L TDBSDAT, 8BPTEMBBR 8,1940 Arerage Daily Circulation ^ O B T W B L V B The Westhcr fl«irbMitMr ^ttntbto SnaQ i For the Month of Auguat, 1>40 Feraeaet of U. It. tVeathsr Boreao deluge of rain and slowed up eaat Manchester Water Company plant The St. James' Holy Name So­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones, of on lin e street. , 6,331 Fair tonight and ’ninreday; Proctor Road. Mr. and Mrs. Carl and went traffic, heavy at the time. ciety will resume its meetings to­ Little Damage Besldenta returning from Beaton Menlwr of the Audit Johnson, of Pine street end Mr. DndeipaM Flooded sMghtly cooler tonight. A bou t Tow n night in the S t James's Hall. The and farther eaat reported that HALE'S SELF SERVE Bureau o f OirenlaMoua meeting Is scheduled for 8:00 p.m. and Mrs. Joseph Hoher, o f Pine For about 20 mlnutea while showers were general from Man­ street, have returned from s week­ Here by Rains Lhere waa a email pond of water chester easterly to the border of The Original In New England! M anchester^A City o f Village Charm DorcM Society membere will Red Cross Volunteer workers are end spent visiting the World's F u r on' Center street, underneath, the Maine and New Hampshire. hold their regrular buainese meeting and points of interest in New Yoilt Chjihey railroad bridge and on Cen­ reminded that sewing wjll be car- Advortlatag eu Page IB) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,1940 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS a t Bmanuel Uitheran church to­ 'rled on tomorrow from 10 to 12 and City. ' UnderpaM on Center St. ter S ^et from Proctor Road to "\V0L. LHL, NO. 2M morrow evening at eight o’clock, 1 to 3 at the new headquarters In Dougherty street, traffic plied up AND HEALTH MARKET ftdlowlng which they will llaten to the corner rear room, first floor of The Private Duty Nursee* Aeao- Flooded as Usual; No east and' west of these flooded Public Stenographer areas untlLthe water subsided. The a guest speaker whose subject will Cheney Brothers main office on clatlon will tpeet In the clinic build­ Do Work During Spare be «Glrl Scout ActUities." "Rain second shower lasted about 20 will Hartford Road. ing on Haynee street at 7:30 Washouts Reported. Time. Neat Guaranteed. President Trades ,‘>0 Over-Age Destroyers to B.ri|tain and Sunshine ” bags should be re­ o’clock tonight. By-lawe and bill minutes and Was one of the heav­ Wednesday Specials turned at this meeting. The heads will be given out and all iest of the summer. ' For Further Informatlou Delta Chapter. R. A. M., will Two unheralded showers swept Destroyer Trade British Repel Three hostesses wlU be Mrs. John Retd. members are urged to present No Big Wsshonts Write P.'O. Box Bl, STORE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY! hold Its first fall meeting tomor­ down on Manchester late yester­ Mancheeter Green Mia. Charles Bunzel, Miss Mabel r „ . BJorkman, Miss Eleanor and Miss row night at 7:30 at Masonic Tem- day afternoon and early lest eve­ No serious washouts were re­ Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hair and ported by the highway department P'e- ____ ning bearing rain of cloudburst Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. Harriet Casperson. son David have returned to their resulting from the storm, accord­ home on Henry street after spend­ proportions that slowed down the Causes Wrathful William D. Turklngton of ing to 'Town ’Engineer J. Frank . j : Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knoda and ing the month of August at South heavy holiday traffic for the dura­ Bowen. Moat of the town’s storm Thrusts by Ene son, Roy, of Middle Turnpike East 178 1-2 Center street, who escaped WANTED Harpswell, Maine. tion. The storm first ewept out of water catch basins were filled with and Mr. aiid Mrs. WtlHara Ander­ death when 10.000 volts passed ANOTHER PIANO PLATER . 10-Lb. Cloth Bag 49c through his body at the Stratford the northeast about S:40 p. m. ac­ gravel washed down from gp’aveled son and son. Dongjas, of Hemlock The Luther League of the Eman­ drives and soil from gardens. to play for dancing olaaaea dur­ Debate in House street, spent the bollday and week­ plant of the United Aircraft Co. companied by several flashes of ing the week - day aftemoona. uel Lutheran church will hold a lightning, lasting about 15 min­ The rainfall for the past 24 Gold .Medal ■ i I end In Naticokf, Ta. nn .July r>0. returned home Sunday. roller skating party at Coventry U p was a patient at a Bridgeport utes. The second etorm, passing hours totaled 1.13 Inches at the For Further Informatlan Transfer Seen ‘Act of Man Walks 4,000 Miles Lake tonight, leaving the church measuring station located at the C ALL 48BI Air Battle in Reich over at about 7:45 p. m. brought a Miss Stcffie Krajewski of hospital for a month and it was at 7 o’clock. Miss Grace Benson le 24! j-Lb. Bag 85c To Cure Stomach Ache Oakland street and .Miss ytary I neces-sary to amputate part of one In charge of arrangements. War’ by Ohio Republi­ i of hts heels which was badly burn­ Katmarszyk of 1R2 North School can as Another Sees Dallas, Sept. 4.