176 Bulletin No . 17, W ashington Geological Survey Konnh. A station on the S. & I. E. Ry., 10 miles north of Oakesdale, In northeastern ,Vhltman County; e1evation, 2,412 feet. r<:oonb< Coulee. A coulee extending for several miles from Ringold to the northeast, ln west central. Franklin County. (30) Ko11lnh. A town on the line of tne Eastern Ry. & Lumber Co., about 10 miles east of Centralia, In northwestern Lewis County; eleva­ tion, 305 feel. (1) Ko11moH. A village on Cowlitz River, 10 miles southeast of Morton, In central Lewis County; elevatlou, 751 feet. (1) Kot,m,•k Creek. A western headwater of Cblnook Creek. heading on the slopes of Cowlitz Chimneys, east of Mount Rainier, in south­ eastern Pierce County. (69) Kountze. A station on the N. P. Ry., 15 miles northwest of FJllensburg, In central Kittitas County; elevation, 1,770 feet. (96) Krn.ln. A village 216 miles north or Enumclaw, in south central Klng County. (44) Kreger Lt1ke. A small lake about 6 miles west of Eatonville. In south central Pierce County. (26) ICrueger Mou,,tntn. A mountain west of Osoyoos Lake, In no1·th central Okanogan County: elevation, 2,890 feet. (62) JCru,,p. A town on the G. N. Ry., 30 miles east of Ephrata, In east cen­ tral Grant Count~·; elevation, 1.315 feet. (l) Kru11e. A station on the G. N. Ry., 10 miles north of Everett, In west central Snohomish County. Kulo KnJn Point. A small headland half way between New Dungeness Bay ancl Washington Harbor, In northeastern Clallam County. (5) Kuitu" ,touotnlo. A mountain ridge aboul 10 miles southeast of Sedro Woolley, In west central Skagit County: maximum e1evation, 4,089 feet. (58) Kub:er. A station on lhe G. N. Ry., 10 mile:< south of Chewelah, In souu, central Slevens County. Kummer. A town on Green Rive,· and on the P. C. R. R., 2 miles south of Black Diamond, in south central King County; elevation, 644 feet. ( 4) Kyro. A station on the N. P. Ry., 6 miles south of Nisaually, In east central Thurston County. (97) L11 Doh-n Gov. A pass on the Caaca(1e divide. between headwaters of Middle Fo1·k of Snoc1ualmie 'River and Middle Fork of Cle Elum River, fn King and Kittitas counties. (12) l,oeomn"' Creek. A small eastern tributary of Muck Creek, at Roy, In west central Pierce County. (25) LuCrunnN Oreek. A trlbutar~· of Cowlitz River, from the no1·theast, near Vader. in southwestern Lewis County. (45) LnCnmn" Lt1ke. A narrow lake, 2 miles long. on LaCamas Creek, 1 mile norlh of Camas. in southeaste,·n Cla1·ke County. (27) La Cente r. A post office on South Fork or Lewls River, 6'h mllea norlh­ east of Ridgefield, In northwestern Clarke County; elevation. 250 feet. Lueey. A atatlon on the N. P. Ry., 5 miles east of Olympia. in central Thurston County: elevation, 184 feet. (1) LneonJn. A village in Snoqualmie Pass, ln northwestern Kittitas Coun­ ty; elevation, 3.010 feet. A Geographic Dictionary of W ashington li7 LnConner. A town on Skagit Bay, southwest o! Mount Vernon, In southwestern Skagit County. ( 1) Lne ro,01e. A town on the line o! the 0.-W. R. R. & N. Co., 11 mlles south or Winona, In west central Whitman County; elevation, 1,472 feet. (1) Laulcl. A town on the Tacoma Eastern Ry. (C. M. & St. P. Ry.), about 14 mlles north ot Mort.on, In north central Lewis County. (1) Ludow. A station on the S. & I . E. Ry., 4 miles south of Garfield, In east central Whitman County; elevation, 2,683 feet. Lndow Butte . A butte 6 miles north of Palouse, ln east central Whit­ man County: elevation, 3,302 feet. (67) Ludu. A v!llage on Columbia River, about 5 miles southwest ot Kelso, In southwestern Cowlitz County. ( 4 ) Lndy hlnnd. An island 2 miles long, in Columbia River, near Camas, In southeastern Clarke County. (27) Lngrnnde. A town on Nlsqually River and the Tacoma Eastern Ry. (C. M:. & St. P. Ry.), 37 miles southeast of Tacoma, ln south central Plet·ce County: elevation, 942 feet. (1) Lake. A 11tatlon on the N. P. Rl'·· 16 miles north oC Seatlle, In north­ western King County; elevation, 41 feet. (4) Luke Dny. A PO!lt ofllce on the west side or Carr Inlet, In northwestern Ple1·ce Count)'. C1) Lnke Creek. A tributary of Entiat River, !rom the east. In centi•al Chelan County. (46) J,nke Cree k. A trlbutar~, of Wenatchee River, heading in some lakes on the Cascade summit, In west central Chelan Count}'. (72) Luke Cree k. A tributary of Soleduck :River, from the north, about 7 miles norlh of Forks, In southwestern Clallam County, outlet ot Lake