October 25, 2000 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 24699 Robin is a truly remarkable human being of the circumstances surrounding the disaster. the United States Navy, and for his life-long and her contributions, not only to her commu- It was on the evening of July 17th, 1944, dur- devotion as a son, husband, brother, father nity but also to the field of Pediatrics, are un- ing World War II, that the munitions blast oc- and citizen, I pay tribute. Ensign Triplett was paralleled. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the State curred. In an era of a segregated military, en- the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ree D. Triplett of of Colorado and the US Congress I would like listed African Americans were relegated to du- Shuqualak, Mississippi. He is survived by his to commend Dr. Beach on her many accom- ties separate from those of their white counter- wife, Lorrie, and his two little girls, Andrea plishments and wish her the very best as she parts. Instead of obtaining ship duty, they (age seven) and Savannah Renee (age four); continues to educate Colorado’s future doctors were assigned to load ammunition and explo- his parents, Savannah and Ree Triplett of in the field of Pediatrics. sives on ships at port without the benefit of Shuqualak, Mississippi; and his two brothers, f proper training for this potentially dangerous two former servicemen, Theotis Donald (Air responsibility. After the terrible tragedy, African Force) and Wayne (Marine Corps). PERSONAL EXPLANATION American servicemen still suffering from the Mr. Speaker, I ask our colleagues to join me trauma of the explosion were ordered back to in remembering this present day hero, Ensign HON. JIM KOLBE work handling ammunition at another location. Andrew Triplett. Our sincere prayers and OF ARIZONA At that point, 258 of them refused that specific thoughts are with the Triplett family at this dif- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES assignment, saying they would take any other ficult time, and the other families who lost duty but that one in view of their experience. Wednesday, October 25, 2000 loves ones on the U.S.S. Cole. At a racially charged court martial trial, 208 f Mr. KOLBE. Mr. Speaker, on October 24, servicemen were given bad conduct dis- 2000 the House debated and voted on H. charges and denied three months’ pay. An- RECOGNIZING THE HONORABLE Res. 634, ‘‘Providing for the consideration of other 50 were convicted of mutiny, which HUGH DESMOND HOYTE H.R. 4656, Lake Tahoe Basin School Site could have resulted in the death penalty. Sen- Land Conveyance Act’’, H. Con. Res. 414, tences of 8 and 15 years at hard labor were HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS ‘‘Relating to the Reestablishment of Rep- meted out, but eventually clemency was grant- OF NEW YORK resentative Government in Afghanistan’’, and ed at the conclusion of the war. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H.R. 4271, the ‘‘National Science Education Mr. Speaker, I know my colleagues here in Wednesday, October 25, 2000 Act.’’ Had I been present, I would have voted the U.S. House of Representatives join me in ‘‘aye’’ on H. Res. 634, (roll call vote number honoring a true World War II hero, Seaman Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to 541) ‘‘aye’’ on H. Con. Res. 414 (roll call vote Arthur Reid, Jr., and in expressing to his sister recognize His Excellency, the Honorable Hugh number 542), and ‘‘aye’’ on H.R. 4271 (roll call Margaret Reid Severin our profound apprecia- Desmond Hoyte, the former President of Guy- vote number 543). tion for his ultimate sacrifice for our country. ana and current leader of the People’s Na- f f tional Congress. During his Presidency from August 1985 to IN MEMORY OF ENSIGN ANDREW HONORING A FORGOTTEN HERO, October 1992, Mr. Hoyte initiated far-reaching TRIPLETT SEAMAN ARTHUR REID, JR. electoral and economic reforms that strength- ened the bases of the democratic culture of HON. DONALD M. PAYNE HON. CHARLES W. ‘‘CHIP’’ PICKERING Guyana, promoted market-oriented policies OF MISSISSIPPI OF NEW JERSEY and stimulated economic growth. Prior to be- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES coming President, Mr. Hoyte served as First Wednesday, October 25, 2000 Vice President and Prime Minister. In addition, Wednesday, October 25, 2000 Mr. PICKERING. Mr. Speaker, today I come he held numerous Ministerial