/: ~//, (' 2... SHENANDOAH, IOWA 45 CENTS VOL. 46 JUNE,1982 NUMBER& -Photo by L.W. Ward for The Gazette, Cedar Rapids PAGE2 KITCHEN-KLAITER MAGAZINE, JUNE, 1982 before, mainly because he does not like Kitchen-Klatter to walk on an uncarpeted area-and (USPS 296-300) (Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.) began barking and growling and pulling MAGAZINE at the covers. All this commotion got Betty's atten­ "More Than Just Paper And Ink" tion real fast and she quickly awakened Leanna Field Driftmier, Founder and came out of her room to see what Lucile Driftmier Vemess, Publisher was going on. The next thing I knew, I Subscription Pnce $5.()() per year (12 issues) in the U.S.A. was in the local hospital with a black eye, Foreign Countries, $6.00. a bruise on my forehead and a cast on my Advertising rates made known on application. right wrist. Entered as second class matter May 21, 1937, at the post Needless to say, this put a screeching office at Shenandoah, Iowa, under the Act of March 3, 1879. halt to our plans to be in Albuquerque in Published monthly at time for my 72nd birthday on May 3rd. At The Driftmier Company this writing, however, I am improved Shenandoah, Iowa 51601 enough to be thinking seriously of Copyright 1982 by The Driftmier Company picking up our plans again. However, through the years I've really learned that it is hazardous to make plans in advance. Once June arrives, James and Katha­ LETTER FROM LUCILE For example: in March of 1963, our rine Lowey will have more time to entire family began to think about how spend riding their bicycles. Dear Friends: we were going to celebrate our parents' For the first time since I was sixteen or 50th wedding anniversary on June 25th. unusual light fixture. I spotted it in the seventeen years old and wrote my first We decided on a home "Open House" window of a store in Omaha when my copy for the Kitchen-Klatter Magazine for none of us were inclined to go out to a husband, Russell, and I were driving by at (then called the Mother's Hour Letter), I club or restaurant for such an occasion. the time we were remodeling this house. am unable to hold a pen or use a type­ Mother wrote at great length in the We bought it and put it in this special writer to write this letter to you. I asked Kitchen-Klatter Magazine for three place where it has been much enjoyed. Evelyn Birkby to come up to the house months telling the readers of all the plans The fixture is of filigreed brass and is and we are sitting here together at the being made for that momentous event. made up of three cylinders about 17, dining room table where I am suggesting But, when the day actually arrived, three inches long and 3 to 4 inches across' what I'd like to have written, and trust members of the family were in the hospi­ Each of the three hangs like a an that from her notes she'll be able to put tal and the celebration had to be can­ from a curved brass piece whi · op­ together those things I want to say to you celled. neot' to a cent<rr 00.. firrn~ fa<;'ifA If, good and faithful friends. First to be hospitalized was Dad. He the ce1hng. ~·.c-_. Before I even go into detail as to what lost his balance and fell. No bones were One day Betty and I heard a crac · • happened, I want to send profound broken, but he suffered from a badly then a smashing sound. One of th thanks to each and every one of you who sprained back which required hospital bulbs in this dining room fixture ,e · sent me a card or letter while I was in the care. I was next with a fall that resulted in ploded and dropped to the table, hospital and then recouperating here at a broken hip. (Just as Mother knew in­ chair and then on to the floor wi home. Two messages came through loud stantly that she had broken her back in tering intensity. From all the sp and strong: her tragic automobile accident in 1930, and puddles among the glass shards, i First, Hawkeye deserves a medal for so I knew the instant I fell that my hip was was evident that the bulb had been full recognizing that something was wrong broken.) of water. and going to get help and, secondly, Sometime in that same period, brother No one can explain how that bulb got everyone hopes that Betty and I will soon Donald was traveling for Guide Lamp water inside of it-certainly not enough be able to pick up our plans to go out to Corporation (a division of General to make it explode. No pipe or other New Mexico and, this time, carry them Motors) and was headed west for the water source is near that part of the ceil­ out without a hitch. anniversary when he got sick on the road ing. An attic space is above and it has a For those of you who do not hear our and ended up in the hospital in one of the firm roof with no leaks. It is, indeed, very daily radio program, I had best explain. Quad Cities-Davenport, if I remember curious! Late one evening, after Betty had gone correctly. This meant that three mem­ I'm wondering if anyone else has ever to bed, I was sitting up watching tele­ bers of our family were hospitalized at had such an experience? v1s1on. Hawkeye was keeping me the same time. As Evelyn and I sit making these notes, company. About 11:30, I decided it was After that wedding anniversary was so we can see the curved flower bed which time to go to bed, so I began lifting my­ completely blown out of the water, I de­ is directly under the living room win­ self out of the easy chair which I find so cided to be very careful and include an IF dows. It is full of gorgeous, snow-white comfortable when I sit for a long period of whenever any plans are announced. I trillium. These very plants were brought time. My wheelchair was in front of me even say IF every morning when I get up by Russell in 1946 from his mother's and the coffee table was off to my right. regarding what may happen during the original family farm in Wisconsin. As I pulled up from my old chair (and it day. Those sturdy plants have survived every­ is lower than my wheelchair), I slipped. One experience I had planned to write thing that we and the weather have done Two unbrtunate events happened: my about in my letter was a mysterious hap­ to them, and this means our big re­ head hit the corner of the coffee table pening in this house. Now, many strange modeling project with workmen tramp­ and I was knocked unconscious; my noises and queer coincidences ing around, and some very fierce winter right hand crashed down in such a happened in virtually every house during storms. manner that my wrist was broken. this long winter just past, but they were Our magnolia trees did not do well this Hawkeye immediately realized that all eventually explained. This particular year. The last heavy load of ice and snow something was wrong. He rushed into incident never was. that descended unseasonably late Betty's bedroom-a room into which Over the dining room table where undoubtedly froze the flower buds. The this big Doberman had never gone Evelyn and I are sitting today hangs an (Continued on page 22) KITCHEN-KLAITER MAGAZINE, JUNE, 1982 PAGE3 structure was the only hope we had of obtaining our dream house. ALISON'S Mike did all the creative design and blueprint work. He's blessed with a re­ ACTIVITIES markable blend of artistic and practical capabilities, no doubt inherited from his mother, Southwest artist, Connie Wal­ stad. He took great care in designing the house to be comfortable, sensible, and Dear Friends: energy efficient. The windows capture The last time I wrote, I mentioned that the sun's rays to best advantage, and I would have a surprise to share with you present the prettiest mountain views this letter. And so I do! Although I never from every angle. I often teasingly down­ dreamed it would take so many months play his talent, reminding him that all the to become a reality, our project is com­ drawing should have come easily, since pleted, and I am thrilled to tell you the he'd already designed half a dozen saga of how we have come to live in a houses over the years-none of which "new" home. had ever been built. It seems hard to believe, but this last The actual construction was done by April Mike and I celebrated our eleventh local labor, one or two men working on wedding anniversary. And how did we each phase-framing, plumbing, electri­ This is gift-giving month for fathers and grandfathers. Little Lily Walstad spend the momentous occasion? With a cal, etc. Many of our friends are em­ shows great interest in the brightly quiet dinner at home after which we ployed in some fashion by the construc­ wrapped package her grandfather, stained and varnished woodwork until tion industry, (which incidently is flour­ Jack Walstad, is holding.
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