m^rnm y *•«* tV An Organ fa the Interest of the Colored People of the Northwest. VOL. II.-NO. 51. 3 ,v» ST. PAUL & MINNEAPOLIS! MINN^ MAY 21, 1887: $1.50 PER YEAR. i&* i WESTERN APPEAL, This is a great Country! Jennie Bow­ CHICAGO? "?»jr jet front and pannels* square neck, ! %* ~ ST LOUISA Published Weekly man (white) a servant-girl, was mur­ flowers, diamonds. * iS/tS? Miss Annie E. Dorsey, brown silk, SY THJS derously assaulted by burglars, and Notes from the Windy City by SftS ®lture Great done up in subsequently died. Turner and Patter­ the Lakel^-^V white lace, pearls. „ - Ifortliwesteni Publishing Company, Miss Lucy Mead, wMte embroidered 'ifrt&p Small Parcels. *' OFFICE: son, (colored), were arrested, charged mull, flowers, d^ajudflL 3Jf£&& with the crime. Turner confessed, after The Autumn's May Party. rne ^ Social Selections^ No. 41 3rd St., Room No. a „ !>>* Miss ^ K&^J^^HfiHnl silk, escaping the violence of a mob that ( * * _____ ^*,^ J. O ADAMS, Editor. swarmed the city of Louisville, and with Mr. R. A. Pryor, left for Oak Park, 111, "Miss Mattie Taylor,qlLondon, Ont., The celebrated Home Club picnic takes place in July at Creve Coeur. LATEST STYLES. in three days was tried and convicted this week. cream cashmere, lace,j flowers, amber and pearls. Single Copy, per year «t so to be hung July 1st, and if his chances Miss Columbia Plum, leaves for Cin­ The name of the junior Ciamorgan is iixsionths ion cinnati this week. Miss Mamie Anderson, cream satin, Walter Leon. He and his mother are "JhrceMonths ."!.*.'.'!.*."! 50 for heaven were as good as they are that subscriptions to be paid in advance.' When" sub­ For the best meals in the city and the Spanish lace, flowers, diamonds. doing finely. - scriptions are not paid in advance or by any mean* he will be called upon to dance on no­ Miss Columbia Plumjv cream silk, lace are allowed to run without prepayment, the tonus WESTERN APPEAL call at Estella Cafe, Rumor has it that our esteemable as­ win he t>0 cents for each IS week* and 5 cent* for thing, he is an angel now to all intents flounces, flowers, diamonds. ^ " ~ sociate and friend E. J. H. will soon be each odd week. 446, State street. Miss Sadie Kennedy,^wine silk, cream married to A. A. C. CURTAINS, Marriages and deaths to be announced at all must and purposes. Just about the same come tn season to be news. Buy books, stationery, cigars and the lace, flowers, diamonds. Marriage and death notices, fifty cents. Payment time, Tom Crittenden, (white), who de­ WESTERN APPEAL at Chas. Landers, 111, Mr. Samuel Mordecai is hardly him­ THE LATEST NOVEI/EIES strictly In advance. Miss Gertie Jackson^ ashes of roses self again. His complaint yields to Advertising rates, fifty cents per square of eight liberately, with malice aforethought, E. Harrison street. \ „ surah, flowers. £ lines solid agate each Insertion. Harsh & Taylor are in the lead when treatment stubbornly. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the without provocation, shot to death Rose Miss Nettie Moseby, pink satin, white UPHOLSTERY GOODS views of our correspondents. it comes to furnishing first-class "wet 4 John Mercer Langston, Jr. is just get­ Reading notices 15 cents per line. Moseby, (oolored), a few years ago, was lace over dress, flowers, pearls and LARGE ASSORTMENT. Spec'al ra es for adveHlsements for a longer time goods." No. 434 State. diamonds. ting over a spell of measles. His brother • •$>$$., than a month. set free. Again we say this is a great Carrol is now in the midst of the same Also a full lino of SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, etc., at Price* A blue cross mark opposite yonr name denotes When you wish to have a suit nicely Miss OUie' Jameson, fawn nuns veil­ that your subscription has expired. You will confer country—for one-sided justice. We trouble. that Defy Competion. CALL AND SEE US. a favor by renewing the same cleaned and repaired call on Pope & ing, blue velvet, lace, flowers, diamonds. Communications to receive attention must be hear some high-faluting theories about Smith, N>. 