny Unknown Unknown Funny Fishing 2006 Unknown Galloping Pigs 1992 3170 Gangster Unknown Unknown Geistertreppe 2003 1069 GemBlo 2005 592 Genji 2008 2664 Get Bit! 2007 2207 Get the Goods 1996 834 Ghost Stories 2008 116 Ghost Stories: Chuck No-Rice 2009 Unknown Ghost Stories: The Guardhouse Expansion 2008 Unknown Ghost Stories: The Village People Expansion 2009 Unknown Ghosts! 1980 1090 Ghoulash 2001 3185 GiftTRAP 2006 710 GIPF 1997 218 GIPF Project Set 3 2006 Unknown Gisborne: Die ersten Kartographen 2008 5168 Glik 2006 2001 Go -200 35 Go Away Monster! 2001 1424 Gobblet 2001 872 Goko no Saikoro 2008 Unknown Gold Connection 1992 2178 Goldbräu 2004 815 Goldland 2002 535 Go-Moku 700 3048 Gone Fishing! 2005 5369 Gonzaga 2009 1707 Grand National Derby 1996 2747 Great Chili Cookoff 2006 2672 Great Wall of China 2006 848 Greed 1987 5311 Greyhounds 1985 2567 Guess Who 1979 5842 Gulo Gulo 2003 318 Hamsterrolle 2000 438 Hansa 2004 205 Hansa Teutonica 2009 223 Havannah 1981 1752 Heimlich & Co. 1984 880 Hex 1942 1264 Hey! That's My Fish! 2003 218 Hibernia 2009 2145 Hide & Seek Safari 2005 4437 High Score 2007 1282 High Society 1995 311 Himalaya 2002 268 Hive 2001 84 Hnefatafl 400 1266 Hollywood Blockbuster 2000 130 Home Alone Unknown Unknown Hordes of the Things 1991 1066 Hornochsen 1998 1231 Hungry Hungry Hippos 1966 5884 Husker Du? Unknown Unknown Ice Flow 2008 644 If Wishes Were Fishes 2007 933 Igel Ärgern 1990 909 Ilium 2008 2306 I'm the Boss 1994 317 In the Shadow of the Emperor 2004 204 In the Year of the Dragon 2007 65 Incan Gold 2006 386 Ingenious 2004 72 Ingenious: Travel Edition 2006 202 Inquisitio 2009 3505 Intrigue 1994 813 Invers 1991 3141 It's Mine! 1998 1975 Jalokivipeli | Unknown Unknown Jamaica 2007 374 Jenga Unknown Unknown Jericho 2006 1832 Jetzt schlägt's 13 Unknown Unknown Jungle Speed 1997 417 Jungle Speed: All In 2008 Unknown Junior Labyrinth 1995 4048 Just4Fun Unknown Unknown Kahuna 1998 420 Kakerlaken-Poker 2004 1166 Kakerlakensalat 2007 1300 Kaleidos 1995 1008 Kamisado 2008 1032 Katego Unknown Unknown Katzenjammer Blues 1998 2415 Keltis 2008 582 Keltis - Neue Wege, Neue Ziele 2009 Unknown Ker Plunk 1967 5812 Khet: The Laser Game 2005 453 King Arthur - Das Kartenspiel 2005 1844 King Me! 2003 963 King of the Hill 1960 Unknown Kingdoms 1994 463 Kings & Things 1986 598 King's Breakfast 2003 1175 Kings in the Corner 1996 5664 Klickado Unknown Unknown Klondike Unknown Unknown Klunker 1999 1215 Knockabout 2001 2078 Kogworks 2007 2548 Kontor 1999 1738 Kreta 2005 356 Krysis 2009 2793 L Game 1968 5273 La Isla Bohnitâ 1998 Unknown Ladybohn 2002 Unknown Le Truc Unknown Unknown League of Six 2007 377 Leinen Los!
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