N DeWitt township head $ Milton King finds new post a 'full-time job' By PAT DROUIN where what you say and do But he discovered being super­ 115th, Year, No. 41 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN - WEDNE5DAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1971 30 PAGES 15 CENTS News Special Writer counts," he said. visor was a "full time job.* King didn't think he had a As supervisor, however, King A Democrat in DeWitt Town­ chance ofwinning.Buthedefeated believes'it is easier to know the ship has to try harder, especially his Republican opponent with a problems since he must learn St. Johns,to when he is the new supervisor. moderate campaign in favor of the area and talk with the people. Milton King, 46, and newly- just taxation. Facing- such problems as lack participate in elected township supervisor, is With encouragement from of storm drains, unpaved roads the first Democrat elected to hold friends, King accepted the Job and the loss of one mill for fire the post. Such a claim, however, and assumed his new position and police protection, King in­ mayor exchange doesn't come without a few ribb­ In November. dicated he has a pioneer spirit ings from a Republican Town­ As supervisor, King is re­ to face challenges and learn new ship Board and his personal sec­ sponsible for 'such jobs as as­ things. For the first time in recent retary, Mrs, Rhoda Kzeski. sessing property, sending out years, St. Johns city officials King accepts the post as a personal property statements, In attempting to fulfill hi/ will participate in the mayor challenge, but doesn't feel presiding over the township campaign promise, King regies exchange program held annually politics is the major concern. board, keeping tabs on the town­ oh common sense to be justf and as a feature of Michigan Week. "Rural people tend to be Re­ ship and its property and dividing fair in dealing with people. "I Date of the event has yet to publican," King said, "but when this property into school am not a top dollar assessor but be released, however city com­ they are dissatisfied, they look districts. rather in favor of the/people by missioners, by a 2-1 vote, con­ for someone'else, regardless of Besides acting as negotiator- giving them just taxation." sented to having their city among party. between the county and township, King also hopes-Ho present a those to be drawn. The drawing King also must plan the budget revised sewer system plan t:o Will be conducted by Lt. Gov. "Despite the fact the 'other members of the board are Re­ which, he noted, makes a town­ the people, rw,hlc!h he thinks may James Brickley at 2 p.m. Feb. ship "big business." "bring^p^ce back to the com­ 25th. publican, we work as a team for the good of the community," King The area, which accounts for munity." " In other matters discussed commented, in an interview. 20 per( cent of ClintotNCounty's/ v during Monday night's meeting * Also on his list of goals, are As supervisor, King entered the population and revenue, nBLmon.e blacktopping gravel roads and commissioners tabled a plan for than $150,000 in reveSfend replacing "yield" signs at in­ job a bit leery df the responsi­ pulling In Industrial development bilities he now faces. $128,000 in expenses fowRie along the State Road extension. tersections along Sturgis Street 1969-70 tax year. \^ with "stop" signs. They also "I ran twice for trustee but A parks and recreation program tabled action and the purchase failed, so I Just keep moving up. •Unlike the state or federal is also under consideration where bf a back-hoe until more in­ If I was going to do something governments, a township has to> 'the state would pay for 8 per cent formation and estimated costs it might as well be for an office operate in the black," King com­ or^he development. could be accumulated. mented. Desire and determination best Alon&with the goals,problems The preparation of the city All leads are .describe the soft spoken King. and responsibilities, King sees assessor's plat was boosted for­ HONORED BY COUNTY GOP Father of six children and a a number V)^ benefits In being ward by the commission when resident of DeWitt for 20 years. supervisor. *I,don'thave to punch they instructed City Attorney Five Clinton Republicans received recognition from their party during the annual Lincoln Day being checked The only preparation for his new a time clock, *\ King pointed out, Paul Maples and Clerk Tom post has been on the job training. "and even if you are late, the Hundley to obtain surveying esi- dinner held last Thursday at St. Johns high school. Lt. Gov. James Brickley joined the group as they A truck mechanic on leave of work is always there." mates. The pair is to report absence from Oldsmobile, King ' Within several weeks, .King to the commission at its next displayed their awards for the camera. From left, Ink White, Henrietta Prince, Brickley, -Robert