121, E. Lake. Miss Julia Higgins, black satin, jet Mrs. Mary J. Hickman is greatly im­ newsy, upon important subjects, plainly written only upon «ne side of the paper, must reach us not later Christianity ,morality, humanity ,brother- The WESTERN APPEAL will always be bead trimmings, bonnet to match. proved in her rheumatic difficulty. She F. H. PETERSON, & CO., than Thursdays, and bear the signature of the Iy love, etc., etc , but when a human found on sale at Estella Cafe and Chas. Miss Hattie M. Smith, cream em­ did not take her comtemplated trip to author No manuscript returned. Hot Springs. «06, NICOLLET and 207 HENNEPIN AVES., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Special terms to agenta who desire to place the being with a dusky sku„ goes hunting Lrndre's, 111, E. Harrison street. broidery, flowers. paper on sale Miss Belle Duncan, India mull, black The Kant Class has its last meeting for such among his whiter hued brothers Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Williams and son, velvet trimmings, black lace fichu, next Saturday. It has been interesting ENrERED AT PQSTOFFICE AS SECOMD-CLASS MATTER. they are as hard to find as the hole of Montreal, Can., are in the city, the guests of Mrs. C. Dorsey, No. 3228 Butter- flowers, pearls. and highly successful throughout. The when you stick your finger in a pail of field. Miss Ida Clark, India mull, black vel­ class will resume its work next full. KaPTAKE NOTICE.^ water and then withdraw it. vet, Spanish lace fichu, flowers. Mr. J. Q. Adams, of the WESTERN Mr. Ralph E. Langston will soon be This paperisforsaleby: Miss Ida Gavin, blue satin, cream lace, here from New York. He was very ~ THOS. H. LYLES C. WALDON, 108, Fifth street, St. Paul. APPEAL was in the city a few days this flowers. A correspondent for the Minneopolis week looking after the interests of the much pleased with his St. Louis sojourn CUAS LANDRE, 111, Harrison St., Chicago. Miss Ada Ferguson, embroidered last summer; hence his speedy return. R. S. BRYANT, 44G, S. State St., Chicago. Tribune writing of Queen Kapiolani, paper, which has a large circulation in India mull, flowers. our city. The colored high school class will says- Miss Viola Stewart, cream crepe, lace graduate in June at the Exposition hall, Last *eek Mr. William A. Hazel, a The representative of the WESTERN trimmings, flowers. "I suppose it is well enough to iecog- the principal of this school, Mr. O. M. APPEAL in Chicago are Rev. A. R.Ward, Miss Ella Spencer, of Detroit, Mich., gentleman in appearance, and in every nize ciowned heads who may visit us, Waring, justly deserves special credit J. H. Moody, A. A. Russell, Chas. cream satin, ribbons and lace, flowers. Real Estate and Loan sense of the word, was refused accom­ but to go into ecstacies over a woman for his able efforts in this institution. who is a cross between the negro and a Stewart, John Davis. Subscriptions or Miss OUie Robinson, pink satin, lace modations at the Clarendon and the news notes may be handed to either and inull over dress, flowers, diamonds. mulatto, because she is a queen, seems Omaha, Neb. AGENCY, Astoria hotels, for no other reason than like a farce; but then it is characteristic and be promptly attended to. Miss Carrie Baxter, cream crepe, V the fact that he is a colored man. We of Americans to do so." Bethesda Baptist church, under the neck, cord trimmings, ostrich tips, A very notable event occurred in this NO. 20, EAST FOURTH STREET. thought that the great city of St. Paul A queen is a queen, just as a gentle­ charge of the new pastor, Rey. Bird flowers, diamonds. city on the evening of May 10th, name­ Wilkins, seems to be receiving a new Miss Mamie Meredeth, cream cash­ ly, the nuptials of Mr, A. A. Hall and was fiee from the damnable colorphobia man is a gentleman or a lady a lady, impetus, spiritually and financially. mere, hand embroidered, flowers. MissE. Nixon, at the lesidence of the that makes living in the South so dis­ whether blue, black or white, or a cross The services are well attended and Miss Nellie Battles, white satin, V brides mother, No. 1317 Davenport St. For Bargains in Real Estate which cannot be Duplicate tasteful to intelligent colored people; between a Venetian blind and a window strong and active efforts aie being made necked, lace, flowers, rubies. The bride was attired in a costume of take a Glance at this List. and, it is with no little chagrin and shutter. It is the Queen we honor, not to pay oft' the debt of the church, very Miss Emma Spencer, of Detroit, Mich , satin and plush, diamond ornaments. mortification, that we are compelled to her color. Is Queen Victoria entitled shortly. All the members are at work ashes of roses satin, hand painted, The groom wore the regulation costume and although the task is a herculean one, Spanish lace dranery, lace, pearls. for such occasions. There were no at­ heiald the fact to the world, that it is to honor because she is a Queen, or, be­ 20 Lots in COMO PARK, only three blocks from the station on the N from the energetic efforts which they Miss Mary V. Shelton, heliotrope silk, tendants. heie in so glaring a form. P. Ry., $400 each, $100 down balance in 1,2 and 3 years.
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