' - - - ' ' - 195 - i . , - ; i , . : .... I a trwinttll XT i - Hons f Nobles. Kahakuelua, 1 Haia, -- Anril 8. 1854. After the deli very of the wan. JNaone. SALES AT AUCTION. ASSORTED MERCHANDISE &c. ASSORTED MERCHANDISE. ASSORTED MERCHANDISE- - as published in our last, the members of Education Bond, Richardson, PaDaula. rta?TSpeech, , Rain V. adjourned to the house of ffia High-- one. w iz . ; ' rtHouseoT Nobles AUCTION SALE OP THE HAN A PLAN for" thef ' " prayer Having neen onerea, Government Lands Harris, Z. Kaauwai, RECEIVED and sale by " jtjg Premier, where Haia. TATION. JUST following assortment of Merchan- ""'SlICB"te' G OV CASTLE & COOTIE introduced Mr. Allen, the Minister of Fi-Z- D. Kaauwai - the vTWyllie 7 WHEREAS, oa tbe seventh day of January, A. D. 1853, jui sale Itrtvest FOR SALE a large and valuable ON HAND and are receiving per WA Roads and InternaJ Improvfmirata-Richard-son. dise, .hich offered for at the market 'SI m as a new member, executed aBd elivred to the Minister of OFFER of Goods, shortly expected to arrive per HAVE which now offer lor sal was present to act as secretary till his Bowhn, Kaapa, Marsh, Paupaula. Fiaaace of tha Hawaiian Kingdoai, a mortgage, oa the "Hana prices. they at jlr. Hopkins Plaatauoa," so called, beinc Dronertv cos veved hiss, on Ship Chandlery. cotton WAVERLY, consisting in part of the following the NEW STORE, comer of King and Bethel frticir,of be chosen. Robertson, Lokomaikai, Uma, tha to Ass'd No.'s duck, cott. noces8or should . jJadc Moku, Na-- the 97U day of September, 1850, aad mora particularly descri- twine, hemp do, spun yarn, houseline, marline, rat articles : any of which can be shipped to San Fran- sts., next door to the Sedmea's Chapel, also at of the last meeting of the session of 1853 bed in said conveyance of Record, in office Registrar 10 ia The minutes Electwns ths of tha tling stuff, bright Tarnish, double stay hanks, birch cisco duty free, if desired by purchasers. the OLD STAND, corner of King and Sehooi pro and confirmed. Kahuna, Bowlin, Moku, Josepa, WansJ I ofCoaveyaacea, ia Lib. 4, of Miscellaneous Records, on Pages P01 on ere read, forma, 253 and 954, to secure nt thousand dollars. can hooks, sister do, ass'd Bale blue flannel, cases York denims, do do ticking, sts., near the large Stone Church, an exteuaive to consider the King's gracious Speech Military Kaumaea, Fuller, Pii, Kaapa, Haia. tha aavmeat thrae brooms, sand paper, jib A oommitteo Accounts aad iaterest, on or before two yaars from that date; and where- banks, s. scrapers, sail needles, white oak hand- Do bleached striped jeans, do pant cords, assortment, consisting a a great variety of select oonsist-;j- rf Bond, Wana, Papaula. c. ad to prepare a suitable reply was appointed, as the said monetae baa become due, and is not paid, and the Do do do do blue stripe, do btue pant Goods, Pa-I- Engrossed Bills TlnKor spikes, copper euarded signal lanterns. Japan do, cords, adapted to Uie wants of thia market, Liholiho and Kamehamrha, J. Ii, A. df Kalami bolder or the Equity of redemption asserts that the said proper Princes ne ty sosy oe sheaths and belts, cold chisels, palms, boat hooks. Do fancy prints, blue and block Broadcloth, among which may be mentioned of . i gentleman first soiu wiuiout a foreclosure or the mortgage, and will " . named in each nil - and M. Kekuanaoa. oomminittee acts Win in a conveyance of the same to tha and thimbles, scrub brushes, Cases cotton thread, sEeaths and belts, jewsharps, bo cuairuuui. mirlur marline spikes, hooks , . FAMILY SUPPLIES j ""no. car. Mr. Wyllie furnished six copies of the Kirg's Speech Nodes is hereby given that the 'rJaaaPlaatatioa.nso called, Scissoi-s- pocket knives, sheath Wednesday, being long handled do, paint and sash do, pump leather, do. Pilot bread, crushed and loaf sugar. : English. April 13th. E. P. Bond and Kau the property ahoy described, will be sold at auction, by Sets surd da, top-sa- il -- shackles, taeks, ivory handled knives and forks, complete, laid on the table copies of his annual maea appeared and took JOHN F.COLBURX, Auctioneer, at his Auction Room, on rigging do, sheet copper Water, butter and soda crackers, kits of mackerel, lr. Armstrong thir the 2ath day of April next, 12 o'clock noon. deep pumps,, paints and oil, Casks sad irons, boxes tin IX. deck scrub brushes. lan-Zg- es, at sea lines, hand do. hand American hams, dried cans cheese, port, as Minister of Public Instruction, in both Petitions presented. From Waialua, For particulars Handled do, apple, tU'Stmtt protesting of title, enquire of the aiilersigned. Terms spirits turpentine, cutting blocks, also a complete paint do, ass'd sizes, shoe do, hair do, Maccaroni, smoked herring, sardine, ground rice. for the use of the House. O "Diuuu VI Xt. XMJWlin. ". ASHES B, BATES. Dust and white wash do, round box matches, Kamchameha was resolved ii. Attorney for Parties Interested. assortment of double and single blocks. Chocolate, cocoa, ass'd spices, do. preserved meats. Chi motion of Prince it From Xiihau, against the " Davis pain killer. Mason's blacking, annexation of the Isl Honolulu, 23d March, 1854. 