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The sequential mixing of the two concen more particularly to the distribution of chemicals into two trates with purified water generates carbonic acid as reaction dialysate concentrate formulations that are particularly Suit 10 product of the acid with bicarbonate and results in a final able for use in preparing dialysate in both batch and propor dialysate having a pH within physiological limits but with tioning dialysis systems. In the present context, the term Sufficient acidity to prevent calcium and magnesium carbon “batch” refers to the quantity of dialysate constituents, that ate precipitation. when mixed with the proper amount of water, forms enough As noted above, kidney failure patients accumulate excess dialysate solution Sufficient for one complete dialysis session 15 fluids and waste products in their body such as blood urea for single or multiple patients. The term “proportioning nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine. In fact, the reduction in blood refers to the traditional types of metering systems that are level concentrations of these two Substances is generally used used to prepare dialysate, namely fixed-Volume and dynamic to gauge the efficiency and overall effectiveness of dialysis. proportioning systems. The two dialysate concentrate formu Often the efficiency of dialysis can be compromised by a lations are generally suitable for both batch preparation and number of factors, one of which is the blockage of dialyzer on-line generation of dialysate as in traditional proportioning blood flow path by blood clots. Several attempts have been metering system after powder concentrate is dissolved to made to prevent or reduce clotting of dialyzer blood flow make a liquid concentrate. paths. For instance, Ward et al. U.S. Pat. No. 5,032,615 B. Statement of Related Art described the use of extra-corporeal infusion of anti-coagu Kidneys help the body maintain a normal internal environ lants during dialysis.
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