
«a*| Market l-let« Ml feo News ot Kegislcr% Cfow BED BANK and SurrauncUng Towns Where Ofg H(-Ii«-r Wnrf* To!cS Fearlessly anil WHiiout; Bias, .Un- issued Wtekly, Ente cd es Soeoad-CIaEa Matter at the Poit- Subscription Prlcal On® Sear $1.80 VOLUME LVI, NO. 2. offico at Red Bank, H. J* under Uia Act of March B, 1879* RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1933. Sll Months 51.00. Etagla Con/ 4c. PAGES I TO relief than those who are humbly HXHEO TO CAMP BURTON. paid. Timo after time, since coming Into we ofllco on April 1, we have been re- Nine Atlantic Township Boys Issue Statement fused by ollieers of tho board facts Fair Haven Fair Walked Nineteen Miles. regarding operations of the board, toe Nine memhera of Atlantic township and even as board members we have New Members of Middletown been prevented from securing this The True Story of a Tinton Falls Special Meeting of the Fair Ha- troop of Boy Scouts walked to Camp New Year of Red Bank Club Be' Burton, near Allaire, on Sunday to Two Automobiles Given to Tin- Protests Against Amendment to Township Board of Education information. New board members on Fisherman Who Angled All ven Fire Company Held Last gan Last Week—The List of standing cornmitteca aro kept, from spend a week. Tho boy a gathered at ton Falls Firelighters by Mrs. Zoning Ordinance WSiicb Members With Their Respec Give Their Views Regarding knowledge of facts relating to tho Day and Most of the Night and Week—Fair to be Held from Scobeyville. They had occasional "fall William Buckheit and Fred work of, tho committees. For exam- outs" to rest and to. eat. One require- Would Prohibit Plant Fmtm tive Occupations. Taxation for School Purposes. ple, at a recent board meeting the Then Walked Sis Miles. July 29 to August 5. ment that the ijoya are required to Wolf Last Week. new members moved that bus insur- Being Operated nt Red Baak. Tho Red Bank Rotary club entered Mrs. Adeline Moffat'of River Plaza, Charles Holmes, tho'boss fisherman Committees for the Fair Haven meet Is that of taking a fourteen-mile Mra. William Buckheit of Asbury A protest against the passage hjf upon ita new fiscal year last Thurs- of Tinton Falls, arrived at Shadow flrcmen'.i fair were appointed at a hike. They did better than this on Park made a gift of an clght-passen- day when Maurice Schwartz, who dletown village and Oliver B. Wil- j with the school laws, page 516. Lake, near River Plaza, about eight special meeting of the fire company Sunday, for they walked nineteen the mayor and council of the pr(>» Ber Studcbaiter touring car to the poocd amendment to tho zoning had been president of the club dur- liams of Nuvcsink have issued the This was voted down by a major- o'clock last Thursday morning with last Wednesday night. Further plan3 miles. The boya are Senior Patrol newly organized Tinton Fallo lire ing tho past year, turned over tho following statement relative to the ! ity of the old board members, who in- tho Intention of spending the clay for the /air were also discussed. The Leader Edward Willett, Patrol Lead- ordinance, which would prevent th« company last week. The machine 13 opening of a brewery at Red Banlt gavol to his miccoa3or, Dr. W. W, course which they Intend to pursue rcistod that, na heretofore, and despite there flshing. Ho got a rldo to the big event will open Saturday, July er Walter Mitchell, William Craw- almost aa good as new, having been ( as newly elected members of tho tho law which was read to them, tho 29, and will continue until Saturday, ford, Charles Sutphin, Bernard Hned- is contained In a letter to he ssnti Gosling who thanked the club lor township should bear the expense, lako In an automobile orfned by his used only a short time. The firemen tho honor bestowed upon him and Middletown township board of edu- neighbor, Cornelius Delise. Tho lat- August r>, eker, Leslie Douglass, William Flock, to the borough fathers by tho Cham- amounting to over a thousand dol- are converting it into a truck on ber of Commerce. then read tho list of tho new oftlcors cation; lars each year. Shortly afterwards, ter stated that ho would be at the Krcction of the dance platform and William Gunther and Arnold Plot- which the nit-fighting apparatus will kin. The letter waa drafted by tho com- iuid MB commltteo appointments. We, tho undersigned now members Charles J. Strahan, assistant com- lake at about four o'clock in the af- booths will be started in a few daya. be mounted. Several members of the Tlio officers and committees aro: of the Middletown township board