December 7, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2219 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO LANA BOLDI, UAW IN HONOR OF LORETTA A. Veterans Day is a day of celebration, a day REGION 1–D WASHINGTON of remembrance, and a day of thanks. It is a day when we celebrate the challenges that our HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS country has faced and the moments in Amer- HON. DAVID E. BONIOR OF NEW YORK ica’s history where we have united on land, air, and sea to fight for our country and to en- OF MICHIGAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sure security, happiness, and safety for our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, December 6, 2001 world’s people. It is the one day a year when Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of we remember the men and women who sac- Thursday, December 6, 2001 Loretta A. Washington in recognition of her rificed their lives’ for our country, its ideals, Mr. BONIOR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to service to her community and her commitment and its foundation of personal freedom. It is a recognize a woman who has dedicated over to God. day to remember the families of the victims 23 years to the United Automobile Workers, Loretta A. Washington was born in Brook- who may have lost a son, daughter, husband Lana Boldi. As an International Representative lyn. The first of six children, she attended or wife during times of war. And above all, it for UAW Region I–D, her remarkable achieve- Wingate High School and then went on to Edi- is a day of thanks for the 25.5 million veterans ments as a CAP Coordinator have brought so son College in Florida. Her desire to succeed today who look towards the American flag with many families and communities together in an led her back to New York where she contin- such feeling of pride, devotion, and American effort to educate and promote political action ued her education at Baruch College. spirit and who define what it is to be an Amer- and community service. As members of UAW Loretta and her husband, Michael have two ican. Region I–D gathered together on November 3, beautiful children, Chanelle and Micah. Loretta United States veterans truly are some of our 2001 to bid farewell to Lana, a longtime friend began her career in banking at Chemical Bank nation’s bravest citizens. They not only risked and advocate of the labor movement, they (before it became Chase) in the early 1980s. their own lives but sacrificed time away from honored her retirement with a celebration of Starting as a teller, she worked her way up their loved ones to protect our country. Be- memories, laughter, and fun. the corporate ladder. Loretta understood that cause of their sacrifice this day of honor education had to be at the top of her list and should remain solely theirs. Since November A leader and an activist all her life, Lana God at the beginning of the list. She chal- 11, 1919, we have been acknowledging these Boldi was the first female apprentice in the lenged the way things were done at the men and women annually. It would be a trag- Fisher Body Corporation. She was a past Vice branch, ruffling feathers along the way; how- edy if we try to combine their memorial with President and Chairperson of the UAW/CAP ever, she was able to win over the staff and other days of observance. Council of Kalamazoo County, Chairperson of customers with a combination of her kindness, As Chairman of the VA/HUD Subcommittee UAW Local 488’s Community Service Com- business sense and smile. for the past three years, I have had the privi- mittee, and Chairperson of the Labor Partici- In the summer of 1999, a Branch manager lege of working very closely with veterans and pation Committee of the United Way in Kala- position opened at the Bedford Avenue branch their various organizations. A day in their mazoo County. She was a founding Chair- and Loretta jumped at the opportunity to en- honor is the least we can do to acknowledge person and Vice President of the Coalition of hance her career. She welcomed the oppor- the pledge they have made to a grateful na- Labor Union Women (CLUW) in the Kala- tunity to make a difference in the community tion. mazoo area, and on the National Task Force in which she lived her entire life. of CLUW, specializing in Apprenticeships for Loretta’s primary focus is to impart her fi- f women. Her leadership continues today, as nancial knowledge to businesses in the com- she is Chair of the Kent County Democratic munity, in hopes of building and improving fi- TRIBUTE TO GURMALE SINGH Party Executive Board, of which she has been nancial awareness for all. She is dedicated to GREWAL, 2001 DEVELOPER OF Vice Chair of for the past five years, and con- God and the community in which he allows THE YEAR tinues to sit on so many other boards and her to serve. Her motto is, ‘‘Let’s serve the committees. people with a smile!’’ HON. DAVID E. BONIOR Mr. Speaker, Loretta A. Washington serves Demonstrating outstanding dedication and OF MICHIGAN commitment throughout the years, Lana Boldi her community and her religious beliefs IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has truly led her community in a new direction, through her work. As such she is more than creating and developing programs that have worthy of receiving our recognition and I urge Thursday, December 6, 2001 my colleagues to join me in honoring this truly advanced UAW Region I–D’s political and Mr. BONIOR. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to community outreach services. She was a dedicated spiritual woman. f pay tribute to a man whose leadership and Chairperson of the Labor Task Force for the achievements span the decades and who has Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, a board EXPRESSING SENSE OF HOUSE OF touched the lives of so many across south- member of the Michigan State Child Abuse REPRESENTATIVES THAT VET- eastern Michigan, Gurmale Singh Grewal, or and Neglect Prevention group, and a board ERANS DAY CONTINUE TO BE Gary, as many of his friends and associates member of the Community Coordinated Child OBSERVED ON NOVEMBER 11 have come to know him. As members of the Care of Kent County. Additionally, Lana’s out- Building Industry Association of Southeastern standing efforts have not gone unrecognized, SPEECH OF Michigan and the Apartment Association of as she has been honored with prestigious Michigan gathered together on November 27, awards from the Grand Rapids YWCA, MEA HON. JAMES T. WALSH OF NEW YORK 2001 for their Leadership Recognition and Region 9, and the Michigan House to name a Awards Night, they honored Gurmale Singh IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES few. Lana Boldi’s crusade to raise the stand- Grewal as their 2001 ‘‘Developer of the Year’’. ards of activism and community outreach pro- Tuesday, December 4, 2001 As Singh Development Company CEO and grams is one that will be remembered by citi- Mr. WALSH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in a distinguished businessman, Gary has dem- zens of this community for years to come. support of H. Res. 298 sponsored by Con- onstrated outstanding dedication and commit- I applaud Lana Boldi for her leadership and gressman FRELINGHUYSEN that ensures No- ment to his family, work, and community for commitment, and thank her for dedicating her vember 11 remains a day solely committed to many years. Beginning in 1921, Gary’s grand- life serving her community and UAW Region United States Veterans, a separate day from father, Sarwan S. Grewal, left his village in I–D. I urge my colleagues to join me in salut- any other federal holiday, day for federal elec- India for the United States, heading to Cali- ing her for her exemplary years of service. tions, or day for national observances. fornia and then settling in Detroit. With a ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate 11<MAY>2000 02:05 Dec 08, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07DE8.000 pfrm07 PsN: E07PT1 E2220 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 7, 2001 strong interest in land and building develop- At Berta’s tender age of seventy-one she cultural and economic problems and opportu- ment, Sarwan Grewal purchased the Wol- has a wonderful rapport with her thirty-three nities that were not being addressed by the verine Hotel in Detroit, which today is the cur- grandchildren and enjoys visiting with her five Small Business Administration. I share their rent location of Comerica Park. Believing firm- great grandchildren in Colon, Panama. She concern. However, I feel that we need to cre- ly in the traditions of family, hard work, and still finds time to read and preach to several ate as many opportunities as possible for Na- advancement, he brought his grandsons, of her grandchildren about the importance of tive American entrepreneurs and look forward Tahil, Lushman, Jeat, and Gurmale to the education. to working with the SBDCs and Minnesota United States for their education. Upon the Berta is a devout Seventh Day Adventist tribes to make sure these resources are put to death of Sarwan, they unanimously agreed to who credits her strong religious background to good use.
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