"g'WsJPW" 0 'WWiPgllWlM,4 ' tjlfiBft ' THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1914. 10 THE WASHINGTON HERALD. Clark Griffith May Train His Ball Club in Savannah, Ga., Next Spring THE' NATIONALLY KNOWN STORE FOR MEN AND LITTLE MEN Go, Evfers Maranville to1 Says . Nationals May j7 JM r 4TJ m m fsitl Savannah In Spring Is Better Than Tinker Braves' Shortstop Best Game V Charlottesville likely to Be The Avenue at Ninth Has Ever Known, De- Abandoned by Griff for Once Great Shortstop clares Johnny. Georgia City. and Worthy Successor P-B- AKE "'that" trip to 's and see-- AFTERMATH OF SERIES OTHER SPORTING GOSSIP "He's the best shortstop the game has how we are absolutely ready ever known." Uy "Wll.MAil FEET. "Better than Joe Tinker, your old side M partner ?" to supply you with your Fall clothes Savannah, Georgia, may be the place T picked out by Manager Griffith as a aaaWw3p""SStiaaam . "Yes. he's better than Tinker." ZLssssssi olsssssllsalsWstflP''ittjaaiaLsa That's what Johnny P-- P-- training camp next spring and there Is Ljmi:ZrrKt'-- Ever told the B Suits and B Overcoats hundreds of a possibility that the deal trill be closed writer in Boston Tuesday night when at once. MaranvlIIe's name was mentioned at a nualitv garments in everv good weave, every new pattern, Kick Corlsh. president of the South I saaiaEas3feAt lCaassssssssfl fanning bee. league will be In the Capital g7jf'iH Evers has been given credit for making "build" and age. Atlantic 1 style, for men of .every with BBsLsBBBB'saW &'iwd& 'TtsaLsBBsf i aiBiBsHBvX&&r? ViLsBBBBBBBBBf Maranville the great player he has shown every correct today or tomorrow for a conference lTrsrsrsrsrsTBELl'BttBE'R alasssssj himself to be season, Johnny Clark Griffith, at which time he will fP this but 515, 518, $20. $25, $30. untrue, point out to the Old Fox the advisa- BBBBBBBBw5SBBBfcisii3P5 declares this is stating that iiStk BKEMM!&t?ril7 Maranville learned the game Its P-- kf and all B is w club Savan- nnii tmarantee of absolute satisfaction bility of bringing his ball to VBBBBBBBUiilBBBBBBBBBBBBW t3bBBBBBBBBbWE2',V, 7 fine points unaided, accepting advice and that nah next spring. watching others. your "safety first" insurunce andyoa young men will The writer talked with Mr. Corlsh In NFJABBBBBlBBWffiaSrx This from In iBBBBjW-KiET- HKri&x admission Evers that his to the many exclusive models and patterns Boston last Monday and was told that x EBtMLvt Vs.v "45s!?3' mind Maranville Is a greater shortstop "cotton" Savannah fans would welcome a wlslt than Tinker Is about the highest praise shown just for you. from the Nationals, that the ball park any one can shower on the peppery little would be placed at their disposal, and chap who was such a prominent factor nothing left undone to make things "RABBIT" MARAITVIIXE JOE TINKER In the Braves" victory. ' pleasant for the players. j-- r fl It appears that Corlsh and Griff have Billy Martin, the Washington boy and K and the Georgetown already talked over this matter former star, comes In fora , Old Fox Is seriously considering Savan- full share of the players' receipts, and g&Mm&wm& r v J ni nah as a training camp. Braves Sidestepping the Boston men declare that Martin was From an official of the Washington one of Stalllngs' best assets when the ball club it was learned that a change club was fighting its way to the top. next spring In training quarters was "Martin has a sharp tongue and a &TTooooooontcii.ct' I v 111 "A agreed upon and Manager of Schemes bountiful supply of ready wit." one of loaoooooooptLLiL' yy H rr about that Promoters 1 I rsr(a Griffith remembering the series of snow the Braves remarked to the writer. "He laooorjoooopcc li v V storms last March had made up his mind seldom missed a chance to 'kid' our lOOOOOODOOGOC to take his ball players farther south. Champions Resolve Not to Invest a Cent rivals as they stepped to the bat And JOOOOOOOOQCUk Griff refuses to discuss the matter In World's Baseball was always ready with a clever come- JOfJOOOOOCLLLI, any details. He said recently that back In case the remarks were resented." jnuorjQOPOOP of its Wild-c- at you he had done nothing about another of Winnings in Deals of "Do know," the player continued, JOOOPCTil -l training camp next spring and added "that there are about twenty-fiv-e men crA JO'"", Help your to Charlottesville. "Con" Men. In the National League who have threat- .ll.lLI.li boy that he mbrht return the ened to lick Martin