in hit and run was a member of the Lansing will also have his own office in regular meeting. Montgomery, Andrew Cobb and Margaret Thingstad, Planning Commission and a re­ which to conduct business as the Sheriff's'office still question­ presentative io the Lansing Met­ first Democratic, supervisor ing persons regarding the hit ropolitan Development Authority. settles in'for his twoVyear term. and run accident that claimectehe life of Dominic Hurst of Elsie. GOP dinnerdraws 260 guestsdespiteweather Sheriff Percy Patterson thought at one time that they were close, but the paint samples Despite a challenge from mid- In addition to Brickley other malities, county GOP Chairman "The politician's main task tion and environmental rescue Michigan weather, an annual speakers on the hour-and-45- James Palmiter recognized five from the car that w&s under today should not be just to stir from high density living and con­ investigation did not ,match the Lincoln Day banquet drew 260 minute-program were Rep. party members for long-time and articulate the desires of the tinued pollution. - Clinton county Republicans to the Richard Allen of the 88th dis­ paint samples the State Police service and presented framed people/ he said, "but to be able In attaining goals, Brickley St. Johns High School cafeteria trict; Rep. Douglas Trezise, 87th were investigating. certificates of appreciation to to satisfy them once he gets suggested, a political party must last Thursday night where they district and State Sen. William Patterson said the State Police Margaret Thingstad, Ink White, control of the machinery of gov­ a How self-analysis and self- heard Lt. Gov. James Brickley Ballinger who served as toast- lab was pretty sure they would Andrew Cobb, Henrietta Prince ernment." criticism or it will die. New further the state administration" a master for the evening, match but much to our dismay and Robert Montgomery. He: cited divisions prespnt in theme of ''Uevi.politics,",. „ , -Along with-the*evening's-for- ideas, too,mustl?esou'ghtandnre\Y they didn't. > t the -countryjxiday buf_tempered. members-tylth divergent concepts ' A~n leaKs1'are-Beliig ihves- ' READING FkOM^a' prepared' that observation with the state­ must be permitted.' ;: r text, Lt. Gov. Brickley told his tigated. A recent tip led the de- • ment that "there is generally partment to Midland whereaman Vietnam war claims audience that toe times require unanimity on the goals." HE ALERTED his fellow party more than political philosophies was questioned and subsequently Later reference listed those members with a reminder that was cleared, said Patterson. and that a "technique of making goals as ending the war, use of ideas are the nutrition of a government effective" should be government to solve social prob­ Sgt. Richard Randolph sought. lems, improved quality of educa­ Continued on Page 8A A third Clinton County service­ He is survived by his parents, DeWitt man in less than a year was re­ four brothers, Donald Jr., Ro­ ported killed in the Vietnam war bert, David, and Kenneth all at DeWitt school board, Britsch last week. home, and one sister Kathleene, wants state Sgt. Richard Dale Randolph, also at home. 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Randolph, 4473 S. DeWitt Road, Funeral services for Sgt. Ran­ Construction to seek arbitration f | dolph will be held Friday, Feb. unc s St. Johns, was killed in action NEW SUPERVISOR ( Feb. 1. 12 at 12 noon, with burial in Mt. Rest Cemetery. By DEBORAH WITGEN socird studies. DeWitt School's Michigan School Board Associa­ Recommendation to do a rec­ He had entered the U.S. Army tion, was accepted. Oneofthefew reational study of DeWitt Town­ Prayer services will be held News Special Writer Superintendent James Ritchie 1 in November, 1969 and was sent changes was from the word " short ship was ' approved by the Milton King tries to help out a local tax­ to the Vietnam war zone in Octo­ at the Osgood Funeral Home commented, "1 think DeWitt has Thursday at 8 p.m. Wrinkled brows lined the meet­ a very fineandcompleteprogram suspension" to "separation." DeWitt Township Board in action payer by phone during a recent interview'ses- ber, 1970. Mueller said, "That's what we Monday night. r ing room Monday as the DeWitt that will compare to most other sion with the new DeWitt Township supervisor. According to reports, Randolph i School Board discussed con­ schools," really do - separate the student The study to be done by Robert was assigned to the reconnais­ struction problems at the Middle The third major issue regarded from the schoolforashorttime." O'Boyle Associates, Inc., will (News Photo by Pat Drouin), sance section of the America! School withtheBritschConstruc­ adopting a policy towards suspen­ examine the areas and needs of Ritchie passed out copies of Division.
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