4t-4- 6 Gkocebies. Navy and pilot bread, loaf and Cream Tartar, soda, acid, &c. for business, during the present session, ands 1 the hours to the United States. crushed sugar, water, butter and soda crackers, cod- Bundles iron hoop I and inch, spirit casks rice. .. FURNITURE, WOODWARE, &c. lTfromll,A.AL,tili2,P.M. From Koolauloa, for a general reduction of tax MARSHAL'S SALE. fish, soap, rice, coffee, lemon syrup, extract oflemon. Cases haxall flour in tins, tor family use, JtrJ,.fe On motion of Mr. Armstrong, a committee of two was es, Jkc. Tjerccs hams packed in salt, oysters, sausage meat, Hair cloth, spring seat sofas, do. easy chairs. Jamas Rosmsoa, : , mustard, brandied fruits, oysters, clams, lobsters, u appointed, to propose a secretary and interpreter for XT t . Green peas, lobster, salmon, greeu corn, Cane seat and back large and small rocking & nurse g?ne on , " . u ino tnat the House subscribe for RoscstW. Holt, Complainants. halibut, haddock, mackerel ass d meats, green corn, J during the present session. Prince Eame Robcst Lawaasica,) gall, ass'd pickles, ass'd meats, do pie fruits, chairs, cane and wood seat chairs and half chairs. IT theHouse wu copies ot tne Au Hou. Referred t. do peas, do beans, Balmon, salcratus, pepper, assorted for Armstrong were appointed. Adjourn- to a commit- ; Children's, and low office and rocking im and Mr. Do preserves of all kinds, strawberries, raspberries, hih do.. buneha tee consisting of Messrs. Richardson, spices. 7.' Wide high te 4roffiri , to Monday, at 11 o'clock. Robertson, l):V"c,Al.feadanu. I. Tomato catsup, true lemon svrup, post bedsteiids, Iling. buckets and boxes. ed and Bowlin. !" . Tobacco. McKay, Young America and Esmeralda dams. 18th. The committee appointed to propose .' Nests of tubs, wash boards "market baskets, aLbatb MonJav, Before WILLI Am L.LEE, Chief Justice of tha Supreme Court brands ; Manila, Calcutta and Esmeralda Cigars. Half boxes loaf sugar, half bbls crushed do, I tt. Bill relating to the patenting 6 legged, fall leaf dining 10, 12 and 14 uo Secretarv, reported" the name of Edward Hunt, who of Public Lands of Law and Equityrof ihe Hawaiian Island. R. ties, do Maccaroni and vermacclli, in tin cans, sage, table, ft. was read By Boors axd Shoes. Womeus' 6evedR. h'ng lightly wits duly appointed; no interpreter having been obtain- the first time. Second reading on Friday. virtue of a Decree issued out 01 the Supreme Court oft he Savory, thyme,' mustard, pepper, cassia, cloves, Extension tables, &c. Hawaiian Islands, in favor of James Robinson, Robert W Holt do "excelsior do, mens rdf pegged congress boots, was requested to act in that capacity The Ministers of the Interior - -- ed, Mr. Armstrong and of Finance sub-- and Robert Lawrence, complainants, against Kalmhuia and calf sewed Jersey ties, kip pegged Jer- Pimento, ginger, cayenne, table salt. HARDWARE. samcientto obtained. The pay of the Secretary uiiimju enameled do, oil one could be irieir imports, together with that , of the Kaalii, defendants, for tha sum of nine hundred and twenty-tw- o Tobacco. Assorted Confectionery in glass jars, con- Tin, Sheet and hollow the .i sey brogans, Oxford do, opera do, buskin do, pat lea. Iron ware, a large ass'nt ru fixed at S5 per diem. commissioners ot liealtn. Adjourned. dollars and seventy-si- x cents, I shall expose at public auc sisting of for on brogans, congress gaiters, Monterey ties. Fine cutlery, knives and forks, butcher and shoe do. w oath of office was administered to the Secretary tion, sale, tha premises, on Monday, tha 24ib day of Lemon drops, clove, hoarhound and barley candy, The iuursuay, Apru . Numerous - petitions April next, at 12 o'clock, noou, all Uie right, title ana interest Sundries. Matches, buckets, llingliam do, ring Razors, brass and iron butts and screws. br the President. were of the above-name- d defendants ia and tn all and singular ths screws, Peppermint, cream and lemon candy. Strap hinges, do do with hooks, of " presented, on all sorts bits, saddles and bridles, coffee mills, cork Koloj of subjects, among portions premises, . pnnce Liholiho reported draft of reply to the King's O-- .w--n ... 1 two of the moncat ed set forth and described Cinnamon and 1 rth ll . O letter paper, a complete assortment of crockery and sassafras do, burnt almonds, Ass'd nails, cut and wrought, Russia sheet iron.
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