Complete List of Borodin's Chemical Works 1858 1. Recherches sur la constitution chimique de l'hydrobenzamide et de l'amarine (Researches on the Chemical Constitution of Hydrobenzamide and Amarine) (Read on March 5,1858), Bulletin de la classe physico-mathematique de I'Academie des Sciences de St. Petersbourg [hereafter abbreviated as Bull. Acad. Sci., J7], Nos. 1, 2, 3, notes, 38-46 (1858/1859) [Ueber die Constitution des Hydrobenzamids und des Amarins, Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie (hereafter abbreviated as Ann.), 110, 78-85 (1859). - T.] 2. Ob' analogii mysh'iakovoi kisloty s fosfornoiu v khimicheskom i toksikologicheskom otno­ sheniiakh (On the Analogy Between Arsenic Acid and Phosphoric Acid in Chemical and Toxicological Behavior), Dissertation, [Tipografiia Koroleva,] St. Petersburg, 1858. Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine. Defense [of the dissertation] took place on May 3, 1858 at the Medical-Surgical Academy; translated into English by Harry Rosenberg, The Austra­ lian National University, Canberra, 1987. 3. Ueber die [Ein]wirkung des lodathyls auf Benzoylanilid [0 deistvii iodistogo etila na benzoil­ ani lid] (On the Action of Ethyl Iodide on Benzoylanilide). (Read on November 26, 1858), Bull. A cad. Sci., 17, No. 26, notes, 408-411 (1859) [Journal fur praktische Chemie (hereafter abbreviated as J. prakt. Chem.), 77, 19-22 (1859); Ann., 111,254-256 (1859). - T.] 1859 4. Soligalicheskie soleno-mineral'nye vody (Soligalich Saline-Mineral Waters), Moskovskie vedo­ mosti (Moscow News), 130,972-974 (lune 3, 1859); also published by Tipografiia Universiteta (University Printers), Moscow, 1859, 18pp., 3 tables. 1860 5. Ueber die Einwirkung des lodathyls auf Benzidin [0 deistvii iodistogo etila na benzidin] (On the Action of Ethyl Iodine on Benzidine), Zeitschrift for Chemie und Pharmazie [hereafter abbreviated as Z. Chem. Pharm.], 3, 533-536 (1860). 6. Uber einige Derivate des Benzidins [0 nekotorykh proizvodnykh benzidina] (On Several Deriva­ tives of Benzidine), Z. Chem. Pharm., 3, 641-643 (1860). 7. Sur les derives monobromes des acides valeri que et butyrique (On the Monobromine Derivatives of Valerie and Butyric Acids) (Read on November 23, 1860), Societe Chimique de Paris, Bulletin des Seances de 1858-1860, 252-254 (1861) [Ueber die Monobrombaldriansaure und Monobrombuttersaure (0 bromovalerianovoi i bromomaslianoi kislote), Z. Chem. Pharm., 4, 5-7 (1861); Ueber Bromvaleriansaure und Brombuttersaure, Ann., 119, 121-123 (1861); J. prakt. Chem., 84, 474-475 (1861). - T.] 1861 8. Ueber die Wirkung des Zinkathyl's [sic] auf zusammengesetzte Aether [(0 deistvii slozhnykh efirov na tsinketil)] (On the Action of Zinc Ethyl on Complex Esters), Z. Chem. Pharm., 4, 8-12 (1861). [also see Fatti per servire alia storia di benzile (Data for the History of Benzil), 11 Nuovo Cimento, 15, 314-315 (1862) (No. 11 below). - T.] 1862 9. Beitrag zur Geschichte des Benzils [(Contribution to the History of Benzi!)], Z. Chem. Pharm., 5, 580-581 (1862). 