ALPHABETICAL INDEX NEWSLETTER (OSNL 1 - OSNL 131) Notes: Enquiries from contributors have been prefixed with QUERY, and any responses prefixed with > RE, and grouped beside the original query. 0 0.50calibre A/A Maxson mount at Pegasus Bridge Morgan, R OSNL104 1 pounder Amusette, 5ft, 2 5/8 cwt Roth, R[No 62/M] OSNL70 1 pounder, Dutch [Verbruggen, 1746] Roth, R[No.583] OSNL101 1/3rd scale model of a Gatling gun Day, J OSNL85 100 years back 1: Cordite (Engineering, 29 May 1896) Day, J OSNL33 100 years back 2: The dynamite gun (Engineering, May 1896) Day, J OSNL33 100 years back 3: American ordnance (Engineering, Jun1896) Day, J OSNL33 100 years back 4: QF gun mountings for Belgium (1896) Day, J OSNL33 10in, 20ton Armstrong gun project: …. carriage and slide Garie, F OSNL41 1 12 pounder howitzer, Millar pattern, 3’8”, 6 /2cwt sea service Roth, R [No. 486] OSNL13 12.5-inch Rifled Muzzle Loading (RML) Walshaw, T OSNL42 13-inch Mortar, land service, 3’ 7½”, 25cwt Roth, R[No. 468/M] OSNL79 13-inch mortar, land service, 3’7½”, 25cwt [Verbruggen] Roth, R[No.468] OSNL64 13-pfunder Zunftstuck "Schmiede" von 1679 Roth, R[No.224] OSNL57 13–pfunder Zunftstuck “Widder” von 1681 Roth, R[No.285] OSNL105 15-inch gun for Victoria or a Zalinsky at Shoeburyness Hill, A OSNL69 1618 gun in Brest Morgan, R OSNL94 > Re:1618 gun in Brest (part two) (OSNL94) Brinck, N OSNL95 18 pounder Mk.II at Halifax, Nova Scotia Trollope, C OSNL115 18-inch gun Parker, T OSNL15 18-inch gun and the ‘N3’ Battleships Morgan, R OSNL111 18pr smooth-bore cannon [French, Model 1758, in Malta] Ferrugia, M OSNL48 1995 Living history & live firing events at Fort Nelson Hall, N OSNL30 200 years of the Cape Town noon gun [from CASA] Vries, G de OSNL77 2½ pfunder bataillonstuck von 1797 Roth, R[No.287] OSNL67 23rd Symposium of ICHOTEC Budapest: Report on the Gunpowder Buchanan, B OSNL36 Technology Section 28cm railway guns [After the Battle Magazine, No.78] Gallagher, M OSNL21 3.7-inch Gun and its Role in World War 2 (Part I) Machin, A OSNL98 3.7-inch Gun and its Role in World war 2 (Part II) Machin, A OSNL99 3.7-inch Gun and its Role in World War: Introduction Parker, T OSNL98 3.7-inch QF-AA Gun on a Canadian Ram tank chassis (WWII) Anon OSNL129 3.7-inch shell-case markings Parker, T OSNL105 30.5cm cast iron howitzer (Engineering, March 11, 1892) Day, J OSNL30 30.5cm Trubia coastal gun, Castell de Montjuic, Barcelona Williams, P OSNL60 32-pounder in Malta Trollope, C OSNL120 3pr QF Hotchkiss Hall, N OSNL114 4.5-inch howitzer drawing WWI Morgan, R OSNL103 4.7-inch QF gun on Spike Island [restoration] Clements, B OSNL126 50mm KWK 39 L/60 in Normandy Morgan, R OSNL130 5cm KwK 39 L/60 in Normandy Morgan, R OSNL111 6-inch, 5ton BL Armstrong (EOC) guns on disappearing carriages Garie, F OSNL87 64pr 64 cwt carriages Garie, F OSNL42 68pr [Fort Nelson acquisition] Hall, N OSNL16 68pr iron, English, Dundas, 10'0", 95 cwt (Douglas 1855) Canfield, EB OSNL28 6pr cannon proof [London Evening Post, Nov. 1750] Milburn, J OSNL65 6pr Whitworth rifle [US replica] Smith, G OSNL118 70mm anti-aircraft barrage mortar (7cm Uchiage sosoku-dan) McAllister, P OSNL117 75’s of 1940 [M1897, M1917 & M1916] Gander, T OSNL114 80pr brass gun [RML] (The Engineer, 20th July 1860) Day, J OSNL28 9.2-inch gun firing, Boer War Slade, P OSNL42 A Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, USA Gallagher, M