THE BYRON SHIRE Volume 23 #20 Tuesday, October 21, 2008 Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719 [email protected] [email protected] www.echo.net.au 22,700 copies every week IDEAS BULL MARKET page 18-19 Rally for breast cancer awareness Noeline Brown and lighthouse fun run help promote active ageing Story & photo Eve Jeff ery Noeline Brown, Ambassador for the Ageing, joined the By- ron Lighthouse Fun Run and Walk on Sunday to help raise awareness and funds for the Cancer Council and to pro- mote active ageing. Noeline was appointed as Australia’s first Ambassa- dor for Ageing in April this year by Federal Minister for Ageing and local MP Justine Elliott. A major aim of this important role is to promote positive ageing and at this event, to encourage the whole Byron Bay Breast Cancer Support Group Lindy McCollum, Sue Halvorsen, Norma Forrest, Jan community from fi tness en- Barham, Judy Sunshine and Barb Pinter at Saturday’s awareness day. With this fi eld of pink thusiasts to the not-so-fi t to lady silhouettes in the foreground about 30 people joined hands at Byron’s Railway Park to join in a 10 km fun run or observe a moment’s silence in support of those living with breast cancer. Photo Jeff Dawson. walk from Main Beach to the Lighthouse and back via Tal- low Beach. Byron Councillors reassured on CDO ‘It’s clearly better to have an ageing population which is healthy, active and involved,’ exposure in investment portfolio said Noeline at the opening Byron Shire Council held a pany. The workshop identi- fi ed. Mr Franey stressed that of the event. ‘One of the really workshop last week to provide fi ed that while Council held a the qualification was not a important parts of my role is advice to Councillors on the number of Collateralised Debt refl ection on the investments encouraging older Australians Ambassador for the Ageing, actress Noeline Brown, with current investment portfolio, Obligations (CDOs) which themselves, but related to the to remain active, both physi- event organiser Lisa Parkes with youngest race participant Council’s investment strat- were currently not liquid, situation whereby the valua- cally and as contributors to Liam after the 10k Lighthouse Run. egy and the impact on future adequate funds were held in tions for CDO investments society. budgets. other investments to fi nance provided to Council at June ‘Staying active and involved part in active ageing and it’s ly Noeline appeared in the hit Councillors were addressed the delivery of budgeted out- 30 were unable to be calibrat- enhances your quality of life fantastic to be contributing to Australian fi lm Razzle Dazzle by representatives of the In- comes in future years. ed to the market at that time, and the health benefi ts you re- such a great cause.’ and in the TV series Danc- vestor Services Group for Kevin Franey of Thomas as required by Australian Ac- ceive from exercise will serve Noeline became a house- ing with the Stars and in 2005 Markets of the ANZ Bank, Noble and Russell, Council’s counting Standards. you well for many years to hold name in the 1960s when she wrote her autobiography, who informed councillors on auditors, also addressed the Council’s Manager Financial come. she starred in The Mavis Noeline Brown – Long Term the technical aspects of invest- Councillors to assure them Services, Jim Bolger, advised ‘Th is event is a way to take Bramston Show. More recent- Memoir. ments held and provided an- that the decisions made by that of the $13m face value of swers to any investment and staff relating to the investment CDOs held by Council at the Opportunity to give blood in the Bay market related questions. of Council funds were com- commencement of the mar- According to a Council press pliant with the Department of ket downturn in December The Australian Red Cross lumbimby Hospitals, was or haven’t lived in the UK be- release, the banking represen- Local Government Ministe- 2007, $5m had subsequently Blood Service (ARCBS) will instrumental in helping the tween 1980 and 1996 for six tatives confi rmed that Byron rial Guidelines. matured at full face value with be at Byron District Hospital ARCBS find a home for its months or more. Shire Council was not one of However, Mr Franey ad- all interest being paid. This on Monday October 27, 2pm– mobile service in Byron Bay. In an average 12 month the councils that had handed vised that due to technical ac- included a CDO with a face 6.30pm and Tuesday 28, 10am Blood donors need to be period more than 430,000 over the management of funds counting issues relating to the value of $2m