GLYNN COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief John Powell HEADQUARTERS ISLANDS SUBSTATION 157 Public afety Boulevard 1965 Demere Road Brunswick, GA 31525 Sr. Simo ns L·l and, GA 31522 912-554-7800 Dispatch: 912-554-3645 912-2 79-2891 www.police.glynncounty-ga.org To: Board of Commissioners Via: Personnel Committee From: John Powell, Police Chief Subject: Request to Reclassify CSO Position Date: July 9, 2019 Statement of the Issue: In 2018, the Police Department underwent a study by the International Association of Chiefs of Police. One recommendation of the study was to create a full-time position of Crime Analyst. Crime analysts review all police reports every day with the goal of identifying patterns as they emerge. Analyses of these trends, patterns, and hot spots provide the who, what, when, where, how, and why of emerging crime in our community. The police department will use this information to develop effective tactics and strategies, interceding as soon as possible, preventing victimization, and reducing crime. This position was requested for FY20; however, funding was not available to add the position at that time. To meet this very important need of the community while responsibly managing the current funding available, I have developed a plan to provide this service with minimal financial impact. The duties of Crime Analyst will be assigned to the current Lieutenant over Training. The duties of the Training Lieutenant will be assigned to the current Lieutenant over Professional Standards. These changes are a reallocation of responsibilities only and do not affect pay grades. To accomplish the duties of Professional Standards, I am requesting a reclassification of one Community Service Officer (CSO). The department was fortunate to recruit a candidate for CSO who is highly qualified for a position as Programs Analyst overseeing Professional Standards. The duties of this position include: • Policy review, revision, and implementation • Conducting internal affairs investigations at the direction of the Chief • GACP State Certification Program compliance CSO Stephen Sarnoski's current annual salary is $20,056. The annual salary difference is $36,859 which includes all benefits. The proposed staffing adjustments provide the citizens and visitors of Glynn County a higher level of service through the establishment of a dedicated Crime Analyst as recommended by the IACP study while also responsibly managing the available funding and maintaining the current number of sworn positions. Please consider approving these changes. Alternatives: 1) Approve the reclassification of one Community Service Officer position to Programs Analyst over Professional Standards. 2) Do not approve. Recommendation: Staff recommends Alternative #1. Recommended Motion for the Personnel Committee: I move to recommend that the Board of Commissioners approve the reclassification of one Community Service Officer position to Programs Analyst over Professional Standards. Recommended Motion for the Board of Commissioners: I move to approve the reclassification of one Community Service Officer position to Programs Analyst over Professional Standards. Attachments: Cri me Analyst Job Description Stephen Sarnoski's Re sume GLYNN COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief John Powell HEADQUARTERS ISLANDS SUBSTATION 157 Public Safety Boulc\md 1965 Demere Road Brunswick, GA 31525 St. Simons Island, GA 31522 912-554-7800 Dispatch: 912-554-3645 912-2 79-289 1 www.police.glynncounty-ga.org CRIME ANALYST Job Description De cription Und r gen ral dir ction of the Chief of Police or hi d ign . conducts a variety of crime and statistical analy i in upport of crim analy i activitie ; collect and analyze data d cribing crim patterns, crim trend , and potential u pect ; a si ts with administ ring crim analy is database and tracking y terns; a ists with creating local, tate. and federal tatistic for City-wide and in-hou e reporting r quir ments: and en ures work qualit and adh r nc to establi hed policie and procedure . Qualification Exampl s li t db low are illustrativ onl . The ar not int nded to includ all dutie \ hich ma be a igned, neither ar the) intended to e elude other dutie which may be as igned to this po ition. • Collect, collat and analyz a vari t) of conomic, g ographic or social information in support of crime analy i acti ities; utilize ource from variou call for service, c n u , d mographic and other related data: di play informational analy i to polic administrators and County official . • P rform a vari ty of tatistical analy is; provide information to a sist in identifying crime problems; develop and te t crime prediction and r ource allocation tati tical mod ls: assi t in ad vi ing S\ om taff of area of high crime probability; a si t in d loping and preparing chart , graph . map . r ports and r lated material in ord r to track and pre ent findings r lat d to criminal activity. • i t in admini t ring a ari ty of police tracking. re ord managem nt and intelli ence databa e and t m ; perform r gular t m maintenanc to en ur ffe tiv ystem op ration de elop and maintain data table . Maintain a\ ar ne of d lopm nt in the