—(/P>—John street, entered Bay Path Tn.atitiite. ed hv the electrical shock. He Is Squadrons of British Salute Method Changed Bombers in 4-Hour Se« Gibbons Assembly, Catholic C.n F. Stahl, 58, walked 4,000 miles Cprlngfleld. today. The h.r- now al.lp to got about but will not Ladles of Columbus, will hold Its 25c Need for Revolution to In School.s of Pittsburgh return to work for some time. Hormel Spam to cure a stomach ache. Bombers (Tash with ries of Gounterattackfl mer was tendered n party .Sat';i- first meeting o f the season tonight He took a sea trip to the day evening by a group " f her in the kendergarten of St. James’s ,Save Democracy; Two PitUsburgh, .Sept. 4 ..P) - Against Advanced Ger* LIbby’o Panama Canal iSone but decid­ German Fighters West classmates in thus ye.ar a graiiu it I Miss Florenre Shaw of Edward school on Park street Instead of I Bccau.se of complaints from I street has returned after spending Demorrats I^iid Act. ed walking would help him Ing class fron' Manchester High the usual meeting place, the K. of USE OP CAMERA more. So, he declares, he Of Berlin in ('.entral ' paicnt.s and patnotir srx.letics man Striking Bases in ' a week at thy Tunxis Hou.se. school and revneniher^d with beau­ U. home, which Is not avsilable to­ 6 c^at 2 5 c trudged through Central Amer­ . that the outstretched arm .sa- Quonnrhnnlaug.“ R. I. DURING OUR Potted Meat Germany's First Big France; .Attempted As­ tiful gifts 1 night. Wa.shington, Sept. 4.— ica, Mexico and Texas. I lute duplieaterl the salute of PICTURE CONTEST (A P )— Pre.sident Roosevelt’s •It was a long walk," Stahl Engagement of War; dictator nations. F’ltt.shurgh saults on Kent and Es­ Members of the Salvation Army said, "but I haven’t got the I puMic school children have WEEKI.Y PRIZE! destroyer-naval base trade Young People’s Band will leave Green Peppers 8 lhs. 25c stomach ache." !Vo Bombs Rejiortefl abandoned that gest\ire m i sex AirporY Turned the citadel at 6:30 tomorrow eve­ with Great Britain precipi­ He was a Ran Francisco pledging allegiance lo the Stars ENTER NOW ! — :— s-4 ---------- ------------------ 111 ('.apitol. Back Without Damage. ning for Nathan Hale Camp. Cov­ tated a short, but sometimes postal employe 20 years. I)ro|q>ed an-1 .Stnpes. PINEHURST OPEN ALL DAY entry. where a dog roast will be wrathful, round of debate to­ Dr. F: a . Dimmi'k, aaaoriate served and swimming enjoyed. It ____________WEDNESDAY____________ KEMP'8 Cooking Apples 8 Lbs. 25c day in the Ilou.se. Berlin, Sept. 4.— (A P ) — superintendent of sch'>ols. said I»r.(lon, Sept. 4.— (A P j^ is requested that all membera be­ a scmi-mllitary salute, with the i British fighters and anti-air-" at the citadel promptly at 6:30. Rpprfupntatlvo Smith (R,. Ohio! Cro.ssing patb.s with .Nazi Featuring Wednewlav . Shipment of 1910 Crnp of Tasty. Sweet Ifd off a scrips of onc-mlmitp Fifty over-age American destroyers, such as tliese, will be traded for a chain of Naval and Air planes headed for raids on right hand held to the forehead , craft gun.s quickly repelled Special Tax above the right eye, has been i Ronald Farris, of Pine street, apppchps with thP aasertton that base sites In British posse.sslons In the Atlantic and CarlDbean, President Roosevelt has - announced, , squadron.S of B rit-' i three enemy thrusts today as HEALTH MARKET Irons of 1 ad< pted as the standard form. BLACK RASPBERRIES Herbert Friasell. of Short street, I transfer of 50 destroyera to Brit­ This picture shows World' war destroyers at the nilladelphia .Navy 7'ard before the pre.sent war i ; it was disclosed that R. A. F. ain was "clearly an art of war,” bogan. An official at the .Navy 7'ard said of ap proxim.ately 60 tied up for years at the yar.l, only six ish homher.8 clashed* r witho and John Kemp of Colchester have ; On Defense I bomhors launched a four-hour 17e can .
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