of missioner of education, advised How- ternoon to convey Mr. Holmes home This year v/ill sec several new fea- company are expert1 automobile me- mittee appointed at the last meeting education, consider It our duty to ard W. Roberts, attorney for the\; in his car. tures, in addition to tUe regular de- chanics and they are doing the work of the board to consider tho objec- President—W. W. GoalinK. school board, that the Insurance partments. The outdoor dance plat- tions against the plan of the brewery Vlco preiildent—'J'hnma* Irving Brown. bring beforo the public tho following should be carried by tho bus contrac- True to his promise, Mr. Delise of altering the car into a truck dur- Sccrotury-—Hubert Furrow. facts regarding the six "old board" was at the lake at the appointed time. form Is one of the largest in the D. A. R. Celebrates to locate here. A meeting of this members, who have, slnco our com- tors, in accordance with the law. ing their spare time without expense Treasurer—Albert S. Miller. .The new member of tho transnorta- Mr. Holmes had not been fortunate. county. The decorations and lights ! to the company. The automobile committee -was held last Thursday Directors—Tlioimis Lewie, Karl Haas. ing in office on April 1, refused to will be arranged in a novel manner morning and It waa decided that un- Maurice Schwartz. consider suggestions made by us In tion committee, however, was not in- All that ho had caught was a big bass 33d Anniversary which is now used by the jlremen Club Service—Maurice 8ch\vortz. formed of the commissioner's ruling, and a snapping turtle. He was loath and will be more attractive than less a majority objection la received tho interests of economy and educa- ever. will hereafter be put into service as Vocational eervlce—William A. Sweeney. tional improvement. Wo refer spe- as were all of the old board members to quit and call it a day because, he a relief truck. from the members of tho'organisa- Community service—Chrlatian L. Uerue, of tho committee, and learned of it Monmouth Chapter Held Birth- tion by Monday tho letter will 08 Itev. Albert Bauer. cifically to James C. Hendrickson, only by accident. No information said, there wero Indications that the As usual the company i3 disposing The firemen state that they are International service—Dr. Samuel Haufl- president of tho board, Joseph W. fish would soon -bite better. He of a car on tho co-operative plan. day Luncheon at the Molly presented to tho council for reading Thompson, William M. Petingale, regarding tho ruling was given out at very grateful to Mrs. Buckheit for zniui. tho board meeting. thanked Mr. Delise for calling for This year the prize Is a Plymouth her munificent gift. The donor for- that night, when a public hearing to Membership classification—Charles K. John N. Hlllyer, Irving Roop and Al- Pitcher—Mrs. Jacob B. Rue is be held on tho proposed admend- Strnus, I'lcrrij A. 1'ronl. bert Lindenatruth. him, but he said that instead of re- couch. The firemen spend most of merly lived at Tinton Falls and she Wo como to tho public with this turning homo he would remain at tho profits from their fairs on wel- the New Regent. ment. Boys' work—John H. Mount. Tho district clerk has been em- information because, as stated in the is the owner of a large farm on Riv- Crippled children—JOHCPII Salzl ployed by tho Bchool board six years. text book on duties of board mem- the lako and continue fishing. He fare work in the community. Many A birthday luncheon in celebration erdalc avenue at that place. The members of tho committee &re Follimslilp—William Weeks. stated that he would walk home late persons know thia and have been Attendance—Kobert McDonald. With a salary fourth highest of all bers, issued by tho National Educa- of the 33d anniversary of Monmouth The lire company also received an- Abram Krldcl, Jamc3 T. Clayton and Rural-Urban promotion—Thorium Head. tho forty-seven districts of. the coun- tion association, "the board mem- at night and that this would not im- very generous in their support of the chapter of Daughters of the Ameri- other gilt of a truck last week, the D. H. Applegate, Jr. William A. Mil-, Student Lonn fund—Dr. Allan Kandail. ty, his work has been rated by Her- ber's first duty Is to tho public and, pose any great hardship upon him, fain;. They also know that the ler, president of tho organisation to be sure, he is obligated to carry can Revolution was held at the contributor being Pred Wolf of Eat- Program—John Lnwlcy.
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