o. 19 * You've got to be kidding? A bunch of Cowboys playing beat music, Rhythm a nd Bl ues? CALGARY * T hat's right! T h ere is such a group a nd p lay­ ing to SRO (Shakin' Room Only) crowds in Cal- STAMPEDE gary, Alberta. T he Stampeders (Beat Group) consists of six roaring talents with a fresh new booming SPECIAL sound. They all sing up a wild night when they get on the ba nd­ s tand. The group consists of Race Holli­ day, Van Louis, Kim Meyer, Len Roemer, Brendan Lyttle and Richard Dodson. They can be easily identified by their western type garb which sets them apart from so many other groups of the day. This labels them as original showmen and not inclined to copy going trends. During the past winter the boys broke into public acclaim with appearances at a Calgary Discotheque Club. From a one night stand it developed into 12 jam packed weeks of the best beat music around. Temperatures outside the club were 30 degrees below but the Stampeders kept the thermometer high on the inside. Visitors from Toronto spoke highly of the fantastic sounding western group and we at RPM were also made aware by tele­ phone calls and letters from fans etc., that the Calgary Stampeders were a group we were going co hear a lot more from. A quick local record session put the boys on wax with "House Of Shake" and "Don't Look At Her''. Though it met with cool radio play around their home area it gave them added boost at the box-office. They are looking forward to working in a top flight recording studio before releasing any further material. TV shows like CHCT-TV's "Guys and Dolls" gave them much exposure and a boost to their ever growing following. They were brought back week after week for more appearances. They filmed a fifteen minute short mov ie showing them busy in clubs and on TV. The movie called "West Beat" has been sent to England at the request of Major Entertainment bookers who origina lly asked fo r the film to be produced. T hey re­ main busy in Calgary at a nother hot Dis­ coth eque club pulling in crowds each week who love to see the cowboy-rockers. THE STAMPEDERS The world fa mous "CALGARY STAM­ The future looks bright a nd active with the Beat has appe aled to many of the far PEDE" will fi nd the boys e ngrossed and negotia tions going on be tween P e rs onal off countries in the world. Wh e n the big grossing their b usiest week ever. Appear­ Ma nager, Me l Sha w, to whom the Stampe de rs Canadia n talent breakthrough happe ns a nces now c onfirmed include pa ra des, owe s o much for the ir success, and s everal you can be sure THE STAMPEDERS will s ta dium c oncerts, sta ge s hows, club firms at all four corners of the globe. It be an important part of that historic happen­ dates and the fabulous b ig " T E EN FAIR". appears that the idea of Cowboys playing i ng . Ottawa: Big news from foreign groups to hit hogtown in some time that by a "gramophone" . Unfortunately the Bytown was the success are The Country Gentlemen, Rebel record­ us e of this obsolete term in the Act has of the Dick Clark Cara­ ing artists. They are presently holding been extended by legal interpretation to van which headlined forth at the Gate of Cleve. give exemption to new kinds of uses which Herman and His. Hermits Pam Fernie, Toronto Telegram's "After were unknown when the original "gramo­ with Little Anthony, Four" secretary, is perhaps better known phone" exemption was made . For example, Brenda Holloway and for her singing ability. Pam holds down the mus ic produced for the public by the Bobby Vee . An even the feminine end of the Courriers, Canada's "Seeburg" system used in the Place bigger s uccess story has Top Folk Group for 1964 (RPM Award). She Ville Marie and other public places here to do with the Canadian is a lso a gas as a single. Pam will be in Montrea l is legally regarded as being by Hopsville Show and seen i n the Ottawa Hull area at the Exe­ "gramophone" and therefore exempt from Dance that happened big, cutive Penthouse, Duverney Hotel from payment. We consider this to be wrong and real big at the Coliseum. J uoe 2 8 to July 10. Theo back to Toronto unfair. Similarly, at the new airport