^ ' ’’ An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the People of Hightstown and Vicinity ^fc2r 105TH YEAR-NO.-40 HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1954 PRICE—FIVE CENTS Jockey Loses Twice— Test Bullet, List Spud Price Support; On Track and Turnpike PTA Program to Feature Town Tax Rate Walter Blum, 19-year-old jockey Gun Used by Growers Eye Competitors of Brookln, N.Y., found the going Artists; $700 Realized Set at $7.95; tough at the Laurel (Md.) race­ track Saturday wlTen he finished Gov't to Purchase Indicate Intention fifth in the feature $10,000 race on -Art in Homes, School and Our Mrs. John Edgar and Mrs. Henry Boys on^Raft Community” will be the panel topic Up 112 Points a horse called Little P. Suydam. The winning displays will For 3 Outlets Only To Plant Far Fe'wer A day later he found the New of the local Parent-Teacher Asso­ be posted in local store windows. ciation meeting to be held next Refreshments will be served in the Jersey Turnpike a cropper, too. Boro Has 3rd Highest Police Await Report In Emergency Move Acres This Season He was racing along at 75 miles Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the kinder­ cafeteria, garten room. an hour on the 119-mile super Mr.s. Aaron Starr and Mrs. Den­ Rate in Mercer County; Of Balliatica Experts road in Washington Township, Three well-known arti.sts who re­ nis Ropars, chainnen of the annual The United States Department of New Jersey potato growers who when he was interrupted by side at Roosevelt, Ben Shahn, David Spring Carnival held at the school Agriculture has revealed it will be­ East Windsor at $6.10 After Youth Is Shot have indicated their intention to Trooper Mistichelli and hailed Stone Marlin and Gregorio Presto- Saturday, report $700 was realized. gin a limited program of price sup­ plant far fewer acres to spuds this before the court of Judge Williaiji pino will give talks on the various j Breakdown of proceeds: boosters, port for the remainder of the 1953 spring, are taking a lively interest H. Glackin. Blum paid'$^J on the jihases. ;$77; fish pond, $52.57; parcel post. Highistown’s tax rate for 1954 is Local police are awaiting the word potato crop with Section 32 funds in in planting intentions in other com­ "nose.” Another feature will be the pre-j$94.60; white elephant, $^.89; fancy officially listed at $7.95 for each $100 of ballistics experts who are testing those areas where supplies are ex­ mercial potato producing areas. a bullet removed from the jaw of Back at Laurel Park on Monday sentalion of awards for the recent j goods, $^.36; card reading, $25; of property valuation according to ceptionally heavy and markets stag­ Latest figures show that Maine, his luck changed as he hustled safety poster contest held under the!clown booth, $56.05; refreshments, figures released over the weekend 14-year-old Stephen Merrill of Sum­ nant. mit street and a gun of the same Long Island, Idalio, North Dakota King Jolie to a neck triumph in direction of James Carpenter, school!$65.43; candy, ^^.90; cake, $51; gro- by Orlo S. Hatton, secretary of the Secretary of Agriculture Benson and Oregon growers will come up the $5,000 Georgetown Purse. art teacher. Twelfth and 10th grade i ceries, $37.25; soda and ice cream, Mercer County Tax Board. The caliber which he and his companions stressed the fact that the program were shooting when tlie youth was with potatoes in excess of needs at students are participating. Mrs. !$50.15; ponies, $7.77; jewels, $2.50; East Windsor Towmship rate is list­ was ail emergency move only and harvest lime unless they adjust their William Mieicke, chairman, will ceramics, $9; flowers, $55.10. ed at $6.10, up 86 cents. wounded. would be limited as to scope and acreages downward, in keeping with award five cash prizes. The door prize, a parakeet and The figure is a jump of $1.12 over Chief Ernest L. Davison said to­ funds expended. It is not to be in U.S. Department of Agriculture Thirty-five posters are entered. cage, was awarded to Mrs. Robert a year ago. The boost -vr&s attrib­ day the test is being conducted at any way construed by the potato in­ guides. VFW to Install Judges are Mr.s. Howard Klank, L. Hand. uted to increases in the cost of the Trenton. He seeks to find out if dustry that the government is back The suggested planting for New f town|s share in support of public the gun, a rusted .22 caliber pistol, in tlie price support field in such a Jersey is 23,275 acres, but growers schools which is listed at 83 cents, fired the bullet that struck the boy manner as in prior years. in Central and South jersey’s "po­ Reill Leader, local government. 