Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 3-1-1954 Volume 72, Number 03 (March 1954) Guy McCoy Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation McCoy, Guy. "Volume 72, Number 03 (March 1954)." , (1954). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/109 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. If" II,,~/fJJUP ••• a Fun Improvi ing! Alec T•• "., •• Th e of th flut in th ork of J. Bach AIhrt 1I••••• c••• 'II" Tho itchell hoirbo "." Jd•••• .n w."", S,,,., Prepare 'ow for ummer .Iu ic tud • .... f,.u;. Coob Piano Recital!' of Tomorro Chopin'. Influenc on odern usic - Part 2 .. Htlc••• LeTTeRS T 0 THE EDITOR Au Author's Rehuttal be avoided." The Symphonic Caril- Sir: Mr. Bigelow's letter in the Ion eliminates this "strident clash" December ETUDE criticizing my and permits use of the major third, article, "A Symphony of Bells," without which complete harmoni- brought a slight smile, inasmuch zation is impossible. as the author felt I was posing as Bell literature is replete with an authority and suggested that I discussions of the harmonic Iimira- use instead, among others-c-Mr. tions of bells, and of advancements Bigelow. in the art of tuning. The Sym- As to "chimes" and "carillons," phonic Carillon is the latest and even my critic uses the terms in- possibly the greatest improvement Y ANGLE discriminately on page 16 of his to bring us more harmonious mu- book, "Music from the Belfry-I." sic from the skies. FRO GUIOMAR NO'v'AES photographed at the Steinway by Adrian Siegel Also, the famous bell founders, Paul D. Peery Gillett and Johnston, employ both Coronado, California vV terms in literature describing their Now, the greatest STEINWAY " bells. This usage has dictionary "Music to Unite Nations" of them all ••• for your home ••• sanction. Merriam Webster's de- Sir: I appreciated' the article, fines a carillon as a "chime of "Music to Unite Nations," in the bells." December ETUDE by Esther Ren- At no point did I list the over- nick. I also attended the conference tones of a tubular chime and claim in Brussels and regard it as one of I them to be those of a carillon bell. the greatest experiences of my life. I One of the suggested authorities, The contacts with teachers from all \S Mr. Percival Price, on page 37 of over the world, the gaining of new his book, "The Carillon," shows the insights into various aspects of mu- harmonics of a tubular chime of sic education and the pleasure of pitch tone C to be A-flat, D, F and hearing from these varied groups B. This series of overtones is cer- added up to a thrilling experience. tainly vastly different from those As one who has given over thirty I gave. According to my article, years to work in music education, the partials for a minor-tuned Sym- I was elated to hear the words we phonic Carillon bell of this same have often repeated here in the note would be C, E-flat, their oc- U.S.A.: "Music education should taves and G. It is interesting to be included in the education' of This plaque marks every note that Mr. Bigelow likewise everyone." Testimony in agree- Steinway Centenary piano STUDENTS FROM PRACTICAllY EVERY STATE IN THE UNION AND gives C, E-Hat and G as the partials ment with this statement was given of a C bell on page 6 of his above by practically all who spoke-es- A SCORE OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES quoted book. pecially from those of the war- By providing a second series of ravaged countries Japan, Holland, For a century the Stein way has magnificently is the Stein way An uncompromising loyalty to the Word of God and an evangelistic bells, tuned major, the Symphonic Belgium, Germany, France and been the choice of the world's fore- Vertical constructed that, with Carillon has met and defeated all Austria. Many expressed the most artists. And the Steinway to- proper care, it will serve your family for generations! emphasis go hand in hand with high schalastic standards and an musical objections, even the prob- thought that since the suffering in day, with the experience of 100 lem Mr. Bigelow presents in the the war, music was more essential years, is the greatest Steinway of That's why, even though the initial cost may be higher, the above reference where he states, than ever in the building of a them all. atmosphere af culture and refinement. Stein way Vertical is, in the long " ... there is a strident class in the sense of security and happiness These also are the reasons the Stein way is the one perfect piano run, the most economical piano College of Arts and Science major third .