Kuwaiti man Iraq, Syria pose Arsenal in reportedly Saudi dilemma; 17th straight jailed by failed states or Champions Islamic State8 Iranís12 proxies group47 stage Max 45º Min 29º FREE www.kuwaittimes.net NO: 16269- Friday, August 29, 2014 Gunmen seize 43 UN peacekeepers Page 10 SYRIA: An armoured ambulance of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) waits next to other UN vehicles in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights as they wait to cross into the Syrian side of the Golan, yesterday. The United Nations confirmed that an armed group captured 43 UN peacekeepers on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights yesterday, saying it was doing everything to secure their release. — AFP Local FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 2014 In my view Alcoholism in Kuwait By By Sara Ahmed KUWAIT: A woman participates in a weaving course at Sadu House. [email protected] lcohol is illegal in Kuwait and because of this, there is little to no discussion about alcoholism, Aits impact on the individual, the family or socie- ty. Yet alcoholism cuts across all social, nationality, economic and racial barriers. It can also be found in many homes in Kuwait and security forces regularly arrest smugglers or home brewers. Setting aside the illegality of the matter, however, the question of alco- holism is seldom addressed for several reasons. First, given that alcohol is illegal, it’s a closed subject. How can someone seek treatment for alcoholism when they are not supposed to be drinking in the first place? Many would fear legal action or criminal charges for possession or consumption. Second, unlike in many countries where alcohol can be publicly consumed, drinking here is typically done in private and so only a few people - family and close friends - may know that someone has a prob- lem. Problems kept in the dark don’t just go away. Whether you view it as a disease or a self inflicted harm, whether you outlaw it or permit it, alcoholism can lead to many other societal problems including divorce, domestic abuse, violence, unemployment, child abuse, lack of productivity, car accidents and much more. So what can someone do if they or a loved one are an alcoholic in Kuwait? There are a few Al Anon-type groups that meet here, though for obvious reasons they are kept pri- vate. Some local clinics and hospitals also offer reha- bilitation and treatment options. Someone seeking help should also consider going for treatment abroad, as many countries offer affordable rehabilitation clin- ics and options. Meanwhile, a more modern, proactive approach to dealing with the issue should be adopted by the government. Refusing to acknowledge that there is a problem does no one - neither the alcoholic, his family or society any good. First Arab military judiciary summit AMMAN: The first Arab military judiciary conference yes- terday stressed the importance of enshrining the inde- pendence of military judiciary principle in laws and consti- tutions as it is a significant part of the judicial authority. Concluding their three-day meeting, participants called for introducing objective and procedural reforms to achieve this goal. They recommended increasing the levels of liti- gation at military courts in order to be in conjunction with civil courts system and to attain international standards for fair trial. The conferees also stressed importance of estab- lishing a permanent Arab military judiciary body to boost cooperation among military judiciary institutions in Arab countries. The Kuwaiti delegation presented during yesterday’s session a paper outlining legislative and legal develop- ments of Kuwaiti military judiciary since its establishment, Dr Khaled Al-Otaibi, head of the Kuwaiti delegation, stated to KUNA. The Kuwaiti paper also highlighted Kuwaiti mili- tary judiciary’s significant accomplishments, disciplinary trials and proposed laws, he added. Delegations from Kuwait, Jordan, Morocco, Egypt, Qatar, Bahrain, the UAE, Oman, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, the Palestinian Authority, Tunisia, Yemen and the Arab League participated in the conference. — KUNA Local FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 2014 Local Spotlight Naivety makes for easy theft victims By Muna Al-Fuzai house’s door. The neighbor went down and spoke with the young man who seemed very confident and claimed to be a friend. He asked the stranger to leave as it was clear that no one [email protected] was in the house. This proved a blessing for that young man. agree that Kuwait is relatively safe. However, The next day, the house was robbed. That well- this doesn’t mean that you can leave your dressed man was just a thief. He is in police cus- Ihouse or car unlocked, with your valuables tody now. He was arrested a week after the theft, scattered all over the house and your car keys on but by then he had sold all of the