| Students rap police tactics * W ' v » A" V ¡' A V * *1. v«- I) f $, ■ $ J t \\i- A . t wl( tvvwf. a»- ^*-^jiwn #he : i f * One coed said that the smart oox-tike prison ceick ^ v •* T w r though police may claim that they One student cited what he said w e r e “enough to turn anyone into a Pavlovian dog do not use paid informers, “ they was a "typical example” of police pay in another way. “ p a y m e n t.” after two meals . “They make a deal with a stu­ He said that police instructed B • routine drug bust? And if it was an dent caught possessing m arijuana one arrested individual to inform | EDITOR’S NOTE: The following investigation for drugs, was the and then offer to drop the charge them where he got the marijuana I is the second in a series of arti­ distruction necessary to find a sup­ if the person tells where he got it or they would “ be sure to get him cles on marijuana by Associate posedly hidden quantity of m ari­ from ,” one student said. four years.” •S Campus Editor Pat Anstett. ju a n a . Many students claim that not on­ Once in jail, many students con­ By PAT ANSTETT ly the prosecuting attorney but tend that police further harass the | Associate Campus Editor One of the greatest problems also the police “ play God” by hold­ alleged m arijuana user. ?:• Screened and barred doors were which concerns students in the ing over the arrested student the One coed said that the small kicked down. The half-clean drug issue is not the use of^an ille­ power to “rule the future of his box-like prison cells were “ enough windows of the sm all frame house gal drug. Many students direct their li f e .”. to turn anyone into a Pavlovian dog were splintered rem ains of a strong criticism toward the supposedly un­ The student could risk anything ethical tactics of police investiga­ after two m eals.” ax. The only items left untouched from a slight fine to 20 years im ­ tio n . “ They punish you to inspire fear,” ;|;i w e re th e lig h t ta b le s a lo n g th e end prisonment under present drug of one w all on which a weekly cam- sh e sa id . Most of these criticism s vary sig­ la w s . “ If drugs are supposed to lead to pus newspaper was laid out. nificantly from police explanations Still another coed said that she psychological implications, then •g; The scene . the former office of m arijuana investigations. doubted if even the chief of police locking a person in those gray- M of the Paper. Students claim that police use knew that his départment paid in- walled holes would be most likely :•$ The reason for the condition of informers, harass students and in­ fo r m é r s . to further these conditions,” one the house . a police attempt to “The guy who pays informers vade their privacy in attempting co ed sa id . terrorize “ those radicals and in­ to find out if they are using m ari­ is the individual policeman who (Please turn to page 11) Flame of controversy tellectuals” ? or was it merely a ju a n a . wants to make a record for him- Tuesday MICHIGAN N STATE 1= UNIVERSITY EWS October 29,1968 iO c ¥ V o l. 61 N u m b e r 72 East Lansing, Michigan 1-5'p. m. 355-4560 I’ve been getting this magazine, Decision, from the Billy Graham Evagelical Assn. I didn’t subscribe! I’d like to know how my name got on the mailing list, and how to get it off. Czechs defy Soviet troops Shelly W right, East Lansing sophomore. A call to Minneapolis finds the Billy Graham Assn. quite blankly unaware of their mailing list sources. MSU un­ doubtedly doesn't sell names of students for m ailing lists— perhaps an eager friend. Anyhow, your address no longer exists in the eves of Billv Graham . in anniversary demonstration For a week, troops of the Soviet I nion Is the gate around that train by the Stadium ever unlocked The roving groups ranged in number presided over ceremonies honoring the PRAGUE (AP) -- Defying Soviet occu­ East Germany. Hungary. Poland and Bui so that people can climb on it? Wesley Protsman, St. from several hundred to 10,000 persons. proclamation of then-President Tomas pation forces, thousands of Czechoslovaks garia that took part in the Aug 20-21 in­ M arys, Ohio, sophomore. Monday was a holiday in Czechoslova­ G. Masaryk on Oct. 28. 