][-( FOR OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING-STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM UNIQUE SITE No.JCB-05-o.20~ DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD _ NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION SERIES _ ALBANY, NEWYORK (518) 474-0479 NEG. NO. YOUR NAME: T'OWn: 0 f 1s1:£,;p DATE: 5l1own.HalI YOUR ADDRESS: 65,5 Main Street JE~,EPHONE: 516 581-2000 Islip,1.1~,N.Y~ 11'{~1 ORGANIZATION (if any): JDe.partment of Planning" Housing &: Development '( ******************************** **** IDENTIFICATION ~: ~6~~;~~ N~Ji~b··"'f.~-,-~--tT"-O-WN-,-"',r,-IT-Y-",:""'"'"'"....:::,.;:-7:::7--->---=-.=....::::..--+--="-=-"--'-'.........""""" 3. STREET LOCATION: 400 Q. c, , ,'A:ve., fJ 4. OWNERSHIP: a. pJblic. 0 ."b. private e9 5. PRESENT OWNER: Murray Baroasn ADDRESS: r-=-=::=-::=~=-..",..=-:o-:t:":"'T:= 6. USE: Original: Private Es1a'tJ~ Present:lVlanage.d b.y caretaker 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from publicroad: Yes I1f No 0 Interior accessible: Explain _ DESCRIPTION • 8. BUILDING a. clapboard 0 b. stone 0 c. brick 0 d. board and batten 0 MATERIAL: e. cobblestone 0 f. shingles 0 g. stucco 0 other:------ 9. STRUCTURAL . a. wood frame with interlocking joints 0 SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light-members LIt (if kncvn) c. masonry load bearing w'!1l.sq d. metal (explain) ~=""""__-------_---------- e. other ~ 10. CONDITION: a. excellent ~ b.good 0 c. fair 0 d. deteriorated 0 11. INTEGRITY: a. original site Q9 b. moved 0 if so,when? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): --------~ rzo L.L- 6)..tJ - '~L. •.]I-I . Ne:b'AllV'e. JIf-' ' 12. PHOTO: 1LJ~"'Mf:, ~W 13. MAP: i I"---------_i ............;...;.:;~,.,;",,;,--. ............. .ti--'!-!------HP-1 ~~~~==~~===~ 14. THREATS TO BUILDING: a.none known 0 b. zoning 0 c. roads 0 d. developers 0 e. deterioration 0 f.other: _ 15. RELATED OUTBUILDINGS AND PROPERTY: '" ;wf.., a. barnO b. carriage houseCl: c. garage L..I d. privy 0 e. shed 0 f. greenhouse 0 g. shop 0 h. gardens 0 i. landscape features: ~_'_' "~.~ _ j. other: Play::no'tlse., tennis house ;-J 16. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary): a.open land 0 ij., woodland 0 c. scattered buildings I!J d.densely built-up 0 e. commercial 0 f. industrial 0 . '. g. residential OCJ h.other: w.a:tetfrQnt property,. creek 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) :Pll'operty ori.ginally had mansion, used as Dick residence. Mansion has been destroyed;; property now QwneQ. by a d.e.velQper., Specimen trees are on property. ~*J~ag~~~~<tlf:ai:iA~~~~oOJl~~PW¥~rPpS~aEc(~~p~~i~t~r~t~b~~S:if~~;~~co and pediment ;~arage and stable: 2 apartments ahove both; dormers on side with ornamented pedimen"ts; Pla;rho'Cls.e: co.ntains squash COU?t and bo'wling alley; Tennis ]Iousef>f architectural interest. {, i !' SIGNIFICANCE 19. DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: --------- ARCHITECT: --'- _ BUILDER: ___ 2 O. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: G;arage and stab1.e circa 1912-t3 ~'ennis house: 19~5 Caretaker" Ms. Catherine "Pete'" @;f'J[eill" grew up on estate; her father was an employae for the D:Eck family. 