PLANNING STATEMENT Land Off Heron Drive, Swansea Vale, Swansea May 2021 Summary Proposal: Full planning application for car sales dealership and associated works Location: Land Off Heron Drive, Swansea Vale, Swansea Date: May 2021 Project Reference: S21.119 Client: Sinclair Garages Port Talbot Limited Product of: Asbri Planning Limited Prepared by: Liam Griffiths | Planner Approved by: Phil Baxter | Director Disclaimer: This report has been prepared for the sole and exclusive use of client whom it was commissioned and has been prepared in response to their particular requirements and brief. This report may not be relied upon by any other party. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall not apply to this report and the provisions of the said Act are expressly excluded from this report. This report may not be used for any purpose other than that for which it was commissioned. This report may not be reproduced and/or made public by print, photocopy, microfilm or any other means without the prior written permission of Asbri Planning Ltd. The conclusions resulting from this study and contained in this report are not necessarily indicative of future conditions or operating practices at or adjacent to the Site. Much of the information presented in this report is based on information provided by others. That information has neither been checked nor verified by Asbri Planning Ltd. LAND OFF HERON DRIVE | PLANNING STATEMENT PA G E | 2 Contents Section 1 Introduction 4 Section 2 Site description and context 6 Section 3 Proposals 12 Section 4 Supporting documents 14 Section 5 Planning policy context 19 Section 6 Appraisal 26 Section 7 Conclusion 33 LAND OFF HERON DRIVE | PLANNING STATEMENT PA G E | 3 Introduction 1.1 This planning application has been prepared on behalf of Sinclair Garages Port Talbot Limited for the proposed full planning application for a car sales dealership and associated works at Land Off Heron Drive, Swansea Vale, Swansea. 1.2 Pre-application discussions have taken place with Swansea LPA within which it was confirmed that it is considered in principle that the proposed use would have some merit and would not conflict with the general thrust of LDP Policies which seek to retain employment land for appropriate uses. While the proposed car dealership use (Unique Use Class) does not fall within the B1 or B2 use classes it is a business/commercial regional employment opportunity in the Riverside Business Park. 1.3 The planning application comprises the following set of drawings: Drawing name Drawing reference Site Location Plan 5989_001 Proposed Site Plan 5989_101 Existing Site Plan 5989_100 Proposed Ground Floor Plan 5989_200 Proposed Roof Plan 5989_201 Proposed Elevations 5989_300 Proposed External Details 5989_401 Proposed Visuals 5989_402 Proposed Drainage Strategy C1755 C-001 Soft Landscape Proposal 1121.01 1.4 In addition, the following supporting documents are submitted. Document Prepared by Planning application forms (1APP) Asbri Planning Design and Access Statement Taylor Design Architects Planning Statement Asbri Planning Ecology Report Bay Ecology Tree Report Treescene SI Report Integral Geotechnique Energy Statement Transport Statement Corun Road Safety Audit J Bartlett Amenity Statement and GI Strategy DP Landscape Architecture Landscape Management Plan DP Landscape LAND OFF HERON DRIVE | PLANNING STATEMENT PA G E | 4 Architecture FCA JBA Runoff Rates Micro Drainage Surface Water Calculations Micro Drainage 1.5 The statement takes the format of an overview of the site and its surroundings at section 2. Section 3 discusses the proposals and section 4 provides a summary of the supporting documents. Section 5 includes a full review of relevant planning policy with this then used to appraise the development proposal at section 6 with the document concluding at section 7. LAND OFF HERON DRIVE | PLANNING STATEMENT PA G E | 5 Site description General location 2.1 The application site is located within Swansea Vale an area approximately 5km to the north east of Swansea City Centre. The area is predominantly characterised by industrial and light industrial uses. The site is located to the east of the A4067 adjacent the River Tawe which sits to the west. The site is centred on grid coordinates E: 267734, N: 198640. The site 2.2 The site is comprised of undeveloped land that is largely characterised by scrub. The site has been partially cleared to facilitate the development in accordance with the ‘Sensitive Vegetation Clearance Strategy’ prepared by Bay Ecology. The site contains a range of existing landscape features including groups of trees and scrub along the north and west boundaries and areas of scrub and rough grassland along the east and south boundaries. The development area within the site has been largely cleared but 4 groups of trees & scrub remain. The northern boundary is formed by the highway Swansea Vale, eastern boundary by Heron Drive and southern boundary by Moorhen Close. The western boundary comprises national cycle route 43. This route provides a green strip through the industrial section of the Swansea Valley to Swansea City Centre. 