24 cents and coun­ while lie was playing on a raft in Potatoes to be purchased by the tato belt” have shown they intend Monroe Twp. ty government, five cents. Peddle Lake last week. Government under tiie program an­ to do even better and plant only Breakdown o i the local rate of nounced are for the following three Merrill, the son of Mr. and Mrs. 21,700 acres. Auxiliary Aids $7.95—amount to be raised for coun- Clark B. Merrill, and several friends outlets only: first for use in school ■ ly library, rate, $.0358, $1432.30; coun- used nearly a whole box of ammu­ lunch programs; second, for use by II. Earl Propst, administrative Finishes Farm tv tax, $1-^.4, $51,325.52; local school ofiicer for the New Jersey Agricul­ i nition while playing with the gun welfare agencies and institutions A joint installation of officers of I tax, $1,788, $191,330.63; local tax, tural Stabilization and Conservation according to the chief. However, ami third for use by potato flour the local Veterans of I'oreign Wars $1,836, $73,31^.98. The tax collector Committee, calls attention to the the bullets they had bought were .22 and starcii manufacturers, where a jiosl and its auxiliary will ^be held here is authorized to get a total of situation, which he says indicates a Drain Project caliber shorts. The bullet that pier­ direct subsidy will be paid. .\pril 20 at 8 p.m. at headquarters, $317,473.43. high degree of cooperation between ced the boy's jaw was a sliglitly In conunenting on the govern­ Dutch Neck road. The sihfA'il rate lias been rising Garden State potato growers and smaller pellet which is known as a ment’s latest move, C. Lawrence Officers named last week are Clar­ The recently completed $18,000 rapidly in the past three years. In the Department of Agriculture. "bcc-bee cap" bullet. Dey of Princeton Junction, president ence Reill, commander; Don ).Ionte- I drainage project by which Cedar; 1952 it was upped 51.5'cents and last iMerrill was taken to the office of ot liie State Potato Associaiitm and He pointed out that the Depart­ maro, senior vice commander; Har­ ! Brook has been cleared, deepened 1 year 29.4 cents. Over a three year Dr. Richard Mayer of Stockton chairman of the Potato Industry ment, of which the AvSC Committee ry Taylor Jr., junior vice command­ :and straightened out for lour and'span the hike totals $1,639. The sys- street by police and tlie bullet was Loinniiitee, staled: is a part, is in the midst of an all- e r ; Jacob Freihaut, quartermaster; : one-half mile.-; is slated to benefit jtem plans to open its new 10-roora out potato promotion program de­ removed. Dr. Mayer said the fact “ We hope that this move by the Henry G. P. Coates, judge advocate; some 40 farms in Monroe Township. i unit next month. It was started last signed to move the remainder of the ! It is the largest undertaking of its tlie slug was stopped by the boy's government to support potatoes in Theodore Greezyn, chaplain; Dr. year to correct an overcrowding sit­ 1953 crop now in storage. The De­ I kind in Middlesex County and was jawbone, prevented more serious in­ a limited way will not get the grow­ John B. Barlow, surgeon; trustees, uation which forced some classes to ers of this and other areas over­ partment no longer has a price sup­ i planned and completed through co- go on half sessions. jury. Louis White Jr., 3 years; house excited and result in over-planting, port program for potatoes. How'- committee for 2 years, Richard G. joperative efforts of the Middlesex In February it was predicted after .Ml of the youth involved were which could be tragic. First, the ever, Secretary Benson has indicat­ Ewart, Harry Applegate; county i County Agricultural Extension Ser- conferring with school and borough questioned by police. Davison said program is designed only for the ed limited purchases may be made council delegates, David K. Greene, i vice, the Soil Conservation Service officials the rate would be approxi­ three of tliem had been floating on 1953 crop and does not in any way on the 1954 crop for distribution to Charles IJ. Weisel, Montemaro, I of the U. S. Department of Agri- mately $7.96, one cent off the official a home-made raft when they heard commit the government to support institutions or welfare agencies, but Greezyn, William Craig, White, Er­ !culture, the Middlesex County Agri- mark.
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