21. SOURCES: Interview: Ms. Cathe.rine Ot.'Neill, c:aF.etaker; 16 Augu.st 1976. Trees of Long Island, Geo. Peters, 197:3, L:L•. Horticultur9-l SdcIety. _._--.,,'_._,.,_.__.._-_.~._--..,"'" 22. THEME: i.eeearch 9,J!i Society for the P:reeervation of Long leland Anti.. quit1ee Barbara Nadel,- Research Assistant I.. I III ,~-,,-I----------------------------------- -: 1't ::I: .:D . GY "(j)~, ~ U) N ~ o ..p. .3 t=1 J) \ -I 1Tt - .~ I -~----~--~~~~---------------Jllgm.ctn----_-----____---lUt __---8'_£_--8~---4'l)-,----RoS4'1lHadmr; C~, Mrs. Eo Godwin·- C1 _ 'Pignul rs-re-: liVU'i ~ Gone 4'oiiltjsseqoogue;SflOitlJeacnRoaa ~ ----------- Carya i !!inc~nsis ~__________J'.!lcan__~______________._. __~~~ 2'h~~~3: 9"._ Gone _. 4'..£" ~"&t",,",",r.@!f$>,, . .~ ~;:. ~ ••~~ . __ Carya iIlinoensis marquardt Marquardt Pecan l' 8" 2' 3" 2'10" ~ 4' 6" Brookiyn; .B6taalc. Garden Z Carya ovalis Red Hickory 7' 2" 7' 5" 7' 7" 4' 6" Etmont;~ lace Track t:l Carya ovata Shagbark Hickory N.R. 8' 6" 8' ·8" 4' 6~ Centre Is~ Cemrelsland Road Carya tomentosa Mockernut N.R. 8' 3" 8' 0'" 4' 6" Wla~:iM:k·nmo .: ii~C. Bast - Castanea ere nata Japanese Chestnut N.R. N.R: 8'10" 4'6,,~a nii••·mIfs,. Court Castanea dentata American Chestnut N.R. N.R. Z' 1" 4' .6" Brookville; Cedar.·· Swamp. Rd" Hunt; Est Oastanea dentata ~ American Chestnut N.R. I'Z" Z' 0" Gr¢'~J3.li~ng""ArboretulTt 4' 6'! 01 Castanea dentata.x mollissima Hybrid Chestnut N.R. ti.R. 4'10" I' 6" Upper Bi'oobille;: It. L lracllman Estati ~ fi • Castanea mollissima Ch inese Chestnut N.R. N.R. 7' 3" 4'6" StJameS:;. Jones l~ PeQJJ~!.ate o Castanea sativa Spanish Chestnut trl 3' 2" 3' 9" 4' 1" 4' 0" G!en Cove;HarriSOB Hoose. VJ Catalpa bignonioides Southern. Catalpa 15' 7" 15' 8" 16' 1" I' n"-Amityvlle; Ie ~ Street >-1 Catalpa bignonioides nana Dwarf Catalpa N.R. I']" 2' 7" 4'O"8roolt~ri; .BOOmit Gaidm >-1 Catalpa bungei Manchurian Catalpa N:R. ;:.;. N.R. 0' 9" 4'6" '8rolIkb'n; .Bi:ltamc QHee trl Catalpa fargesi fargesCatalpa N.R. 0' 8" 0' 9" 4'6" Brooklyn;. ·BOOmIc~ Gardm- trl Catalpa ovata Chinese Catalpa I'll" "Gone Gone 4';Q" 'Brooklyn;·~·Garden 0 • Catalpa speciosa Northern Catalpa N.R. 10' 0" 11' 4" 3'0" Islip, fred ,Moseiey .. &tate '"" Cedrela sinensis Chinese Cedrela 7' 0" 7' 9" 7'10" 4' 6" Soo'thamptoo; farri$ii MuSeum >-trl Cedrus atlantica Atlas Cedar 6'0" 7'10" 8'11" 4'f)"ijpperBrooiMRe; PIaliting Fields Arboretum n Cedrus atlantica fastigiata Sentinel Atlas Cedar 3' 0" 5' 4" 6' 5" 1':0" Wading Rmlr; &rmer.Gen. Hart Estate ::c ~, VJ Cedrus atlantica glauca Blue Atlas Cedar N.R. N.R. 10' 8" 4'2" 'fleati llf the L Coleman Estate >;j' Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar N.R. N:R. 0'10" 4'5" Merrick;·62 termal Parkway, 1. Reis trl Cedrus deodara Deodar Cedar N.R. N.R. 4' 4" 4'1j"Nortb M~ tiff MeadoWbrook Road n.