AREA LEADERSHIP MESSAGE United Kingdom and Ireland principle and To Know and to Understand divine law of By Elder José A. Teixeira, Europe Area President our Heavenly ave you ever been con- Joseph Smith is the prophet of Father. That fronted with the question, God who was called to restore knowledge H“How do I strengthen my the gospel; that The Church of can come testimony?” or heard the admoni- Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by reading, tion in a Church classroom, “You is the Saviour’s true Church on pondering need to nourish your testimony the earth; and that the Church and praying to remain strong”? is led by a living prophet today. about the Obtaining a testimony and With this foundation, a testi- principle of keeping it as a living witness of mony grows to include all the tithing or by what we know to be true is of principles of the gospel. hearing some- vital importance for our spiritual The Guide to the Scriptures one teach growth during this journey in defines knowledge as “under- about tithing mortality. Therefore, we need to standing and comprehension, and receiving understand what a testimony is, especially of truth as taught or a confirmation how we obtain one, and what confirmed by the Spirit.” 2 When of its truthfulness from the Elder José A. things we need to do to nourish we say we know something to Holy Ghost. But if I never Teixeira and strengthen it. be true in the gospel, we are pay tithing after having that Let’s begin by seeking a really saying we have felt that it witness, how much can I say deeper understanding of what is true. We cannot know some- that I truly understand what a testimony is. Elder Dallin H. thing to be true without feeling tithing is? Oaks of the Quorum of the in our hearts it is true! A testimony of a law or Twelve Apostles said, “A tes- The Guide to the Scriptures principle of the gospel is a timony of the gospel is a per- also tells us that understanding declaration both of knowledge sonal witness borne to our souls means “to gain a knowledge of, revealed to us by the Holy by the Holy Ghost that certain or to perceive the meaning of Ghost and an understanding facts of eternal significance are some truth, including its appli- that we gain of that knowledge true and that we know them to cation to life.” 3 To understand by constantly living that law or be true.” 1 or comprehend those things we principle. The foundation of a testi- have felt to be true, we must One of the greatest ways we mony is the knowledge that live them and put them into can cultivate and strengthen Heavenly Father lives and practice in our lives. Only then our testimonies is to attend the loves His children; that Jesus will our knowledge be full and temple. The temple is for us, as Christ lives, that He is the Son complete. members of The Church of Jesus of God, and that He carried For example, I can know Christ of Latter-day Saints, a sym- out the infinite Atonement; that that the law of tithing is a true bol of our faith and testimony. October 2012 U1 There is no better way to in- strengthen our testimonies. strengthen our testimonies and fill crease both our knowledge and We have been blessed with our lives with joy and peace. ◼ our understanding of the gospel many temples in our area. Let than to attend the temple. The us make the temple a symbol NOTES 1. Dallin H. Oaks, “Testimony,” Ensign, things we must do to qualify to of our devotion by attending as May 2008, 26. 2. Guide to the Scriptures, “Knowledge,” enter the house of the Lord and often as we can. As we do so scriptures.lds.org (under Study Helps). the things we learn once we we will continue to gain knowl- 3. Guide to the Scriptures, “Understanding,” scriptures.lds.org are there continually feed and edge and understanding that will (under Study Helps). LOCal NEWS president, and Area Seventy in the Europe West Europe Area Presidency Area from 1997–2005. In his most recent assign- ast spring a new Area Presidency for Europe ment he was serving as the Second Counsellor in was announced. On August 1, 2012, Elder the Europe Area Presidency. L José A. Teixeira began his service as Area Elder Teixeira was born in Vila Real, Portugal, President, with Elder Patrick Kearon as First on 24 February 1961. He married Maria Filomena Counsellor and Elder Kent F. Richards as Second Lopes Teles Grilo in June 1984. They are the par- Counsellor. These brethren bring diverse back- ents of three children. grounds and a wealth of experience to their new assignments. Elder Patrick Kearon Elder Patrick Kearon was sustained a member Elder José Teixeira of the First Quorum of the Seventy on 3 April Elder José Teixeira was sustained a