ISSN 00125008, Doklady Chemistry, 2014, Vol. 458, Part 1, pp. 172–175. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2014. Original Russian Text © M.G. Voronkov, E.A. Zel’bst, A.D. Vasil’ev, M.S. Molokeev, G.A. Kuznetsova, 2014, published in Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2014, Vol. 458, No. 3, pp. 287–290. CHEMISTRY Oxatrane Is a Parent Compound of a New Atrane Family: Crystal and Molecular Structure of Triethanolamine NOxide Academician M. G. Voronkova †, E. A. Zel’bstb, A. D. Vasil’evc,d, M. S. Molokeevc,d, and G. A. Kuznetsovaa Received March 27, 2014 DOI: 10.1134/S0012500814090031 Tertiary amine Noxides of general formula A particular interest in tertiary amine Noxides has + increased in recent years. Triethanolamine Noxide, O ⎯ NR3 (previously O=NR3 or O → NR3) continue to attract interest of synthetic, theoretical, and applied which was considered to have structure chemists. They are already used in cosmetics, as bio O=N(CH2CH2OH)3 [3], was ascribed to them by medical agents, and as oxidants in a number of organic analogy, but its molecular structure was not estab reactions (catalytic epoxidation and dihydroxylation lished. Therefore, we determined the structure by X of alkenes, catalytic oxidation of alcohols, etc.) [1, 2]. ray diffraction, presuming that the oxide oxygen atom The most general method of their synthesis is the oxi in this molecule is bound to the nitrogen atom and sur dation of tertiary amines with hydrogen peroxide, per rounded by three CH CH OH groups like hydrogen oxy acids, dioxiranes, and oxaazapyridines [1]. 2 2 atom in protatranes [4]. The obtained data proved to Triethanolamine Noxide (TEA) formulated as be unexpected and, nonetheless, allowed us to name + O –N (CH2CH2OH)3 and obtained by the oxidation TEA Noxide as oxatrane (OA) by analogy with pro of triethanolamine with hydrogen peroxide [3] is also tatranes, Fig. 1. attributed to trialkylamine Noxides. The authors [3] obviously did not know that TEA and its salts The structure of an OA complex with TEA ⎯ + (OATEA) has been reported recently [9]. The Noxide X [NH(CH2CH2OH)3] are protatranes [4] that have endo structure in contrast to trialkylamines and tri oxygen atom in this compound occupies the exo posi alkylammonium salts. In compounds of atrane series, tion with respect to the CH2CH2OH groups and is the nitrogen atom is shifted inside from the plane of its involved in hydrogen bonds with the hydroxyl hydro bonded carbon atoms and is surrounded by three gen atoms of the ligand, TEA. CH2CH2OH groups [4–6]. According to quantum chemical calculations and Xray diffraction studies, TEA has endo conformation, which is the most stable one irrespective of protonation of the nitrogen atom С2' O2' and crystal packing [7]. Such a structure of TEA mol ecules and protatranes is explained by throughspace intramolecular inductive interaction of nitrogen and oxygen atoms [5, 8]. О2'' С1' † Deceased. N С1'' a Favorskii Institute of Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, С2'' С1 ul. Favorskogo 1, Irkutsk, 664033 Russia b East Siberian State Academy of Education, О1 С2 Nizhnyaya Naberezhnaya 6, Irkutsk, 664011 Russia c Kirenskii Institute of Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, 660036 Russia О2 d Siberian Federal University, pr. Svobodnyi 79, Krasnoyarsk, 660036 Russia email: [email protected] Fig. 1. Oxatrane molecule. 172 OXATRANE IS A PARENT COMPOUND OF A NEW ATRANE FAMILY 173 Experimental details and refinement parameters for the ox After recrystallization from acetonitrile, transpar atrane structure ent single crystals of OA are not hygroscopic and have welldefined shiny facets. Chemical formula C6H15NO4 Temperature, K 300(2) Xray diffraction study of OA was performed on a Bruker AXS D8ADVANCE diffractometer, CuK Space group, ZP3 , 2 α radiation, VANTEC linear detector. Variable counting a, b, c, Å 8.24015(11), time (VCT) and variable step scanning (VSS) proce 8.24015(11), dures were used in the experiment [10–12]. The expo 6.75661(10) sure time increased with 2θ angle, which resulted in α, β, γ, deg 90, 90, 120 considerable improvement of Xray diffraction pat V, Å3 397.31(1) terns. As a rule, 5–8 experimental points should fall on a full width at half maximum (FWHM); however, 3 d, g/cm 1.3808 peaks were considerably broadened with increasing 2θ μ, mm–1 0.976 angle; therefore, the step was increased in highangle regions to decrease the experiment time [13]. 