E-248 Public Disclosure Authorized Government of Bangladesh Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock Department of Fisheries Wtorld Bank Public Disclosure Authorized FOURTH FISHERIES PROJECT PREPARATION Public Disclosure Authorized Annex 9: Environmental Assessment Draft Final Report Prepared by Garry M Bernacsek GLOBALAQUATIC CORPORATION Pty Ltd Public Disclosure Authorized Sydney, Australia and Yusuf Sharif Ahmed Khan Institute of Marine Sciences Chittagong University Chittagong 4 December 1997 Bangladesh Telecommunications Traffic Study and Review of Interconnection Facilities PRELIMINARYREPORT By DETECONfor the World Bank December 1997 LOBAL GLOBAL AQUATIC CORPORATION Pty.Ltd. ACIUATIC| SOLUTIONS FOR ENVIRONMENT & FISHERIES 9 Dec 1997 Mr Nasir Uddin Ahmed Director (Inland Fisheries) Department of Fisheries Matshya Bhaban Dhaka Dear Mr Ahmed Subject: Fourth Fisheries Annex 9: EnvironmentalAssessment Draft Final Report It is my pleasure to submit to the Department of Fisheries the master copy of the above report. I enclose also a computer disk with the report files. Thank you for the opportunity to work on this interesting and important project. I hope that the work of Global Aquatic and our cooperating partner is to your satisfaction, and we await your comments. With best regards, Garry ernacsek Executive Director GLOBALAQUATIC CORPORATION Pty.Ltd. NOTE TO READER Due to time and logistic constraints this draft final report is incomplete in certain respects. Indicated items will be completed by February 1998 by the national consultant. Four regional workshops and one national workshop will be held during December 1997 and January 1998. Their outputs will be used to modify the final report. FOURTH FISHERIES PROJECTPREPARATION Annex 9: EnvironmentalAssessment ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS BCG Bangladesh Coast Guard BIWTA Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority CAS Catch assessment survey CBA Cost-benefit analysis CO Community Organizer DC District Commissioner DFO District Fisheries Officer DOE Department of Environment DOF Department of Fisheries DOFr Department of Forestry DORH Department of Roads and Highways EAG Environmental Advisory Group EIG EMP Implementation Group EMONP Environmental Monitoring Plan EMP Environmental Management Plan ESC Environmental Steering Committee ESR Environmental Status Report EUS Epizootic ulcerative syndrome disease FAP Flood Action Plan FCDI Flood control, drainage & irrigation project GOB Government of Bangladesh GON Govermmentof the Netherlands IBJRC Indo-Bangladesh Joint Rivers Commission IDA International Development Association IRR Internal rate of return LGED Local Government Engineering Department MOFL Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock MOL Ministry of Land NFMP New Fisheries Management Policy NPV Net present value O&M Operation and maintenance of water management structures SWMC Surface Water Modelling Centre TFO Thana Fisheries Officer WB World Bank FOURTH FISHERIES PROJECT PREPARATION Annex 9: Entvironmental Assessment GLOSSARY aaratdar Trader with a space for storing commodities abadi Outside settler akai Gleaning of submerged rice aman Monsoon rice crop harvested in November/December barga Share cropping barnan Hindu sub-caste whose major profession is fishing beel Floodplain lake which may hold water permanently or dry up during the winter season bepari Harvester of boro rice who generally comes from outside the area blhagi Share cropping bhlasha One method of fishing bigha Local unit of land measurement (one bigha = 0.13 ha) bisra Area adjacent to a homestead and intermediate in height between the homesteadand rice fields, on which vegetablesare grown bivash A tree species used as fuelwood Salix tetraspenma) boro Rice grown in the dry season and harvestedin April/May borun A tree species used as fuelwood (Crataera nurvala) cl2ailla A long grass grown in lowlands(Hematheria potensa) chiada Contribution chiangari Platform made to dry fish chlohon(ululbinna) A grass used to thatch house rooves cl1uk.1i Seasonal lease of agricultural land with an agreed fixed amount of the produce to be paid after the harvest chula Cooking place (oven) dair/chhit Terrace of shallowchannels within a rice field datal Commissionagent deta Rice straw dl/ara Bamboo mat doba Smaller water body don An indigenousmethod of manualirrigation duar Deep scour hole in a river, usually at a bend or a confluence durlia A kind of grass (Cynodondactylon) ejmnali Jointly owned by co-sharers/villagers gola Granary haal Local unit of land measurement(1 haal = 12 kare = 1.44 ha) hzaor Depression on floodplain, located between two or more rivers, which functions as a small internal drainage basin hati Continuousgroup of homesteadsoccupied by a social group sharing lineage and/or other factors hizal A wetlandtree speciesused for fuelwoodand katha