-------r------- --------:------------------------------- ------------ ; ; ----'-J j •• I • I , , • ,1. ' ' ■ ■ ■' . -■. ,1 .. ’ . i..’ ' •* •' .. ■ r : ,.- ,; .: ®370l83701 ' ■ • ■ - ■ .4^ •. I. —_ ■** .1. W e a th e r * F in a l * Partly Cloudyid y E d itio n -J' — il I M m TheT h e MagicI Valley Newspapfrlapfr DeDedicated to Serving and Pr«Promoting the Growth of Nine Irrigated Idaho Coantieslanties VOL. S4, NO. 129 . I ■ TWIN'FALLS,TW IDAHD,WEDNEWEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 11967 9 6 ~ fs:E^cij0tw ^ ^ x b m a tited e t i CrewsVS Lose J't .‘S S k iJl ' . ■ I ernorei IcIahd'has^tiS'To I I pounds of I^ho, potatoes | J l l^again'st four Mfihtaiia T-'rIB 1 ' citisisll SlalafflrR i I , bone' steaks on the-out-i-| — GroundI Tofc Some.e Fires. I come of an American Le- I , ^ ■ - ■ ‘ ., I S:glon Junior B a s e b a l l jii M By The Associated Press • cials saidsal all fires there w ere:re In^:In British Columbia, northeasteast |I gigame. | fl Embatlled tire crews were re- under cocontrol. All but a few mi-ni- of VaVancouver. Canadian officials:Ials ^ Gov. Don W. Samuelson I ■ p o rte d near exhaustion In the nor, but potentially dangerous)Us said 337 fires totalling morenore | ddisclosed the wager at his | « Northwest timber regions late "hot spospots’’ were reported con-on- than 30,000 acres might be con-1 nelwsni conference. | * V , • Tuesday as they appeared to trolled ItIn southern Idaho. .talnei.tained if a wind shift holds. |I Hi> said it was offered=IChin(id I| le se BiB §havivio r continue to iQfe ground to hun-lUn- "We're wearing out,” Ted'ed Officialsoff believed it wouldI be t by Gov. Tim Babcock, | I B y RODNEy P IN D E R souisource said the Foreign OfficeDttice ^ —A—All Chinese In Britain Hold- ed unlllunt restrictions on lhe Brit- dreds o( blazes in all sectionsIons ThorapsoThompson, Glacier National»al mid-daymld-t before the effects of■ the k MMontana, whose state Is [I s I LONDON (Aft "-The BriUsh''h?rillsh "h 9 S learned not l6 reactct in inging cdiplomatic or official pass- ish diplomatlcidi| radio in Peking b u t Oregon, southern, Idatio, anand d PPark ark firfire control officer said, shift could be determined. The h'host to the Legion playoffs | Lt 5. I F oreign Office accu se d the piqipique.’’; Another said the •Britishritlsh portsports must obtain «tit visas are lifted.lit ■ _ Washington. ., “It's“ It’s getgetting to be a matter of new wind direction seemed1 to I”In Helena. Lewiston repre- I Jon sents Idaho and Helena Isis ^I Communist Chinese todayI. of will "sit tight.” fromfrom the Foreign Office beforelefpre A day-longdi demonstration by . ■However, r v l n d ' change■ In trytaBtrying-to-last-to-thH:lijmUjLcUEi8_c to lUr i®_causlng-a_bmking-jictjo» iQpg resources, and then -figtire o ut agait ;s. M ontana’s representative. | British Columbia and the hope ^source, against the spreading flames. “ ,'s I civilized’ behavior” in burningrning the attack "an~outrageousi and '^' —A A ll meinberilif thT C|jinese ffont "c tpVn how to replace worn out crews.” ','t "Lewiston as usual has I iinese tofonhe*^riU iSitiif^^T5S^^^ of reinrorcemepts In western ” New men were rushed into the „ I the British diplomatic missionsslon unduncivilized act which wouldM u ld diplomdlploi atic mission .are re sstrict-fice tric t-fle e buildingbi exploded Into vio- ' ------Momana—and^northccn—Idaho-ahn About 5,000 acres of land JEin Montanaj-Ndrth__ Idahn - areaiiea “ “ 'lent Legion team f ^ W-Gla-Bier-Park'jegion -has ,g—I In-Pcking.-------------------- --------- — bchi us ot lence with the expiration ot a brought expectations'Uat signif- J" Tuesday, including 200 from •> I A spokesfnan said wHfether:ther Into disrepute throughout: the five miles from Ihe centerer- of ChineseChines ultimatum- demanding ' . i d e r f o r —irimost two able to handle Helena,” leant progress may get under*'®" B utte, Mont., and 150 fro m Spo- S ly li BritainI maintains diplomaticnatic worworld.” LondiLondon unless they givee 48 that Ihet .Brlllsh release Com­ weeks'. i,gnp IK I Samuelson said. "I fully I kane. Wash. More than 4,400 1 ^de- Suipmonlng Chinese Chargeliarge hours notice. munlsi ' . '^Wea’theWeather conditions were ex- ’ firo I expect to win the bet with h Isi relationsrela with Red C hina • de- Si munist newsmen arrested In , Tp' were—reported manning fire | I pends entirely on "the attitudeItude d’AId’Affaires Sheii Plng, a Foreignreign —Perm—P ission to operate dl&lo- Hong I In those areas, uncontrolled‘ pected (,to improve with fewer - V® I Tim Babcock.” [ . I. Pen< di^lo- Hong Kong and withdraw action sts in| those areas.C“S. | .1 ■ ■ andand behavior ot the C hinese: au- OffiOffice official informed him matic .radio transmissions by agalns blazes were reported on an esti- lightning storms and forecasts f s by against pro-(3ommunlst