the first time they or some According to Mr. Corlsh, Savannah see him on .tttl boy presents an ideal spot for a big league the street friend's "Also, that Jimmy Walsh, of the Ath- A in Auto training camp. The weather is warm, safe," James. "So where my letics, was so sore something the By FRANK G. JIESKE, said that's at Martin . I I the ball park a good one, and there is money will go. No frivollng it away for told him that he openly challenged Billy s Contest. big gymnasium where the Promoters of wild-c- at available a Boston, Oct It up me." to fistic combat?" players can work when it ralca, schemes are hereby warned to pass outfielder, will place base- Ted Cather, his "That's the kind of spirit Stalllngs WlMM "Boston Braves." The world's the men and wad in the bank "until such time as I see likes, and If Martin gets Into condition That the Washington ball club will de ball campions are wise young good, fcafc next spring he .Is sure to be picked as . of a investment" clare no dividends this season is about i v . resolved that not one cent some infielder." A B will into Outfielder Whltted will buy real utility for LI TSP-- hats eettled. for the good reason that the their winnings of C$18 each fall estate with his share, and Larry Gil .... Votes and Values for Bdys did not make any money. With the hands of promoters or "con" men SHOES aaal-it- y. Nationals outfielder, will do same "Hank" Gowdy Is the supreme batsman P-B- who good pro- bert another the men. yon make at 's entitles "some" boy for style and an Increased pay-ro-ll and the fact that However, persons have with his. of the world's series. He leads all the Every purchase year .everywhere, ducing farms to sell, or who control it was a poor baseball may ap- hitters with an average of .M3, making to votes in our Auto Contest. "Imp" Cycle Car and three A fit for your fea- the local club Just about broke even. banks that pay good interest To Purchase Auto. six hits for a risking total of fourteen bases. We always feature au-arde- December 23. proach the champions without Pitcher Crutcher was the only Brave Walsh, who took Strunk'a place In center other prizes League Bob the possibility of being booted across the who possibility of part of tures as well as your When the Federal took are open to reason admitted the for the Athletics after the m.cond game, many Groom away from the Nationals they threshold. The boys his money being spent In the purchase of is the only Mackman who batted above Juvenile Overcoats Need-Me- et on the question of farming and banking. The conferred upon us a blessing in disguise. -- "moderate priced automobile. 3rai His average of 333 ties him for head. -- -- first person that m Had Groom been here the past season I'll- n.a.slnato- the The Braves. It seems, are not afflicted; third place with Rudolph, the Boston odels In Chinchillas and fancy TWO approaches m, on the Sox, Pants Griff would never have been ab,e to' ectinve. with automobiles as were the Red pitcher, who twice downed the Athletics. Bahna-caa- n "-- for many mixtures, including Suits develope Jack Bentley, uoc Ayers, ana -- neo-a- Giants, and Athletics. Evers Is second best hitter. Oldring " n ..,.a ,- f.w- vm - nd $5.00 IDVCBICU ll t Tyler and Cochreman are brings up rear, only one In Jim Shaw. alL No more investment, Pitchers the with hit styles. $5.00 up. Owens drafted I lost it w among those who will buy farms. Tyler fifteen times up. An average of .067. The men. Famous for wear and style. Arnue at $1.50 The loss of Catcher little roll goes right into the bank and from the Minneapolis club of the Amer- can find." wants to get one somewhere up in New averages of all players who took part In Ask any Washington mother. any the soundest bank I Hampshire, near home, while Cochre- two games or more follow: ican Association did not hurt either Going to use some oi yourai noncj- - his Every one a style of the Boys' Hats g- Gowdy was asked. man will buy a farm around Luting. AB. R. H. TB Ate. Girls' and S5J I0.: Hank It Oewdj. c. (B) . II .Hi P--B S.Mike.?llt?, and bLT.tLwas moonin- batting Texas, his home town. Catcher Bert i a Splendid values in Ramo at $2.00 Hank, the (B) . 1 1 7 . &hoar. may be price. recalled that who will be Emu. a. I Velours Velvets, Plush, and buy Mitchell later at the waiver reported as about to become Whaling, halls from Seattle WitCi. cf. IAI . e 2 Boys' wear Furnishings, hero, was purchaser.
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