Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies, Vol 5, Nr 2, 1975. http://scientiamilitaria.journals.ac.za THE RAILWAYS A~() THE WA.~ EFFORT, 1939.1945 1 Background Stores Company to be added to the estab- lishment in wartime.5 This scheme did not Sout'h Africa's armed forces were small, and survive the Great Depression, which forced their material resources meagre, when the the Defence budget to a very low level and country entered the Second World War on prompted extensive revision of South Africa's 6 September 1939. The Permanent Force was military requirements. By 1933 the Brigade nearly 50% under strength; the shortage of had ceased to exist. All that remained of the trained infantrymen was estimated at over military rail establishment were the two ar- 39000; ammunition for artillery pieces and moured trains, which continued as Active anti-aircraft guns was sufficient for one day's Citizen Force units until the outbreak of war. shooting, and only two obsolete armoured No 1 Armoured Train was based at Cape cars were available. Two experimental ar- ~own and No 2 Armoured Train at Johannes- moured cars had been built locally.2 burg.G During the first years of the war it was not possible to obtain much equipment from the Despite the collapse of an organized Brigade United Kingdom or the United States. Local scheme, contingency planning proceeded. On ingenuity was heavily taxed as attention con- the outbreak of war in 1939 a Railway Move- centrated on preparing the South African ar- ment Section went into operation and facilities med forces for long campaigns. Gradually for the movement of large numbers of troops regiments were mobilized and equipped, and were quickly made availa'ble.7 But as more an extensive munitions production drive was and more men volunteered for service the launched.3 need for a railway organization along military lines became apparent. The Railways and Harbours Brigade before World War II Re-establishment of the Railways and Har- ~he Railways and Harbours Administration bours Brigade was involved on both the domestic and the fighting fronts. Members of the Railways and Thousands of railway men volunteered for ser- Harbours Brigade saw service in Abyssinia, vice with regular units on the outbreak of war, North Africa and Italy, while "the - railway but ultimately most of them served with the workshops in South Africa played a key role Railways and Harbours Brigade, which was in production and construction. gazetted as a part-time unit of the Active Citizen Force on 1 April 1940. The Brigade During the First World War, when the SAR was of a composite nature and was intended & H made an important contribution to the to handle all branches of railway and har- war effort, recurrent difficulties were experien- bour operation, maintenance, and engineering.s ced in relations with the Department of Defence.4 After the war steps were taken to The original establishment resembled that of establish a Railways and Harbours Brigade as 1929 and may well have been based upon it. an Active Citizen Force unit which would Three sections were planned - an Operating serve as the military arm of the SAR & H Group, a combatant section, and ambulance in time of emergency and so obviate involved trains. The Operating Group comprised Group negotiations and agreements with the De- Headquarters (at Railway Headquarters in Jo- fence authorities. By 1929 a comprehensive hannesburg); a Railway Operating Company; scheme had been evolved whereby the Bri- a Mechanical Workshop Company; a Main- gade had a peacetime strength of two Infantry tenance Company; a Shore Company; a Stores Battalions and two armoured trains, with Company; a Shore (docks) Company; a Ma- eight Transportation Battalions, an Intelligen- rine (Floating Craft) Company; and a Light-- ce Section, one Supply Company and one house Company. The last three of these indi- - 66 Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies, Vol 5, Nr 2, 1975. http://scientiamilitaria.journals.ac.za This photograph of 'Active', No 1 Annoured Train, appears on a Christmas and New Year greeting card for 1927-1928 cate that even at an early stage it was reali- capacity as in 1914 - transferring casualties zed that South African ports would have to from the ports to hospital. Several sidedoor handle substantially more work than in peace- coaches were converted into ward-cars, and time, although it was not until Allied control vans were converted into dispensary vehicles. of the Mediterranean became tenuous after 13 ward-cars and 4 dispensary vehicles, which the fall of France and Italy's entry into the made up two complete hosiptal trains, were war that the real effects of wartime exigen- built. Each train could accommodate 150 lying cies became felt. Even greater pressure was patients, while additional walking patients exerted on port facilities. after Japan entered were catered for by the attachment of stan- the war and protection of