VOL 58 N O . 16 FEBRUARY 7,1985 At MSG Winter Weekend canceled The scheduled Winter Weekend was weekend, classes were not scheduled Proposal to canceled Monday by Academic; Dean on Friday, February 8 so that students David Palmer for the second time in could have the opportunity to go home allow|pets I two years. 7 S § 1 J i^r ? or take part in other weekend activities A This year's cancellation, ilike last they had planned for this mid point.of accepted year, occured due to a snow storm the winter term. which closed the college down. ;iOn The Dean had to reinstate classes / by Brian Sheridan $ Monday, January 21, a winter blizzard because he believed classes held Mon- left the college idle and canceled day, Wednesday and Frl d a y ^ w e r e not •A proposal to keep pets in the Mer- classes that day. { £ $ fulfilling the amount of time necessary cyhurst apartments, submitted by two to maintain the. essential .contact students, Dave Armstrong and Tim Students were informed of the Latimer, was passed at Tuesday's Mer- calendar, change through their pro- minutes. *^5f | t | ^ cyhurst Student Government meeting. fessors on Monday. Students were 'Contact minutes, according toT.Dr. Palmer, are a specific number of hours The proposal will allow residents of disappointed. Dr. Palmer said, the deci- sion was unfortunate, but it's the best classes must meet to fulfill the re- the Mercyhurst and Briggs Apartments quirements] established by the as well as residents of the townhouses choice in the long run. £ f$ The few students who participated in the Prior to the cancellation of the regulatory agencies of higher educa- to keep pets on the college premises. Spirit Contest show their exuberance. tion.. Dr. Palmer stated, 2,250 hours of Stipulations, however, are included instruction must be achieved* each with the proposal. According to the term to meet? with the expected proposal, pet owners will be asked to standards. | sign »aa contract* with Phyllis Aiello, Not much s p i r i t Dr. Palmer said the academic calen- director of housing and safety before a dar is "very tight" and does not allow pet is brought on campus. for flexibility.; "If* we were on The contract binds the pet owners to generated at contest semesters, the day could be put on the care properly for the animal and keep tail end of the calendar, but it can't be them under control. Students will also ^r The two ieams who V/ere the^oniy done with a 4-3-3 calendar,'*;he stated. fcoTPupewuHrte fur amy damages*the EcKnbcu^ gaupe..on Monday.^buUpafr. *hrocai partlClpafttSWfniffs ^tjartTSpf r l t tlclpalfton nohe-spFrlriontesnitselT "" W* alrade off/* DrFPalmetedded. pet may cause. *? J- T contest, Baldwin Hail's second floor was low, Seymour stated. "WhatI, you get* in one you loose in The proposal passed through MSG and McAuley Hall, will both share the Seymour: blames the lack of par- another." I u with only one vote against lithe $100 pizza prize. $g *- f ticipation to the? resident assistants. *? The Dean did not Inform the faculty proposal. 4 J[ 1 i The third annual spirit contest was The efforts fcfrom ? t h e R.A.'s In of the revision until late last Friday. "Everybody is really optimistic held In the Campus Center during Fri- McAuley were weak." However, students were not-aware of about the proposal," Latimer said. ^ * day's basketball game against Coppin £ Steve Borowski and Amy Groover the changesuntil Monday of this week. The proposal* now will be sent to State and again on Monday, when the were the only R.A.'s who initiated their Freshman Kelly Murphy feels, Aiello for further clarification. | ; * Lakers,played the Fighting Scots of floors j to gather* a (team together, "cancelling Winter Weekend on such In other business,;'MSG'President Edinboro. t? 4 '} Seymour staled. 3 short notice was unfair."** f £&*>' Pat Songer updated the progress deal- White both games were well attend- The J lack of enthusiasm from the While some students feel that the ing with complaints, lodged "at last ed, "the overall participation in the R.A.'s was not the*only factor which cancellation was announced too late, week's meeting.*! 4. ..