Tyee. (19) J,nke Creek. A tributary of Chehalis -River, Crom the south, east of Klaber, In southwestern Lewis County. (1) Lnke Creek. The outlet of Packwood Lake, northeast of Lewis Post Office, In east central Lewis County. (20) Lnke Creek. A tributary of upper Crab Creek, from the northeast, In central Lincoln County. (1) Lr,ke Creek. An outlet of Pearrygln Lake, 1¥, miles northeast of Win­ throp, In west central Okanogan County. (93) Lnke Creek. The pl'lnclpal western headwater of Chewack Creek, In northwestern Okanogan County. (1) Luke Creek, An upper headwater ot PUchuck Creek, the outlet of Cav11- naugh Lake, In southwestern Skaglt County. (58) Lnke Creek, A small southwestern tributary or Latah Creek, near Spo­ kane. In central Spokane County. (75) Luke Cre,.cent. A post office at the west end of Lake Crescent, In north central Clallam CouMY. ( J 9) Luke Cu8hman. A post otllce 10 miles northwest of Hoodsport, In no,·th­ western :lllason County: elevatlon, 670 feet. (1) Lnke ForeHt Park, A town on the N. P. Ry. and on Lake Washington, 19 miles north or Seattle, In 11orthwestern King County. (4) Lnke Rfrer. The outlet of Vancouver Lake, on the flood-plain of Co­ lumbia River, north or Vancouver, In Clarke County. (64) Lake StevenH, A post ottlce on t11e east shore of Lake Stevens, 9¥.i miles northwest of Everett, in west central Snohomish Count~·. (2) 178 Bulletin No. 17, Washington Geological Survey L11ked11le. A station on the N. P. Ry. (.Roslyn Branch), and on Cle Ellum Lake. 7 miles northwest of Cle E lum, in west central Kittitas County. (1) Lnkulde. A town on the south shore of Lake Chela n , 1 mile west of the mouth of the lake, in east central Chelan County; elevatlon. 1,091 feet. (46) Lnke,.hle. A station on the W. W. P. Co. Ry.. 3 miles north of Cheney, In west central Spokane Cou nty; elevation. 2,409 feet. (4) Lnke,,tew. A town on the N. P. IRy., 8 miles south of Tacoma, In west central Pierce County; elevation, 277 feet. (1) Lllke'\'1ew Mountain. A peak on the Cascade summit, about 14 miles northeast of Mou nt Adams, in Lewis and Yakima counties; e leva­ t ion, 6,661 feet. (37) Lnke woo,t. A post office on the G. N. Ry., 13 miles north of Everett, in west central Snohomish County. (English Station.) (1) Lakotn. A post office on the east shor·e of Puget Sound, near the Pierce County line. In sou thwestern King County. (2) L1tn1nr. A town on the N. P. Ry., 24 miles northwest of '\.Valla Walla, In central Walla Walla County; elevation, 853 reel. (l) Lambert Creek. A tributary of C u r lew Creek. from the east, near the toot or Curlew Lake, in north central Ferry County. (1) Lumbert !Houutttln. A mountain In the Kettle River Range, 12 Y, mile$ southeast of Curlew. In north central Ferry Cou nty; elevation. about 6,500 teet. (16) Lumberton. A station on the B. & N. Ry. (C. M. & St. P. Ry.), 2 m iles southeast of Sumas, In north central What com County; elevation, 43 feeL (79) Launoun. A station on the G. N. Ry., 16 miles southwest of Harrington, in soulll central Lincoln County: e levation, l, 790 feet. (l) Lamont. A station on the S. P. & S. Ry., in north western Whitman County; elevation, 1,947 feet. (1) Lnncaster. A post otnce on the line of the 0.-W. R. R. & N. Co., 11 m iles northeast of Winona, i·n central Whitman Cou nty; e levation, 1,819 feet. (Willada Station.) (1) Lnu<lers Ct'eek. A southern tributary of Cowlitz River, southeast ot Kosmos, In south central Lewis County. (16) Luuclsburg. A station on the C. M. & St. P . Ry., 28 miles east of Seattle, In south central King County; e levation, 535 feet. (4) Laut1>1lhle nuvhl. A rapltl In Columbia River, 30 m iles above the mouth of Spokane River, In Ferry and St&vens counties. (31) L1rngtel Peuk. A peak between the headwaters of McCoy Creek and Lewis River, In north central Skamania County. (15) Longley. A town on the east shore of Whldbey Island, opposite the southern end o! Camano Island, In Island County. (1) Lnugley B11y . A small bay on the west shor e of Fldalgo Island, at the south end of Burrow s Bay, In west cent ral Sk agit County. (6) Longl ey HUI. A h ill on the low p lain 5 miles north or North Bay, In west central Grays Harbor County; elevation, 257 feet. (60) Lnngley Point. A point on the west shore of Fidalgo Island, near the west end of Deception Pass, In southwestern Skagit County. (5) Lnotz. A post office in eastern Adams County, near the S.
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