the Indian Empire dard main-line sleeping stock. The staff of the assumed new importance in the Allied War ambulance trains were Railway servants who effort. served as and when necessary and resumed Two infantry battalions were established as their civil duties after each journey. Most of part of the combatant section. The first them were qualified members of the Railways battalion had its HQ at Johannesburg and and Harbours Division of the St. John Am- drew its men from the Transvaal, Orange bulance Brigade. One train was based at Free State, and Natal. The second battalion Voortrekkerhoogte (later at Mapleton, near had its HQ at Cape Town. Two of its Com- Johannesburg), and the other at Durban.9 panies were based on Cape Town and one each of two further Companies were based at The place of the Railways in the war effort p.ort Elizabeth and East London. Four armour- ed trains, based at Johannesburg, Cape A sound and efficient railway transport sys- Town, Port Elizabeth and Durban, completed tem is vital during wartime. Troop and sup- the establishment of the combatant section. ply movements have to take place quickly Ambulance trains were employed in the same and reliably. The particular services provided 67 Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies, Vol 5, Nr 2, 1975. http://scientiamilitaria.journals.ac.za Railway organization In July 1940 the Chief of the General Staff instructed that a training camp be established at Mapleton, a small station twenty miles from Johannesburg on the main line to Natal. A composite Railway Company was mobi- lized for this task, and moved into camp on 9 July 19401°. Mapleton Camp became the central training point for the Railways and Harbours Brigade. It was also used as a re- ception camp for Railways and Harbours per- sonnel returning to the UnionY From an early stage it was evident that the railwaymen, because they possessed specia- list knowledge in their several fields, should be drafted to units where their potential use- fulness would be fully exploited. For this reason the Railways and Harbours Brigade was expanded through the creation of Rail- ways and Harbours Workshops, Railway Ope- Inside an ambulance train rating Companies, Docks Operating Compa- nies, Railway Construction Companies, Har- bour Construction Companies and Railway Te- by South Africa to the Allied war effort legraph Communication Companies. caused a variety of unusual demands to be This policy of forming specialized units from placed on the Railways Administration. An Railways and Harbours personnel was adhered inadequate service would not only have jeo- to wherever possible, but a larger number pardized the success of the South African of railwaymen volunteered for service (14000) armed forces, but would have been a real than could be absorbed, and therefore the blow to the British and Dominion forces in surplus were drafted to regular combatant the Middle East and Pacific theatres. South units. Personnel were also made available Africa was an important link between Britain for Reconnaissance and Anti-Tank Battalions. and the Middle East, and until the surrender Throughout the war the Administration re- of Italy in 1943 made the Mediterranean rea- leased as many men as possible for active sonably safe for Allied shipping and the service.J2 Suez Canal could be used, the port facilities In 1942 the Railways and Harbours Brigade at Cape Town and Durban (and Port Elizabeth was re-organized. It was clear that the 1940 and East London, to a lesser extent) were establishment was outdated and could be used by numerous convoys. The Railways simplified to make administration easier and and Harbours Administration was responsible to release men from tasks where they were for operating the ports and for ensuring that not fulfilling a useful role. The Operating coal and other supplies were delivered to the Group and Infantry Battalions were combined waiting shipping. Repairs to ships were also into three Composite Battalions; only one ar- carried out. moured train was retained; and new Marine The other major contribution on the home Companies were formed. The final organiza- front was the production of great quantities tion was as follows: of ammunition and equipment not only for Brigade Headquarters : Johannesburg the South African forces but for the Allied forces as a whole. On the fighting front, the 1st Battalion HQ and Railways and Harbours Brigade accompanied 5 Companies Johannesburg (em- the regular units in all their campaigns, doing bracing the Transvaal, construction and repair work to facilitate Orange Free State and communications. Northern Cape) 68 Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies, Vol 5, Nr 2, 1975. http://scientiamilitaria.journals.ac.za 2nd Battalion HQ and SAR & H, and Commander of the Railways 4 Companies Cape Town (embrac- and Harbours Brigade, arranged for Major ing the Cape Pro- D.
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