2.3 The NRW development advice maps show the site is located within flood zone C1 as such is served by significant infrastructure, including flood defences. 2.4 CADW mapping identifies there are no listed buildings within the site boundary or adjoining and none within close proximity to the site. 2.5 The Coal Authority maps show the site is located within a Coal Mining Reporting Area. 2.6 A review of the Swansea Local Development Plan proposals map shows the site is designated as Strategic Development Area (SD I). The LDP constraints map shows the site is located within flood zone 2 and 3. Access 2.7 Whilst the site is currently undeveloped and as such has no formal vehicular access a bell mouth is located along the southern boundary off Moorhen Close. LAND OFF HERON DRIVE | PLANNING STATEMENT PA G E | 6 2.8 The nearest bus stop to the site is located on the western side of the River Tawe along Sway Road approximately 600m from the site. 2.9 As discussed above the national cycle route 43 runs along the sites western boundary providing travel northbound to Clydach and southbound to Swansea City Centre. Surrounding Area 2.10 The site is located within a strategic development area as defined by the LDP. The land to the east and south is comprised of employment uses and is predominantly offices. Planning History 2.11 A Planning History search has been undertaken via the Council’s online planning explorer. The search highlighted two historic applications on the site comprising: Application No. Description of Development Decision Date 92/0090 Mixed development for residen- Withdrawn 03 Feb tial, leisure, commercial, indus- 1995 trial, hotel and community usage (outline) 2008/0152 Construction of 8 no. two storey Withdrawn 27 Feb office blocks (Class B1) compris- 2013 ing of 19 separate units, associ- ated car parking and works 2.12 In accordance with the above, the site does not benefit from an extant consent. Accordingly, the forthcoming application should be determined in accordance with prevailing planning policy at a local and national level. Pre-application Response 2.13 A pre-application enquiry was submitted to the authority on the 21st August 2020 and a response was received on the 8th October 2020 following a Microsoft teams meeting. The response is summarised in the relevant sections below: The principle of the proposed use 2.14 LDP Policy PS4 sets out the Council's strategy for employment areas which includes retaining land for employment that is in active viable employment use and forms part of the employment land bank, including existing employment estates and business parks. This is supported by Policy RC10 which states that land in active, viable employment use is considered part of the County's employment land LAND OFF HERON DRIVE | PLANNING STATEMENT PA G E | 7 bank and will be protected for B Class employment generating uses. The site is located within the Swansea Enterprise Park and is allocated within the LDP as part of a of a mixed-use strategic site – SD I: Swansea Vale. 2.15 LDP Policy SD I allocates land at Swansea Vale as a Strategic Development area for a comprehensive, residential led, mixed use development of circa 410 homes during the Plan period, and the completion of the Swansea Vale business park for commercial and employment use with 4 hectares of potential development areas that could accommodate appropriate B1 and B2 uses, with appropriate leisure uses. This site is designated as employment land in the LDP Concept Plan for Swansea Vale. One of the key placemaking principles set out in the policy is to provide regional employment opportunities within the existing Riverside and Central Business Park areas. While the proposed car dealership use (Unique Use Class) does not fall within the B1 or B2 use classes identified in Policy SD I, it is a business/commercial regional employment opportunity in the Riverside Business Park which Policy SD I seeks to support, subject to other planning considerations being satisfactory. 2.16 Having regard to the above factors, therefore, it is considered in principle that the proposed use would have some merit and would not conflict with the general thrust of LDP Policies which seek to retain employment land for appropriate uses. Place Making and Visual Amenity 2.17 Within the Swansea Vale Development Strategy one of the aims for the Riverside Business Park is “To develop as a high-quality business park, capitalising on the strategic waterside location and new business-district hub”. The Strategy also includes a “Mood Board” for industrial units that could provide assistance when designing the buildings. 2.18 While this arrangement would accord with the requirement within the SD I concept plan to include active frontages onto the main spine street, it is clear from streetview images that the spine street is heavily landscaped including structural tree planting that, together with the lower level of the site, would effectively screen the development from Swansea Vale/Blawdd Road.
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