i^^^«.M«l.«C5«!5!*f-V. a -ij^hAir fJEJ* '•^ETJ^'^naraiC'^BWfrTpiSM^^ LETTERS (Unsigned letters ivill not be printed. The name, hoioever, will be withheld up­ on request). SIR: While millions of people are stai-ving, we, who during the War broadcast daily appeals for their support to the then conquered peoples and who pledged our­ selves to uphold for the world the princi­ ple of "freedom from want," waste food wantonly; so that if the dying could wit­ ness this contempt for Man, they would be made to wonder, in their anger, how we will escape the grinding jaws of hell. Europe is in a worse economic plight under allied control than it might have been if the Nazis had won their war. It is enough that the democracies have re­ tracted their promises and so plunged the continent into a tenth-circle of hell. Catholics, at least, should consider their responsibility before God. As for Notre Dame, herself, in order to conserve food in the Dining halls, I suggest that at the noon meal (when most of the waste takes place) students be allowed to request of the "serving- girls that nothing be put on their plates which they know they will not eat. Es­ pecially in regard to vegetables, the girls might well ask each student whether or not he wants a serving. The saving in food should be considerable, at the very least a thousand pounds a week. The ac­ tual food saved could be sent regularly as a gift from Notre Dame to various universities abroad, or the money saved could be used to buy food to export in this manner. Such an enterprise would not only be right action, but would ex­ LISTEN TO THIS!" press to the all-but-despairing students of Eoman Europe our solidarity in **The things I find myself buying! . Christ. "Enough paper clips in a year to fill a freight car ... A VETERAN. telephone poles by the hundreds of thousands . tons and tons and tons of paper for your telephone directories . April 13, 1946 "You see, I'm the shopper' for the country's Bell DEAR SIR: Telephone companies. I'm a careful buyer...study markets In the issue of April 12, you published, all over the world... I get the best and know how to save by Clarence Zimmer, a consensus of by buying in large quantities from all sections of the country. opinion . regarding peacetime military That's one reason why our nation's telephone service training. It would seem to us that those is the world's most economical as well as the world's best. consulted either had not seen military ' I'm the manufacturer for the Bell System, too. I distribute service, or if they had they were in the the telephone apparams I make, and all manner of supplies minority.. We find your poll very un­ that I buy, to the telephone companies. To top it off, I representative. Veterans, or those who install central office equipment. appreciate what was done in their in­ terest during the war years, would not "Remember my name . .i . It's Western Electric.** display such gross selfishness as evi­ denced by this article. One youth suffering from delayed adolesence stated that, "Although a year Western Electric of training wouldn't hurt anyone, that one year would disrupt one's education SOURCE OF SUPPLY FOR THE BELL SYSTEM (Continued on page 28) At Max AMe^t Qa. .^jWR-S^j:-; Virgin Wool Gabardine Slacks Fellows, li you're looking for slacks — Don't miss seeing the fine worsted Gabardines. Pleated and zipper fronts. 7^ OM^- ON THE COKNEK... MKHI6AN ( WMHIN6T0N ^he S^otre ^ame Scholastic Disce Quasi Semter Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus ^Ue Qneen BoMie^ FOUNDED 1867 By BILL BRAUN and FRANK McCARTHY It was suggested in a letter to the SCHOLASTIC, printed in our last issue, that the Student Council sponsor more campus activities . we have discussed this lack of campus social life with many of the students . the popular idea is this. Once a week the Student Council should sponsor a campus dance to be held preferably in the Eockne Mem­ orial .