sy.V ' ;.>..;>.vv;>a5’:^‘^ ' . - v '^ PAGE TWENTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Frt., May 27, 1977 HARTFORD - Gov. Ella T. Giuca is accused of slaying Lee The top of the new benefits to strikers and voluntary for expenses incurred during his ••A.. O b itu a rie s Grasso has signed into law an Norris of Vermont last Saturday retirees. climb, was settled for 10 cents a Police report •\ energy conservation measure set­ and is suspected of several rapes Compllad from Unitad Praaa Intarnatlonal story, or 81.10. ting 78 degrees as the lowest and another murder in recent QUINCY, Mass., - LNG years in the Bloomfield/Simsbury Aquarius, the largest liquified temperature an air-conditioned been told to "begin necessary delivers the commencement ad­ OTTAWA — Margaret Trudeau A South Windsor man was charged area. natural gas tanker ever built in Mrs. Anna Sojka Julie S. Nelson public building may be cooled to steps.” The legislature has dress today at his son’s gradua­ has abdicated her position as with failure to grant the right-of-way in summer. The law takes effects tion from Gordon-Conwell the United States, was christened Canada’s first lady and officially ROCKVILLE —Mrs. Anna Grous rejected bills to set up mandatory HEBRON — Julie Sabina Nelson, Thursday afternoon in connection Jan. 1. BRIDGEPORT — Jai alai Theological Seminary. Michael Friday during ceremonies at the separated from Prime Minister Sojka, 79, of 101 Grand Ave. died auto emission inspections wanted two-year-old daughter of Richard with a three-vehicle accident of promotor David Friend, claiming Ford, 26, said he hopes to get a General Dynamics shipyard. It is Pierre Trudeau after six years of Thursday at home. She was the by the federal agency. and Lorraine Briscault Nelson Jr. of Center and Henderson Sts. WETHERSFIELD - State prejudicial publicity, wants ministry where he can help young the first of five ships which will marriage to pursue a career as a widow of Wiiliam J. Sojka. AUGUSTA, Maine - President 18 Basketshop Rd. died Thursday Police said Leon Bloom, 55, of gaming officials apparently have perjury and larceny charges transport LNG from Algeria to jet-setting photographer, Trudeau Carter’s special representative on people. She was bom in Rockville and lived from injuries received after falling South Windsor, was traveling west on given up their right to collect a against him dismissed. Similar U.S. East Coast and Gulf Coast will have custody of their three there ail her life. from a car driven by her mother in the Maine Indian land-claim case, Center St., and in making a left turn 81,000 per day penalty from the charges in a Hartford court were PROVIDENCE, R.l. - Gov. J. ports. sons. She was a communicant of St. Manchester the same day. retired Georgia Supreme Court onto Henderson St., collided with a firm whose poor pr^uction of dropped for the same reasons. Joseph Garrahy says he will call Joseph’s Church. The child was bora Sept. 12,1974, in Justice William Gunter, says he vehicle driven by Kevin Goff, 18, of lottery tickets is expected to cost industry and labor leaders NEW YORK - George Willig, NEW YORK - Soviet and Sunrivors are four sons, Wiiiiam J. Manchester. may present alternatives for the 891 Center St. Goff’s car, traveling Connecticut 810 million in revenue HARTFORD - Federal of­ together very soon to encourage a who climbed the World Trade Cuban officials today investigated Sojka Jr. of South Windsor, Edmund Other survivors are two brothers, chief executive to consider rather east, swerved and struck a truck next year. ficials have again threatened to mutual effort to improve Rhode Center Thursday and was taken the cause of the crash of a Soviet S. Sojka of Rockvilie, Leonard E. David Nelson and Brian Nelson; her than a single recommendation. driven by Raymond Pellerin, 42, of force Connecticut to cut down air away in handcuffs, was treated to jetliner that was trying to make Sojka of Jupiter, Fla., and Herbert maternal grandmother, Mrs. Lucille He promised his report will be Island’s economic image. He is Feeding Hills, Mass. HARTFORD - A Hartford pollution from cars. The federal a dinner Friday at the Windows on an emergency landing at the R. Sojka of Denver, Colo.; four Parent of Westchester; her paternal ready prior to June 30. concerned about the state’s 870 There were no injuries reported. judge has increased the bail bond Department of Environmental million unemployment fund debt the World Restaurant atop the Havana airport in Cuba Friday, daughters, Mrs. Richard Carpenter grandparents, Richard and Janet Ur- on Victor G. Giuca, 25, of Wind­ Protection has told