-/J spirit contest Itself was very disappoin- : hindered attendance. "We have to many believe the administration *The problems with 4he poor condi- tlng," Steve Seymour, a judgeSfor the blame a little on mid-terms," he added. should be prepared for. the expected tions of the laundry room irvthe Mer- contest said. «* \ tp S Seymour&nd -the two other judges snow days and possibly take some cyhurst Apartments ?were due'to the . Dave Armstrong and Jim Benusa scheduled the contest at this time other course of action. "We could have lack of personnel infthe maintenance were the other two Judges who because ;Edinboro was :the biggest made it up some other way, rather than department, Songer said. I. '' Z assisted Seymour with the contest. home game that remained during the cancelling* our weekend," Senior A repairman will;be-on campus by Both teams displayed their cheering season. As the arch rival, the three James Sherrod said. the end of the week to repair the abilities well,|Benusa said.* However, judges believed this would jdraw a broken. washers and dryers, Songer Feelings the same remorse, Junior "the overall contest was a failure," he significant number of students to take Robin "Patton feels "It's unfortunate said. The request for more washers remarked. f J part in the contest. &&:? *S and dryers was rejected by Becker- because ""some students made plans * Each team only had between 15-20 and now they are worried about atten- Maytag due to what Songer said "was participants, Seymour said. "I don't low volume on use." ••* The number of students the judges ding, classes," ^Pattonj said.; "There understand why." «*&- g* I expected to yell, scream and cheer was should have been days set asidelfor le In regards to the security problems "In^past years, it was much more a disappointment.; However, Seymour this, she added. £jjg at St. Mark's, Songer was told addi- festive, Seymour stated. "We had a thanks those who did participate and tional security will not be added due to For many ^students, plans to go great time last year, too bad it turned urges them to continue expressing home will have to be put off; however, lack of funds. 1 * i 1 * out this way." The games were well at- their spirit during the last month of the some students have decided to go The next MSG meeting will be held tended. About 1,100 people were at the season. ? #$ Tuesday, February 12,. at 3:30 p.m.;in home despite the cancellation. "It 2l4Zurn. VW ¥ r. ' doesn't affect me in the least bit because I'm going home anyway," Sheila Bond said* "It wouldn't have mattered if they cancelled it earlier, but I made plans to go home, anil now I have to stay here," Sophomore* Nancy Emmi said. 4 *• $ . According to Dean Palmer, the Winter Weekend was-; originated to mmmm mm allow* students a break from classes, especially since the winter months do ^mim^^tt not have any holidays like fan and spr- ing terms. • * i *£ 5§ ~ Winter Weekend was started *, the pis winter of 1982; It has been cancelled m+m twice smce its initiation three years ago. • rt 4 a* .#4 FEBRUARY 7,1985 PAGE 2 THE MERCIAD Library byjstructural chang By Lisa Riforgiato iliary services are located at Dean Palmer^ attributes the ^Excessive noise tin the different points. As a result, a noise to the increase of library has led to structural constant stream of traffic Is students utilizing the facility. changes within the building so created. The balconies do not "Something lias to be done to that a quieter atmosphere can allow for soundproofing, give students a better oppor- be provided. | J > Cooper stated. - tunity to study, so we are go- It was brought to the atten- Any movement or function, ing to have to do jsome re- tion of both academic:Dean such as the use of the copy designing," he stated./ 1 Dr. David Palmer and Director machine, opening and closing Palmer and Cooper have Luau '85's entertainment, Loki Ontai's of the library Joan Cooper, doors, and use of the;card agreed to relocate the Cur- that too much noise and com- catalogs, can ' be heard riculum library to the third motion I prohibited students throughout the entire building, floor of Old Main. In turn, that HRM from , studying. Palmer and stated Cooper. "| room will, be occupied by Cooper found specific * Classrooms are also on the "groups".seeking a room to reasons for the abundance of same perimeterj as the aux- discuss iclass projects. The w **\ noise and have taken steps to iliary . services, so students lounge areas.4and.classrooms aoes Hawaii a n i remedy it.vft '• , ^V & traveling to and from classes will also be relocated, Palmer UK i r- By Chris Cardinal! Cooper* believes ?the .also: add aLtOL the I problem, said, so students don't have to grown in the forests of Hawaii, students?;are not creating the Cooper said. f be subjected to the constant Have you ever wished you are being flown injfromfthe flow 'of traffic, on all three were in Hawaii? Well, Luau '85 problem. Cooper said, "the 'There are some of our own islands to be ?used as library is an equalizer, where students and others who do floors.
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