*'■ ■ AreniRe Daily ISet Preas Run ,The Weather For tho Week landed FawieaQ of D. S- Waatbar Bartaa Dec. 1, ItM O^udjr, milder tanlfht, lleht 1 2 ,4 3 9 drlnle and fof. Low 40^ . Friday > Member'of the Audit mUd, chance of akowera lata la day. HlKh la SOa. Colder at lUelit. Bureau of Circulation Hantheatet^—A City of Village Charm ‘ iS. VOL. LXXVI, NO. 57 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGE&-TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 195fi (Ciassllletf Adwerttttaf oa tt ) PRICE n V E CENTS Eden Plans T o Resume, u.s. Red Threats Face Music London, Dec. 5 (JP)—Prime Minister Eden’s chief deputy, R. A. Butler, told the House of Commons today the reins of the British government : — will be “handed back” to Eden immediately op his return from his Jamaican rest cure. B\itler'« itatement.' however, did Ike Readies Cites Tanks nothing to Icseen apreulation that Eden soon may be forced to re- •iRU. .< ■ < ~ ; Butler said Eden, ‘‘would wish As;Ekirrier to face the music” — a ‘reference to the controversy racing in Brit­ ain oyer his Sues invasion /policies. ifugees’ At Legation Vote Due Tonight The House votes tonight on a Augusta, G«., Dec. 6 (/P)— confidence motion which, if not Washington, Dec. 6 (A*j— carried, could force Eden's cabinet President Eisenhower’s head­ The United States bitterly to quit. The government is expect­ quarters today announced protested to Russia today ed to win on' the confidence mo­ plans for a massive air-and- against the use of Soviet tion, but Britain's bifc newspapers sea-lift of Hungarian refu­ split apout evenly on E d e n’s military foj-ce against “help­ chances of ..continuing to hold his gees to this country. less civilians” in Hungary. Job. L. J. Brantley, with' hand over face, is taken into custody by James C. Hagerty. White House The protest vvas based directly Three nationally distributed dal­ special U. S. Marshal Kstel Wrinkle in connection with violence press secretary, said that of the on a report that a Une of Russian lies said Eden is finished and will in Clinton, Tend. Brantley, 50 and unemployed, was one of 18 total of 21.500 refugees to be given tanks drew up on the sidewalk in have to make wav for another charged with contempt of court. (AP Wlrephoto). asylum in the United States, the front of the IJ.S. legation in Buda­ conservative prime minister to Air Force and th* Navy will pro­ pest with guns turned on Hungar­ give the party a new lease on po­ vide transportation for 15,000. ian demonstrators and thereby The remaining 6,500 will be prevented their approaching the litical life. brought here by an inter-govern­ Three other papers thought I building. > mental committee on European i Russia was told this "unwar­ Eden would hold on. One said ma.v 1 6 in Race Violence migration which has been in the - be co'uld. and another- the Times I picture from the start. ranted Soviet military action" of London — Voiced ho opinion. Referring to the Air Force- and ; constituted interference with • the As Commons went into the clos­ Navy operation planned, Hagerty i working of the U.S.. diplomatic ing round of debate on the Suez said: mission. The United States sharp- , Invasion, the conservatives closed To Fac^U.S.* Judge "We believe this will be the ' ly pointed out that the mission is ranks in preparation for the vote largest such operation in peace­ accredited ^Hungary, not the of confidence on the wisdom of time hlitory.’' Soviet Union. the military venture afid the cur­ ' CLINTON school teachers today -“to coordi­ The White. House said most of Robert Murphy, deputy under­ rent withdrawal from the Suez Clinton. Tenn.. Dee. ,f — nate the efforts of the faculty and the airlift will be by Air Force and ... .For a Retd Job, a Roaring Well Done secretary of state, made the pro­ Canal zone. At lenst tw» more persons were the board with the federal and Navy aircraft through the test to Sergei R. Striganov, rank­ local authorities for the orderly Manchester High School Principal Edaon M. Bailey extends a hand to Mrs. Bailey to ahow her ing Russian diplomat here now. A dozen or so Con.servatives arrested today In the Clinton Military Air ■ Transportation a wall barometer presented to him last night by fellow KIwanians during the annual'Ladies' Night were expected to abstain in the High School racial disorders and reopening of the school." Service. The ocean-lift will be by Murphy demanded that Striganov voting, in silent disapproval of there w^re persistent reports The school admitted 12 Negroes U.S. Navy' Military Transporta­ program at Manchester Country Club. Applauding is Thomas McPartland who'wrote a humorous transmit the' U.S. denunciation to the withdraval without insuring here that “ they have a.lot more among 800 white pupils Aug. 27 tion Service. Script, "Thli Is Your Life, Ed Bailey." The program honored Bailey for hia outstanding contribu­ Moscow "immediately." Striganov tions to education in Manchester and for his work in connection with the new high school. (Herald said he would do ao. international control of the canal. names” on the list. So far. 18 under Taylor s orders after five About 10.000 Hungarian ref­ Photo by Walter Ferguson). With the government’s over - all have been taken Into custody, years of litigation. Re.