newspa- that: , : , the m a te d 50,000 acres. along the coastal regions indi-di. The*‘‘‘ Canadians had musteredired 'im® M-si'sS thorlties.”thor ,. - that the CChinese mission Is suspend-pend- pers. ' , ■ Washington State . officialslals catedcaieJ no storms were develop-3p . m ore than 3,200 firefightersters - =•- —... ScSources siild a break in diplo-IIpIo- ------------^ ^ - ipear braced' for possible fire out-°ut- ing.jng. HalnRail in the entire N orth-th. Tuesday,^ as one labor union In- f j matic relations did not appear ^ , breaks but reported their forestsests west'w est regionrc| generally comesies wstijvestlgated complaints of long J 7 « limimminent. I But British officialsIclals ■ £ Parade Will a the were still free of major blazes‘“ 5 from PacificPac storm fronts. hours. Inadequate food and oth-oth­ impImposed tight restrictions on the ■ m ats which have raged tor nearlyirly SpokesmenSpokcsi for the U. S. F or-or- er conditions. moveipent ot Chinese diplomats ■ n for two weeks in other NorthwestI'est est Service-Serv regional. office in Th<The major fiVe In British Co-C. Open” Fair KIn this country In retaliatloii.for ■ sta te s. Ogden, Utah, said reinforce-ce- lumtilumhla continued nround v_thethe , ■ ................ thetho burning of the building,inig,in _■ Peking Tuesday. ■ In Oregon and southern Idaho,iho, ments mmight be available fromDm ShusiShuswap area where aircraft A-l Fifty-tour members of the ■ crews Tuesday contained majorajor Utah or southern Idaho if theJie were dumping water bombs on At Jerome British mission. Including de- ■ timber blazes burned over morelore southern Idaho blazes didn’tn’t the uncontrolled 20,000-acre jj JEROME-Mayor Earl Green- pendents, were reported to have ■• ■ th a n 30,000^acres. Oregon offi- mushrooiraushrooml again. , blaze . _____________ ' ___ awaitawal will lead the traditional'O”?’ [akt taken refiige In friendly embas-nbas- ■ I paradepara at 4:30 p,nu. Thursdaysday siesjjes in Peking after rampaging ■ which opens the Jerome countyunty Red Guards set fire to the build- ■ , fair- Ing'Ing and beat staff members. ■ The parade is expected to0 bc TlThe British government react-eact- ■ Huge Appitppropriatio tion Is 1a mile or longer in length and ed \with swift anger over the in- ■ --------- _ - ................ - will feature , the lOS? Rodeoodeo cidecident in which B ritish chargelarge ■ Queen Kay Benson, queen candi-indi- dd'affaires, at Donald HopSon, and 1 ffc dates, several floats, drill teams,ams, nintnine other mission staff mem-nem- ■ riding clubs and bands fromfrom her;hers were .pummeled and hu- I Viewed, By Senate,te,7 House throipthroughout the entire valley. , millated In front of a screartilngniilng I ^ n e of the-feature-attractions ™ot The Corps bid to build a J123 millionon fund.i,fund.s both voted by the House, Britain charged~that ,MaoMao ~ 1 WASHINGTON (AP) - The Corps bic ■l'l q of the parade and rodeo will be ~ . Senate moved quickly, todayt to amphlbioamphibious assault ship. Thehe ThiThe Senators approved $11.9 “ Tse-tung’s regime was behindihind ■ ’* o( the Eh Capa Riding Club of -work out differences with ■ the cut was ]p a rt of a general $17'1.74.7 millionmillic to continue operation of j]’®. I the attack and linked it toI Pe- ■ ) , a , Boise. There wiU be 34 of their ------ H huge~on the; nation's 'la rg?est e st million reduction in p r o c ure- re ->15-Bl45-B52-aircraft''McNamara has - . king’s campaign to harasS’BrIt--■Brit- aS-memhers nppflaring-hey-In- single ,appropriaXion irt history,3ry, mentmcnt lutunds allowed By tte"llE" ■wamBiT'ttrT^lrupWartti froni— actrve ish-rnlB-iii the crown-colony-ofly-of - J | his full Indian dress and riding jjpf, a $70.1 billion defense spendingiing House,House. serviiservice, and they rejected his '»)■ "S Hong Kong. | (0 without the aid of saddles, g, bill. , -— A $$141' million addition to requerequest for $233.5 million to Sources In Whitehall believedeved ra igis. bridles or blankets. |t u; The (Senate overwhelmingly,p]y operationoperations and maintenanceice build five fast deployment logis- bridl It unlikely, however, that thele in- H approved the bill Tuesday night,ght ‘“''“sfunds an(and a $40 million ^iddltionion tic s:ships to serve a s floatingting AlsoAl: participating in the pa- cidecident would prom pt B ritainIn to ■ One . 85 to 3, after turning back sev-se v - to riisearch and development:nt arsenarsenals or supply centers,ers. rade will be the fair board mem-iem- sevisever relations with China. One | eral attempts to trta the totalotaf bers with the -ladles riding imirKnir — ^ ■ I - and hearing that tho Vietnam * , one-horse su rrey , and the ,01d-.Old- ■ I r l i w ar may require additional bil- /\ M I Q T im ers Car Club wfhich provides 11 - lions later.
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