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Shape up your own car/boat with EICO Engine Analyzer Ar"--11P{a". t c lr 1 ,em. Co rr ,-stol . .v1 I c aei b e ghoc ne r n9 n, , rod r,rtll,_ , s Be a technocrat with EICO solid -state test equipment EICO 240 Solid -State EICO 379 Solid -Slate EICO 242 Solid -State FICO 150 Solid -Stale EICO 330 Solid -State FET-TVOM Sine / Sonare Wave Gene't'e r Deluxe FET -TVOM Signal Tracer RF Signal Generator 549.95 kJ. 569 95 e.ired 554 95 k !. 574 95 ear. 159.95 kit, 579 95 r. red 549.95 kit. $69.95 -.:red 559.95 kit, 579.95 wired You save up to 50% with EICO Kits. Since 1945, Best Buys in Electronics. Over 3 Million EICO Instruments Now in Use. FREE 1969 CATALOG EICO Electronic Instrument Co.. Inc. EICO Canada Ltd. TV repair needs you! Now! And now you can get expert training in a matter of weeks! Approved by National Electronic Associations! At a cost of under $100! People are crying for TV service! Sound too good to be true? 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OCTOBER- NOVEMBER, 1969 3 October /November 1969 Science and ec onlcs SCIENCE SPECIALS * 44 The Skies Above Us-an introduction to prowling the galaxies 46 San Onofre's Fabulous 450-Southern California's unique, nuclear- powered generating station CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS * 35 Universal Darkroom Timer -an all- solid -state device that tunes prints and negatives with great accuracy and no moving parts * 41 Penny Pincher's Police Convertor -easy to build, low -cost convertor for listening to fire and police calls * 61 Sn /Fe Moving -Vane Ammeter-works on AC or DC * 67 97 -Cent Hard -Rock Fuzz Box -add fuzz to your amplified guitar * 79 Perpetual Motion Freq Standard -an electronic tuning fork SCIENCE AND ELECTRONICS FEATURES * 31 Light Powers This Liquid Semiconductor -experiment with the primitive photoelectric cell 73 Tallest Tower -newest design in self- supporting towers 78 Famous Patents- Marconi's four- circuit tuning patent COMM UNICATIONS- SWL /CB /HAM 49 Their Time Is Your Time -standard time stations 'round the world 56 Saturday Morning Ham -In- suburban Philadelphia hams at an early age 76 Ham Traffic -watch not, have not LAB CHECKS 59 Heathkit Model IG -28 Color Bar and Dot Generator 65 EICO Cortina Model 3150 Integrated Stereo Amplifier 71 Univox- Super-Fuzz Guitar Fuzzbox SCIENCE SHORTIES 30 The Precision Approach -cartoon page 40 Did You Know That . .- keeping up to date on the latest happenings 60 Little Annie Fanny -broad view of computer drawing 82 TV's Long, Long Way to Tipperary REGULAR DEPARTMENTS 8 Stamp Shack-philatronics 10 Positive Feedback -a word from the boss 12 Bookmark -tome touting 14 New Products -gadgets and gimmicks 18 Ask Me Another -readers' Q & A 24 Literature Library-yours for two bits White's Radio Log, Vol. 51, Part 5 -page 83 Emergency Radio Services -Philadelphia Area -page 99 * Cover illustration by Len Goldberg Cover 00* Highlights ABC 4 SCIENCE AND ELECTRONICS, formerly RADIO -TV EXPERIMENTER wen WDi makes ,y soldering simple Model 450K4 3 in 1 Model 199K, Al -Purpose soldering kit 5 pc. kit gives long reach & clear 130 watt "instant heat" soldering gun for wiring, appliance WEN exclusive single post design repair, radio, T.V., etc. Kit includes: solder gun with long view of work. 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