- trl Cedrus deodara aurea Golden Deodar Cedar N.R. N.R. I' 9" 4' 6" -Muttontown; ~ Preserve VJ Cedrus Iibani Oedar-cf-Iebannn 13' 3" 13' 6" 13'10" I' ·~f~1U.. of Buwl'feHouse Celtis occidentalis Common Hackberry 9' 6# 9'8" 9'11" ~ 2'.0" Baldwin; t:Of; 'nmmas· & Central Aves. Celtis pumila Small Hackberry Z'l1" Gone Gone 4' 6" ~ Iissena Park Celtis sinensis Chinese Hackberry I' 9" Gone Gone 4'6" ~~ Garden Cephalotaxus drupacea Japanese Plumyew 0' 7" I' 0" l' 1" 1'0" R~ ,,_ t.. BIJ- Park & Preserve Cercidiphyllum japonicum Katsuratree l'tR. N.R. 15' 2" O'UI"Upper ~ WoIver HoI., 0: Laemmle Cercidiphyllum japonicum sinense Chinese Katsuratree N,R. N.R. 10' 1" 6'1~ Oyster·Bay ~ WIn; Kreisner Estate Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud N.R. N;R. z-ie­ I' 0" St Albans; a s. Naval Hospital Cereis canadensis Eastern Redbud N.R~ 5' 5" Gone 3~ gIl 1slip;. Islip ..Ava...& Montau~,. HWf,.. Chaenomeles sinensis Chinese flowering Quince N.R: 6' .fa 6' 4" 0'0" jfOOid~ 'BotaRit. Glrdell Chamaecyparis lawsonlana lawson falsecypress 3'g" 4'7" 5' 5" 4' 6" Upper Bf~ Planting Fields Arboretum Chamaecyparis lawsoniana erecta ErectLawson: Falsecypress 1'10" 2' 3" 2'10" 4' fi"RosIyn; ,tc. Bryant Park & Preserve Chamaecyparis nootkatensis Noatka falsecypress N.R. N.R. 3' 9" 4' S" Muttontown;·.: MuttontoWll Preserve .Chamaecyparis obtusa Hinoki Falsecypress 6' 4" 6'11" 7' 3" fl' O'~ Did·Westbut'y;..Old Westbury Gardens Chamaecyparisobtusa aurea Golden Hinoki Falsecypress N.R. N.R. 2'~~ 4'6" Freeport; .long Beach,·,~ Ave. & Brooklyn Ave. t II -\ v. -I !I--' ! I i -- --------- ~illl1e com~~~ Nam~- I----cfifumferenc~ i~'-:---I- Botanical -----1- "::Ft. Location ________ _ 1952__ 1962_1972 Taken iit ----~--~~--- Ginkgo biloba fastigiata Sentry Ginkgo 9' 2" 9'11" 10' 1" Douglaston; Douglaston Club Ginkgo biloba vari\lgata Variegated Ginkgo NR.. N.R. 0' 4" 3'4' 6" Merrick; 62 Central Parkway, J. Reis Gileditsia aquatica WaterIocust l' 2" Gone Gone 0' 8" Brooklyn; Botanic Garden GJeditsia sinensis Cchinese Honeylocust N.R. N.R. 2' 0" 4' 6" Brooklyn; Botanic Garden Gileditsia triacanthos ommon Honeylocust 11' 0" 11' 5" 12' 3" Old Westbury; Old Westbury Gardens Gleditsia trlacanthos inermis Thornless Honeylocust NR N:~" 3' 0" Remsenburg; Main st. W. W. Robinson (,iymnocladus dioicus Kentucky Coffeetree ~;Ri".. 11 5' 8" 4' 6" Glen Cove; Mrs. J. Morgan Estate Halesiacarolina Carolina Silverbell 4' 0" 11'10" 2' 0" Flushing; Kissena Park Halesia dlptera Two-wing Silverbell 4' 4" 4' 9" ~,~:, :: ~:: Roslyn Harbor; 1. W. Kaufmann Estate Halesia monticola Mountain Silverbell 9' 1" 10' 5" 10'10" 4' 6" Huntington; 25 Knollwood Ave. Hamamelis japonica Japanese Witchhazel N.R. N.R. 1 8 Brooklyn; Botanic Garden Hamamelis mollis Chinese Jill£!!hazel N.R. N.R. 0: 8:: ~: ~:: East Islip; lliackmor~ Lane, E. Burton Hamamelis vernalis carne a Redpetal Vernal\:Vitchhazel N.R. N.R. l: 7" 4' 6" Brooklyn; Botanic Ga-rden Hamamelis virginiana Common Witchhazel N.R. N.R. i- 2" Matinecock; 1. Rimberg Estate ...., Hernlptelea davidi David Hemiptelea l: 9" 2' 4" 2' 6" 4' 6" Brooklyn; Botanic Garden ; Hibiscus syriacus JRose-of-Sharon NR.. N.R. l' 3" 3'0' 0"8" Farmingdale; 105 Birch Ave, T. Humphreys Hovenia dulcis papanese Raisintree N.R. N.R. 2' 3" 0' 0" North Hills; I. U. Willets Rd., A. Summers ~ Hydrangea paniculata anlcle Hydrangea N.R.

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