posts, including Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, more than five before the House of Representatives to honor those of Home Affairs, Finance, Works and decades have passed since a massive explo- the life of an outstanding American, and mem- Communications, and Economic Development. sion at the Port Chicago naval base in Cali- ber of the United States Navy, Ensign Andrew As a Minister of Government, Mr. Hoyte had fornia claimed the life of a courageous young Triplett, originally of Shuqualak, Mississippi. at various times responsibility for African, Car- Seaman, Arthur Reid, Jr. and 319 other serv- Ensign Triplett was among the 17 brave sail- ibbean and Pacific affairs under the Lome icemen, mostly African Americans. Nearly 400 ors who gave their lives for our country in the Convention. His portfolio also included Carib- more were wounded in the incident. attack on the U.S.S. Cole, on Thursday, Octo- bean Community Affairs. As a member of its On October 26, 2000, I will have the privi- ber 12, 2000. This attack also injured 33 other Conference, the Heads of Government of the lege of presenting to Seaman Reid’s sister, sailors in the harbor of Aden, Yemen. Caribbean Community charged him with re- Margaret Reid Severin, three long overdue Andrew Triplett, noted for his quiet, shy na- sponsibility for promoting freedom of move- military awards in his behalf—the American ture, grew up near Willow Grove in Shuqualak, ment within the Community and for coordi- Campaign Medal, the Gold Star Lapel Button, Mississippi, where he attended Reed Elemen- nating the Caribbean Community’s policy on and the World War II Victory Medal. Mrs. tary School and in 1987 graduated from the environment for the Earth Summit in Rio in Severin was only 13 at the time she lost her Noxubee High School in Macon, Mississippi. 1992. brother, but she has faithfully honored his Upon his graduation Andrew Triplett enlisted In fact, Mr. Hoyte has always taken a keen memory ever since, despite the fact that the in the Navy, where while serving his country interest in ecological and environmental mat- Navy provided very little information or support he met his wife, Lorrie, a Detroit native. Just ters, working closely with the London-based following the tragic loss of his life. seven years ago, they began their family with Commonwealth Human Ecology Council. He is I was pleased to have the opportunity to the birth of their first daughter, Andrea, and the architect of the Iwokrama International help secure Seaman Reid’s service records three years later their second child Savannah Rainforest Project in Guyana, which he initi- from the National Personnel Records Center Renee was born. Andrew and Lorrie lived in ated as the Commonwealth Heads of Govern- in St. Louis, which confirmed his meritorious Virginia Beach, Virginia and were members of ment Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, military record recommending him for leader- Pleasant Grove Baptist Church. in 1989. ship. Successfully moving up the ladder as an en- Born in Georgetown, Guyana in March It was through the efforts and outstanding listed man, Andrew was accepted for Officers’ 1929, Mr. Hoyte received B.A. and LL.B. de- research of Mrs. Severin’s coworker, Ms. Candidate School and received his commis- grees from the University of London. He is a Sheri Humphrey, that the story of Seaman sion as an officer in April, 1999. On the U.S.S. British-trained lawyer, a Barrister-at-Law of the Reid came to light. Ms. Humphrey worked dili- Cole, he was assigned to the engineering de- Honourable Society of the Middle Temple and gently to track down information from vet- partment, a job that he was said to love. Trag- a Member of the Guyana Bar. He was ap- erans’ files which revealed the plight of Sea- ically, it was the engineering department that pointed to the Queen’s Council in 1969, and man Reid and his fellow servicemen at Port suffered the blast damage from the explosive his designation was changed to Senior Coun- Chicago. in the harbor. sel in 1970 when Guyana became a republic. The Port Chicago tragedy has been de- For Ensign Andrew Triplett’s thirteen years Mr. Speaker, Mr. Hoyte is more than worthy scribed as ‘‘America’s Dark Secret’’ because of service to the United States of America in of receiving this honor and our praises, and I VerDate Aug 04 2004 09:28 Jan 17, 2005 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR00\E25OC0.000 E25OC0.
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