OSNL87 About the calibre & English pound, ca. 1540-60 [cf OSJ Vol.3] Trollope, CN OSNL15 Ad hoc visit to Waltham Abbey: Report Parker, T OSNL49 Adrian Caruana: A tribute Trollope, C OSNL46 Adrian Caruana: A final photographic tribute Stafford, A OSNL48 Adverts in the Newsletter OSNL17 Aiming Rifles and Sub-Calibre Guns Parker, T OSNL130 Aiming rifles mounted on English rifled muzzleloaders Garie, F OSNL92 Alas poor William (Armstrong) Hill, A OSNL60 Alexander Raby [Iron founder: information sources] Day, J OSNL63 American conversions of ML’s [Engineering April 1st 1892] Day, J OSNL30 American pneumatic dynamite guns Day, J OSNL33 Ammo Box: 18½pr common pointed shell Parker, T OSNL49 Ammo Box: 1pr COW gun Parker, T OSNL27 Ammo Box: 1pr COW gun Parker, T OSNL29 Ammo Box: 1pr Pom-Pom round Parker, T OSNL106 > Re:Vickers 37mm Maxim MG (OSNL106) Trollope, C OSNL107 Ammo Box: 4.5-inch ammunition Parker, T OSNL45 Ammo Box: 40 & 90mm EMG kinetic energy projectiles Parker, T OSNL31 Ammo Box: 5.25-inch HE shell with Probert rifling Parker, T. OSNL35 Ammo Box: 6pr Davies Gun shell Parker, T OSNL45 Re: Davis recoilless guns (OSNL45), feedback Overton, A OSNL46 Ammo Box: 90mm EMG kinetic energy projectile Parker, T OSNL28 Ammo Box: Ammunition in Nuffield House Parker, T OSNL48 Ammo Box: Arms and Ammunition Firearms Act Parker, T OSNL21 Ammo Box: British 20th century ammunition Parker, T OSNL19 Ammo Box: British large calibre ammunition Parker, T OSNL26 Ammo Box: British manufacturers' headstamps Parker, T & Debski,T OSNL15 Ammo Box: British manufacturers' headstamps Parker, T OSNL16 Ammo Box: British manufacturers' headstamps Parker, T OSNL17 Ammo Box: Cannon ball from Loch Ryan Parker, T OSNL45 Ammo Box: Crane ballast box [contents, shells] Parker, T OSNL22 Ammo Box: General Parker, T OSNL18 Ammo Box: German WW2 anti-tank projectiles Parker, T OSNL33 > Re:German WW2 A/T projectiles (OSNL33), feedback Harry, W. OSNL35 Ammo Box: Head stamps of cartridge manufacturers Parker, T OSNL14 > Re:6pr ammunition special Swiftsure & Triumph (OSNL14) Smith, C OSNL17 Ammo Box: New legislation Parker, T OSNL20 Ammo Box: RFC bomb fuze Parker, T OSNL105 > Re:Ammo Box RFC bomb fuze (OSNL105) Overton, A OSNL106 Ammo Box: Russian 3in Shrapnel round Parker, T OSNL58 Ammo Box: Shells from the crane ballast box Parker, T OSNL25 Ammo Box: Unidentified projectile Parker, T/Smith, C OSNL30 Ammo drawings Debski, T OSNL26 Ammunition Box: A suitable case for treatment Parker, T OSNL11 Ammunition Box: British 95mm infantry howitzer Parker, T OSNL13 Ammunition Box: Fuzes, projectiles, & feeding devices Debski, T OSNL12 Ammunition Box: German & American ammunition Parker, T OSNL10 Ammunition for the 47mm Bohler gun [Italian 47/32 ammunition and fuzes] McKenzie, I OSNL80 Ammunition for the anti-smoking lobby Anon OSNL31 Another Benin cannon Smith, RB OSNL37 Another cannon found [Green Point, SA] Vries, G de OSNL83 Another multi-barrel gun [Model Engineer, 29th April 1915] Day, J OSNL69 Another odd gun [Combined plough and gun] Smith, G OSNL126 Anthony Bacon as a gunfounder Braid, D OSNL4 Anti-tank gun in Spain [4 5mm M1932] Morgan, R OSNL95 Anzio Annie [German 28cm railway guns, WW II] Parker, T OSNL30 > Re:Anzio Annie, feedback (OSNL30) Parker, T OSNL31 Appeal on behalf of the British Shooting Sports Council Overton, A OSNL43 Appeal: information to help with