at J.B. and The Play boys for a s tay at the Riverboat in the village Dorval, music is piped through this entire from Montreal, The Big from July 13 to July 18. The CBC will be building, again, I believe, by a "Seeburg" Town Boys from Toronto , taping, on location, "Another Side Of unit, a nd it is legally he ld to be by a The Staccatos , The Esquires and The Young" featuring The Courriers. From the "gramophone". There are many such Wayne Grigsby Dancers were all that was end of July through to the middle of Sep­ cases of legally exempt public uses of our needed to make the night a real 1ive o ne. tember, the CBC-TV Network will hustle music in Canada, netting the users millions By way of the Swing Set"Hypes & Gripes" up 26 fifteen minute shows from Ottawa of dollars but paying nothing whatsoever comes news thatthe CBC will be petitioned entitled The Courriers a nd will each week to the owners and composers of our music. in an effort to produce a Music Hop show feature special groups of songs a nd guests. We in CAPAC are pressing for a c hange in out of the c apital. Sandy Gardiner g ives Pam will go it alone in a Pussy Galore­ the Copyright Act in this and other matters the nod to Ba rry Alle n's "It's Alright With type role for the Chrysler Industrial show and we will hope for the a c tive s upport of Me" and The Noc turna ls newie "Because August 23 to September 21 to be seen in our me mbers in this regard ."Mr. W. St. Clair You're Gone ". Sandy indicates thumbs Calgary, Montreal and Toronto. Low, General Manager of CAPAC who down on the ne w Be atles effort, "Be atles arranged for the answers to this and other '65 ". very important questions was d irectiog (ED: We often wondered what would happen his answers to the Quebec members, how­ if the four Disciples of the British music ever this situation exists generally in industry put out a bomb . NOTHING!) Canada. Dennis Goodwin of General Production Canada: Never be fore in the his tory of the Services advises that they have prepared a C anadian mus ic indus try has the re been a 5 minute "Ralph Richards Show" including p lan s o d e vised to g ive Canadia n ta lent the a medley of tune s from ballads to honky s hot in the a rm it so well deserves. tonk. This show is now in the process of T hrough the e ff orts of a large Ca na dia n b e ing syndicated for radio across Canada. compa ny a nd a n equa lly large a dve rtis ing Further information can be obtained agency, a nd three record c ompa nies, a to ur through General Productions a t 3 Be lmont of Ca nada, by top Canadia n recording St. , Toronto 5. a rtis ts, is be ing planned. Radio s t a tions acros s the country have been contact ed a nd a ppa re ntly a ll a re in favo ur of taking the s how fo r the ir respect ive areas. T he line up of the s how w ill be J .B. a nd T he P layboys, T he Big Town Boys, Robbie Lane a nd the Dis­ P am F e rnie the feminine end of The ciples a nd L ittle Caesar a nd T he Con­ Courriers will soon be making the scene s uls. Kicko ff date fo r this mome ntous o n h e r own. tour wi ll be sometime around the middle "Are there special laws in Canada of July. C ities participating wi ll be Ha li­ affecting performing rights?" This is one fax, Mo ntreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Londo n, of the ma ny questions a nswered in a Port Arthur, Wi nnipeg, Regina, Edmonton, specia l bookl et put out by C APAC fo r dis­ Calgary and Va ncouver . tributio n during their Direct ors' Reception TIGER-A-GO-GO will probably go down for Quebec-Reside nt Me mb ers whic h was in history as the turn ing point in the held a t the Queen Elizabeth Hote l in Mon­ Sandy Gardiner seen with two of the Supremes. s uccess of our (up to now) f loundering treal J une 2/ 65. T he a nswer "Yes, t he re Diana on his right and Mary peeking through mus ic industry. the mirror. are specia l r ul es a nd regula tions written St. Catharines: Donn a nd Cindy Rey­ into the Canadian copyright law in respect Watch for: the greatest Canadian teen nolds wil l open the new Atlanta Hotel and to performing rights.
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