which matured – 2pm. Call 13 14 95 to make between 16 and 70 years old, Australians require blood or a to Lehman Brothers and now current non-existent market during October 2008. an appointment or visit www. weigh over 45kg (50 if you are blood product: 30% of blood found themselves facing prob- for CDO products, Council’s ‘While no guarantees can donateblood.com.au. under 18), feel fi t and healthy, collected goes to help people able capital losses and taking fi nancial report for the year be given on any investments, Kerryn York, Director of haven’t had a tattoo or body with cancer, 15% helps people legal action against the com- to June 30 would be quali- continued on page 2 Nursing for Byron and Mul- piercing in the last 12 months, with heart disease. GYM HOURS Monday – There’s never been a better time to join the gym Thursday BYRON GYM’S FAMILY MEMBERSHIP 6am – 9pm Join us today on a Premium or a Flexible membership and Friday encourage 1 or more family members to join you for only $10.50 6am – 8pm extra/week each. For the fi rst 20 people to take up this offer Saturday we’ll waive the joining fee also. Fully equipped weights room. 7am – 1:30pm 34 fabulous classes per week (including Yoga). Relaxed friendly Sunday environment. Offer ends 7th November 2008. 12pm – 6pm Local News Plant a tree in heritage Park Shearwater’s rainbow threads Th ere will be a Community Tree Planting day on Saturday October 25 at Heritage Park in Mullumbimby. Volunteers under the auspices of the Brunswick Valley Landcare Heritage Park Locality Group meet in the Park every third Wednesday morning of the month to carry out mainte- nance work to control weeds and to carry on the work of the early founders of the Park, Building or the Byron Flora and Fauna Conservation Society. renovating? Th e community is invited Come and see us for to share in this work by com- all your kitchen and ing along on Saturday morn- bathroom needs. ing and planting a tree. Th e tree planting will take place between 8am and 10 am. Morning tea will be available Jarrah Hatchett, 6, models his handmade rainbow bead creation at the Threads of Life Spring at 10am. Carnival at the Shearwater Steiner School on Saturday. It was the school’s fi rst Spring Carnival Volunteers are always wel- in a number of years. Talented students from Shearwater and other schools graced the stage come at the regular third all day as band members, fashion models, designers and singers. There were stalls and activi- Wednesday working days and ties for all family members including wood chopping and demonstrations of graffi ti painting enquiries can be made by tel- on a water tank. High school buildings were also offi cially opened on the day. FREE QUOTES ephoning 6684 1189. Photo Lou Beaumont. Council’s Hacker takes over local’s email Bangalow Industrial Estate Open 10am – 5pm investments Local woman Tjintana Ma- watch who merely suggested not deposit any funds into an Phone 6687 2275 From front page tahari got a surprise recently that internet users get better account for her her benefi t. staff are confi dent that the re- when she discovered that she fi rewalls and anti virus protec- For more information on mainder of those investments had taken a trip to Europe tion – not much help when SCAMwatch you will get will also mature at full value,’ that even she didn’t know the horse has bolted. more from visiting the web- Mr Bolger stated. about. Tjintana would like those site than a phone call. You will Discussions were also held Tjintana found out about on her email list to know she fi nd them at www.scamwatch. on equity linked products that her unscheduled getaway is not in the UK and to please gov.au Council held and which had from an email doing the reduced in value due to the rounds beseeching all the Day of the Dead returns current market conditions. people on her email list to These products were pur- send money to her in the UK The Natural Death Centre bol of remembrance or love chased with funds not identi- as she had lost her wallet and is holding the second An- with community artist Sam fi ed for use in the short term was stranded. nual Day of the Dead in Mul- Collyer. Th e Heart Choir will to gain exposure for Council As it turns out Tjintana’s lumbimby. ‘Our intention is to also be singing.Th e Day of the to markets that have proven hotmail account has been demystify and honour death, Dead will be held at the Herit- to provide the greatest return hacked and the email request- and also to celebrate life,’ says age Park end of Dalley Street.
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