2θmax, deg 140 Step, deg 0.0160352 A structure model was found by molecule modeling Number of profile points 8419 in direct space with phase annealing [14]. Oxatrane crystals have trigonal symmetry. The nonhydrogen Number of reflections 507 atoms were refined in the isotropic approximation by Number of refined parameters 16 the Rietveld method. Hydroxyl hydrogen atoms were Rwp, % 6.159 placed in positions most probable for O–H···О hydro R , %1.806gen bond, and the other hydrogen atoms were placed exp in geometrically calculated positions. The table shows Rp, % 4.843 experimental data and refining parameters for RB, %0.71oxatrane structure. Structural data for this compound were deposited with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre: CCDC 984100 We obtained triethanolamine Noxide by the reac (www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/data_request/cif). tion of TEA with hydrogen peroxide. Yield 90%, mp 104–105°С. Each oxatrane molecule lies on a 3fold symmetry Molecular formula C H NO . axis passing along the N–O1 bond (Fig. 1). The oxide 6 15 4 oxygen atom O1 is bound via hydrogen bonds to the For C6H15NO4 anal. calcd. (%): C, 43.63, H 9.15, O2 hydroxyl atoms of the three nearest identical mol N 8.48. ecules: О1···О2 = 2.738(6) Å, О1···Н–О2 angle is Found (%): C, 43.38; H, 9.12; N, 8.76. 178.33(1)° (close to linear) (Fig. 2). These values are O2 O2 O2 N O1 O1 O1 O1 C2 H C1 O2 O2 N N O2 O2 O2 O2 O2 N с O a C b Fig. 2. Hydrogen bonds О1···Н–О2 in oxatrane (hydrogen atoms in CH2 are omitted). DOKLADY CHEMISTRY Vol. 458 Part 1 2014 174 VORONKOV et al. 1 c 3.682(5) Å 2 3.075(5) Å 3 b N 0 a O C Fig. 3. Layerbylayer packing of oxatrane molecules in crystal (hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity). Fig. 4. The packing of oxatrane molecules in crystal in projection on the ab plane. close to the values of hydrogen bonds in the OATEA “internal” O1oxygen atoms with O2H hydroxy groups complex [9], 2.705(7) Å, and in the TEA dimer, of the nearest molecules. At the same time, three О1···О2 – 2.696(7) Å [15]. hydroxy groups of each oxatrane molecule are con Because of strong intermolecular hydrogen bonds nected by hydrogen bonds with the O1 oxygen atoms О1···НО2', the O2 atoms are turned from the center of the three nearest molecules. Due to strong intermo of the molecule (N–O1 bonds) and are located at the lecular interaction and the trigonal symmetry of crys same level with the C1 atoms, i.e., in the same plane tal space, the molecules form layers parallel to the ab with them (Fig. 1). The C1C1'C1'' and O2O2'O2'' face of the unit cell in contrast to OATEA complex [9], planes are only 0.02 Å apart from each other. The N···O2 intramolecular distance (3.779(6) Å) is much where molecule packing is compared with a cap, and longer than this distance in TEA (2.991(5) Å). Each of the TEA itself [15] producing dimers owing to hydro the three hydrogen bonds О2–Н···О1 connects the gen bonds of the nearest molecules. DOKLADY CHEMISTRY Vol. 458 Part 1 2014 OXATRANE IS A PARENT COMPOUND OF A NEW ATRANE FAMILY 175 These layers are hydrogen bonded in pairs, whereas of Leading Scientific Schools (grant no. NSh there are only van der Waals bonds between the pairs 3649.2014.3). (Fig. 3). The distances between the layers in the pairs (layers 1 and 2) and between the couples of layers (lay REFERENCES ers 2 and 3) are shown in Fig. 3. 1. Limnios, D. and Kokotos, C.J., Eur. J. 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