member of 2010. At the time of his call, he had been serving the First Quorum of the Seventy on 5 April 2008. as a member of the Third Quorum of the Seventy At the time of his call, he was presiding over the in the Europe Area. Brazil São Paulo South Mission. Elder Kearon was educated in the Middle Elder Teixeira’s professional training was in East and the United Kingdom. He has lived and business, he having received a degree in account- worked in the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia and ing and business management. Before his calling the United States in various industries, including to full-time Church service, he was an international health care, food, automotive and transport. He controller for the Church with responsibility for also ran his own communications consultancy. Europe and Africa. In this capacity he managed Civic and community involvement has included the Europe/Africa processing centre in Solihull, service on the boards of charities, a school, an England, and supervised the controllers in the enterprise agency and a college. Europe East, Europe Central, Europe West, Africa After joining the Church on Christmas Eve, Southeast, and Africa West areas. 1987, Elder Kearon served in numerous Church Previous Church callings include full-time mis- callings, including assistant ward clerk, Young Men sionary in the Portugal Lisbon Mission, elders quo- president, bishop’s counsellor, branch president, rum president, high priests group leader, bishop’s stake president, and Area Seventy from 2005–2010. counsellor, high councillor, district president, stake As a General Authority, Elder Kearon has served U2 Ensign as an Assistant Executive Director of the Committee Report: “As we retain our convert bap- Priesthood Department and the Media tisms, save our youth, and continue to reactivate Services Department. the less-active, we will be able to double the active Elder Kearon was born in Carlisle, membership of the Europe Area within ten years.” Cumberland, England, on 18 July 1961. The current Area Presidency is committed to con- He married Jennifer Carole Hulme in tinuing this effort that began three years ago, with 1991. They are the parents of four chil- the goal to reach the stated objective by 2020. dren, one of whom is deceased. Wonderful things are happening in the Europe Area as members strengthen themselves and their Elder Kent F. Richards families, seek to rescue those who are lost, and Elder Kent F. Richards was sustained invite their family members and friends to attend Elder José Teixeira a member of the Second Quorum of the sacrament meeting. The rising generation is growing Seventy on 4 April 2009. Prior to his as- in faith and testimony as they attend daily seminary signment to the Europe Area, he served and institute classes, participate in Special Multistake as the Second Counsellor in the Chile Youth Conferences and activities for young sin- Area Presidency. gle adults, and apply in their lives the principles In 1969, Elder Richards received a outlined in For the Strength of Youth and Duty to bachelor of science degree and in 1972 a God. The number of young people being called medical degree, both from the University as full-time missionaries is increasing each year. of Utah. He worked as a surgeon and was Temple attendance is on the rise, as is the number chairman of the department of surgery at of convert baptisms. LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah. He The members of this Area Presidency love the also served as senior vice president for Lord, and they love the members of the Church Elder Patrick Kearon four years at Intermountain Health Care in Europe. They know the Lord can work mira- and was a member of their board and cles here as the Saints show their love for Him executive committee. Elder Richards was by following His prophet and chosen leaders, also a clinical professor of surgery at the increasing their personal faith and testimony, and University of Utah. dedicating themselves to reaching out to others in Elder Richards has served in many a spirit of invitation and love. This is a great time Church callings, including full-time mission- to be a member of the Church in Europe! ◼ ary in the Southern Mexican Mission, elders quorum president, bishop, Scoutmaster, Historic Channel high councillor, stake president, and presi- dent of the Texas San Antonio Mission. Island Conference Elder Richards was born in Salt Lake Elder Kent F. Richards City, Utah, on 25 February 1946. He mar- Strengthens Saints ried Marsha Gurr in August 1968. They By Jayne Kyprianou are the parents of eight children.
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