\ . the fee should be kept at a minimum of about twenty-five cents per person . for the benefit of stags, the girls from the Co-Hop Org. could be invited free of charge. Let's talk it up fellows. • JOHN DEFANT, Editor While we were home for the Easter Holiday . singular that is . we had a chance to glance through a copy of JACK HUMMEL Managing Editor Pravda, and noticed that Joe Stalin predicts a good season PAUL WEYRAUCH Sports Editor for the Irish Gridders . now that the draft is just about GEORGE COLLINS Navy Editor over, it is rumored that the AEMY'S scouts, armed with JOHNNY WALKER Feature Editor carpet bags filled with Confederate money, are touidng the JOE CHENEY News Editor South in search of new material . once again Davis is president . and our football team's current slogan seems to be, "Burn the Bridge" . last Wednesday Father Burke COLUMNISTS asked Shoulders Janicello if he thought there was going to THOMAS M. HIGGINS - - - The College Parade be a scrimmage that day. ... "I think so, Father," hs replied SAM SMITH The Crow's Nest . "We were blessed at noon." . BILL BRAUN, FRANK McCARTHY . The Green Banner • ED CASO, JOE PIEDMONT . - . - Soph Soap JERRY OLWELL - . - . Campus Clubs The lyrics, "Putsi-Putsi," featured in the cui-rent song hit. The Cement Mixers' Blues, has a little different meaning out on the golf course ... in fact it's so crowded on the back PHOTOGRAPHY nine that Bill Phelan and Ed Egan had to stand in line to JIM FERSTEL - - - Photographic Editor replace their divots last week . you know what a divot AL KUNTZ CHRISTY "WALSH is ... a thud in the mud by a dud . out on the ball diamond FRANK CACCIAPAGLIA they're asking Bill Hassett if Tom Sheehan is really his (Cover by John E. Swain) barber or if that is just a short CUT to something better. The Intra-Murder Base Ball game between St. Ed's and Badin turned into a GLASS-A contest and ended with a bang when a long low liner eclipsed a window in the student in­ CONTRIBUTORS firmary galley, and landed in a copper full of soup. Pudgy JACK SULLIVAN JAMES JOHN Jack Galloway is having a rough time as chairman of the BILLY SLAVICK JIM REGAN Affairs Committee for the Junior Prom ... oh well.. what's GERARD HEKKER JOHN THOMAS one affair more or less these days. Lou Tondreau has PAUL ABRAHAM DICK DEITZ been working ovei-time at his new job ... he is acting as MICHAEL GREENE JIM CLEMENS blind date coordinator for the St. Mary's Sophomore Cotil­ BILL PFAFF PETE BROWN lion. DAVE WARNER JIM MALER RAY CHAMBERLAND MEL GODDARD The cut-throat challenge system incorporated by the ten­ PETER PESOLI DICK DOWDLE nis team usually results in a daily quiz . the most asked BILL LEAVEY CLARENCE ZIMMER question is, "Who beat Joe Brown today?" . ..the athletic ROBERT J. LEANDER LEONARD DENTE JACK MINZING JOE WILCOX department has developed a new synthetic shaving lotion for JOHN A. O'CONNOR its tough bearded athletes . it's called Scannell No. 5. Judy, prima donna waitress at the Huddle, has invited many inquiries as to where and how she acquired the black and REV. C. J. LASKOWSKI, C.S.C. Faculty Advisor blue bruise on her jaw . the truth leaked out that it was ARTHUR COUGHLAN Circulation Manager incurred w^hile she was standing too close to the cash regis­ M. E. VARGA - Advertising ter w^hen the drawer sprung open. After completing a rugged exam in Spanish class, Paul Hussar went home and dashed off a little epic called, The Lost Semester . and Member of Catholic School Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press. then there was the fellow who went over to the Biology Represented for national advertising by National Advertising Service. Inc., 420 Madison Avenue, New York City—Chicago—^Boston—^Los Angeles— Building to get a bottle of LOBUND to take home for his San Francisco. THE SCHOVASTIC is published weekly during the school dog's fleas. year, except during vacations and examination periods at the University of Notre Dame. Address all correspondence to: Publications Office, Admin­ * istration Building, Notre Dame, Indiana. A while back a visitor asked where he (Turn to page 31) THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June 25, 1918. VOL. 87. NO. 5 APRIL 26. 1946 NOTRE DAME. INDIANA National Hook-up on Universal N.D. Night Prof. Stritch to Head K of C Formal Ball Honoring the memory of 324 Notre Dame men who died for their country in Journalism Department to be Held May 24 World War II, more than 25,000 alumni and former students of the University Mr. Thomas J. Stiitch, of Nashville, With the appointment of Ralph Hay- ^vill meet in scores of communities Tenn., foiiner Associate Professor of man as general chairman for the throughout the United States in the 23rd English at the University, has been ap­ Knights of Columbus Formal Ball, it annual obsei-vance of Universal Notre pointed Head of the Department of was announced by Grand Knight Robert Dame Night on Monday, April 29. Journalism at Notre Dame effective next Sullivan that the dance ^^^ll be held on September, it was announced by the Eev. the 24th of May at the Indiana Club.
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