54 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DEOE~ffiER 9, Also, petitionof'Charles A. Story, of Chicago, lll., infavorofHouse The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The House of Representatives also bill 303-to the Committee on Education. amended the title· of the bill so as to make it read: "A bill for there- By Mr. STEELE: Petition of soldiers of the Fifteenth United States 1ief of graduates of the United St.ates Milita.ry Academy, and to fix their Infantry, of the Seventeenth United States Infantry, and of the Second pay." The amendment to the title will be agreed to, if there be no United States Cavalry, asking that retirement of enlisted men be aft~r objection. twenty-five instead of thirtyyears' service-to the Committee on Mll­ WILLIAM WAnD. itary Affairs. The PRESIDENT pro tempo1·e also laid before the Senate the amend­ By M.r. J. 1\f. TAYLOR: Petition of Harriet E. Jones, ofN::u:cy R. ment of the House of Representatives to the bill (S. 1990) to provid~ Price, widow of Stephen N. Price, deceased, and of Margaret E. P.nce, of for the adjustment of matters connected with certain judicial proceed­ Henderson County, Tennessee, for relief-to the Committee on Invalid ings in Peunsylvan.ia in which the United States was a party. Pensions. The amendment was to add to the bill the following proviso: Also, petition of E. J. TimberL'lke, administrator ofP.R. Small, de­ Pro·r:ided, T.hat the amount allowed shall not exceed the sum of $3,000. ceased, of Henderson County, Tennessee, asking that his case be referred to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. Jt-Ir. CAMERON. I ·move that the Senate concur in the amendment of the House of Representatives. _ By 1\fr~ ZACH. TAYLOR: Petition of heirs of William Moulden, deceased; of John W. -Moulden, of Knox County; of John 1\I. Holt The amendment was concurred in. and of Lewis Howery, of Hamblen County; and of William P. Long, ADJOURNME..\T TO 1\IOXDA Y'. of Grainger County, Tennessee, asking that their claims be 1·eferred to :Mr. CAUERON. I move that when the Senate adjourn to-day it the Court of Claims-to the same committee. be until Monday next, at 12 o'clock. By Mr. VANEATON: PetitionofLeopoldBeckartand ofl\Irs. Anna Mr. HOAR. I hope that motion '\till not be agreed to. 1\I. Montgomery, to refer her claim to the Court of CL'lims-to the same Mr. VAN WYCK. And I trust not. committee. Mr. INGALLS. Oh, no. By Mr. WHEELER: Petition of John C. Hammond, of Lauderdale ~1r. ALLISON. Oh, no ; let ~ not do that. County, Alabama, asking that his war claim be referred to the Court The PRESIDENT JJ'i'Otemp01 ·e. The motion is not debatable. The of Cbims-to the same committee. question is on agreeing to the motion of thA Senator from Pennsylva­ nia. [Putting the question.] The noes appear to have it. Mr. CAMERON. 1 cn.ll for the yea.c:; and nay.s. The yeas and nays were ordered. Mr. ~ULLER. I desire to present some morning business. I wish SENATE. to present a petition, which I presume is in order. THuRSDAY, DecembeJ· D, 1886. The PRESIDENT pro tempo1·e. Not until after the pending matter is disposed o£ The Secretary will call the roll Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. Mr. MILLER. Is this the regular order? JoNATHAN CHACE, a Senator from the State of Rhode Island, ap­ The PRESIDENT prO- tempore. It is the regular order. peared in his seat to-day. Mr. HOAR. I hope the Senator from Pennsylvania will withhold The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. his motion for the time being, and bring it up later in the day. EXECUTn'"E C0.1Dil:NICATIO:XS. Mr. CAMERON. It may just as well be voted on now as later in the day. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The yeas and nays have been from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a letter from the Di­ ordered, and the Secretary will call the roll. rector of the Mint recommending the repeal of the statutory limit to The Secretary proceeded to call the roll. the coinage of SUbsidiary SilYer coin; which, with the accompanyi.J:Jg ])lr. HARRISON (when his name was called). I am paired with the papers, was referred to the Committee on Finance and ordered to be SenatoT from Arkansas [Mr. J O~"ES], who is detained from the Senate by printed. • sickness. The PRESIDENT p1'o 'tempore. The Chair lays before the Senate a. Mr. BERRY {when the name ofMr. Jolo."ES, of Arkansas, was called). ·communication from the Treasurer of the United States, transmitting, My colleague [Mr. Jol!."RS, of Arkansas] is detained by sickness, and is in compliance with section 311 of the Revised Statutes, accounts ren­ paired with the Senator from Indiana [1\4". HARRISON]. dered to and settled with the First Comptroller for the fiscal year ended The roll-call was concluded. June 30, 1886. Accompanying this communication is a large bundle 1\lr. EERRY. The Senator from Texas [1\Ir. CoKE] is sick and unable of papel's. The communication will be printed and .laid on the table, to be here: He is paired with the Senat()r from Kansas [Mr. PLUMB]. and the question of printing the remaining documents will be referred 1\Ir. CONGER. I take this occasion to announce that my colleague to the Committee on Printing. [Mr. PALMER], who is necessarily absent, is paired on political ques­ The PRESIDENT p1'o tempore laid before the Senate a communica­ tions with the Senator from North Carolina [Mr. VANCE]. He is not tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting documents in the paired on this question, of course; but I make the announcement now land claim inNew Mexico known as the Ojo del Ariel tract, Jose Sut­ that he is paired until his retnm. ton, claimant; which, with the accompanying documents, was referred The result was announced-yeas, 23; nays, 22; as follows: to the Committee on Private Land Claims. ' YEAS-23. / ROUSE BILLS REFERRED. Beck, Gibson, 11Ianderson, Sawyer, Blackburn, Gorman, 1\Iitcllell of Oreg., Sewell, The following bills, received yesterday from the House of Represent­ Cameron, Hale, Mitchell of Pa., Vest, atives, were severally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Chace, Harris, Payne, Whit.thorue, Committee on .Military Affairs: Cockrell, Kenna, Platt, 'Vllson of Iowa. A bill (H. R. 7192) to provide a school of instruction for cavalry and Dolph, 1\Ic:Milliln, Ransom, light artillery, and for the construction and completion of quarters, NAYS-22. barracks, and siables at certain posts for the use of the Army of the Allison, Dawes, Ingalls, Spooner, Berry, Eustis, Miller. VanWyck, United States; and Blair, Frye, Morrill, Walthall, A bill (H. R. 1171) tO amend an act entitled "An act to provide for Call, George, Plumb, W illlams. Oonger, llawley, Saulsbury, ·the muster and pay of certain officers .and enlisted men of the volunteer Cullom, Hoar, Sherman, forct-s,'' approved J nne 3, 1884. · . The bill (H. R. 7990) for the relief of Thomas C. Dickey was read ABSENT-31. , Aldrich, Edmunds, - .Tones of NeYa.da, Riddlebe1·ger, twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on Cl;tims. Bowen, E varts, Logan, Sabin, WEST POIXT GRADUATES. Brown, Fair, :McPherson, Stanio1·d, Butler, Gray, Mahone, •reller, The PRESIDENT p1·o tempore laid before the Senate the..a.mendment Camden, Hampton, Maxey, Vance, of the House of Representn.tives to the bill (S. 1424) for the relief of Oheney, Harrison , l\-1organ, Voorhees, Coke, Jones of A1:kansas, Palmer, Wilson ofl\Id. -the graduates of the United States 1\Iil.ita.ry Academy, which was to Colquilt, .Tones of Florida, Pllgb, strike out all after the enacting clause and insert: So the motion was agreed to. That every cadet who has heretofore graduated or may hereafter graduate at • the West Point Military Academy, and who has been or may hereafter be com­ PETITIOXS AND 1\IE:\IORIALS. missioned a. second lieutenant in the Army of the United Stat~t under the laws 1\Ir. HOAR. I present the petition of Charlotte K. Sibley and others, appointing such graduates to the Army, shall be allowed fUll pay as second lieutenant from the date of his graduation to the date of his acceptance of and heirs and personal representatives ofHenry H. Sibley, praying for the . qualification under his commission, and during his graduation leave, in accord­ passage of the bill (S. 909) for the relief of Henry H. Sibley. The bill ance with the uniform practice which has prevailed since the establishment of is upon the Calendar, and has been reported, but the petition states the the Military Academy. · death oftheclaimant andsomereasonswhythebillshouldbeamended, 1\fr. SEWELL. I move that the Senate concm in the amendment of and I therefore moTe the reference of the petition to the Committee on the House of Representatives. Claims. The amendment was concurred in. The motion was agre~d to. ' 1886. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 55 l - :Mr. MILLER presented the petition of Clara G. Scott and other cit­ izing and directing the Secretary of War to lease to the National Hotel izens of New York, praying for the passage of a bill granting certain Company of New .Tru:sey certain land in M:onmonth County, New Jer­ relief to Clara G. Scott; which was referred to the Committee on Mil­ sey; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee itary Affairs.
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