1918, making marched through streets and squares of vasion have been pulling out Bui the Rus­ Contact the museum at 35512370 and they will contact kia, honoring the nation's 50th anniversary Czechoslovakia an independent republic. Prague Monday in roving demonstrations sians are leaving a permanent force in locomotive buff Steve Reeves. Steve, a student, keeps the as a republic, and strollers in the city’s For days the leaders of the nation had that rang with chants of “ Freedom” and Czechoslovakia and it was these that train open during his spare time. He generally tries to have squares spontaneously joined the m arch­ warned that any anti-Soviet outburst on “ Russians go home.” this national holiday could bring the Rus­ leaders feared would act if demonstra­ the train fence unlocked from 1-5 p.m. on Saturdays of ing youths. At the head of the columns walked youths tions got out of hand away football games and before and after home games. It was the first outbreak of mass dem- sians and their tanks back into Prague carrying red. white and blue flags of their The train is additionally open to the public from 1-5 p.m. onstrüïlons since August, the month of the in fo rc e . nation. Some clambered to the tops of S u n d a y s. Soviet-led invasion to halt the nation’s statues to hoist the national tricolor. * * * liberalization drive. There were fears Is there any way I can get distilled water on campus the demonstrations would jeopardize the inexpensively or for free? East Lansing water is too hard promised withdrawal by winter of a ma­ and makes it rough to raise my fish. Gary Kay, East jority of the Russian troops and bring So­ Water Carnival study Lansing grad. viet tanks back to Prague. Bring your very own container to the first floor stock­ No letup seen The marching chanting crowd moved room of the Chemistry Bldg. where you can have all the one middle-age woman to tears. F R E E distilled water vou want. ‘They are idealists.” he said. "Listen hints emphasis change to that, telling the Russians to get out. in U.S. peace My God, if this doesn't stop we ll have a massacre. " By DEBORAH FITCH people's interest and succeed Roan- How are movies chosen by campus movie organizations? Fast-working Prague police prevented State News Staff W riter ciallv as well.' And does Spartacuss know of any tea-group sensitivity one possible confrontation with armed A history of mounting financial cri­ Suggestions from the re-evaluation sessions? Jack Ford, Lansing sophomore. discussions Soviet soldiers. ses for MSU's traditional Water Carni­ committee's report include a sample Various campus movie organizations such as the MSU A crowd of demonstrators formed out­ val gave rise to the Water Carnival Re- schedule of what such a "Spring Week­ Cinema Guild and the Film Society choose their films S A IG O N i AP) - Renewed diplomatic side a hotel housing Soviet officers. Some evaluation Committee this summer. end” could be: Friday's events would from distributors' catalogues, prim arily to present a balance consultation between top South Viet­ in the crowd defied 14 armed guards After six weeks of research and com­ include the revival of the spring term. between movies of artistic value and student appeal. To get namese and American officials Monday with shouted attacks on Soviet Commu­ piling. the committee came up with a 1968. su c c e s s , " M a d h a tt e r 's M id w a y .” involved in sensitivity sessions, contact David Gilbert, indicated no letup in the U.S. effort to nist party leader Leonid I. Brezhnev. series of suggestions which, if approved renamed "Water Carnival Midway.” a founder and director of the Order of the Owl. society for the reach an accord with its ally on terms of "We survived Hitler.” they shouted, by the ASMSU Board, would change the Performing Arts Company presentation, propagation of love and joy. a m ajor proposal for peace. "we ll survive Brezhnev." structure of the event and the emphasis an ASMSU-sponsored street dance and President Nvugen Van Thieu and U.S. Then a bus pulled up and 50 Prague of what has been "W ater Carnival Week­ an alumni dinner. For Saturday, the Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker met twice police streamed out. They swiftly herded e n d ." committee suggested a morning art What is the University policy on various ranks of profs . during the day, their eighth and ninth the crowd away. And as the demonstra­ Don Banghart. ASMSU cabinet presi­ exhibit and sale, a Great Issues sem­ arriving late to class? Eileen Levitt, Huntington Woods m eeting in the last 13 days. tors departed they chanted, “ Long live dent, said the committee suggested that inar or discussion, the continuation so p h o m o re .
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