stolen items. He the dashboard. Kuwait is not as safe as it used to confessed that it was not an accident and that he be. As in any other country in the world, thieves and his friends had planned it all. Thieves are now wait for the right moment to get their hands on becoming more dangerous - they watch the your belongings and make some quick money. house for many days before robbing it. Their sick Whether you live in a flat or a house, keep your mind creates a plan and they prepare themselves valuables in a safe place. Because if they ever get for any surprises, such as curious neighbors. stolen, you will not get them back. My friend has given up hope of getting her A friend of mine is one of those who believe valuable jewelry back. But the thief also stole all that Kuwait is very safe, and she never thought the spare keys and sold them to another gang, about locking the front door of her house or buy- along with the house’s address. So there is the ing a safe. After her house was robbed, she possibility of a second theft, one that could hap- installed surveillance cameras all around it. Of pen at any time. And although that thief is in jail course, it was too late - but better late than never. now, the rest of the gang are possibly planning How she was robbed shows how criminals think a new robbery, targeting someone else who is and act. One day, when she and her family were naive enough to believe that he will not be out, a neighbor heard a heavy knock at her front robbed. Thus, I offer a piece of advice. Never door just before midnight. From his window, the leave your house or car unlocked, even for a few neighbor saw a well-dressed man who had minutes. You don’t want to be the next victim arrived in a nice car, trying to open the empty waiting in line. KUWAIT: An Indian expat fetches drinking water from an outdoor water cooler as Kuwait temperature soars to above 45 degrees Celsius. — By Joseph Shagra ts with – ManilaMMaanilaa flightsfflligh with DirectDDiirreectt KuwaitKKuuwuwait FFIIC! AACCIFC 2015 BU PPA Jan. 1 - Mar. 31, 2 CEBUCEBC PACIFIC!P• TravelTTr Period: Jan.J 1 - Mar. 31, 2015 . 25 - 31, 20144 Saleale Period: Aug. 25 - 31, 2014 tot ManilaMaMananinililala KWDKWKWDW .1010 cebupacificair @ cebupacificair Why everyone flies. TERMS & CONDITIONS Quoted fare is one way inclusive of 7 kg hand-carry baggage allowance but exclusive of Fuel Surcharge, applicable fees and taxes.taxes. Promo is non-refundable. Limited availabilityavailability.. International fare is on DERRNDQGEX\EDVLV$WWLPHRIERRNLQJSUHSXUFKDVH\RXUEDJDERRN DQG EX\ EDVLV $W WLPH RI ERRNLQJ SUHSXUFKDVH \RXU EDJJDJHDOORZDQFHWRVDYHWLPHDQGPRQH\DWFKHFNLQ)OLJKWFKDQJHJDJH DOORZDQFH WR VDYH WLPH DQG PRQH\ DW FKHFNLQ)OLJKW FKDQJHVVFDQEHGRQHXSWRKRXUVEHIRUH\RXUVFKHGXOHGÀLJKW FDQ EH GRQH XS WR KRXUV EHIRUH \RXU VFKHGXOHG ÀLJKW 77RRERRN \RXU ÀLLJJKWWVV JR WR ZZZZZZFHEXSDFL¿FDLLUUUFRP. <<RRXPD\ DOOVVR FRQWDFW \RXU 77UUUDDYHO $JHQW RU RXU *HQHUDO 6DOHV $JHQW¶¶VV **66$$$ 2II¿¿FH DW **)) $O-DZZKKDUUDD 77RRZHUU $OO6DOOKKLL\\D $OOLL $O6DOHP 6W .XZDLW &LWW\\\ 77HHOHSKRQHQXPEHUUVV ± ((PDLO FHEXSDFL¿FDLUU##FDHVDUWWUUDYHOFRP Local FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 2014 Multi-level marketing targets Filipino community in Kuwait By Ben Garcia lionaires if members follow their business plan. The MLM business is quite young in t sounds like the perfect plan. Invest a lit- Kuwait, but is gaining momentum rapidly. tle money, buy some product, recruit People are attracted to MLM strategies Iyour friends and watch the money flow because the money flows like ‘crazy’ to in. But plans can often fail and in the case of members (only if you become a member a multilevel marketing proposal making the early ahead of everyone else). Leaders and rounds of Kuwait’s Filipino community, members are compensated well, including they are more likely to leave the investors trips to the US and Europe, after reaching broke and bitter. Thirty-three-year-old a certain quota, and cash prizes or cars. Maya thought the idea of ‘multilevel mar- keting’ (MLM) sounded like the quickest What is MLM? way to a better financial future. “I joined Wikipedia defines MLM or multi level and paid cash to become a member. I marketing business as a marketing strate- thought I was going to become a million- gy in which the sales force is compensated aire because that was the initial promise of not only for sales they personally gener- the group who recruited me. But I got ate, but also for the sales of the other nothing,” she told Kuwait Times. A mother salespeople that they have recruited. of two kids, Maya was recruited in Ramadan People connected to MLM earn not only 2012 and initially paid KD 70 to buy prod- from their own sales but also for the sales of the people they recruited, creating a chain of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation, or in short a pyramid.
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