•. and bell music among young students. you can buy! on chimes and carillons alike is Mrs. B. J. White for your home! School of Religion built on the acceptance of the fact Alexander City, Ala. In addition, the Steinway is Our booklet, "How to Choose Your the only Vertical that brings you Piano," contains valuable information. School of Fine Arts thal the major third chord should THE END For a free copy, write Steinway & Sons, School of Business the Diaphragmatic Soundboard, Steinway Hall, 109 W. 57th St., New which helps produce glowing York 19. Your local Steinway dealer School of Education COMING IN APRIL big-piano tone, or the Acceler- (listed in the classified telephone RACHMANINOFF AS I KNEW HIM, by A. M. Henderson- ated Action, which aids beginner directory) can deliver to your home a superb ?leinway Vertical $147 (The Bob Jones University chapter of the Future Teachers of Personal recollections of the great composer-conductor by one who and experienced player alike in for as little down as ... 50 America is the largest in the country this year.) knew him intimately ... SIR THOMAS BEECHAM, by Doron K. achieving sensitive touch. So Liberal time to pay. Slightlyhigher in the West Antrim-A colorful word picture of the unpredictable Sir Thomas ... WHAT I LEARNED SINGING IN COMPETITIONS, by The Steinway is used exclusively by Curzon, Carol Smith-Words of advice from a well-known young singer Detroit Symphony, Fleisher, Heifetz, oI the present _ .. AN AMERICAN CHOIR IN EUROPE, by Lympany, Lynch, Maynor, Paray, Pressler. GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA Stern, Vronsky & Babin and many, many BOB JONES UNIVERSITY George F. Strickling-The story of the successful tour of the others. Over 1000 music schools and music ~STEINWAY Cleveland Heights High School Choir . and other features. departments of leading colleges use the Steinway exclusively .... and nearly all THE INSTRUMENT OF THE IMMORTALS Music, speech, and art without additional cost above regular academic tuition, of the nation's leading orchestras. radio and tetevtston stations. Academy and seventh and eighth grades in connection. ETUDE-MARCH 1954 1 - THE WORLD OF $3.50 A YEAR ETUDE tIre Jnllsic "Uf~.,(f~ine fficese Bryn Mawr, Pa. founded by Dr. WiWam Wallace Editorial and Business O ' Edward van Betnum, distill" guished conductor of the Amsterdam Gilchrist in 1874,. The Club has had Concertgebouw Orchestra and the a number of distinguished leaders since Dr. Gilchrist's passing, includ- F . C ke Editor Emeritus London Philharmonic, made his FOlllld~d1883 by THEODORE PRES~ER James rancts 00 (Editor, 1907-1949) debut in the United States in January ing Dr. Herbert J. THy, Charles E. when he conducted a series of six Krauss, Dr, Lindsay Norden, Bruce Guy McCoy Managing Editor concerts of The Philadelphia 01'- A. Carey, Sherwood Johnson, Dr. E Mos'her Business Manager Had McDonald. and Harold Wells MarjOrle . , Ed' chestra. He appeared as guest con- Oeorae Rochberg, Music ' ttor ductor during the absence of Eugene Gilbert, its pr~sent director. The Karl W. Gehrkens .co D '1 Paul N. Elbin Ormandy on his mid-winter vacation. program for the anniversary season Harold Berkley Maunce umesm d William D. Hevelll includes Bach's "St. Matthew Pas- Elizabeth A. Gest Guy Maier. Alexan~er kMcCur y Nicolas glonims y The Mendelssohn Cluh of Pbil- sion," Mendelssohn's "Elijah" and adelphia is this year celebrating its Handel's "Messiah." eightieth anniversary, having been (Continued on Page 7) Morch 1954 THE COMPOSER Of THE MONTH Vol. 72 No.3 CONTENTS Johann Sebastian Bach, the greatest of FEi\>TURES HundredS of churches through- the famous musical family, is ETUDE'S A/f'c Temp/f'l,)n 9 out the world, reach OUI with choice as composer of the month. Born HAVE FUN IMPROVISINGl ..... - ..... , ........•.. ,. Hf'I"u. }01l"'1011 ]0 V-M 936HF High Fide/it-y the gtortcu music of" arillonic March 21, 1685, at Eisenach, Germany, he Record Cb anger Attachment, . , . , $69.95* 'IHOSE MITCHELL CHl?IRBOYS j' WORKS ·OF· s' 'liACi-1 - ] I Model 935HF Challger, THE USE OF THE FLU'lES IN TIlE . Aibert R;elllell.~dlllei,lf'r BcI1~··.to turn the thoughts of lived to be 65 years old (died July 28. (same leu metal pan), . , , , . • $59.95* .
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