«ultlng dis- ugees from Soviet o'ppression will - Lincoln White, State Depart­ majority at .IB votes, a minor re­ Including two women. orders during the first week come to the United States aboard ment pjceA officer who announced bellion would not force it to re­ . brought in National Guardsmen government planes and about '5.000 the acUon, said Murphy advised sign. Clinton. Tenn., Dec. 6 f/Pi—Ten Sej^. 2. will travel by ship. Hagerty said. Vagrant Held Striganov that "we are deeply con­ rrlticlsm MoiinlH , ■ The other five who were ar- "The airlift will begin within Rival Demonstrations cerned by Soviet military acUq|i ‘ more of the 16 persons accused in r.j^ned along with Till last night the next few daya at the rate of ■ % Hungary." . But criticisni was rising In the racial violence which closed inte- were: Lawrence J. Brantley, un­ This concern, MurphyjMffd, Is re­ Conservative ranks against Eden; 200 a day," a White House state­ For Query on resting in Jamaica from 'severe grated ainton. High School Tues- employed former grocer; the Rev, ment said. flected also in tha aetloRs of the overstrain' and due back In about day faced a federal Judge today as | "T ' ‘The number will be progressive­ Stage Budapest Battle great maJorlLsrof nations In 10 days. Some influential Con- officials made, plans to reopen the i (Continued on Page Six) ly increased by about 100 a day Triple Slaying the United Nittfoaa. serv'atives were saying the Prime i school. until it reachea .500 a day. This irsbie S itn a t^ Minister vi-ould be under heavy' 'U.S. DIst. Judge Robert L. Tay­ should make possible the move-- ■ Budapest, Dec. 6 ( ^ —J»ro-gov-'>brought in people whom they had MiupKy Bald the tank deploy- pressure to resign .soon after he lor of nearby Knoxville issued ment out of Austria of most of San Diego, Calif. Dec. 6 UP)— eminent and Nationalist demon- arrested, as well aa the wounded. Mfiitt in front of the U.S. legation the refugees who are coming by A SQ-year-old vagrant *who says ht he considered an incident gets back, making way for another criminal contempt warrants for 140 Apartheid str'ators clashed in Budapest today i .Hh Conservative to take over without the 18 yesterday, charging them air by about the end of the year or he is subject to blackout spells is J . •’ arrived and a wounded "minor ^ itselT' but one which a- general election the party >11111 with violation of a”court order for­ ahorUy thereafter." ____' being held by polffeer'for question­ and eyewitnesses saW-iat least two brought out of the coffN^iise, neverUmess reflected "the deplor­ time might-lose. ^ ■ bidding. interference with integra­ 'Foes Arrested The «cean transportation will Be men were killed and sev^sj were ! the crowd dashed to "^ttSe ambu- able situation in Hungary.” provided hy three Navy shipi sub­ ing in the killing of three Chicago The State Department was. In­ Eden's continuing in office was tion of the school. -T O k f t f schoolboys in October 1955. wounded. j lance, surrounded J i ^ n d tUd not opposed for a variety of reasons Fifteen of them—14 men and one I W| A ject to approval of the West Ger- The questioning of Richard Fred The clash started when a group move oij,-'They pointed to formed of the affair by the lega­ hy varring groups in 'his own par-1 wom'an-^were In Jail at Knoxville rm.g.1. men g<government. They will sail Ebert veered suddenly last night of about lOD demonstrators siding western ct d^ndents and shout- tion, which is under the direction ty. Some thought-he should not l within a few hours. The 16th, an-1 ----- - , from B-emerhaven for New York. from routine queries about '..is va­ with Premier Janos Kadar and = of U.S. Minister Edward T. Wales. have ordered the invasion o f. The first of/the ships will arrive Wales was in the legation at the other woman, was picked up'this | Johannesburg. South Africa, grancy arrest to the ahcKklr.g tri­ carrying red flags met another [ 'whsl they've done.' lime.
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