I Rav Yitzchok n Lev n HO s R Ge BBI : Ra : O t Kerzner zt”l HO P BY BARUCH WEISS nitz shteibel led by Rav Eliezer Hager, the Marriage and Early Florida at which Rav Kerzner was in at- Damesek Eliezer. tendance, the subject was brought up, with The rabbonim of a city are the guardians Rabbonus Attuned to the winds of the times, some people questioning the seriousness of of the kehillos, watching, cultivating, and young Yitzchok took stock of the situation In 1951, while teaching at the Yeshiva the aforementioned prohibition. Rav Ker- maintaining the level of Yiddishkeit they and urged his parents to flee. One night, the of Brighton in New York, Rav Kerzner met zner, with his eloquence of speech and co- feel their kehillos are capable of upholding. Nazis entered the Kertzners’ building and his eishes chayil, Rebbetzin Bashie (nee gency of reasoning, defended the position This past Erev Shabbos, the city of Toronto began rounding up all the heads of house- Zuckerman), who would stand faithfully of the gedolei Yisroel, explaining how be- lost one of its guardians, Rav Yitzhok Ker- holds. When they reached the Kertzners’ beside him in all his endeavors. The Ker- longing to such a body lends legitimacy to zner. A moreh derech loved and revered apartment, they inexplicably, miraculous- zners moved to New London, Connecticut, the Reform and Conservative movements, by all, the tragedy of his passing was felt where he assumed the position of rov of the ly, skipped over their door. The next day, and closed the topic for any further discus- throughout the city. As Rav Shlomo Miller local shul. the Kertzners obtained papers and began sion. remarked at the levayah, even though Rav their escape. Even as a newlywed, Rav Kerzner was Kerzner had been ill for the past few years, As the Kertzners were approaching ready to take full responsibility for the Yeshiva Bais Moshe his presence was still an influence. With hispe - kehillah. When word came that the lo- the train station to leave to the port, they of Scranton tirah, that light is no more. realized they had forgotten an important cal shochet had been seen swimming on A few years later, Rav Kerzner took Rav Kerzner’s brother-in-law, Rav Aharon suitcase and considered going back for it. Shabbos, Rav Kerzner immediately went part in an endeavor which, by his own Zuckerman, mara d’asra of Khal Zichron Pin- Yitzchok was adamant that due to the dan- to the slaughterhouse and told the shochet testimony, was one of the most significant chos of Lakewood, aptly applied the words of ger, they should take no chances of missing to stop. He informed him that being that accomplishments of his life; the establish- Chazal, that yetzias tzaddik min hamakom oseh the boat and they should not return for the he was a mechallel shabbos, his shechitah ment of Yeshiva Bais Moshe in Scranton, roshem—the departure of a righteous person suitcase. The ship on which they traveled was posul and he was hereby relieved of Pennsylvania. from a place makes an impression; as long as to America ended up being the last to leave his duties. The shochet was an older and Rav Dov Lesser of Bais Medrash Go- he is in a city, he is its magnificence, its splen- occupied Europe before the war. accepted member of the community, and voah had approached Rav Chaim Bressler dor, its grandeur. Unlike many in that time period, Yitz- the courage it took for the young rabbi to and Rav Yaakov Shnaidman with the fol- Rav Zuckerman quoted the following ex- chok was fortunate to learn in yeshiva. For make such a statement speaks volumes. lowing idea — both Wilkes-Barre and planation from the Gur Aryeh. Hod, magnifi- eighth-grade, Yitzchok was sent to Yeshiva Rav Kerzner also established a day cence, refers to the lessons of yiras shomayim Toras Chaim in Brownsville, New York; school in New London and accepted the Scranton had excellent, supportive rab- the tzaddik purveys. Throughout Rav Kerzner’s his classmates included the Novominsker majority of its financial responsibilities. bonim; Rav Kerzner in Wilkes-Barre and life, he worked tirelessly to raise the level of Rebbe zt”l and yblch”t Rav Ahron Schech- Many students of this day school came Rav Mordechai Shapiro in Scranton. They yiras shomayim wherever he went. Ziv, splen- ter. The next year, he was sent to Torah from homes that were not shomer Shabbos, both had day schools, but no yeshiva high- dor, refers to the lessons of chochma which the Vodaas, where he was met Rav Shraga but a significant number of them developed school. What better fertile grounds could tzaddik imparts to his followers. Rav Kerzner Feivel Mendelowitz, Rav Shlomo Heiman, into full-fledgedshomrei Torah u’mitzvos. there be for the establishment of a yeshiva? was