the return and restoration of HMS Whimbrel Watson, IM OSNL78 Archaeological discovery [Wrought iron port piece, Hull] Smith, RD OSNL41 Armada guns and ammunition supply Trollope, CJN OSNL5 Armada programme on television: May-June 2015 Trollope, C OSNL111 Armament of a Thames gun barge c1797 Anstee, AR OSNL83 Arming of the Chatham Lines [1803] Anstee, A OSNL30 Arms and Armour Society OSNL57 Armstrong 6” 4 ton and 8” 12.5 ton (Chambered) RML Guns Clements, B OSNL 131 Armstrong 600pr, 110pr & mortar [illustrations] Buchanan, J OSNL20 Armstrong carriage project [10in, 20ton RML in Australia] Garie, F OSNL22 Army & Navy Illustrated, April 1899 [The Royal Laboratory] McKenzie, I OSNL19 Articles in Canadian Arms Collecting Gooding, J OSNL36 Artillery collection at Fort Belan Curtis, B OSNL13 Artillery Fest 2018 [RA Association, Larkhill] Smith, G OSNL124 Artillery Fest, 2018 [Larkhill, 20 October] OSNL123 Assessment of the Milemete gun and the Loshult gun by a modern military Pijls, S OSNL78 engineer Award of Byrne Medal to Captain AB Caruana, RA, (Retd.) Editor OSNL14 B Barbados ordnance Trollope, CN OSNL15 Basilisk in Portuguese Sources Barker, R OSNL32 Batterie de l’eperon [2x155mm in a Galopin retracting turret] Cook, R OSNL79 Batteries Chamberlin & Townsley; Golden Gate Snowdon, G OSNL106 Batteries in Tsingtao Garrett, R OSNL89 Battlefield map of Verdun OSNL23 Bersham Ironworks Williams, A OSNL2 Bibliography: Adrian Bernard Caruana (1934 - 1998) Gooding, J & McKenzie, IA OSNL50 Big Cannon Project Reed, N OSNL128 Big Guns - New Threat? [EH guns at risk survey] Morgan, R OSNL122 Big guns in the Indian sub-continent Morgan, R OSNL56 Bill Love's canon models Armstrong, R OSNL30 Bits and pieces: How to blow up a cow Trollope C OSNL59 Bits and pieces: Visits in Belgium, France & Holland [FSG] Trollope C OSNL59 Blacker Bombard or Spigot Mortar Garie, F OSNL120 > Re:Blacker Bombard [OSNL120] Hall, N; Overton, A; Garie, F OSNL121 & McKenzie, I Blakely's 8½-inch gun at the Great Exhibition [print] Buchanan, J OSNL19 Blitz by bombing balloons? [US West Coast] Morgan, R OSNL97 Bofors 120mm gun [picture] Pijls, S OSNL89 Bofors Collection [photographs & pamphlets] Henry, C OSNL38 Bohler guns [in Singapore] (feedback on OSJ Vol.18) Morgan, R OSNL78 Bomb Disposal, Part I [I Mech.Eng., November 1946] Gough, HJ OSNL55 Bomb Disposal, Part II [I Mech.Eng., November 1946] Gough, HJ OSNL56 Bomb Disposal, Part III [I Mech.Eng., November 1946] Gough, HJ OSNL57 Bomb Disposal, Part IV [I Mech.Eng., November 1946] Gough, HJ OSNL58 Bombard, Burgundy, bronze, 22cm bore (1476) Roth, R [No. 276] OSNL22 Book for Sale: Artillery Survey in the First World War Gander, T OSNL128 Book for Sale:Construction of artillery by R Mallet; 1856 OSNL125 Book review: Ordnance QF 2pr Fuller, P OSNL75 Book: Castles and Fortifications in Ireland 1485-1945 by P Kerrigan OSNL32 Book: Gunpowder and Canvas [guns found at La Goleta, CA] OSNL6 Book: Mafeking's artillery by Colin Walker Walker, C OSNL76 Book: Mons Meg and other Bombards OSNL6 Book: The Forgotten Front and Home Base, 1914-1918 OSNL6 Book: The muzzle loading cannon of South Africa Vies, G de & Hall, J OSNL55 Books and articles of interest Smith, RD OSNL11 Books: new publications from the Royal Armouries Wurr, D OSNL62 BP Guns [blue prints of Bailey, Peg & Co.
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