122 Complete List of Borodin's Chemical Works 10. [Fatti per servire alla storia de' fluoruri (0 ftoristom benzoile, k istorii ftoristykh soedinenii) (Data for the History of Fluorides) ~ T.], II Nuovo Cimento, 15, 305[-314] (1862) [Faits pour servir it l'histoire des fluorures et preparation du fluorure de benzoyle, Comptes rendus des seances de I'Academie des Sciences (Paris), 55 (13),553-556 (1862); Contributions to the History of Fluorides, Chemical News, 6, 267-268 (November 29, 1862); Zur Geschichte der Fluor­ verbindungen und iiber das Fluorbenzoyl, Ann., 126, 58-62 (1863). ~ T.]' 11. [Fatti per servire alla storia di benzile (K istorii benzila)] (Data for the History of Benzil) ~ T.], II Nuovo Cimento, 15, 314[-315] (1862); [Ueber die Einwirkung des Benzils auf Natrium­ Amylat, Ann. 126, 372-373 (1863). ~ T.]' 12. [Sull'azione dello zincoetile sui cloroiodoforme (0 deistvii tsinketila na khloriodoform) ~ T.] (On the Action of Zinc Ethyl on Chloroiodoform), II Nuovo Cimento, 15, 316 [~319] (1862); extract published in Repertoire de chimie pure, 4, 431~432 (1862); Ueber die Einwirkung des Zinkathyls auf das Chloroiodoform, Ann., 126,239-241 (1863). ~ T.]l 1863-1864 13. Referat ob uspekhakh farmatsii v 1861 godu (Report on Progress in Pharmacy in 1861), Voenno-meditsinskii zhurnal (Military-Medical Journal), 88 (10), Sec. 6, Misc., 220-234 (October, 1863); 88 (11), Sec. 6, Misc., 289-306 (November, 1863); 88 (12), Sec. 6, Misc., 371-403 (December, 1863); 90 (6), Sec. 6, Misc., 145-160 (June, 1864). 14. [0 deistvii natriia na valerianovyl al'degid] (On the Action of Sodium on Valeraldehyde) (Read on May 20, 1864), Bull. A cad. Sci., 7, 463-474 (1864); Ueber die Einwirkung des Natriums auf Valeraldehyd, [J. prakt. Chem., 93, 413-425 (18M). ~ T.] 1865 15. Referat po farmatsii za 1862 god (Report on Pharmacy for 1862), Voenno-meditsinskii zhurnal (Military-Medical Journal), 92 (1), Sec. 6, Misc., 3-33 (January, 1865); 92 (2), Sec. 6, Misc., 93-122 (February, 1865); 92 (3), Sec. 6, Misc., 163-179 (March, 1865). 1866--1869 Analiticheskaia Khimiia (Analytical Chemistry), edited by D. Mendeleev, Kolichestvennyi analiz (Quantitative Analysis), Vols. 1-3, Obshchestvennaia pol'za (Public Benefit), St. Petersburg, 1866-1869. In the preface to the first volume Mendeleev wrote: "The third volume includes descriptions of those most important applied analyses which are carried out by special methods ... In this issue Professor of the Medical-Surgical Academy A. P. Borodin will write a section on medical (clinical) analysis." The third volume appeared in 1869 and was devoted to technical and agricultural analysis. Borodin was absent from the list of authors of articles in this volume, but the introduction stated: "A description of methods of medical-chemical research was supposed to be included in this issue, but the vastness and specialty of this subject forces us to allot a special volume for it. "2 1867 16. Issledovanie bukharskogo opiia (Research on Bukhara Opium), Protokoly obshchestva russkikh vrachei za 1867 god (Transactions of the Society of Russian Physicians for 1867), 221. 1868 17. 0 proizvodnykh valer'ianovogo al'degida (On Derivatives of Valeraldehyde), Trudy Pervogo s'ezda russkikh estestvoispytatelei v S.-Peterburge, proiskhodivshego s 28 dekabria 1867 g. po 4 , Borodin carried out these works while staying in Pisa during the winter of 1861-1862. ~ A. 2 No further traces of this special volume were found; evidently this publication did not appear, and Borodin's work, if it was written, remained unpublished. Two of Borodin's letters to Mendeleev exist in which this question is partially elucidated. ~ A. Complete List of Borodin's Chemical Works 123 yanvaria 1868 g. (Proceedings of the First Meeting of Russian Naturalists at St. Petersburg, Held from December 28, 1867 to January 4, 1868), St. Petersburg, 4, 13 (1868). 