February 16, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S845 ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS its foremothers’ legacy of service and able and underprivileged, both at home advocacy, emphasizing collaboration, and abroad. I join my colleagues in sa- coalition building, and responsiveness luting him for his tireless efforts, TRIBUTE TO CHIEF DONALD F. to community needs. The Junior which have brought joy and comfort to CONLEY League of Baltimore’s recent projects so many. He deserves recognition as a ∑ Ms. AYOTTE. Mr. President, today I include art programs, family support true humanitarian and a true Amer- wish to recognize and congratulate services, and partnerships with various ican patriot.∑ chief of police Donald F. Conley of the organizations such as Read Across f Nashua, NH, Police Department for his America, in addition to its innovative TRIBUTE TO JOHN E. FRAMPTON 32 years of dedicated service to the law nutrition education program designed ∑ enforcement profession, the City of to fight childhood obesity. Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, I ask Nashua, and the State of New Hamp- I would ask my colleagues to join me my colleagues to join me in recog- shire. in congratulating the Junior League of nizing John E. Frampton on the occa- After serving in the U.S. Marine Baltimore on 100 years of service to sion of his retirement as director of the Corps, Chief Conley began his law en- Baltimore, and in thanking league South Carolina Department of Natural forcement career with the U.S. Capitol members past and present for all that Resources, SCDNR. John has dedicated the past 35 years Police and then joined the Nashua Po- they have done and are doing to enrich to advancing and improving the State lice Department in 1980. He was pro- the lives of the citizens of Baltimore of South Carolina’s natural resources moted to sergeant in 1988, lieutenant in and Maryland.∑ and quality of life. He has been a tire- 1995, captain in 1998, and deputy chief f less advocate of wildlife preservation of police in 2002. He was named the TRIBUTE TO DR. KENNETH HALL in South Carolina and across the chief of police in 2007. United States. As director of SCDNR, During his long tenure as a police ∑ Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, today I he served as the chief administrator for chief, Donald Conley has been a leader would like to commend the extraor- natural resources in the State and was in promoting community-oriented po- dinary career of Buckner International responsible for management and super- licing, improving public safety within CEO Dr. Kenneth Hall, who will soon be retiring from the Dallas-based orga- vision of the agency’s five divisions. the State of New Hampshire, and pro- Leading with passion, determination, nization after 19 years of dedicated moting sound public policies and prac- and humility, John has worked to pro- service. Throughout his tenure, he has tices that have helped keep New Hamp- tect and promote South Carolina’s nat- promoted founder R.C. Buckner’s mis- shire one of the safest States in the Na- ural resources at every level around sion of bringing unconditional Chris- tion. Chief Conley has worked tire- the State. John joined SCDNR in 1974 tian love to needy children. Hall has lessly with his peers and with other as an assistant district biologist. Prior been instrumental in expanding the public safety officials to better the ad- to his appointment as director, he scope of Buckner’s activities, which are ministration of justice. served as a regional wildlife biologist, inspired by the biblical principles of As Donald Conley celebrates his re- chief of wildlife, and assistant director tirement, I want to commend him on a James 1:27: ‘‘Religion that God our Fa- for development and national affairs. job well done and ask my colleagues to ther accepts as pure and faultless is On April 2, 2003, Mr. Frampton was se- join me in wishing him and his wife this: to look after orphans and widows lected as the agency’s director by the ∑ Tricia well in all future endeavors. in their distress and to keep oneself SCDNR Board. f from being polluted by the world.’’ John is an active member of multiple A Baptist minister by training, R.C. regional, national, and international RECOGNIZING THE JUNIOR Buckner devoted his life to helping LEAGUE OF BALTIMORE wildlife organizations and served as a children whose families had been dis- past president of both the South- ∑ Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I rise placed or broken by war, poverty, and eastern Association of Fish and Wild- today to recognize the 100th anniver- other hardships. The mustard seed of life Agencies and the Association of sary of the Junior League of Balti- Buckner International was planted on Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Because of more. Mary Goodwillie founded the a hot July day in 1877, when Dr. his dedicated leadership and commit- Junior League of Baltimore in 1912 Buckner gathered concerned citizens ment to conservation, John was ap- with the goal of engaging educated around an old oak tree in Paris, TX, pointed to the National Marine Pro- young ladies to help alleviate the ills and asked for their assistance in build- tected Area Federal Advisory Com- of the city. The league members began ing a home for orphans. From a humble mittee by the Secretary of Commerce working with underprivileged women collection that day of $27, Dr. Buckner and appointed to the prestigious Wild- and children in Baltimore. Their early created Buckner Orphans’ Home in life and Hunting Heritage Conservation advocacy efforts helped bring about re- Dallas in 1879. Now known as Buckner Council by the Secretary of Interior duced work hours for women and better Children’s Home, it is one of the oldest and the Secretary of Agriculture in living conditions for children. orphanages west of the Mississippi 2010. Throughout its 100-year history, the River. John’s well-deserved acknowledg- league has harnessed the spirit of vol- One hundred and thirty-five years ments and recognitions highlight the unteerism to help countless families in after the famous oak tree meeting, impact he has had on the conservation Baltimore with projects ranging from a Buckner International is aiding more community at the State and national nursery school for blind and deaf chil- than 400,000 people in countries across level. John has received numerous hon- dren in the 1940s, a drug abuse edu- the world. Dr. Hall became its fifth ors and awards over his career, includ- cation program in the 1970s, and the President and CEO in 1994. Under his ing the International Canvasback Kids in the Kitchen nutrition edu- leadership, the endowment surpassed Award from the North American Wa- cation program today. $200 million, and the organization es- terfowl Management Plan Committee, Once, the league was a volunteer ac- tablished a new global ministry pro- the Clarence W. Watson Award from tivity for well-to-do women; today, it gram. It now does charitable work in the Southeastern Association of Fish is a training ground where women in- China, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, and Wildlife Agencies, the Shooting, terested in nonprofit management, so- Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Hon- Hunting and Outdoor Trades’, SHOT, cial work, and public service profes- duras, India, Kenya, Mexico, Peru, Rus- Business Person of the Year Award, the sions receive hands-on experience. Vol- sia, Sierra Leone, South Korea, and Henry S. Mosby Award from the Na- unteer activities are designed to em- Vietnam. Buckner also runs several re- tional Wild Turkey Federation, the power diverse women from all walks of tirement communities in Texas, and Captain David Hart Award by the At- life to make a difference in their com- provides an extensive array of services lantic States Marine Fisheries Com- munity. to assist and empower families in cri- mission, and the Seth Gordon Award by The Junior League of Baltimore is sis. the Association of Fish and Wildlife part of the Association of Junior I am grateful for all that Dr. Hall has Agencies. Additionally, John is recog- Leagues International and continues done to improve the lives of the vulner- nized for initiating South Carolina’s VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:32 Feb 17, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G16FE6.017 S16FEPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S846 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 16, 2012 Ashepoo, Combahee, and South Edisto, and transformed it into a lifelong, posi- have served as useful examples to our ACE, Basin Project in 1988 and con- tive pursuit that filled a void for many men and women in uniform. I know my tinues to serve on the ACE Basin Task across Michigan. Senate colleagues join me in congratu- Force. He is an invaluable asset to the After his death last month, Ruthann lating Major General Dorko and hon- conservation community and as a lead- was inundated with letters of condo- oring his distinguished record of serv- er has set an example for future lence from across our State. Some of ice to our country. I wish him the best SCDNR directors to follow. these condolence letters even came as he embarks on the next chapter of Born in Summerville, SC, John holds from people Brian had prosecuted, who his life.∑ a bachelor of science degree in marine praised his fairness and decency and f biology from the College of Charleston. expressed sorrow for his loss. To be re- He later received a master of arts in spected by one’s colleagues is a sign of RECOGNIZING DELOITTE LLC teaching degree in biology from the a job well done, but to be respected by ∑ Mr.
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