USAID Clean Power Asia Annual Report Fiscal Year 2019: October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019 Submission Date: October 15, 2019 Contract Number: AID-486-C-16-00001 Activity Period: June 27, 2016 – June 26, 2021 COR Name: Amanda Van den Dool Submitted by: Dana Kenney, Chief of Party Abt Associates Abdulrahim Place, Suite 501 990 Rama IV Road Bangrak, Bangkok, 10500 Thailand Tel: +66 2026 3065 Email: [email protected] This document was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development’s Regional Development Mission for Asia (USAID/RDMA). ACRONYMS ACE ASEAN Center for Energy ACEF Asia Clean Energy Forum ADB Asian Development Bank AEDS ASEAN Energy Database System AIMS ASEAN Interconnection Master Plan Study AIT Asian Institute of Technology AIIB Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank AMEM ASEAN Ministers of Energy Meeting API Application programming interface ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations BIDV Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam CA Concession agreement CCN Coordinating country national CEADIR USAID Climate Economic Analysis for Development, Investment, and Resilience CEIA Clean Energy Investment Accelerator Chula Chulalongkorn University CO Contracting Officer COD Commercial operation date COP Chief of Party COR Contracting Officer’s Representative CRM Customer relationship management DEDE Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (Thailand) DEPP Department of Energy Policy and Planning (Lao PDR) DC Department Circular (Philippines) DCOP Deputy Chief of Party DFAT Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade DOC Development Outreach and Communications DPPA Direct Power Purchase Agreement DPV Distributed photovoltaics DREI De-risking Energy Investments DWG Demand Working Group (Lao PDR) E3 USAID’s Bureau for Economic Growth, Education, and Environment EAC Electricity Authority of Cambodia ECI Electrical Construction and Installation, State Enterprise (Lao PDR) EDC Électricité du Cambodge 1 1 EDL Électricité du Laos ELD-Gen Électricité du Laos-Generation EGAT Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand EMMP Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan EOI Expression of interest EPC Engineering, procurement, and construction company EPPO Energy Policy and Planning Office (Thailand) ERCOT Electric Reliability Council of Texas EREA Electricity and Renewable Energy Agency (Vietnam) ERI Energy Research Institute ESMAP Energy Sector Management Assistance Program ESS Energy storage systems EVN Vietnam Electricity FIT Feed-in tariff FS Feasibility study FMO Entrepreneurial Development Bank FTI Federation of Thai Industries GGGI Global Green Growth Institute GIS Geographic information system GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GRE Güssing Renewable Energy GWEC Global Wind Energy Council HAPUA Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities HNEI Hawai'i Natural Energy Institute IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IEA International Energy Agency IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency IREP Institute of Renewable Energy Promotion (Lao PDR) IRRP Integrated Resource and Resilience Planning JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency LBNL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory LCOE Levelized cost of electricity LEAP Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning LHSE Lao Holding State Enterprise LM Lower Mekong M&E Monitoring & Evaluation MEA Metropolitan Electricity Authority (Thailand) MEM Ministry of Energy and Mines (Lao PDR) 2 2 Meralco Manila Electric Company MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency MME Ministry of Mines and Energy (Cambodia) MOFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Cambodia) MOFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Lao PDR) MOIT Ministry of Industry and Trade (Vietnam) MoNRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (Lao PDR) MOU Memorandum of Understanding MPI Ministry of Planning and Investment (Lao PDR) MW Megawatt MWG Modeling Working Group NCSD National Council on Sustainable Development (Cambodia) NDC Nationally determined contribution NECA New Energy Capital Asia NEMO Next Energy Modeling System for Optimization NEPC National Energy Policy Council NGO Non-governmental organization NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory OERC Energy Regulatory Commission (Thailand) PACE-D USAID India’s Partnership to Advance Clean Energy Deployment PD Project Director PDA Project development agreement PDOE Department of Energy (Philippines) PDP Power development plan PEA Provincial Electricity Authority (Thailand) PEU Provincial Electricity Utility (Cambodia) PFAN Private Financing Advisory Network PPA Power purchase agreement PSRT Power Sector Resilience Toolkit PV Photovoltaics PVOUT Potential photovoltaic electricity production RDMA USAID’s Regional Development Mission for Asia RE Renewable