Gov. Ella SOUTH HAMILTON, Mass. - from the last recession and con­ building. The 8250,000 suit killing 66 persons. Only two per­ of ^ k v ille , Mrs. John Stepien and banski Nelson Sr. of Manchester; her Other motor vehicle arrests sor, from 8250,000 to 8300,000. Grasso that the regional EPA has Former President Gerald Ford troversy over laws paying jobless threatened against him by the city sons survived. Mrs. Francis Benevides, both of maternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Thursday included Donald R. Eilington, and Mrs. Angeio Jaconetta Mina Parent of West Hartfoi^, and Boushee, 44, of 412 Hilliard St., of Rocky Hill; five brothers, George her paternal great-grandmother, charged with operating a motor vehi­ Grous, Aiex Grous and Bernard Mrs. Fanny Nelson of Westbrook. cle while under the influence of This car, driven by a Manchester man, struck the rear of this truck which advises Grous, ali of Rockviile, Theodore A private service will be Sunday at liquor. He was released on a 8150 non­ motorists to “Set the pace for safety.” The collision was the result of a three-vehicle acci­ The weather Inside today Grous of Nice, Calif., and Rudoif St. P eter’s Episcopal Church in surety bond for court appearance dent at the intersection of Center and Henderson Sts. Thursday about 2 p.m. This damaged Grous of New London; three sisters, Hebron. Burial will be in St. Peter’s June 7. car was driven by Kevin Goff, 18, of 891 Center St. The driver of the vehicle which struck Variable cloudiness through Sunday. Area news Dear Abby .... 9-B Mrs. Charies Alu of Ansonia, Mrs. Cemetery, Hebron. Richard H. Barnes, 23, of 36b Pearl High today in the upper 70s or low 80s, Business .. Editorial .........4-A Leo Berg of Miami, Fia., and Mrs. Goff’s car, Leon Bloom, 55, of South Windsor, was charged with failure to grant the right of There are no calling hours. St., was charged with misuse of way. (Herald photo by Dunn) low tonight in the upper 40s or low 50s. Churches . Obituaries ........-A Sherman Hoilister of South Glaston­ Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main plates and sch^uled for court June High Sunday in the mid 70s, low in 40s Classified . Sr. Citizens . 2-A bury; 25 grandchildren and 14 great­ St., Manchester, is in charge of 7. ^w m m cLip a sa vemi Sunday night. Fair Monday high in the LI EfcN PAGES Che Comics .,. S ports..........4-5-B grandchildren. arrangements. Donald L. Eldridge Jr., 19, of 219 60s to 70s. National weather forecast map on Page 6-B The funeral is Saturday at 9; 15 Center St., was charged with misuse Business award SSUPER SHARP MANCHESrEK,«t»W,- PRICE: HFrV,E.N CENTS. a.m. from the White-Gibson-Smaii of registration plates and operating 2 F u n e ra l Hom e, BS^^Elm S t., Maurice Cote an unregistered motor vehicle. Rockville, with a Mass^at 10 at St. IC.B.SALE! s m m * EAST HARTFORD -Maurice conferred on Rice nil Joseph's Church. Burial will be in St. William A. Rice of Ver­ the veterans program. m n Bernard’s Cemetery. Cote, 61, of 34 Wilson St.x Hartford, CMTM cum died Wednesday at a local convales­ non Was presented the He credits the Service mum Friends may call at the funeral ( L tt) cent home. Correction Connecticut Small Corps of Retired home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. tmoi Mr. Cote was bora in East Hart­ Business Person of the Executives the volunteer with a prayer service at 8 p.m. The report of an incident in sac€m ford and lived in the Hartford-East Year Award today at his management counseling vm a Dutch may attack Thursday’s police report which ■ni M/mca Mrs. Howard K. Kinsman Sr. Hartford area all his life. stated that two youths were in business. Rice Packaging arm of the Small Business mimmm EAST HARTFORD -M rs. Eunice Survivors are a brother, Emedee possession of a .45 caliber gun was in­ Inc., Rt. 83, Ellington. Administration, with Cote of New Britain, and a sister, U.S. Rep. Christopher J. assisting him in his Tht Sharp CB-BOOA Mp«r diluit 23 Sulham Kinsman, 66, of 1906 Main St. correctly stated. Police said the gun chonnal 5W meb4t CB fronxelw with died Thursday at a local convales­ Mrs. August Giller of Vernon. was a replica of a .45 caliber Dodd (D-2nd Dist.) made business venture. ntw lEO dipitd chonml roodovt. Shorp'i m cent home. She was the wife of The funeral was held today. Burial revolver. William T. Mills, 17, of 177 the presentation. Rice’s activities include moit up-io-dai». pr#citiar> twgiatftd was in Mount St. Benedict Cemetery, membership In the Rotary (romcoivfr It H^tr-powcrW B mW-com* to free hostages Howard K.
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