field of crim stati tical analy is; incorporat n w d velopm nt as appropriat . • Cr ate confid ntial la\\ enforcem nt bulletin regardin_ crime tr nd , want d per on and offic r afi ty. • Make call for ervice by types of criminal and non-criminal acti it , time of day, and day of week to include r p n e time : make recomm ndation to realign or adju t exi ting t chniques or method and coordinat more efficient on . GLYNN COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief John Powell HEADQUARTERS !SI.AND SUBSTATION 157 Public Safety Boulevard 1965 Demere Road Brunswick, GA 31525 St. Simons Island, GA 31522 912-554-7800 Disparch: 912-554-3645 912-279-2891 www.police.alynncou nry-ga.o rg • s ist in g nerating and preparing local. state and federally mandated niform Crime and Arrest Reports: assi t in developing year-end statistical reports for the Chi f of Police or hi design e. • A i t in providing on-going traffic analysis; nm specialized reports that includ traffic accid nts, traffic citations, and parking enforcement in a vari ty of format . • Assist in maintaining a variety of maps within the Polic Department in luding police sector and grid ; nsure sufficient copie are available for polic taff. • As ist in developing and maintaining Internet crime data statistics and resourc s for th communities use of the Polic Department official web ite. Stephen Richard Sarnoski EDUCATION: University of Connecticut School of Law, Hartford, Connecticut • Doctor of Law (J.D.) • Degree awarded May, 1985, with Honors • Class Rank 12/151 • Criminal Appellate Clinic, 1984 • Supervisor of Clinic Investigators, 1984-1985 • Connecticut Moot Court Board, 1983-1985 University of Hartford, West Hartford, Connecticut • Master of Public Administration (MPA) • Degree awarded May, 1980 University of New Haven, West Haven, Connecticut • Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice • Degree awarded June, 1975, Summa Cum Laude • Alpha Chi National Honor Society • Lambda Alpha Epsilon (American Criminal Justice Society) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Assistant Attorney General (Public Safety), State of Connecticut Mare , ~ 990, to-present- • In the Public Safety Division of the Office of the Attorney General, manage complex state and federal civil rights litigation on behalf of the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Division of State Police, the Police Officers Standards & Training Council, the Department of Corrections, the State Marshals Commission, and the Connecticut National Guard. • Provide formal legal advice to these state agencies, and to other public safety agencies, boards and commissions concerning the interpretation and implementation of applicable state and federal statutes and case law in the public safety realm. • Assigned as counsel to the Police Officer Standards and Training Council (POSTC), Connecticut Police Academy, Meriden, Connecticut 1992 - Present. Developed, implemented and enforced professional standards related to training and certification as a police officer in the State of Connecticut. • Develop, coordinate and provide in-service training to sworn State Police and Correctional personnel regarding laws of arrest, search and seizure, the use of force, deployment of police and correctional canines, trial testimony and courtroom demeanor, supervisory liability, and other subject matter areas as assigned. Windsor Police Department, Windsor, Connecticut • November, 1973toJuly, 1985 • As a police officer in the uniformed patrol division (1973-1979), I provided general police services to the community, as required. • As the Identification Officer (1979-1980), I managed all aspects of the Windsor Police Department's evidentiary services unit, including maintaining custody of all evidence, technical crime scene investigation, and latent fingerprint examination. • As a police sergeant (1980-1983), I supervised uniformed departmental personnel , conducted and supervised complex criminal investigations and performed related administrative and managerial duties as required. • Managed eight-man regional police/Civil Preparedness Underwater Search and Recovery T earn, 1979-1985 • Twice awarded the Distinguished Service Medal - the highest award available for personal valor in the performance of sworn duties • Twice awarded Departmental Citations for the outstanding performance of sworn duties MILITARY EXPERIENCE: Judge Advocate General's Corps, United States Navy • January 21 , 1983 to February 23, 2014 • Rank: Captain (0-6) (Retired) • Significant active duty assignments included: • Naval Legal Services Office, U.S. Naval Base, Charleston, South Carolina: December, 1985 to January, 1988. Served alternately as both trial counsel (prosecutor) and defense attorney, and as Head of the Legal Assistance Department. • USS INDEPENDENCE (CV-62): January, 1988 to May, 1990. Served as Assistant Command Judge Advocate and Discipline Officer aboard forward­ deployed aircraft carrier. Responsible for administration of military and administrative justice systems for more than 5,000 sailors and Marines assigned to USS Independence and accompanying U.S.
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