1869 18. 0 produktakh deistviia parov broma na serebrianye soli kislot maslianoi i valerianovoi (On the Products of the Action of Bromine Vapors on Silver Salts of Butyric and Valeric Acids), Zhurnal Russkogo khimicheskogo obshchestva [hereafter abbreviated as Zh. Russ. khim.) (Journal of the Russian Chemical Society),3 1 (I), 31-32 (1869); recorded note ofacommunication made at a meeting of the society on January 9, 1869; [Ueber die Einwirkung von Brom auf buttersaures und valeriansaures Silber, Z. Chem. Pharm., 12, 342 (1869). - T.) 19. Izokaprinovaia kislota, ee al'degidy i soli (Isocapric Acid, Its Aldehyde and Salts), Trudy Vtorogo s'ezda russkikh estestvoispytatelel v Moskve, proiskhodivshego s 20 po 30 avgusta 1869 (Proceedings of the Second Meeting of Russian Naturalists at Moscow, Held on August 20 to 30, 1869), Moscow, 1 (Section on Chemistry), 6 (1870); untitled recorded note of a communication made at a meeting on August 22, [1869); also [published in) Zh. Russ. khim., 1 (8-9), 225 (1869). 20. Produkty uplotneniia al'degidov (Condensation Products of Aldehydes), Zh. Russ. khim., 1 (8-9), 214 (1869); untitled recorded note of a communication made at a meeting of the society on October 2, 1869 (A. P. Dianin called this work 0 deistvii vysokoi temperatury na enantol i valeral'degid (On the Action of High Temperature on Enanthol and Valeraldehyde).) [Abstracted by Victor von Richter in Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin (hereafter abbreviated as Ber.), 3, 552-553 (1870). - T.) 1870-1871 Editor and publisher, together with P[etr Petrovich?) Khlebnikov, of the journal Znanie (Knowledge). 1870 21. [0 proizvodnykh odnogo izokaprinovogo riada) Uber die Derivate einer Isokaprinreihe (On Derivatives of an Isocapric Series) (Read on January 27, 1870), Bull. A cad. Sci., 14, 535-542 (1870). 22. Produkty uplotneniia valerianovogo al'degida (Condensation Products of Valeraldehyde), Zh. Russ. khim., 2 (4), 90--91 (1870); untitled recorded note of a communication made at a meeting of the society on March 5, 1870. [Abstracted by Victor von Richter, in Ber., 3, 423 (1870). - T.) 1872 23. 0 deistvii natriia na valeral'degid (On the Action of Sodium on Valeraldehyde), Zh. Russ. khim., 4 (6), 207-208 (1872); untitled recorded note of a communication made at a meeting of the society on May 4, 1872. [Abstracted by Victor von Richter in Ber. 5,480-481 (1872). - T.r 3 Through the years this journal has undergone a number of name changes. It was called Zhurnal Russkogo khimicheskogo obshchestva from Vol. I, No. I (1869) through Vol. 4, No.9 (1872); Zhurnal Russkogo khimicheskogo obshchestva i fizicheskogo obshchestva (Journal of the Russian Chemical Society and of the Physical Society) from Vol. 5, No.1 (1873) through Vol. 10, No.9 (1878); and Zhurnal Russkogo fiziko-khimicheskogo obshchestva (Journal of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society) from Vol. 11, No.1 (1879) through Vol. 38, No.9 (1906). In 1907 the publication split into two parts - (I) Zhurnal Russkogo fiziko-khimicheskogo obshchestva, Chast' khimicheskaia (Journal of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society, Chemical Part) from Vol. 39, No. I (1907) through Vol. 62, No. 10 (1930), after which it was entitled Zhurnal obshchef khimii (Journal of General Chemistry) beginning with 1931 (Vol.
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