5804 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 4 April 12, 2011 Giovanini for receiving the Arvada Wheat Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Fran- IN RECOGNITION OF THE 133RD Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. cisco Aguilar is a 10th grader at Jefferson ANNIVERSARY OF THE BRIGHT Dominic Giovanini is a 12th grader at Arvada Senior High and received this award because HOPEWELL MISSIONARY BAP- West High School and received this award be- his determination and hard work have allowed TIST CHURCH cause his determination and hard work have him to overcome adversities. allowed him to overcome adversities. The dedication demonstrated by Francisco HON. LARRY KISSELL The dedication demonstrated by Dominic Aguilar is exemplary of the type of achieve- OF NORTH CAROLINA Giovanini is exemplary of the type of achieve- ment that can be attained with hard work and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment that can be attained with hard work and perseverance. It is essential students at all Tuesday, April 12, 2011 perseverance. It is essential students at all levels strive to make the most of their edu- levels strive to make the most of their edu- Mr. KISSELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cation and develop a work ethic which will cation and develop a work ethic which will pay tribute to a very special occasion—the guide them for the rest of their lives. guide them for the rest of their lives. 133rd anniversary of Bright Hopewell Mis- I extend my deepest congratulations to I extend my deepest congratulations to sionary Baptist Church in Laurinburg, North Dominic Giovanini for winning the Arvada Francisco Aguilar for winning the Arvada Carolina. I would like to highlight some mo- Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth ments from the history of the church. Early in 1878, a small group of men and award. I have no doubt he will exhibit the award. I have no doubt he will exhibit the their families conceived the idea of having a same dedication and character in all his future same dedication and character in all his future church in their community. They met from one accomplishments. accomplishments. family home to another for a short period of f time. They searched the surrounding commu- f HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE nity and found a place they desired for a church. The land was located on the north OF SPC. KEITH T. BUZINSKI PERSONAL EXPLANATION side of Dickson Street in Laurinburg, North Carolina, which was a part of Richmond Coun- HON. JOHN L. MICA ty at this time. On May 1, 1878, the men and OF FLORIDA HON. DUNCAN HUNTER their Chairman-Deacon and Trustee Adam IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA Johnson met with the land owner, Mr. William Tuesday, April 12, 2011 W. McLaurin. An agreement was made to pur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES chase the land for $50. The parcel of land was Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, on Thursday, April 100 feet by 125 feet. The agreement stated 7, 2011 a Central Florida soldier lost his life in Tuesday, April 12, 2011 that the land was to be used for religious pur- service to our nation from wounds suffered Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. poses, or it would revert to the McLaurin Fam- when enemy forces attacked his unit with 204 I am recorded as not voting for H.R. 471, ily. Mr. Adam Johnson sold a bale of cotton to small arms fire in Logar Province while as- the Scholarships for Opportunity and Results secure the money for the purchase of the par- signed to the 2nd Battalion, 30th Infantry Regi- Act. Despite my presence on the floor during cel. ment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 10th Moun- the vote on this bill, the electronic voting sys- The men pulled a house upon the lot and tain Division, based in Fort Drum, New York. the first church was established in May 1878. Specialist Buzinski joined the U.S. Army in tem erroneously recorded my vote. I ask that the RECORD reflect my support for H.R. 471, The land was deeded to Adam Johnson, August of 2006. Once he completed his train- Trustee of the Laurinburg Colored Baptist ing at Fort Benning, Georgia, he was stationed including my vote in favor of this important piece of legislation. Church from William McLaurin and was re- at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, then Fort Polk, corded in deed book DD at page 45. A second Louisiana, where he deployed with his unit in f deed written on Nov. 30, 1892 records the October 2010 after previously serving in Iraq sale of a portion of land also on Dickson from September 2007 to November 2008. DONOVAN NICHOLS Street. The deeds indicated that Mr. and Mrs. Specialist Buzinski’s impressive list of L.A. Monroe sold the land to the trustees of awards and decorations include the Bronze the church. Their names appear on the deed Star; Purple Heart; Army Commendation HON. ED PERLMUTTER as Adam Johnson, Hugh A. Gilchrist, Edmund Medal; Army Achievement Medal; Valorous Jones, and Riley Wall. The sale was made for Unit Award; Army Good Conduct Medal; Na- OF COLORADO $225. This land was secured for a parsonage. tional Defense Service Medal; Afghanistan IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The church bought a frame house and moved Campaign Medal; Iraq Campaign Medal; Glob- it on this property and the parsonage was al War on Terrorism Service Medal; Army Tuesday, April 12, 2011 used for many years. The parsonage was torn Service Ribbon; two Overseas Service Rib- down in 1964. bons; NATO Medal; and Combat Infantryman Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise In December of 1905, the church asked its Badge. today to recognize and applaud Donovan Deacons to purchase the lot of land east and We shall never forget the ultimate sacrifice Nichols for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge north of the church lot. The men purchased Specialist Buzinski has given for his country. Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Dono- the land on December 21, 1905 from the His actions will serve as an everlasting re- van Nichols is an 11th grader at Jefferson same William W. McLaurin for $200. The lot minder of the dedication and sacrifice the Senior High and received this award because purchased by this deed was 50 feet of front- members of our nation’s armed services make his determination and hard work have allowed age extending 175 feet north, 150 feet west, every day. him to overcome adversities. and 50 feet south to the existing church lot on Specialist Buzinski is survived by his wife, The dedication demonstrated by Donovan Dickson Street. The church property now two children, sister, mother and father. Nichols is exemplary of the type of achieve- measured 150 feet of frontage by 175 feet in f ment that can be attained with hard work and the form of a rectangle. This second deed was perseverance. It is essential students at all recorded on December 23, 1905, in Scotland FRANCISCO AGUILAR County. levels strive to make the most of their edu- Church Services were held the first and cation and develop a work ethic which will third Sundays of each month for a number of HON. ED PERLMUTTER guide them for the rest of their lives. OF COLORADO years. For baptisms, water had to be carried IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I extend my deepest congratulations to from a well in the church yard to a nearby out- Donovan Nichols for winning the Arvada door pool. The outside frame for this pool Tuesday, April 12, 2011 Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth could be seen behind the Dickson Street Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise award. I have no doubt he will exhibit the Church. Prior to the building of the outside today to recognize and applaud Francisco same dedication and character in all his future pool, candidates for baptism were baptized in Aguilar for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge accomplishments. Roper’s Mill Pond. VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:05 Feb 27, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR11\E12AP1.000 E12AP1 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD April 12, 2011 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 4 5805 In 1917, a house east of the church was Inspirational choirs have sung praises for for the distinguished recognition of Marine used as a parsonage. The church, which was Bright Hopewell. Bright Hopewell Missionary Corps Athlete of the Year. rebuilt in 1917, was a wood frame building Baptist Church has a glorious past of spiritu- I offer Captain Hillery my congratulations for facing south on Dickson Street. ality, perseverance, hard work, and determina- his accomplishments and sincere gratitude for Prior to its remodeling, the frame building tion. I have enjoyed each time I have wor- his military service. Mr. Speaker, I ask you to contained a belfry with a huge bell that could shiped at Bright Hopewell. It is by the Grace please join me in honoring all the brave men be heard from at least a mile away. The resi- of God that it stands firm after all these years. and women who have served in the United dents of Washington Park could distinctly hear With God’s guidance the church looks forward States Armed Forces, and the admirable the bell ring for Sunday School and eleven to a brighter future. achievements of Captain Robert Hillery. o’clock church services. They could also hear I congratulate Bright Hopewell Baptist its toll when there was a death among its Church on their 133rd anniversary and wish f members.
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