constantly teaching—he learned privately and Rav Gedalia Schorr. Rav Schor would In 1957, the Kerzners, now a family Rav Dov brought the roshei yeshiva to with whoever asked to do so, and he delivered have a profound impact on Rav Kerzner; with two young children, moved to Wilkes- meet with Rav Kerzner and Rav Shapiro, shiurim in Chumash, Minchas Chinuch, Ge- his affinity for the sefer Sfas Emes was Barre, Pennsylvania, where Rav Kerzner who agreed to move forward and present mara, Pirkei Avos, as well as a popular weekly likely developed under the tutelage of Rav became rov of Congregation Ohav Zedek. the idea to their respective congregations. shiur for women. Hadar, grandeur, refers to the Schorr. Rav Yitzchok Scheiner once told When Rav Kerzner became aware that the Although they initially had the support middos tovos the tzaddik exudes. Anyone who Rav Zuckerman that Rav Kerzner was local mikvah needed fixing, he arranged for of most of the two kehillos, opposition knew Rav Kerzner attests to the sterling middos “echad min hachaburah,” learning along- Rav Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Deitsch, au- began to form, threatening to derail the and ne’imus which defined his character. side the best bochurim of those days. thor of Taharas Yom Tov and noted expert entire project. As Rav Chaim Bressler re- Rav Uri Mayerfeld, rosh yeshiva of Ner During his time at Torah Vodaas, Rav in mikvaos, to come from Williamsburg to lated, it was Rav Kerzner’s use of his ora- Yisroel Toronto, and close friend and mechu- Kerzner became close with Rav Moshe oversee the construction. tory skills and power of persuasion that tan of Rav Kerzner, remarked that Rav Kerzner Sherer, the spokesman for Torah Jewry. In Wilkes-Barre, Rav Kerzner exerted won over the hearts and minds of the lo- represented the ideal concept of a rov. Contrary Rabbi Sherer imparted a number of peda- effort to improve the local day school. He cal Pennsylvanians, paving the way for the to the modern misunderstanding that a rov is gogical lessons to Rav Kerzner related to raised an enormous amount of money for yeshiva to open. The accomplishments of merely a functionary, available to carry out the public speaking, and remarked that Rav the construction of a new building, and Yeshiva Bais Moshe are legendary, hav- religious duties that service his congregation, a Kerzner was from his best talmidim in brought in a menahel from Lakewood to ing produced thousands of bnei Torah who spiritual leader is actully called a “rov” because homiletics. lead the institution. contribute to Klal Yisroel in immeasurable he is the “greatest” among a kehillah, serving After Torah Vodaas, Yitzchok went to During this time, an issue arose which capacities. as an example for each member to emulate. learn in Bais Medrash Elyon, where he impacted Orthodox rabbanus. The New learned bechavrusa with Rav Reuven Gro- York Board of Rabbis was a body of rabbis Toronto Early Childhood zovsky. The fact he was chosen to help pre- comprised of Orthodox, Conservative and In 1972, the Kerzners, now a family of Rav Kerzner was born in Vienna to Reb pare the shiur is testament to his supreme Reform individuals. Rav Ahron Kotler, to- seven, moved to Toronto, with Rav Kerzner Ahron and Chaya Reizel Kertzner in 1927. intellect and his deep understanding. Rav gether with 12 other roshei yeshiva, came assuming the rabbonus of Khal Machzikei An only child, Yitchok remained particu- Kerzner would often say that Maseches Ye- out with a strong psak, stating it was assur Hadas “Clanton Park.” For over 30 years, larly devoted to his parents for the rest of vamos was his favorite masechta, having to associate with this group in any way. Rav Yitchok Kerzner shepherded his ke- his life. The Kertzners davened at the Vizh- learned it together with Rav Reuven. Not long afterwards, at a convention in hillah and guided them in their avodas 70 18 Kislev 5781 | December 4, 2020 Hashem. As rov of one of the city’s most long mispallel, related a number of inci- prominent Orthodox shuls, his influence dents which demonstrate Rav Kerzner’s spread throughout the entire community. foresight when advising his kehillah. Mr. During his tenure, there was not a conse- Shore once planned to enter into a partner- quential event involving the kehillah that ship with a non-Jew and open a pharmacy, didn’t involve him in one way or another. but the man stipulated that the business In addition to his duties as the rov of a would have to be open on Shabbos and shul, Rav Kerzner presided over the COR, Yom Tov. Knowing that heterim can exist Toronto’s central kashrus agency, for many for businesses partly owned by a non-Jew, years.
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