FOURTH FISHERIES PROJECTPREPARATION Annex 9: En vironmentalAssessment (Barringtonia acutangula) iclha Collective name for several species of small prawns jagli An indigenous variety of boro rice jal Fishing net jala Seedlings jalnohal Fishing ground jangal Dyke-cum-road across crop fields kaiborta Hindu sub-caste whose major profession is fishing k-anla Wage labourer kanda Ridges that are higher than the haor basin but lower than homestead land k-atha Branches of trees or bamboo piles placed in water to provide shelter for fish k-are Local unit of land measurement (one kare = 0.12 ha) khlal Drainage channel running across a haor, connecting a beel to a river klhalaslzi Sluice gate operator klIarif Monsoon crop season, including Aus and Aman crop season klhas Government-owned land kartha Bush park type fish production system kliet Agricultural land kl:ola Temporary dry season fishing camp kona jal A kind of seine net korochz A wetland tree species used as fuelwood and for katlha (Pong,amiapinnata) mahlajan Local money/rice lender mnainol Muslims whose major profession is fishing. inajili Boatman inaund Local unit of measurement (one maund = 37.5 kg) mehagani A tree species with high timber value iizera A tree species used as fuelwood mother fishery An area with a dense concentration of diverse high quality fishery habitats which controls fish abundance over a much larger area nainasudra Hindu sub-caste with low status nara Rice straw nik-ari Fish retailer nolklhagra One type of wild plant used for homestead protection palzaradar Fish guard parishad Council paramn Wooden platform of boat parni Hindu sub-caste whose major profession is boat plying ponipratha Dowry system purdah Seclusion rabi Dry season FOURTH FISHERIES PROJECT PREPARATION Annex 9: Environmental Assessment rangjam?a Seasonal lease of agricultural land with an agreed advance in cash sanitr Cooperative society sampad Resource shail A variety of boro rice shak Leafy vegetable shidal Semi-fermented fish shurk-i Sun-dried fish singra A type of water chest nut (Irapa maximawiczee) sona bang A frog species anatiX.-rina) tab Bamboo poles to shelter fish tlzana Smallest administrative unit; below district (formerly upazila) ujaiya Movement of fish against water current union parishad Local government council at union level urlhan Courtyard zamindar Feudal landlord zirati Irnmigrant cultivators FOURTH FISHERIES PROJECT PREPARATION Annex 9: Environmental Assessment TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRO IS AND ABBRI VIATIC)ANS ........................................................... GLOSSARY............................................................. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................5 ISTOF-TABLES ............................................................ 11 LIST O1FFIIGlJUR]ES ............................................................ 12 EXECUTIVE SUMM ARY .......................................................................... 13 1. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTOF PROPOSED PROJECT .......35 A. PROJECT SETTING ...................................................................36 A.1 Background ......................................................................... 36 A.2 Rationale and Objectives of the Proposed Project ............................................... 36 A.3 Methodology for Envirommental Assessment and Review Process ........................... 37 A.4 EIA Team ......................................................................... 38 A.5 EIA Budget and Level of Effort ...................................................................... 38 A.6 Limitations ......................................................................... 38 A.7 Relationship to Project Feasibility Study ........................................................... 39 A.8 Scope and Format of Report ......................................................................... 39 A.9 Acknowledgmnents ........................... .............................................. 39 B. POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK ............................41 B.1 Fisheries and Environmental Policy Framework ................................................. 41 B.2 Legal Framework ........................... .............................................. 42 B.3 Administrative Framework ......................................................................... 43 C. PROJECT ALTERNATIVESS................................................................... 45 C.A Future Without Project ......................................................................... 45 C.2 Alternatives ......................................................................... 46 C.3 Selection of Alternative .........................................................................
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