energy REBA Renewable Energy Buyer’s Alliance REO RDMA’s Regional Environment Office RE-SSN Renewable Energy Subsector Network REZ Renewable energy zone RFP Request for proposal 3 3 SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SCG Siam Cement Group SEAC Solar Energy Association of Cambodia SEDA Sustainable Energy Development Authority (Malaysia) SEI Stockholm Environment Institute SETA Sustainable Energy & Technology Asia SHB Saigon-Hanoi Bank SOME Senior Officials Meeting on Energy STEM Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics SWG Supply Working Group (Lao PDR) TAC Technical Advisory Committee TCN Third-country national TICA Thailand International Cooperation Agency TOR Terms of reference TPVA Thai Photovoltaic Industries Association TRC Technical Review Committee TUG Thai Union Group USAID United States Agency for International Development USEA United States Energy Association USG United States Government USTDA U.S. Trade and Development Administration VA Vulnerability assessment VECO Visayan Electric Company V-LEEP USAID Vietnam Low Emissions Energy Program VRE Variable renewable energy WC Working Committee (Lao PDR) 4 4 1. PROGRAM OVERVIEW/SUMMARY Program Name: USAID Clean Power Asia Activity Start Date And End Date: June 27, 2016 – June 26, 2021 Abt Associates Inc. Name of Prime Implementing Partner: Contract Number: AID-486-C-16-00001 Stockholm Environment Institute ASEAN Centre for Energy Name of Subcontractors/Sub-awardees: Navigant Consulting, Inc. Chulalongkorn University Cambodia: National Council for Sustainable Development, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Electricity Authority of Cambodia, Électricité du Cambodge Lao PDR: Ministry of Energy and Mines, Électricité du Laos, Électricité du Laos-Generation Major Counterpart Organizations: Thailand: Chulalongkorn University Vietnam: Ministry of Industry and Trade/ Electricity and Renewable Energy Agency Philippines: Philippines Department of Energy and Energy Regulatory Commission Geographic Coverage: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam Reporting Period: October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019 1.1 Program Description Energy demand in Asia is expected to increase dramatically in the next decade. Without a concerted effort to promote a low emission power system, the region will continue to rely heavily on conventional energy sources such as coal and large-scale hydropower to meet this demand. Further expansion of conventional power plants will have far-reaching negative impacts, both for global greenhouse gas emissions as well as for ecosystems, human health, fisheries, and livelihoods throughout the Mekong River Basin. The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Clean Power Asia initiative is a $16.3 million contract, implemented by Abt Associates, which works with Lower Mekong countries and other Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states to encourage power sector investments in environmentally friendly, grid-connected renewable energy (RE) sources. The program focuses explicitly on incorporating renewable energy into planning, promoting smart incentives, building an enabling environment for renewable energy policies and frameworks, and catalytic finance. 1 The program collaborates with diverse stakeholders, partners, and regional organizations in four Lower Mekong (LM) countries, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Vietnam, and shares lessons learned and best practices among additional ASEAN member countries, including the Philippines and Indonesia. The goal of USAID Clean Power Asia is to accelerate the regional transition to a high performing, low carbon power sector. The program goal is to be accomplished through three interconnected outcomes: 1. High renewable energy scenarios included in energy planning. 2. Improved enabling policy, regulatory, and technical environment for renewable energy deployment. 3. Increased investment in and deployment of grid-connected renewable energy projects. 2 1.2 Summary of Results to Date DO 1: Regional Institutions’ Ability to Promote Sustainable and Equitable Regional Growth Increased IR 1.1: Improved Management of Natural Capital Sub-IR: 1.1.1: Mobilization of public and private sector for low emission development strategies increased Baseline Data FY2019 Quarterly Status – FY2019 Annual Annual Annual Performance Comment Indicator Data Source Cumulative Year Value Cumulative Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Achieved to (s) Planned Actual Date (in %) Target Indicator 1 - Number of laws, policies, regulations, or standards addressing clean Program stakeholders; law/policy/regulation/standa energy formally proposed, rd/plan documents; records See details adopted, or implemented as - 0 16 5 0 0 2 3 31.25% of program’s contribution to below supported by USG assistance (EG.12-3) developing/improving the measures
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